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tv   Euromaxx  Deutsche Welle  January 28, 2024 2:30am-3:01am CET

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of the treasure map for martin clo charges discovered some of us regular bragging sites on youtube. and also the if you set your mind to it, you can do anything. so is it possible to renovate a typical german half timbered house on your own? and what to do when a dream is shattered form or professional football, or david moley has an answer for those who always wanted to know the secret to preparing the french classic dish brought to, to eat, stick around, we have that and more coming up on your own max the we start off on this small remote island of case new in the baltic sea office,
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tony as western coast. it's known as the island of women and is considered europe's last to matriarchy. in a place where men have historically been absent working at seats, the role of women on teaching has expanded beyond traditional gender roles of the even wearing skirts on this island. the women of the ones who it depends on a stone is case, new island, women's empowerment is no media catchphrase, but an everyday reality and a long tradition. but how did that come to be here is uh, items are, people leaves innovation to innovation in the same place. we are alone because women are very, very powerful, very hardworking, very, and in front. i am usual gender roles, go the on fixing most of cycles and chopping wood, their routes,
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lie an exceptional position, the islands women occupying the valley, 700 inhabitants of case new have been called us last montreal key for good reason. the put money in mattress wouldn't get quite that far. she functions as the voice of the island and keep up with its traditions. she says above all these new sense but equal rights for men and women. and this is rooted in the traditional way of life. the island does live in harmony with animals and nature. men are connected receive and this spent long periods, so to see or raising the history and says find the navigation barrier across here, usually on april and then october also. yeah, that will almost wasn't the to so women, the vic, everything and about are responsible for everything. what's happened on the land there's traditional kind of full patent head, scarves, blouses and woodlands,
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goods just as common place on the line. and now as a century ago, most of cycles, a part of life here to the i and probably needs that the fastest way to get from one end of the island to the other, to visit a mother in law. for instance. the women of keith knew have no of them without leaving, sewing and knitting. that's how much they keep and also need their own family supplies with handmade clothes, but friends and relatives as well. in stock contrast to the country with them on the mainland pits. collectivistic society is phone and people are pretty much individualistic. and usually the superpower for his phone and people for the living center box and the phone itself box and his phone or a says he's hours for us. the forest people comparing races, the village of 5, the what are we all leave to get that like that one huge family him the island. we know where everybody where they well and we know everybody correct or where they will. we know everywhere this behavior really well. traditionally the women to
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celebrate together as well us and with no man allowed biscuits read kind of stands for happiness. the more read to more beauty in their lives. life in the baltic republic hasn't always been as beautiful save the island as for the 50 years until 1991. estonia was part of the soviet union. the scars left by socialism can still be felt. for example, in the state of sipp religion, which during the soviet era was much the root, christ in the mainland of close global church communities disappear, doing so at the time. but the here sex where women at the a it's been continuous women, a local church lee. this is a very high position in our society on the island of case new estonian orthodox christianity survived in an old conservative form. the little village church is put
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to good use, especially for wedding and select this one. almost the entire population of the island has gathered for crystal meekly snapshot of the priest is a man, but otherwise the ceremony is conducted by women. not a metal is proud of this tradition to the main thing which is basically walk on show are most important development reading tradition and they are writing songs are more than 2000 years old. i were reading tradition is pretty christian back on tradition, which is still a life which includes an old, the new elements of it from the modem. the modern societies to ride across the islands under vintage motorcycle, inside con numbers among the mountain elements. the
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union of man and woman says model, and that is, is the dentist of life in kitchener. no matter how much the women remain among themselves. so a waiting period can last for quite a while for up to 3 days, which is 16 square kilometer on and turns into one big policy. with hours of singing and countless toasts to everyone and everything. it's a nice place to leave and the best place in the body to like to finalize the chief news. an island with women's empowerment is a timeless tradition. the germany is famous for its picturesque path timbered houses, and they do look stunning when they're in good condition. that's what young polly thought when he bought a rundown hot tempered house 10 years ago with a plan of renovating it himself. needless to say,
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it was no small task. could you imagine renovating and nearly 500 year old crumbling, half timbered house on your own? with almost no professional health. yeah, i totally did just thought he didn't realize the project would end up taking a full 9 years. first he had to teach himself all the necessary d i y skills which is of kind and fine. there's no way i do it again, but because you'd never commit to doing all that work if you knew exactly what was coming your way, my office named the oldest was open to come. but now yeah, and half tempered house is a thing to behold. it stands by the most old river about a 150 kilometers west of frankfurt to yeah, i had to say welcome to my house in spite and so, but i was like 9 years of work into this because these rooms are 480 years
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old it's hard to imagine now. but when yon bought this beautifully renovated half tempered house 10 years ago, he paid just 7000 euros. the sly, often they are stupid, things looked bearable here at 1st. the plaster had fallen from the walls before everything was yellowed for it was full of trash. all the walls were totally black with centuries of so that's when we say when that john had to hollow gen, refurbish the house completely. if you did almost everything himself and learn the techniques he needed along the way for trickier task, so you got help from wondering journeyman, the beginning of iron mining, the we're now in what's called the hall kitchen. and you have to imagine this is where life took place and this house for more or less 400 years would have for the people build the fire cooked and 8 here. and things are similar. now, i often invite my friends here in winter for private home concert. i am for about the whole concept just next to that face. the former event manager has set up his
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music room. these are all of this room was actually in the worst condition of all the other thing i might as well as demolished if something's printing, but i decided to save everything to remove everything down to the floor plan, then completely rebuild at home, said queen, standing within the now this room has become the real gen, live in the house, and it for the pad of this the hell of during the renovation work young relied on regional and traditional materials plate, limestone, wood, and slate. he felt it was important to open up the spaces more to the stuff. whereas what else here are these were all individual closed off rooms go from the light. i took out these fillings and expose the old beams that are almost 500 years old. overall, i wanted to achieve a bit of an open living concept because dental vision often knows when concept tops a few created organic surfaces made of clay or line throughout the house. and now he's an expert in a broad range of plastering techniques from our novice. yeah,
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for one thing i'll use clay plasters is going for hours. in addition, i incorporated many details using i'm a rock in line plaster called hemlock to it would fly sisters. all you apply it in 2 layers and then keep compressing it with travels and polishing zones. on the put yes type. the house is almost half a millennium old, but it's heating technology is state of the art with modern panel heating in the walls. and i understand this a couple of conceal everywhere except here in the bedroom and i made it so you can see how the wall heating is laid in one spot, a key or in the form of a spiral, either with his half timbered house. yeah. and his saved and architectural treasure . half timbered construction became popular in many parts of europe, starting in the middle ages. it begins with a wooden skeleton. the spaces has been filled in with clay or other materials. in germany, there are still about 2400000 such houses, most are historical. they became less common with the rise of industrialization.
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the 9 year long renovation of his half tempered house changed more than the building itself. young is a new person to, to this thing that's, that's one of the i think this whole process has really changed to me because i noticed how d i y renovation work gives you a feeling of self sufficiency and immediate gratification. i focus on you each evening, you really know what you've achieved before i learned to work at my own pay all that. and when i become much more creative and i'm not afraid of making mistakes anymore, people grow with challenges. and here's another example. david moley was a professional soccer player for liverpool, who had to give up his dream job after an injury. he needed something to keep his mind busy, and began painting. and the rest is history, as they say. how did david booby moley manage to jump careers from down for the count pro soccer player, to renowned artist so quickly?
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i didn't know, you know, someone letting me coming from the bible outcome from a could be a successful in large scale graffiti style portraits of celebrities or in the manchester residence hallmark after he'd only been at it for a year. peter and more with his heart than from his entire soccer career, which was ended by an injury when he was just 23. when i 1st got mine, i thought, you know, it was going to be quick. now is gonna give up plan. i've thought a month my, i didn't know the serious of mine very until we had to scan and i found out that it was a lot more serious than um, what i thought it was not easy being you know, um, that's doing something that you love doing and then one day just stops lucky, you have to, to kind of keep my mind, you know, story and focus. david moley was born in 1995 in what is now the democratic republic of the congo. he was 10 when his family moved to live in england. soon
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after, if he was discovered while playing soccer in the streets. at age 14, he was picked up by the liver pool that the academy. later he played for various clubs like coventry united, but injuries plagued him along the way to look, cruciate, ligament ruptures, spelled the end is not just about, you know, having a dream is to become in professional actually, uh, no matter what school it takes discipline and in all, and that seems to disappear and just transition into and so on. the same thing i do every morning i wake up in an hour. what's your stay in your walk on a new project. many of his one time fellow players from his nearly 10 year career are supporting his new one. top players like kean, bryan and jack relist antonio who the guy to re on marez and rece james commission works from him. these are pretty much so i'm going to
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shut up some of the plays that i've done our for so. so from rhea mora's reach, james, this is a pretty cool one. alexa will be a, isaac hayden, this is a very special. i'm because this was a, the euro's the final i gave it to me and i'm the only get 2 shots and i, he, uh, gave me one that was assigned as well. so that's a pretty special setting. but how exactly did a pro soccer player get started drawing and paintings? i wasn't in a place where i was or how to look i you know, different direction so, um, yeah, i was pretty much bye. so then i just buy a pay in we're not even paying just drawing one's life. sneak is in train is the customer's house thought it's. and then i'll put that on a,
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grew and developed into, into, into congress. and he started doing portraits of familiar faces. and summer 2023, only 5 years after boogie molly took up the brush, london's quantas gallery exhibited $25.00 paintings of prominent figures. people who inspire him my mission in life. and just to be able to express myself through my work and to be able to leave a legacy. well, not only that, but hopefully in the midst of me doing those things, i will get to inspire other people as well. you know, to let him know that everything is not just why seems you know, you can do pretty much anything that you want to do. whether a star on the pitch or the canvas. boogie moley is living proof of the same when one door closes, another open. if only you believe in yourself the
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ever since the success of the animated film, russia truly the french vegetable dish of the same name has been on everyone's lips . it originated in needs. the great thing is, you only need a few tricks to cook the dish and we'll reveal them right now. it's one of the best known dishes in france and it's pretty healthy too. with the real 20 katia attached to both russia to e is the favorite dish of best calling every aspect. and she's going to give us a great rest of me. i love wrapped it to a i eat rush, i think probably in the summertime at least 5 times a week. my favorite thing about scratch too is but it can be syrup with almost anything it can be vegan vegetarian or it can. we start with me. i victoria to a lot of stuff. i write about food and cook, and today i'll show you how to make right to, to a, one of the specialties of nice, nice,
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has situated on the mediterranean coast and prevent from its set that route to, to his origins can be traced back to here. it was 1st served in the 18th century. victoria turner also teaches classes that are coming to every school. we're up to 2, it is one of the top recipes which makes it so popular is that it uses all of the things that everybody here of gross in their backyards. and it's kind of the flavor of the area. these are the ingredients victoria to the rosco gets a vegetables at the market. it's open 6 days a week from the home and try climate of prevents means regional products are available here almost. oh, yeah. the process for me is all about ingredients. so you want to get the freshest ripest
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ingredients you can because that's what gives the flavor. so the 1st step is just to clean the vegetables and then chop them in more or less equal size pieces. that way they will all when you take a bite of rats with to eat, you're getting a taste of each vegetable. authentic respiratory is made with trumpets. this is a concept that only grows in nice and in a small portion of italy. next to the border, and it's firmer in texture and stronger and flavors and regular. she roughly dices the red onions and chops up the garlic super small. the exxon comes most because attends brown foss once you've had it up. press it to it always starts with what is a key ingredient in the slack booking and that's extra virgin olive oil. you never
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put implants in cold oil because if you do, the implant will soak up all of the oil and it will be heavy. and then you'll have to keep adding more oil on. she says it's very important to cook and season each vegetables separately. i personally liked to salt each ingredients separately. cuz then when you combine them, everything is correctly false. so still missing will add either crushed tomatoes in the summer or tomato sauce in the winter, and then we'll keep it at really low temperature for about 5 to 7 minutes. tomato sauce will bring them together and that's what makes rectitude. we rush it to or that is perfect. this vegetable dish can be served hot or cold
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as a side dish to fish only. victoria to that also has a special tip. she recommends making a rush it to me, but get sandwich with guides, cheese, grateful picnics. outcomes the real test one of the to me, this respiratory proves that you can make it at any time of year. and if you choose good ingredients, it reminds you of summer and sunshine in good weather and the weights countless rivers, canals and streams displayed large forest offers of fascinating natural spectacles . and it's only an hours train ride from berlin in the federal state of brandenburg . duramax reporter honda holeman explores the region for us on the water.
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the my 1st stop is the small kind of moving out the heart of fish play. vide i started my trip at the harper. this is where tours with the tip of coach pretty vide votes to get out, take a ride in one of them later in my trip. but 1st i want to had to go through space wide because those are the kind of videos that i always see from friends, but it looks like so much fun. and then i can enjoy the peace and quiet by myself. you can read had the books in almost every time. the hi. how's it going? the weather. the perfect. it's wonderful. i've given some information about the area. martin restart shows me
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a nice for the ends in later. which decides to be one of the most beautiful villages initially, but and then we're off the, let's see how this goes at 1st. it's not so easy. the months, i soon find my rid of the so peaceful here, right? think this is going to be nice. display that is your, its largest the green landscape with 350 canals and waterways. the water comes from
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the river spring on bus means forest times the name, se, but large parts of the area are unesco designated files here. reserve the and i'm approaching my destination, the village of lead to the hearing late. that is an open air museum where you can learn a lot to bite to sort a slavic ethnic minority who lived in this play by its 1st centuries. now another challenge awaits me. step one, complete is really old skills and the museum village leads and you can also try to do some things yourself, like washing clothes by hand, just like in the old days. or do you think? am i doing this right? the
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oh no. just okay. she stay until the display advisors payments not only for its speeds the landscape but also for the delicious playback. because that can be find everywhere in every shape and flavors will despise the cucumber is the most common. but the honey cucumber isn't even mazda. lots of people like the sour one, which is also called the people to come by. and this here is the most radish must that cucumber, which is really spicy, but also very tasty. i'd like to try this by see pick, co, test the glands, of course, the classic one original. all right, we'll just assume that here's the 1st time trying this
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pre about take. oh, very good. here in the book, there's also a large harbbard, which is a good starting point. first play by to tour a novice since i've seen so many people's or i'm going to do the typical to a thing and take a trip in the classic spray about budge. on weekdays it's not so busy, but on the weekends you should definitely pick your budge tour in advance the well i've been wanting to visit your grave outs for so long and it definitely didn't disappoint the landscape. here is really like something of a fairy tale. see next i'm vice for 9 and that's all from us here at your own that we should to follow us on our social media channels for more exciting stories from europe. thanks for tuning and see you again next week,
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institution to as a temp, the legacy of dictatorship member entering a new year history. but also for the world representatives were elected to compose the draft. it's relationship between the economy and the date would be changed. the 1st time that indigenous peoples were put on a level with everyone else is today in society. reading the change in 15 minutes, w the,
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the discovery, change your mind. just click away, find out best document trees on you to see the world, the subscribe. now to dw talking entry cost for almost a bunch of the zeros on a know to dw documentary cost for almost a bunch of zeros on. it's wanted to say a weapons and he knows how to use if not, i mean to attend. this guy knows about energy in a way that these is of much countries have no idea. it's been pretty clear, especially of way. the energy often can be the printer symbol. that's what
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menu deals can do multiple warnings to fix that. but just a glimpse behind the facade of this energy time tell us, gosh, from russia's political weapon starts february, 3rd on dw, the news that the to these food, the food can do nothing before mary's views. can they drop out of this food? because the way they do nothing, when it comes from home, that could have easily been us. any one of them the, the
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the, this is needs to be in use and these are the top stories. the ceremony has been held at the form. i'll switch that account to mock international holocaust remember and stay on this day and 1945. so if it falls as liberate as a camp in nazi okey pied germany nazi germany, systematic imbedded around $6000000.00 jews in the how the cost in addition to roma and since the people homosexuals and people with disabilities as well as political opponents. germany has joined the u. s. u k and canada,
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imposing funds to the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees as all.


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