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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 28, 2024 4:00am-4:16am CET

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the, the facilities of the news line from the and in the world, tremendous the holocaust survivors of the l switch that can take part in the ceremony. mocking international holocaust for mentoring state and israel presses it's offensive. and gaza, also being told by the you and the top court to prevents acts of genocide. housework is one that hospitals in the city of con eunice, are expressions and canyons demand an end to fantasize. people tell the government that they've had enough of the hundreds of women and girls are killed by the hotness of those close to them.
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the memorandum homage, thanks for joining us. a ceremony has been held up before my. i'll switch death come to mock the international holocaust, remember and stay nazi. germany mounted around $6000000.00 jews during world war 2 and a genocide will campaign but also targeted romani homosexuals. people with disabilities and political opponents. i'll switch was the center of the hollow cost, but some people survived and were able to take part in the commemoration 79 years later. survivors lane candles and flowers by what is known as the death wall. selves of prisoners were executed here by knots of firing squads more than a meal and were murdered at the camp before it was liberated by soviet troops in 1945
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mm . at the ceremony, late during the day, some of those would survive the horrors of vouch bids, share their memories, this really clear room no. did this vain go to provide zone? we meant to call them of hon. galion jews who are being led to death in the gas chamber most is not of a could be there was a man and woman holding a baby step this and the man asked me evidence, how much further do we need to go to reach this jewish calling? the hungry because we need to feed a baby so much trouble with what could i say? just because of her speech punctured by moments of silence.
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speaking louder than any words, the news, a speech connecting the unspeakable crimes with events unfolding in the world today . your will, but your call i'm visible living at you. i saw the liberation of left alone life in relation, you know, through them and i do feel the suffering of the people today. is it right now is boy and which is who own us. that was this barbaric invasion, a few crane by russia, because nothing could i, you know, the owners must find these baba or contacts by the televisions from from us to some 20 people. survivors from several german deaf camps took part in the ceremony near the polar city of where she began to him. they have been similar events across europe with participants remembering the victims of the holocaust. next year,
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the van will be marked for the atl time. 7 times the o that felt says cold on people in germany to stand up against racism and anti semitism, you said the principles of tolerance and humanity, all the cornerstones of the countries democracy with democratic more democracy has millions of faces. the new york bar never again has millions of voices. the young opens to january 27th reminds us to keep being seen, to keep being haired as most against anti semitism against racism, against hatred, ones with and for our democracy. never again is every day and talk. not turning to all the news as rails with a tree says it has killed numerous militants and fighting in gauze the southern city of con eunice. it comes a day off to the international court of justice and the hague, ordered israel to do everything in his power to prevent genocide in the gaza strip . according to the world health organization,
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hospitals are running off of few food and supplies. israel says it's fighting to destroy us, which several states consider a terrorist organization of the hospital on the brink of collapse, overcrowded with injured patients. the situation in hon unit is growing increasingly desperate. the trauma ward is packed wounded people here are being treated on a floor splash with lot was all based on the most aged people coming to the hospital or from schools and residential areas. we're not trying to treat them anymore. i mean, we're just trying to keep them alive and rig about it is all it's really for says, have advanced deeper into hun eunice in recent days. because when the house officials say dozens of people have been killed in the fighting, which has come very close to the hospital and the milk formula,
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know doctors the treat, the patients, no food or medication for children. many here had help for things to take a different phone on friday when the united nations top court ruled on a case against israel's offensive and gaza. a majority of the judges called on the east road to protect civilians to see and allow the entry of desperately needed too many, terry and aiden to the strip. the case. the court is acutely aware of the extent of the human tragedy that is an unfolding in the region and is deeply concerned about the continuing loss of life and human suffering. possibly. but the judge has stopped short of ordering the urgent request of south africa, which had brought the case against israel, an immediate cease fire disability of the ruling on. so that for cause allegation that israel is committing genocide against palestinians in gaza will likely take years, suggests palestinians broadly welcomed friday's booting. but it
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offered no respite for the people of garza to us and clicks is the chief of communication and advocacy at getting assessed and the palestinian territories. he's currently in rough up in southern gaza and told me more about the situation that so where ever and you look, you see powers and some houses of make shift tens. and with many, many children living in them. they don't have access to a no fault or they don't have food. people are getting very hungry and, and, and best rich. they don't have even hygiene and sunny fish. and there's sometimes only one toilet for 500 or 700 people sometimes. and so this is for us, very be concerned because the, the, the mix between the lack of water and the for a 23 conditions are,
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are really a terrible risk for this for those 2. and this is like from the diarrhea for example. so. busy the situation here is very dramatic and what i have seen, and what i have heard in terms of stories is stories of sorrow unless it is absolute, she need to do you many turn an age is reaching, the children and the most deliverable people, wherever they are, which we are facing issues. our aid is coming in and i attended several of distribution we, we went to a small community where we also distributed winter clothes and copper because as i speak to you, it's tends to increase outs and the children that i have my, they have literally nothing to to, you know, to keep them home. so it is absolutely crucial to have that a being delivered with many challenges are, you know, on our way one is a situation with the intensity of, of the funding. it's extremely difficult to reach so nor so if they've got
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a script, for example, we have issues when it comes to communication limited. so networks, we kind of cool to nice to meet with our partners. and then there is nothing of trucks and to, to run those trucks to, to, to reach the people they need. so the, the aid is being delivered. but we have to understand that when we have 1300000 people here in an offer. and so such a small structural plans they kind of keep on human. these items have the known and what, what is needed is in commercial trucks, for example, to come in with fruits and vegetables because the prices of ask high real quick is 45 stars. the price is pre crisis before this will. busy if that doesn't happen, well, very, very worried that severe current cases of nutrition that will take place and children might start
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a 2nd. look at some of the stories making headlines around the world is where the police clash with protests is during anti government rallies in the televi police. lots roads as demonstrates as much to the city, demanding a prime minister. benjamin netanyahu step down. protest is also quoting for you with lectures and for the release of all hostages, still held in the casa humans who the rebel say they've hit a british oil tank with a missile in the gulf of ada. near the red sea, the ships operate to set that a fire broke out on board, but none of the crew were injured. who these have been attacking shipping lanes the week saying it's in solidarity with the palestinians in gaza. and thousands of demonstrators have been taken to the streets of this adults to protest against right wing extremism and the far right alternative fort, germany, party protesting, taking place across germany of the report that the members of the team met neo
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nazis, to discuss the times to put millions of people with an immigrant background, including german citizens. new york jury has ordered fully us president donald trump, to pay rights up aging carol, $83000000.00 in damages for defamation. a trial last year found that trump was liable for sexually assaulting carol in 1996 and for the saving by claiming she lied about the assault. the rights of egypt. and carol, um to legal team lead the court house off to winning a lawsuit against donald trump. again, she said her reputation as a jim this was destroyed by donald trump. because he continued to deny sexually assaulting her in a dressing room in a department store in new york almost 2 years ago. trump was found liable for that
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charge of sexual assault. last yeah. in the slightest trial, the jewelry or the trump, to pay over $83000000.00 in damages for continuing to attack the rights or on social media. the sum was more than what carol's lawyers had asked for. the to include $65000000.00 in punitive damages, that the rights as low as argued when needed to stop from from defining that client in future. it's not clear when trump will have to pay up, though, as his lawyer is planned to contest the ruling. we will immediately appeal, we will satisfy that ridiculous story and i just want to remind you all one. i will continue to try to control everybody's 1st amendment right the it's just one of the many legal cases trump faces, as he campaigns to be the next republican presidential candidate. a protest that'd
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be taking place in. can you following a wave of killings of women? i miss the international says more than 500 cases of feminist side or killing of women and goals happened between 20162023. thousands of people march through the streets of nairobi, calling for an end to the violence. the anger, 4 victims on the streets of night will be hundreds of women and girls have been murdered in can you in the last 5 years and the killings continue at least voting. women and girls have been killed since the you'll begin women's rights activist said has to stop. now, we've been out the majority in this country. why do we have so much in the life and the political associate they put on the truck so. so we have then we have that and that's what the matching to say add from inside. and we meant was monta monta what the government sometime in and help load the diffusion definitely have not been
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able to. so i'm going to make the timing here is a mind because my country's most safe prices are not say my wife is the face parts favorite by delta dental. say, i'm here because the beach, if not thousands of men and women, how much insulated daddy to be the victims of family sites in the country. the writing quoted has been the needs to solve the keeping of women and dollars. actually, we do not have any time to ask for the government. ok, now that the field has done very because in the week of the reasons came in for the test, those marched to the office of the president, the parliament and supreme court calling for justice for the victims. they want all forms of gender related violence to be punished swiftly and an end to the environment of impunity. those on the streets, they hope their voices, the push, the government to create the safer can you for women or his reminder of our top story to the ceremony has taken place at the for my allstate that kept mock
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international all across from ever and stay survivors lit candles for more than 1000000 people who were mad at the camp in nazi occupied code for that to to up to date. this is dw nice line from berlin. coming up next is report to i'll see you soon. take care, bye the so you don't think you the same way you expect and more different things from life than your parents. i just want to pursue what that's my thoughts or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable stop in port in those nonsense. i want my son to become a doctor, joe in the clubs. it's time to.


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