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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 28, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CET

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the, the business dw, and use a live from breland us officials. the deal is close to release more user id hostages, held by a mass press on ease or else government is rising police class with protest as demanded and the fight and the guy that hostages. also a head view, an agency for palestinians that says it's where it is collapsing made to the west and in humanitarian crisis in gaza. and these are als, unrelenting on the
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i am eddie michael junior and you are welcome to the program. us officials to save y'all close out to we'd be able to pull spice and in gaza, in exchange for the release of many more hostages, held by a mass. that's us pressuring these are all mountains against the government of prime minister. i mean, i mean if in yahoo on saturdays or the police class with purchased as do any kind to governments riding in tel aviv puts us as cold for new elections along with the media release of all hostages. still healthy gas leak or swimming that tanya cream is done in by, in dues, and hello tonya. now in the 1st week. so following the up to about 7th attacks, eas, right? these broadly support the government's war on how mass. now we're seeing massive process outside the prime ministers home. so what's changed?
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it was and as you said, um, you know, after the october 7th turbo tax, the country came together and that came actually after a year before that you know, the, the most pro, to assess the scene, the very shop division. and it's very society over the uh, traditional overall plans by the far right. religious government over the past year, up until october 7, when the october 7 turbo tax happened. and then the war started, the country came together, but now we're seeing cracks. and we're seeing more and more protests, not just from the families and, and support as of to hostages that are remaining in garza. and that's very, very much in the public mind saying, you know, the strategy of the government doesn't seem to really help those hostages getting a release, but they're more hostage at the more demonstrations. also know from different groups that are from the, you know,
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these are not going according to the left center or right of political divides. but people are saying no, they're onto, for demonstrations on to government demonstrations. and if you're looking at poles as well, a majority of is riley's one to see elections, ones this more. and and yet, fremont as i mean that's me. i will, has remained the defiance and the face of all this go and criticism by his handling of the war. how long the kind of yeah for to the, the policy think. well as he said, he seems to be quite on face for all this criticism. although, and he says, you know, he's the one who's going to remove from us and he's the one who's going to bring victory. but his popularity has really dropped dramatically in polls. and i think is where it is a very angry at him and criticism as in because he didn't take responsibility for
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the security failures of what happened on october 7th. and again, this not much talk about, you know, what will the day often look like, what will happen after the war, not just in gaza, but in general. and i think this is why was people are supporting the war. there's a, you know, majority support, support and as well, and also supports the forces. they do not support a prime minister benjamin netanyahu so much anymore. they are reports that these are all in a mazda close to a deal to halt the fights. and in return for the release of hostages, what can you tell us about that? well, these are reports and uh of course, uh, depending on the sources, you know, some are saying, so these are like the gaps wide or the gets a very narrow. so the definitely is always in the details, so we don't know exactly what's going on behind closed doors, but we do know that basically that is supposed to be
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a meeting today between the heads of the a, c, i a, a, the is rarely most sod as well, as the culture being egyptian negotiate as uh, in uh from, as it is reported to you, there are reports that there might be, uh, you know, these negotiations going around a new framework for a new hostage deal that might be coming in the us phase. uh, the 1st that would be some hostages release for a temporary cease by why negotiations are going on. but again, we don't know yet whether this, how this will play out. right? the w correspondence on the agreement. thank you and chief on to a new gutierrez, has edge don't states to guarantee the continued operation of the u. n's agency for palestinian refugees. he doing is including the us gemini and the u. k. haul to funding for the owner. our agency. how sorry. these are all alleged 12 stuff as 2
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pots, even of my spoke to west 7 terrace, that's i can, these are out. lewis had says the employees on the suspicion happened, sacked about that. the agencies, you money to and work is about the end or a hospital on the brink of collapse, overcrowded with injured patients. the situation in one unit is growing increasingly desperate. the trauma ward is packed. wounded people here are being treated on a floor splash with lot was all based on the most aged people coming to the hospital or from schools and residential areas. we're not trying to treat them anymore. i mean, we're just trying to keep them alive. i think we're good, but it is all up. it's really forces have advanced deeper into hun eunice in recent days. guys and house officials say dozens of people have been killed in the fighting, which has come very close to the hospital. and the milk formula know doctors to
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treat the patients, no food or medication for children. a many you had health for things to take a different town on friday when the united nations top court ruled on a case against israel's offensive and gaza. a majority of the judges called on the east road to protect civilians and allow the entry of desperately needed to humanitarian aiden to the strip the case. the court is acutely aware of the extent of the human tragedy that as an unfolding in the region, and is deeply concerned about the continuing loss of life and human suffering. possibly. but the judge has stopped short of ordering the urgent request of south africa, which had brought the case against israel, an immediate cease fire disability of the ruling on. so that for cause allegation that israel is committing genocide against palestinians in gaza, will likely take years to genesis. palestinians broadly welcomed friday's ruling.
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but it offered no respite for the people of garza, survivors and dignitaries of marketing to national a low cost of membranes day. any sullivan ceremony either for miles for its death. come now the germany met at around 6000000 jews during world war 2 in a genocidal campaign that also targets had romani, and with sex roles, people with disabilities and political opponents. some people did manage to survive outfits. the handful from john deere commemorations 7 to 9 years later survivors lane candles and flowers, by what is known as the death wall. thousands of prisoners were executed here by knots of firing squads more than a meal and were murdered at the camp before it was liberated by soviet troops in 1945. 0
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mm hm. at a ceremony later in the day, some of those who survived the horrors of vows fitz share their memories this morning. clear room no vain, good provide zone. we met the column of hon. galion jews who are being led to death in the gas chamber. most is not of a could be there was a man and woman holding a baby step. the man asked me, does it? and how much further do we need to go to reach this jewish calling me hungry because we need to feed the baby so much trouble with what could i say? just because of her speech punctured by moments of silence. speaking louder than any words, the divine is a speech connecting the unspeakable crimes with events unfolding in the world.
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today you will, but to call them visible living at you, i saw the liberation towards us. i've left alone life in relation, you know, through them. and i do feel the suffering of the people today is it right now is boy, and which is who own us. there is this barbaric invasion of ukraine by russia because that's because i, you may or may not find these barbaric attacks. but the televisions from from us to some 20 people, survivors from several german deaf camps took part in the ceremony near the polar city of or should be down to him. they have been similar events across europe with participants, remembering the victims of the holocaust. next year, the event will be marked for the atm time. i know it's been
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called the news threats from the sky about nearly 2 years into the war and you clean cheap kamikaze. drones are becoming commonplace. and often the weapon of choice in place of more expensive actually resales, according to the drone unit of the ukrainian um, the company cause the drones like this one have destroyed more than 130 russian tanks and around $200.00 um of the vehicles that says general, refreshed alone. but russia is also using lots of drones, and so step in russian drones is becoming the most important one effective way to do the assess the use of drone guns visa states of the weapons job signals between a drone and it's afraid to stop in them before they kind of reach the targets, make kind of the match with the ukranian stats up, which says drone guns will soon be as essential allows the helmets all body armor for so just on the front lines, you might look like it to a but this drone gun is packed with cutting edge technology. it's adventure,
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say they've tried to keep things as simple as possible. it only has 4 buttons sealed in it was sold as well. and you really need on and off to engineers, to convince the technology like this can make the difference between life and death for soldiers on ukraine's front lines. meanwhile, yet at a signal, germany is vital. yeah. without changing any equipment you have will be destroyed in an instant. so it'll be fault drones if your opponent, hard to get much closer to be able to. it's like a tongue with a grenade launcher. now took out the drones can flight 10 kilometers and take out the times about the distance. the moment they were shows these technologies response to the massive impact cheap coming cause the drones have had on both sides of the front line. this with you put the show ukrainian drone destroying or russian tank $1000.00 drones, strong targets with millions. it's become the norm and this will the guns disrupt the signal between operators and then drones. they can also block navigation
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systems like gps glo. nice. by the way, the drone cottages targets, we'll see how it works. this will, hopefully there's no issue. this is a typical drone used helps of ation. on the front lines, yuri is waiting for it a few kilometers down the road with the drone gun or the other. you see that we've lost signal. one of the red light means we've lost connection, and we've also lost the video for following the base drone house to return to home function. that means it can find his way back and also pilots worked into them. but most cheap and because the drones don't have that feature, instead they'll stop and eventually crash without connection to their operator. it's an endless game of cat and mouse. both sides change their frequencies and navigation systems, and both sides increasing the able to operate around the clock is night vision technology becomes more widespread. ukraine these men say has to innovate foster to
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have any hope against russia's foster sources. they're painfully aware of how vulnerable drones have made anyone in the front entrance is jack is roofing. i talk to new soldiers who spend whole most of their own task on the funds the natives done to tell them that some of all the alma diffuse about is not going to protect them from kamikaze drones. and they would have to have a $1000.00 sets and for the amo just isn't going to make a difference without some kind of electronic welfare cute. so basically unprotected symbol, we post them as a function. it took every year of intense fighting for the generals on both sides, this war to understand what improvise civilian drones could do. the justice behind when it comes to electronic welfare and tone tells us that the other one, it's time ukraine doesn't have to lose. as a reminder of our top story is ready for reasons. however you have classed with protest as demonstrates and against the government's handling of the war against
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the last. that's as us official, c d, which with these ball hostages, could be approaching the that's all the news, the now shift is up next on why our brains loud in massive ok speech. and from when you set us up with the, the pricing strategy issues with a lot say what crazy. the amount was being in the username. i mean, i know, did i right? just do it. and i'm hosting dw new pod cast. thanks. trace amount,
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but it's actually about move join us if we could.


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