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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 28, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the state of the news long from berlin, turkish police, one for 2 men who attacked a catholic church. the interior ministry says armed a sale and storm the church and assemble during sunday worship killing at least one person for princes has expressed his solid charity with turkey's capital. it's also coming up then you once you, military and work in gaza faces the collapse after p. donors suspend funding. israel says workers for the you, one agency for palestinian refugees joins the october 7th terror attacks. and the world has to most famous painting,
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under attack activists throw soup at the mona lisa saying they seem to draw attention to the place of farmers, the article fairly welcome to the show. we start with a developing story from turkey. one person has been killed in an armed attack on a catholic church and is stumble turkeys. interior minister says to assailants, storm the santa maria search and the cities. sorry. your district. you confirmed one person at the sunday mouse was killed. an investigation has been opened and authorities are working on capturing the perpetrator on the w, syria, han isn't assemble and told us more about the attack or no. the only official information
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we have so far is coming from the talk. he's interior minister audiology kaya. he tweeted that the attack was carried out at 11 40 am local time during sunday mosse . that a 2 must men carried out the attack and that one person was killed. he did not make any comments on what kind of weapons we used or whether other people were injured. some local media has been reporting that there were several people people injured as well, but that has not been present. a sofa minister said and investigation has been launched because the attackers are still on the run. what has also happened in the meantime is that the touch authorities have imposed a broadcasting band on this story, which it practically restricts the tv channels. newspapers, social media here from reporting about the story. this is often explained
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here by the authorities with reasons of protecting public order and national security. but media rights watch dogs have repeatedly criticized this very common practice here of just similar events in turkey saying it's essentially censorship. because during such events, there is a public need for information. so um we still have to wait for more information coming out from the authorities. what else has happened in the meantime? we have heard from the pope. this was, as he mentioned, the catholic church, the santa maria, italian church, and the story enabled with the pope has condemned the attack of you telling him for a minister has done so as well, has offered his condolences in the mail is simple, has also condemned to this attack, but of course everybody is eager to learn more about the motives. yeah. let's talk about motors. use a. the attackers are still at large. do we know who they are and why they did it?
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no, we, we don't know this at the moment from what we hear, for example, from spokesperson of the ruling a k p here in tax the prison edwin's party, he said and suggested that this specific person was killed, might have been specifically targeted. but since they're still looking for the attackers, i think it's too early to speculate. of course, here in turkey, we have seen in recent years, a number of terrorism related attacks, sometimes carried out by islam is the militants just the last month. the thirty's have detained a number of people, suspected of being ices members who were emergency planning to carry out a tax on churches and synagogues. so this of course, you know, is an option a but to right now as we speak, it's basically speculation. we really need to wait for the authorities to uh, you know,
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move ahead with the investigations or who would and talk to the press. that is database johan and assemble. thank you for the latest you in chief and tony with harris has called on donor stays to guarantee the continued operation of the us agency for palestinian refugees key contributors, including the west, germany and the u. k. halted funding for the on row after israel said, 12 staffers took part in how mazda is october 7th terrorist attack on israel. the owner of the head says the employees under suspicion happened fired, and that suspended funding could threaten the lives of those who depend on the agency for survival in the midst of a deepening tremendous area in crisis. and also raising to get a sack of flour. now precious commodity in gaza. these men are
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a few of the lucky ones who manage to get one. others were less fortunate. this is the amount i got today. this is for 7 people. look at how little this is. it's a rare day in gaza city. very few 8 trucks make it to the heart of the strip. this one operated by the main you an agency and gaza was empty 10 minutes. some people got 3 bags of flour and some got 4. and i didn't get any. i have 3 children and i don't know how i'm going to feed them. the situation could get even worse. several countries have temporarily push the funding to owner of the united nations agency for palestinians. that softer israel accused some of its staff of being involved in how much is attacks on
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october 7th, on raw, has fired several m to use in the wake of the allegations, details of which have not been made public. the agency has opened on investigation and other countries to keep the funding flowing. there are hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people in gaza who rely on allow us to manage here and work who rely on humanitarian assistance even more now than they did before. it is the work that on the wall uh does. the remains critical. uh, today and as heavy rains in winter storm slash the strip, a further disruption and aid could have catastrophic consequences. so we'll look now at some other stories making news around the world today. the spanish coast guard has rescued around $350.00 microns off the canary islands. witnesses say at least 3 migrants died during the attempt to reach
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e u shores boat journeys to spain by migrants nearly tripled in january of 2024 compared to the same period. last year. iran says it has successfully launched 3 satellites into space. believe a step and a program that western countries fear improves tear on ballistic missile capabilities. the launch comes as a ron is under criticism for fuel intentions in the middle east. and police in the us state of indiana have rescue circus animals after a truck transporting them caught and fire. the trailer on an indiana highway was hauling zebras, camels, and a small horse for surface performances. when it caught fire, the animals were roaming the roads, some munching on grass. when police surrounded them up the finland now where voters are heading to the poles to elect a new president. the 1st to send spin lens became
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a member of the nato defense. the lions 9 candidates are running in the elections 1st round, the presidency is ceremonial in many aspects, but the person who holds the job is also in charge of foreign and security policy. and ever since finland jain neighbor invaded ukraine, that task has become crucial that we use terry schultz reports from the finish capital health. thank of the finland. a new president will lead is markedly different from the one of elections, past society, both inductor negative to understand that we have a big neighbor, we'd better take that interest into account and try to be named by a positive way, cooperating with them, and doing basements and everything so the meanest was elected to run this finland in 2012. the finished president is in charge of the nation's foreign policy, and janine hist earned to the nickname the put in whisper for his ability to communicate with his kremlin counterpart. but after russia launched war on ukraine,
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he shepherded his country quickly into nato, a once unimaginable, and became approved credit. you cost these look at the mirror with me, mister having served to the maximum to 6 year terms. 3 men are topping the poles to be the next tenants of this presidential palace. former prime minister alexander stood, but from the liberal, conservative national coalition party is leading close behind are the green, former foreign minister pick a hobby sto and you see hollow ho from the right wing bins party. but due to national unity over russia policy and solidarity with ukraine, they haven't had the usual array of issues to argue about your call. and they have differing opinions about nato anymore because we just entered there. you call me of the feeling of differing opinions about national security so that these are kind of big, big questions, which kind of have obvious answers. so there is no differentiation policy without
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huge policy differences, voters are looking at other characteristics like candidates ability to communicate of careers. my um, sales promotion, having typically been things bins are looking for in their presidential hopefuls on serious issues. they've always been expected to walk the talk, but never before on tick tock. the intimate social media post a former prime minister son martin dancing was a huge controversy for many reasons. but it still broke through the societal barriers. candidates have put a lot of effort into online campaigns. the things that you use to get criticized about or the things that made took away your credibility. they are not the same things anymore. or at least among younger voters, you have to go to their level. but regardless of whether campaigning has occasionally looked lighthearted, the new president has serious issues or waiting. like thousands of migrants reported, least still massed on the russian side of the border, waiting to cross into finland,
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presumably without visas. a tactic hybrid warfare expert and you've solved a line and expects russia to continue using to test finland. we would say this off to summer because now we have that big border guard called winter. belinda is due to reopen the border crossings. it closed with russia. the same day, the 2nd round of presidential voting takes place. february 11th to france, now we're leaving out eventually is world famous painting. the mona lisa has been attacked by activists to protesters for soup at the prices artwork, which is protected by 6 bullet to glass. in the live museum in paris, the museum says, the exhibition is again open to the public. and i asked either way, as lisa louis and paris, whether the painting had been damaged as well. it's not actually, as he said, it's behind bullet proof, gloss, nachos, talk to spikes. when we from the louvre, you confirmed that the, the painting has not been done much to,
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she said everything is okay. the room have reopened and everything is back to normal. and who did it, what do we know? well, we know that it's a, it was done by a group that is called the post i didn't mean to or which means dietary responds. they are asking, as you set for a re loans of the dietary system here in fonts. i spokesman has given an interview to the french press, saying that there were in favor some kind of new system based on how food on the healthy diet, democratic system with a cards across different cars across, across the country filled up by a democratic democratic assemblies. and at that agriculture companies and farmers would be paid, they provided a, you know, healthy and sustainable food. so the have some kind of a dietary or even pollution in mind. and, and they said this would be the 1st action of several, lisa,
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this is not the 1st time the mona lisa has come under attack. what about security at the museum? how come the lou can seem to avoid these kinds of incidents? while there is security in place at that very famous using the, you know, just hector's or your bond is search. when you want to enter before you enter the museum. and also they have certain rules in place because you're not allowed to bring a weapons into the media. and we also, and they also saying that you can bring a, an excessive amount of food and things into the resume as they're putting it by you . you can tell that these limits are probably not very clear. maybe they will change these limits. but the space when i talked to earlier today, she said that they were not thinking, bought this at this very mainland. and as i said, this painting has not been damage so. so a maybe is i think we can protect the paintings that we have as easy as the w correspondingly salary in paris. thank you so much. i and that is all the news for
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now. shift is up next with a look at why our brains love immersive arts. i'm really thank you so much for your company, staying tune for more news at the top of the next hour. and you can, of course, also follows on social media our handle, there is acts be that we knew by the person who's got any issues or thoughts say what the do you know which of these 3 industries has the highest c o 2 emission rates which


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