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tv   Us and Them  Deutsche Welle  January 28, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm CET

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to step into a bold adventure the treasure map for martin globetrotters. describe it as some of us wriggled, begging sites on youtube. and also input the, the version of the that i did not just change my life gets fixed my life. you know, it's not that there's no future needs to be, but for me, i want to explain all. and i believe that when i'm exploring, i will achieve something. that's what got me thinking about going a little while i'm going, i'm the i left him so much. i don't wanna lose my grandson and
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angela immigration to see him in our society as a way to escape what they call the hell of a wrong food. dependent on the i and many of the young people think this is roy getting announcement, research on energy would then go to another country and she why would that be good to have the yes, the field on that one day i will convince her to leave the country to achieve what she dreams of seen and she will acknowledge that i'm right on the island. so i see myself staying in this country and they have to accept the venue for you now coming margins, you think so, which is these are really finding how motivation is to earn something else. so support have so so for hours and so, but if it goes abroad, you might not have anyone there for him. something could happen that would take the
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life out of me. if that happens, i'll die. or this before we choose where we want to live with our families, disagree. young and old are realities and dreams can be so different. seriously, it seems like there's a huge gap between the generations. sometimes we just don't guess each other. the question is, can we fix it? the ios raised by my pretty grandmother's phrase is my biological grandma. she is aurora. that's how the mother of me and i
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the 2nd one the mind is see receive that in us. and then the 3rd one is early. i read that the word and the 3rd one sees the youngest among and sipping them. the final one is mama, my mama, mama and i told him mamma, because when i was a child, i thought she was my mother mama, my dad died and i was 9 years old. do you happen suddenly? he was the diag basic. i had medicine to treat the model you, i don't know about my mom. i don't know much about what she's been through extension. she didn't know what to do, especially since she wasn't ready to be a single parent. loved it. and so much was you know, kind of love that i would not give him. yeah. but i it's like she left him to us.
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my grandmother is explain me now that's going to be ok. it's going to be okay. monday for me here. and there are 3 of us who can take care of, you know, 3 grandmothers, i hear the noise and then i finally felt calm. but now i'm finding that out on the final. everybody has no idea how to write. it might just be changed and that i didn't the bicycle as a child of jesus. so we trained on the cross and i will notice guns if i couldn't believe it. when i suddenly single woman on the bicycle, i immediately run to her because there were only a few women who ride by say, my shelves with captain captain, captain captain,
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spelled it over to them. i was surprised that she knew i was a trainer. she said because their sports class subtlety, one day she came to the training to teach herself how to write a bite. and if that was exciting with me, captain. so i have in this, what is my 2nd mother? he only, she's the mother who told me she loved the site to make sure i pulled my real mother's afraid of cotton swabs because she's very fixated on traditionally and many little detail i took off with for she's afraid of what caps and suicide might encourage us to do a pending and gentle and so with the i'm gonna do this every time i go to school, i have no idea what's going to happen. then i had to stop due to financial crisis
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due to the make and know when i stopped studying. that was also like a 5 release. hello, i'm sorry. you have to finish your study. oh, barbara can become a man. you don't want to embarrass your father's relative. i'm not in your cause. the more upset i'm gonna be needing some more feelings with this. i feel like i've disappointed my whole family concerns because i wasn't able to study and they didn't know when i would be able to study again while i'm thinking enough, i still don't have any money without problem better. and paul isn't the only one around a quarter of all filipinos lift the load, the poverty line. although the economy and the philippines after the corona swamp
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is up and running again, there is still too few jobs for the ever growing population. millions of filipinos, therefore choose to work abroad. however, this isn't a by to cheating your dream. like paul is thinking it's about taking care of your family because most filipinos have no pension or social security. there are many opportunities overseas. i'm sorry, much going to happen when you leave home a couple days a week. yeah. i'm looking forward to it gabby to that's why my friends and i always talk about it. what are the who would be your best friend? still you? i am the hello. oh boy, i know, but i think much more than i think things l t p take to people these the base
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a fluid. so do you remember the name of the beginning data about there's no answer . so as far as the federal government goes and all of the narrow minded people here, especially with the generation of that and everything about yeah, there's still, there is something that is more something to be. those are ready to talk about. and those you meet the are that fully accepted yet? we feel like inclusive it, if it is exactly the eh, couldn't the arguments with my mother and my family is aware of what subject i chose to study, then anything else as much i can book so. so when they expected me to study medicine, like the other goals, and i find a boring for me,
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i'm actually making content for social media for quite a while. them being this one is sort of the hi mentor, la familia, the in, on who want to. so no, i didn't really enjoy working in this field of this. so i wanted to study something more along those lines. kind of she kind of my acquaint. i also left and right the, the, what is the, which is the study business. and from there i choose marketing, i mean, because it helps in regards to content creation. and how do you know they currently worked as a receptionist at the babylon hotel? you know, so i missed those 2 students at the american university majoring in business business. the to my family was tricity against me working and also rejected. many of the things
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in my life and all of the flesh on the hand. but in the end there was things they just have to exceptional hasn't been hired. i'm below her. okay, where i'm head on my time, there are many type used women, for example going up. so stand with shopping, which except for when a woman goes out with her family or she's not allowed to go out and hannon, and that's why we're and i was know, so now to meet was the opposite sex engine. so they have to be veiled. for example, i totally reject to start, i think the pen to sign it will tell them in just a moment. the of the
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who's in the who, who the 3 feel it who to wants to make a radical change for women in our society. and she wants to bring culture from outside of a rock to iraq and it's been and one of the other he has to be in the auditor. and she wants to be the reason for this radical change for rocky women. how that the head indemnity benefit and acting likes to watch who does parents also tell her to leave the country, but just not in front of the camera? the situation for women in iraq is a disaster. many things are forbidden and there isn't even a law against domestic violence. things used to be different. in the 19 sixty's, women were confident, well educated, had good jobs. but living under saddam hussein's dictatorship and through many wars, roger co, conservative forces have been strengthened,
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which is worse than the situation for women. the excellent and what are you and your funniest thing to me is how my somebody loves me riding my bike. i mean, sure, and they ask you a boy now that you're writing a bite into it in the claim, you will ruin your femininity and also on how to renew for you to a lot of the time. this is what i love about cycling is not feeling a freedom as i move forward. and when i see both spreading the wings late and i wish i had wings to help them be on there. why don't we humans have wings to fly with smart mr. how to have the, the finally, as i said, i don't know who the most i am afraid of how society looks at who don't know. i'm
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also afraid of her being hit by a car because many people don't to pay traffic reasons for the plan. i'm afraid of religious fanatics, women go forbid her to ride a bicycle for religious reasons and hold. i'm afraid that she will be murdered or kidnapped, or anything that falls under human trafficking of oh there, i mean i'm really afraid for who the hyphen isn't for the, the hello. i see a friend introduce me, live streaming of the call, the pool as the this new land of social media. at 1st, i just watched it until like on my own the how you the especially when a student has greensboro. wow. what if,
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what if i buy the most thing about school? because it's funny that makes my life is inside the house specially inside the room . nadine coping make on this who helped me deal with my physical and so i wouldn't get paranoid that i can get them up. i mean, i suddenly didn't feel like i was alone dreaming i'm doing. i'm holding on finding that me personally that i did not just change my life. it fixed my life all the no bullying the. uh the
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uh yeah. oh, i was. and mom i am not any. what is the revelation for paul has a long tradition in the philippines. more than a 1000 years ago, there were already shamans who practiced ginger crossing when the spaniards concrete, the country and the 16th century catholicism came with them. and that was the end of it. especially anyway, and after that for centuries, ginger crossing was no longer practiced so freely and public. today, though, there are plenty of drug, far as in manila, more tolerated than loved. but drac shows are becoming more and more popular. on my own drug, what is this drag queen? you're talking about the drugs. there's something that the
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need for and also that the high end is going to be the and the next day. and i wanted to show you my time. so i wish you were a real girl and that if he were a true lady, maybe he'd be very, pretty good again then yes, are available on the one but the people might laugh at him to me is that sometimes they also ask, what is your grandson still gay, indeed. no, i answer. he's working on becoming a man. then. yeah. you know, i mean, i don't even want to hear all that is said about my grandson. they don't force
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acting up all the money. what are you thinking for your life on the move? i'm all depend based opinion on the if i live stream, i can save money and put it aside. i thought that'd be cool. it'd be done. so just in case hop on, i can save that money for my studies. i know you forgot to take care of your studies because you know, i can help you make some sale me, but i'm sure apples me my i could also get more gigs arranged by glasgow while i get the, the, let's say, you know, you have to take care of me when i get older they oh my god, this i did. so take care of yourself now go study hard and then you can help your parents about them. your mother of the, it's not so much for me,
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mostly for your mother in the us, asking somebody to pray that your dream will come true. you will, that you can finish your studies. you forgot all the pressuring me to finish my studies. now the most important things for them, because they didn't have a chance to do things over experience that so i might have many dreams. first thing in the news, we put a lot of pressure on him. we said sign up will support you even if we don't have
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much. the lowest and lower left. nobody is grandparents about, you know, you, they think they know what's good for us and what model. i know, but of course we reflect on that of science and, and we know it based on what the school. i know you might also study the nothing my, my like my luck in my, my been that can be proud that he has an education. yvonne not like those types of just paying out on the streets another low base send um the the the only thing that needs to be what was the newest unit test ahead i just saw that the motor headed is up to the via so i've never, we've reached a place where our people have lost all hope in our full year and anxiety committee
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. everyone started sending their children away for fear that they will be killed here. stuff and we wanted to spread the spirit of hope and develop a special program to embrace young people like newer, save and also to develop an awareness of how to succeed in making a rock attractive to people from elsewhere that they've invested in whenever i'm at work and i see far, and this coming to a rock, i get bicycles for them, mentioned me, and we go to over to knobby street, another place to be of the models monument for example, you had mentioned in june. so that's a matter that doesn't matter whether you're female or male because it's about your heart and mind and doing so and abroad, we don't have to follow other. and nor do they have to follow our sensor, but we respect their system and they respect our home or for them to buy the service. and then we learn from done and they learn from us. huda is quite the exception with her choice to stay in iraq. in recent decades, millions of our rockies have lost all hope and left the country,
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especially the well educated because of war, religious persecution, and it's still ongoing terror by islam as terrorists. the economy is a nightmare, and there is no improvement in sites. more than half of the rockies are under 25, it's actually not surprising that today many young rockies want to leave the country. the i just wanted to know, you know, even though it has the most expensive, i feel responsible. so with my family, i'm also cooked and swap thing for on down i feel very responsible and i don't want to make them sides model hooked the feelings or break the home except me show how do i try to stick to what they tell me the amount in the image,
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there are many differences between us is good. who are you listening to how if we disagree and i can only compromise with us and i like wish, after the free will not help of the learn how to do. and i think this generation is right, even if they lack obedience to their elder, i sent a want to listen to their advice. but this generation is well informed cutting look in technology allows them to experience what is going on around them. how the it is technology that is enabling this generation to be more cultured and informative. because of that, they see our generation is backwards even with the funds on it. hopefully i know who the i hope that she leaves the rock and the chief switch,
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she desires elsewhere in the assessment. and despite her courage, i worry about how society will react to her a young woman in the prime of her life. and she doesn't even know the negative sides of the society and an issue and being moved to the much the, the you or somebody else come there and try to make me a copy of the generation. that's an honor says to raise your children the ways you are, but it's not possible to make others a copy of you as all except you must accept me. i'm doing that company prettiness. what about my generation? we're more culture and we're also more educated and yeah,
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i appreciate the times have changed that i send your call service completely wrong . definitely wouldn't change with the morals and the ideas are the same. but what change to yours? technology and our ideas make more sense than yours and you don't accept that because some of the, the the, it says here in the rock opportunities for women are very limited. it is true, but all the s as energy would disappear and leave the country. how's that a good thing? why shouldn't they remain in the country? well, maybe we can find a way to evolve here and stay when the engineers are pilots and others look on who's left to the come to the admitted and to finish on this because you know that
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i've been active in this field for a long time. i've tried to change society and i've tried to make the bicycle in means of transport for women, but i didn't make it and we're still at the same point. they look on our society rejects this idea the way it would, the fee, but i support who down and some things even if she wants to stay in this country. i feel though i'm against the lived, lived in the hold of the noise. i also share some of her thoughts on changing society, knowing it and, and the whole body of what even if the changes are small and how that and it was done with the
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lifetime. well then i die. go ahead and die. it had been hot that i've had to love taking risks in life. if it looks dangerous, i'll try a buzzard at that or how to have done what, let me just go to the in 10 years, i'll either still be on criminal doing drag or in 10 years. i am a spar. i feel like i said, there's a lot of options. yeah. it doesn't have the goal that i want to be in drugs vegas. oh, and i go to the club, the state state, the state senate corporate farm,
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published by you. this is what i want and i'm looking for you. that's what i want for my future in grad school. i'm going to take it there and i believe i left them with that the left side. what does a visa abroad and can take care of us? that's okay, as long as he visits us, i must say yes or no because i'm glad he wants to go abroad. no man, unless he wants to be successful. that person to he should be able to move forward in like some sense must say so ratio. goodman, i know when that day comes up we won't let him regret it. sled, i beat him. i shall go off on the thing then. i know the way,
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i'm glad he is the way he is not like the others. as long as some day he finds a wife. ringback ringback and i can't remember because i'm old. it was not possible. can i say that? i mean that's a big go. now i am last time the murder mysteries by the i have to go now. ok, thank you. ok. when i see that when you're home crazy, the
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best suddenly a keen interest in any there which is great for us. sasha made indeed luxurious fabrics in vibrant color and woven and splendor based on traditional craftsmanship and modern design from saris sneakers, a journey into india's fabulous world of fashion, all unveiled in 30 minutes on the w. p is shrinking up for gaming. young guy signed the display, ridiculously, we response into the life of brian at the beach. beyond the canyon he sports legend is proving controllers can change life support and help a lot of young casa comes express themselves in 90 minutes on dw the,
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the state of the news line from berlin, b u n. she urges countries to keep funding it's agency for palestinian refugees that south are key donors, including germany froze payments after israel says some overall members joining the october 7th terror attacks the agency warrants it's humanitarian work and gaza faces collapse. also coming up, darkest police hon for 2 men who attacked the catholic church. the interior ministry says armed a sale and storm the church and is dental during sunday worship killing at least one person for francis has expressed to solidarity with turkey's complex and
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the world's most famous painting under it.


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