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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 28, 2024 10:00pm-10:15pm CET

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the, the, you're watching dw news life, i'm running a go on strike your 3 us troops on the jordan city of border us president joe biden, blame it on back to militants, and vows to, for the perpetrators to account. they are the 1st us troops accused by enemy fire in the region since toward and gas up again. also coming up the un ones of through monitored and will can cause a phase of collapse. and oh, just key to one of those not to suspend funding for this agency for about a sending refugees. is there a says the agencies well codes join the october 7th as us the tax was coming up, the world's most famous being to under attack, actor was to serve at the moment, lisa saying the aim to draw attention to the flight of farmers,
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the i'm the massage as well. thank you for joining us. the us fest 3 of its troops have been killed and dozen small wounded in a joint attack on a base in northeastern jordan. preston. joe biden blamed is on back to militants for the attack, which took place near the border with syria and iraq. he vowed to hold the perpetrators to account me to report favorites will instruct me on about it at the base. it is the 1st time american military personnel have been accused by horse to have fire in the region since the start of these trail. i'm off for washington bureau chief and his boy gave us this update of the killing of the 3 americans in jordan, near the border with syria is definitely a significant escalation of an already precarious situation in the middle east. this is the 1st time, as we just mentioned, that us troops have been killed,
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but enemy fire in the middle east since the beginning of the cause of war. and the problems reaction of president biden kind of underlines the significance of this attack. he promised to hold those responsible for the tech. i quoted him to account at the time and in a manner our choosing. and he also said i quote him here as well. we know it was carried out by a red coat, iran bag, militant groups operating in syria and iraq. you mentioned that this better lead most likely to an escalation, but this is also not the 4th time a u. s. military base has been attacked in the region. do we what can be and disappeared at this point or jo, obviously waiting for more information is uh correct. uh us officials have repeatedly said that they do not want to see the increasingly high tensions across
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the middle east. fraud and into a regional war. and indeed that has been more than a $160.00 or so attacks on us and coalition forces in iraq and syria since the war started. however, until today, official officials have described the constant volley of drones, rockets and midsize is unsuccessful because they have not cause serious injury or damage to an infrastructure. this of course, has changed with today and given the increasing political pressure president biden is facing from the republican party in this election year, which has just started. it indeed doesn't seem unlikely that u. s. will increase the military involvement. and just that, of course, comes an increasing risk that the conflict will spread throughout the whole middle east. many factors in a very 10 situation. thank you so much for following that,
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developing story for us in a school in dc. now you want to find toner gutierrez, has called on the states to guarantee the continued operation of the u. n. c h and see if the protestant refugees, key contributions including the us, germany and u. k. hosted funding for the on the agency officer and stress at 12 stall, 1st of part in a mazda of october, the 7th status of facts and the strip. now under his head has one that suspended funding, protecting the lives of those who depend on the agency for survival in the midst of a deepening humanitarian crisis in gaza. racing to get a sack of flour, now precious commodity in garza. these men are a few of the lucky ones who manage to get one. the others were less fortunate. the. this is the amount i got today. this is for
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7 people. look at how little this is. it's a rare day in gaza city. very few a trucks make it to the heart of the street. this one operated by the main you. an agency in gaza was empty 10 minutes. some people got 3 bags of flour and some got 4, and i didn't get any. i have 3 children and i don't know how i'm going to feed them . the situation could get even worse. several countries have temporarily paused the funding to owner of the united nations agency for palestinians. that softer israel accused some of its stop of being involved and how much is a tax on october, 7th, on raw, has fired several m to use in the wake of the allegations, details of which have not been made public. the agency has opened on investigation
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and other countries to keep the funding flowing. they are as hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people in gaza who rely on watch humanitarian work, who rely on humanitarian assistance even more now than they did before. it is the work that on the wall uh does. the remains critical. uh, today as heavy rains in winter storm slash the strip of further disruption in a could have catastrophic consequences. meanwhile, is dr stalks with top us at jefferson and cathartic officials and patterson, the cause of war were constructive, bought to that. there was still significant gaps. such remained media reports here besides were working on an agreement and which is dread would agree to cease fire. and return for the release of more than a 100 costs for more than this i spoke with nev often, robado goes tiny,
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he's the former director of ministry intelligence, bulk of the i, aust, i'm with more details have been much well actually let me show the, the way, lots of these negotiations happen in the pos and the way the controllers have been . the dealing with this is through applause, secrecy keeping it very close to the rest, to ensure a successful outcome. and i don't believe that this will change in the process. that is report to be happening now. even so we saw over the 100 hostages for least the last time around in november. but can we expect on hosted distributor leaves given that they're being headed as a bargaining shared by him us as well. that's the point of reading negotiations has to come to a conclusion of the you know, a positive result. in this case, the release of hostages and association environments through a ceasefire and hopefully lost in peace to help the people of guys who are
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suffering under very bad situations. you've been reporting so that is the expected end states. and again, the categories as the lead negotiators have proven the effectiveness of this approach in the past, over a 100 released unfortunately, these radio for which has been less successful through idea of operations that i've failed and lead to the death. so that's of hostages and all history, thousands and tens of thousands of out of things that you mentioned with godaddy effectiveness, which we do know that there is a serious trusts deficit between is read and covered and that is required if we are to reach that long term ceasefire, the to mentioned, doesn't this limit to what to do has negotiated to us can even pull it off. well, again, that depends on you mentioned this earlier, when in this case it depends on the x rays. these ladies have a proven track records of the categories effectiveness in the boss through requests
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from his room and from our bosses, the united states as well, and recently with the use of hostages. so the proof is in the put the may the, the see the proof when you see, well, that's an effective thing that it's not buying this guy. it's not the article, it's a chief of them. or we can continue in this nation to the, to the operation that hasn't achieved even the idea of own state of goals to this point. but i have to ask, it's true, has reiterated again and again, you mentioned the idea of state of goals that they will not stop until a moss is illuminated. how then is a long term sci fi, even for somebody, because that is clearly, you know, what happened did as well. it has a standing understanding instead of standing. but you know, of that as view in on policy and military operations that there is no mandatory solution to a political question or a problem. there is only a political solution to a political problem, and this is no different than any other. the region is not ready for another 4
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level. it's already spilling over to other regions, just as we came on and you saw the reports on the job in the, in border of the americans being a talk to them. this is very worrying. and if it grows even further than this, that were engulfed, not only them in the least, but that would involve your opinions on the americans as well. defense, i'm listen, i've often brought a co, tiny in the hall. thank you so much for your analysis. thank you for joining our attention now. some of the other stories making headlines around the world talk to you and to, to administer says to a lot of us us back to our believe to have counted out and gone attack and, and it's done with church, have been caught, one person was killed and the attack on the catholic church on sunday to assail installed the santa maria church and the city side of the district center ice candidate onyx on the stoop of the national coalition party has won the 1st round of pendants, presidential election, stupid face liberal cri. inside the candidate fix the harvest, so who came 2nd in
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a zonal 4th on february, 11th of west africa, nations new shed, monday in booking a fast so have announced they are leaving because each so they can amik block eco us them or to lose they sure to join statements live on television, calling the block sanctions into maine. they were implemented off to cool. so with the show, the 3 countries, democratic governments, you know, the cost here in germany, hundreds of thousands of demonstrators have marched in cities across the country to protest against the far right alternative for germany brought to you. it's a toad weekend of mass protest, software reports that members of the f d mentioned. you will not cease to discuss plans to default millions of people with an immigrant background. that's go to from small where 2 actors have been arrested for attacking. do not have them in cheese voice, famous painting, the one that lisa the full testers, to suit the priceless artwork, which is protected by pick for the tooth clause in the loop. and you'll see him in
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paris, pumpkin c. so the world's most enigmatic smile. what's important, what's more important or the right to help the sustainable food. i good cultural system is sick. a farm was a dying on the job. one and 3 french people go without meals every day. the group repulsed, i only meant to or food retaliation, said they stays the protests to support the demands for a fair and good cultural system and sustainable healthy food for all the more we're like whistle blowers, we're like an alarm system is a lot. we want people to understand why we do this and why. after having demonstrated signed petitions organize workshops, we end up having to get arrested face trials and take huge risks. 8 o'clock on
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this is on the high and it's protective cloth. the vin, she's iconic painting was on damaged witnesses, will understand the police shops, but not necessarily swayed by the act to this message. it's discussing the treat all that's really valuable for the history of humankind. that way it's really known for it, so she basically, i really don't see the link. i'm not worried about the moon on these because it's felt protected. uh, but i don't see the link with nutrition other than the fact that it's famous. so they know it will be well publicized, otherwise i don't see the connection. it's usually if i turn in the loop, said the activist, smuggle the seats into the museum, enough them as for off, it's the 2nd time the mon and these it has been attacked in 2 years. and the latest in a string of protests involving outwards, but active is demanding environmental insightful justice. after
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a quick tardy up the gallery, we open to the public. before we go, let's catch you off with some spots. they'll send it to me as the onyx the station epic. i'm back in the final of the australian open to pick up his 1st grand slam packet for the trio, the lead madrid by 2 steps before falling back in the match. the advantage toyota was one. the next 3 steps to become the 1st to 1000 to eval, when the australian open. he's also the force to dial in man to win a grand slam in almost 50 years. and he's a quick reminder of our top story. see us, the withdrawals have been defaulted, queued and around 2001 that in jordan near the border of, of city of us media 3, they were killed in a joint attack. us officials suspect the attack was scattered out. plan is on back to management groups and back to, to, up to date, but do stay with up a bit to stay her best for the fault. us off. next, with the look of the persecution of telemundo monte families to him before the costs of the massage as well for me and being tired,
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and you'll stand behind the scenes. thank you so much for being with us. the sometimes the shawn rothschild that you out to the highlight for every week, not to not because i was in june. you belong to the 77 percent to come to i don't get, i'm fixing spite all the was all those top 5 years, 3 reasons why 1115. we're here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so we all the topics.


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