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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 29, 2024 7:00am-7:16am CET

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the, the, this is the, the news coming to live from berlin. 3 us troops have been killed in a droned attack on the border between jordan and syria. us present. joe biden has blamed and ran back militants and filed to respond. also coming up more countries suspend funding for the un agency for palestinian refugee. softer is religious. several staff members took part in how mazda is october, 7th of tax, the hello and terry martin. thanks for joining us. the united states,
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as 3 of its troops, have been killed and dozens more wounded in a drone attack near a base on jordan's border with syria. us officials say the drones struck near a barracks at the base. and the coupon region is the 1st time the strike has killed american soldiers in the area since the start of the israel from us war. president joe biden blamed, ran back to meliss militants for the attack, and vowed to respond. rand denies any involvement that'll be used. washington bureau chief in his pole has more of the killing of the 3 americans in jordan, near the border with syria is definitely a significant escalation of an already precarious situation in the middle east. uh, this is the 1st time, as you just mentioned, that us troops have been killed, but enemy fire in the middle east since the beginning of the cause of war. and the problems reaction of president biden kind of underlines the significance of this
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attack. he promised to hold those responsible for the attack. i quote him to account at the time and in a manner our choosing. and he also said i quote him here as well. we know it was carried out by a red coat. iran bag, militant groups operating in syria and iraq to us officials have repeatedly said that they do not want to see the increasingly high tensions across the middle east brought it into a regional war. and indeed that has been more than a $160.00 or so attacks on us and coalition forces in iraq and syria since the war started. however, until today, official officials have described the constant volley of drones. rock codes and midsize is unsuccessful because they have not cause serious injury or damage to an infrastructure. this of course,
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has changed with today and given the increasing political pressure president biden is facing from the republican party in this election year, which has just started. it indeed doesn't seem unlikely that u. s. will increase the military involvement and reset, of course, comes an increasing risk that the conflict will spread throughout the whole middle east to go see if you're submitting parents to discuss the deal between is real and how much that could see hostages released and, and extended ceasefire and the gaza strip officials from egypt kata and israel are taking part in the best lead told is really government as described, the talks as constructive, but the office of prime minister benjamin netanyahu says there are significant gaps between the 2 sides. and the discussions will continue this week. meanwhile, more donor countries are suspending funding to the united nations agency for
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palestinian refugees after israel accused staff involvement in how mazda is october 7th terrorist attacks. japan, italy have paused their funding now from joining a number of countries including the us, germany in britain you, an agency has fired several employees invalid to punish those incriminated. but you and officials are urging toner states to reconsider warning the aid operations for more than 2000000 people and guys are, are collapsing dw special correspond to abraham is standing by force in jerusalem. and tell us more about the allegations against the you and agency and gaza and the suspension of funding by those key donor countries. what impact could all this? how as well, according to the wind and according to an international commentary, indeed, experts that the impact on people in gaza would be catastrophic. and wondering what
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employees around 30000 people. a lot of them are refugees themselves. and we're talking about the employees that are impacted by these allegations there, around 12 of them. and what i'm a united nations agencies are now arguing is that you can't punish the entire population in gaza because 12 people and they have admitted that they have been involved in the terror attacks. how are guilty and the investigation? it seems, i mean, we don't have details as to what exactly they did, but whatever it is, it does seem to have been serious enough for the agency to a to, to, to suspend them, or at least a large number of them we have to just with the, with the agency says that we have to look at this in the larger perspective of the war. we're looking at more than 80 percent of guys this population displaced at this point. there's already a crisis in delivering aid and it's now um, wondering why has no funding or can't secure funding that according to an experts
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will inevitably lead to famine in the strip. and there is no sign that this conflict is a beading anytime soon. and so they are reading desperately that this be reconsidered . um and of course the employees who may or may not have been involved will be punished. okay. aside from that specific crisis we have negotiations going on in paris. prime minister benjamin netanyahu was talking about significant gaps though in the possible ceasefire deal isn't clear what nothing you know, who is referring to there with gaps as well. according to reports, the gap is around the issue of a stop to the fighting complaint, which was the prime minister is a against what, how much uh wants is to have an end to the fighting and exchange for the hostages.
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and according to reports of, this is not yet confirmed. that is not acceptable for the is really side a thank you very much. it was our correspond to abraham, there in jerusalem. now we'll have china's largest real estate developers, has been ordered to liquidate by a court in hong kong. number grand is the world's most invested developer with more than 270000000000 euros worth of liabilities. the order came after efforts to strike a deal with creditors failed, but the liquidation process could be complicated. numerous authorities are involved and there are political considerations as well. liquidation could have a major effect on chinese economy in global markets. let's go straight
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to hong kong and speak to dw is phoebe called me what more can you tell us about this court ruling of the well, i'm standing outside the car the which uh just the order um the time is uh tie is the developer. liquid haven this morning um that the judge said that um the over the past 18 months is the initial petition uh was filed by a home based company top shine and latest choice by other offshore uh, credited on that the whole um, petition hearing that has been suspended 7 times now is fine with happening because the, the court um bill that it wasn't complete in spite epigram, that the house like move forward with a viable restructuring plan to restructure is over $300000000.00 set on that. they have to, uh, it has accumulated over the years and that the costs like the charges that uh,
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the touch that it will. 7 like later in the company hours now to do that, it will land more details of the reasoning and also the arrangement of the liquidation process. what we expect that it will appoint liquidators to to officially kick off the whiting the procedures. what did you say phoebe ever ground has wrecked of hundreds of billions of dollars in debt. if it's already defaulted on some of the debt, how does it get itself into this mess of the? well, we have to look very mind that the epic, one being one of the lessons, the range, highness, propagates ions that have really relied on that chain of sense to expand and as a thing, as business in various x is not limited to a few things, but this is not also of like all kinds of electric vehicles and all kinds of other industries that it has to be. and we have also have to bear in mind that in 2020,
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that facing up ortiz has implemented some restrictions on the far away policy on the developers that directly problem to um that, uh, the admin grounds. as of that that they couldn't borrow money that easily come back compared to previous periods. so that was the beginning of the also costs. no motion collapse on the property charges. and everyone now is facing a full coming liquidation process that we're expecting that the liquidator was like, uh, identify and also to calculate old assets not only and home home, but also you mentioned china. so it would take dues and it has a big question. so what are these are order to pre applied in most china, um like completely and also how the credit is put access and claim uh, the access of everywhere on the mainland china is it that would be the coming. i'm
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impressed in this at the everyone go, i'll close a watch about this period as you're talking to is just there. we were looking at some pictures of unfinished apartment buildings, a huge projects. every grant is responsible for building homes for millions of people in china. how much of a problem will this be for the chinese government as well? um, very part of the um, the property set to have sec um, accounts for 25 percent of china. is that so is it like really the major engine of the economic growth of china? so, um, so it's not only an economic problem that is not only the problem of these property, empire, but also the government itself. because like it's now a has evolved into kind of like the cost of those crisis is not only at this crisis, but also a corporate thing. sizes that affect not only the market,
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but also the general public that many, alden were you, a home buyers are defective because they couldn't get the property up to paying the debt. so on the, the impacts. and also if that is very like a wide spread across china, so it has to be something that has to be dealt with by the china so far to ferry it delicately. and we're expecting some more mesh, a set of china government is trying to contain the damage is brought by all effort, guam, and also, uh, other companies are facing that private cv. thank you very much. that was a correspond tv call in hong kong. it's got you up on a few other stories making headlines around the world today. finland's central right candidate, alexander, stub of the national coalition party is one of the 1st round of the country's presidential election. he will face liberal green party candidate. heck, uh, have you still in a rental boat? on february, 11th depends space agency says it has reestablish communications with his moon
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lander, after power was restored to the craft. small rover will resume its mission to explore the lunar surface. the craft touched out on the surface of the minute earlier this month, but ran into technical issues when recharging its solar battery. demonstrators blocked the entrance to mexico, cities plus of the taurus the world's largest bull fighting ring. animal rights activists were angered by a supreme court decision to lift a suspension on the practice present. under this manual press over a door has proposed holding a referendum to decide the future of bull fighting. hundreds of thousands of demonstrators have marched in cities across germany to protest against the far right alternative for germany. party is the 3rd weekend of mass protests. after reports, the members of the a at the met neo nazis,
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to discuss plans through the port. millions of people with an immigrant background . protesters in the south african city of johannesburg, have held a vigil to honor journalists killed in the conflict between israel and from us. journalists called for better protection for their colleagues and gaza, writes groups say at least 83 media workers had been killed since the conflict began and october. now to france, where leonardo da vinci is world famous painting. the momma liza has been attacked by activists to protesters through suit at the prices are part, which is protected by the bullet proof glass in the blue. couldn't see him in paris . the museum says the painting was not damaged and the expiration is again, open to the public. a group called re post limone to claimed responsibility for the attack. they are demanding sustainable food,
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end of error agricultural system. while you are watching the news, i'm terry martin. thanks for watching the we are all set and we're watching closely. we all seem to bring you the story behind the news. we're rolling about unbiased information, all 3 months, across from sponsored zeros on. it's wanted to say a when he knows how to use this this guy knows about energy in a way that these as much structures have no idea. it's been pretty clear, especially of late.


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