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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 29, 2024 8:00am-8:31am CET

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming to live from berlin. 3 us troops have been killed in a drought attack on the border between jordan and syria. us present, joe biden has blamed and ran back militants and failed to respond. also coming up more countries suspend funding to the human agency for palestinian refugees after israel alleges several staff members took part in her. mazda is october 7th terrorist attacks and the court in hong kong borders, the chinese property company ever grand to liquidate. we looked at the repercussions for china and the global economy,
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plus signs of anger and resistance. wives of russian soldiers sent to you crate or calling for an end to the. the hello, i'm terry martin. thanks for joining us. the united states is 3 of its troops have been killed and dozens more wounded in a drone attack near a base on jordan's border with syria, us officials say the drones struck near a barracks at the base and the roof bottom region is the 1st time a strike is killed american soldiers in the area since the starts of the israel from us war. president joe biden blamed it, ran back the militants for the attack and bowed to respond. rand denies any involvement to use washington bureau chief in his pole as more
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well, the killing of the 3 americans in jordan near the border with syria is definitely a significant escalation of an already precarious situation in the middle east. uh, this is the 1st time, as we just mentioned, that us troops have been killed, but enemy fire in the middle east since the beginning of the cause of war. and the problems reaction of president biden kind of underlines the significance of this attack. he promised to hold those responsible for the tech i quote him to account at the time and in a manner our choosing. and he also said i quote him here as well. we know it was carried out by a red coat. iran bag, militant groups operating in syria and iraq to us officials have repeatedly said that they do not want to see the increasingly high tensions across the middle east brought it into a regional war. and indeed the has the more than
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a $160.00 or so attacks on us and coalition forces in iraq and syria since the war started. however, until today, official officials have described the constant volume of drones. rock codes and midsize is unsuccessful because they have not cause serious injury or damage to an infrastructure. this of course, has changed with today and given the increasing political pressure president biden is facing from the republican party in this election year, which has just started. it indeed doesn't seem unlikely that you as will increase the military involvement. and just that, of course, comes an increasing risk that the conflict will spread throughout the whole middle east, a negotiator, submitting paragraphs to discuss a deal between israel and how much the could see hostages released and an extended
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ceasefire in the gaza strip. protesters and israel have been ramping up the pressure on the government to bring home the hostages is really officials describe the talks as constructive, but the office of prime minister benjamin netanyahu says there are significant gaps between the 2 sides and the discussions will continue this week. officials from egypt and israel are taking part in the us sled thoughts racing to get a sack of flour. now precious commodity in garza. these men are a few of the lucky ones who manage to get one others who are less fortunate. this is the amount i got today. this is for 7 people. look at how little this is. it's a rare day in thousands of city. very few a trucks make it to the heart of the strip. this one operated by the main you,
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an agency in gaza was empty 10 minutes. some people got 3 bags of flour and some got 4. and i didn't get any. i have 3 children and i don't know how i'm going to feed them. the situation could get even worse. several countries have temporarily paused the funding to owner of the united nations agency for palestinians that softer israel accused some of its stuff of being involved. and how much is attacks on october 7th, the owner has fired several of them. so he's in the wake of the allegations, details of which have not been made public. the agency has opened on investigation and of countries to keep the funding flowing. there are hundreds and hundreds
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and hundreds of thousands of people in gaza who rely on the last few minutes here and work who rely on humanitarian assistance even more now than they did before. it is the work that on the wall uh does. the remains critical. uh, today and as heavy rains and winter storm slash the strip of further disruption in a could have catastrophic consequences. the w a special correspond to abraham is in jerusalem earlier. she explained to me what impact the suspension of funding for winter walk could have as well, according to the wind and according to international mentoring. indeed, experts that the impact on people in gaza would be catastrophic. and wondering what employees around 30000 people. a lot of them are refugees themselves and we're talking about the employees that are impacted by these allegations there,
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around 12 of them. and what i'm a united nations agencies are now arguing is that you can't punish the entire population in gaza because 12 people and they have admitted that they have been involved in the terror attacks. how are guilty and the investigation? it seems, i mean, we don't have details as to what exactly they did, but whatever it is, it does seem to have been serious enough for the agency to a to, to, to suspend them, or at least a large number of them we have to just with the, with the agency says that we have to look at this in the larger perspective of the war. we're looking at more than 80 percent of guys this population displaced at this point. there's already a crisis in delivering aid and it's now um owner or has no funding or can't secure funding. that according to an experts will inevitably lead to famine in the strip and there is no sign that this conflict is beating anytime soon. and so they are
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creating desperately that this be reconsidered. and of course, the employees who may or may not have been involved will be punished. okay, aside from that specific crisis, we have negotiations going on in paris. prime minister benjamin netanyahu was talking about significant gaps though in the possible ceasefire deal isn't clear what nothing you know, who is referring to there with gaps as well. according to reports, the gap is around the issue of a stop to the fighting complaint, which was the prime minister is a against what, how much uh wants is to have an end to the fighting and exchange for the hostages. and according to reports of this has not yet confirmed that is not acceptable for
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the is really side a thank you very much. it was our correspond to abraham, there in jerusalem. of course in hong kong has ordered china property giant ever ground to undergo liquidation judge linda chan said the company would have to wind up as business because of a lack of progress on putting forward a viable restructuring proposal. massive, sprawling, unfinished for years now, no work has been done on any of the sites with chinese realistic joined eval grant . once planned to build homes for millions of want to be home owners and likely no worth will be done for a long time. as the property developer is being wound up in the most spectacular corporate downfall in china, us history. it all started here in tension, especially economic zone, while the chinese communist party was experimenting with capitalism here ever
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glenda selling to the 1996 at a time of china as great organization. when millions from all across the country flocks towards the cities, it led to a housing boom unlike any of the world had ever seen. to have a grand was fast to build signed apartment projects, but not fast enough to satisfy the demand. the company accepted down payments for apartments, it never built. soon after that money was gone, much of it spent on more products for future development on banking fees, in a desperate effort to raise more cash and on executive pay, the turn of a grants phone. the we call young into one of the world's wealthiest people, or in the midst of liquidity crisis, have a grand found itself unable to pay its bills to construction workers, painters, and real estate agents. soon the company's dead snowballed into $140000000000.00. for the construction was halted, and while the cords rule over every glance,
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future giant developments sit unfinished. insiders estimate they can hold up to 1400000000 people. or more on this, we're drawing here the studio by laws, how to from our business. this was tell us more about the implications of this liquidation order for ever grand. could it have effects on markets beyond china? oh, a very well could terry obviously, because we have to just look at china as role in the world and how the economy, the it has been doing as a flight. and obviously china and the chinese economy was still the engine of the world's economy for a couple of years. now, we have seen very rapid growth here. you might remember for the last couple of years, we've really seen double digit economic growth in china. and now that has pretty much fall into part of course, much of it is also cobit related. still. last year we saw g d p growth of just of 5 percent or so. and in other countries that would be massive,
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but for china and compare to their numbers that is really weak. and we have to see how important the construction and the development sector is in that there was massive. and now obviously this whole store is entirely weakening that sector even more. and a lot of the western wall is still dependent on china. i mean, we're seeing, we're seeing this, the risking strategy where the west is trying to grow a little less dependent on china. but we still are at this point, whether it's for supplies, for some companies, for others as the market or evergreens has billions of dollars in debt, it's already defaulted on. part of that, the judge said there's no viable restructuring plan in place. what about the creditors are, can they expect to get their money back? it's got to be tough for them. they might get some money back. a bought a certain in the lot is that there's no liquidity, it's all basically in those china warmers buildings that we've seen everywhere. so there was a re analysis by the lloyd, and they said that the return rate or the recovery rate, we should say for credit,
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this is probably 3 and a half percent. but then we also saw some investigations into crimes and mismanagement and actually know what the number closer to 3 percent even. so there is likely just not much money coming back to creditors at all. however, grand is responsible for building millions of homes in china. people are supposed to be living in those homes. how much of a problem is this for the chinese government? all this stuff up the a mass of problem. i mean, yeah, we seen the suburban ization over the last couple of years or decades actually. and they are people who are desperately waiting to move into these apartments with the family. the cities have been growing and conditions for many a terrible there they've been waiting for these stories now, which is got a statement here from eval grants, vice president show and, and he says that they will ensure homes under construction are delivered to buyers . but of course, we don't know what that is even worth. a lot of the buildings will get sold. who's
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buying them? how long is it even gonna take at this point? no work has been done in many of these developments for the last we years or so. so more actually on the side of being torn down because they were built without licenses. so it's really all my, i would say impossible to say right now. what is happening to how many of these buildings? why miss laws, how to from a business that's thanks very much. i. the turkish authorities say they've captured 2 gunman who shot one person dead in a church and is tumble on sunday. the interior minister said the 2 assailants were linked to islamic state. police blocked the road to santa maria church and this bundle of the 2 was sealants, took a lifetime during the sunday service. it was not immediately clear of what the motive behind the attack was. but the victims nephew has spoken since seeing that his uncle's most likely not a direct target such as these are in the day. this is, she has a mental disability and was invited to attend the church in to the,
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to 10 church was to talk to you was not the talk of the movies that if you had no connection to politics or an organization, you went to church became a victim of fate, there is a model talk is professionals have launched an investigation. the tragedy in disclosement community drew quick sympathy from the male bush themselves to, i'm sorry for our laws. there are no minorities in the city of this country. we all say the single some that you're all living together. the only thing, even one of our lives breaks, all hot type. it just image him is the on the the attack being at the roman catholic church has also drawn quick condemnation from the pope, ukraine's security service, the s b u. it says its own cover to corruption scheme involving the country's military worth. $14000000.00 us dollars. the s b u released image is showing rates
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being carried out. it claims officials from ukraine's ministry of defense, along with managers from an arm's firm, embezzled the money which was earmarked by mortar shells. the security service says 5 people have been charged and one person detained while trying to cross the ukrainian border. as a group of women in russia are staging regular protests to demand the return of their husbands and sons from ukraine. they have different views on the war with some claiming to support it, and others more skeptical. but all are united in the belief that their relatives have done their fair share of the finding and should be allowed to now come home. determined to do you have to, as a matter fact, marie andre eve anthem does with us that russians whose husbands for mobilized, wanted to least allow us as the 2 of the unknown soldier. this isn't every too old
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but i protest is important as a husband. so i have been fighting in ukraine for more than a year to finally come home. why not? there's a war going on. people are dying, they're just the average people, men who were called jobs during the partial mobilization. we can pretend that they're not dying there to deal with these. sonya some new and you know, she caused a women's initiative the way home by re young 3. but recently even took it to the campaign office of president vladimir putin in the kremlin in motion. surround. hi there. my husband come back for both. your husband is defending our homeland and what will i get back in man without legs and arms. usable is a good man. how are you talking about your husband? you don't even know what's going on. the women want to get through to pool was the
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i protest, but the president, when the early january celebrated also looks christmas with a select group of completely different women. everything's there was harmonious night to move you, as you know, seen our brave who really commands this to our boys to ski and that's a worry. it's a rush of fighting for the interest of our country. stephen now said it was during the holidays to do so. that's listed on the initiative has been around for months in the recent dates, as the women have sharpened because they are tune at 1st, they will not explicitly against the civil only in favor of their husbands coming back. now is there a demanding an end to available me at the seems to me, but almost 3 minutes or so it's symptomatic. we see similar ongoing, but the areas of society of young people are becoming increasingly dissatisfied. pension is, are increasingly worried about rising food prices. so,
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the walrus causing more a mall constant nation and tensions of the show. and yeah, but that doesn't mean that people are ready to take to the street from us. we to know what it means, you know, face sort of situation that russia is currently in a different place to. so thoughts difficult, so don't suggest that cause that couldn't this turn into a big movement of the most of the problem is, is that russia is a very large country, those to, to organize and all russia movement, you need profit infrastructure process. these, we mean how many the infrastructure nor lead them you need to and they refuse to give up the women. now it takes to the streets every such a day. not only he in moscow, but also in saint petersburg limits. we have to come back again and write lots of protest letters to exert massive pressure now is exactly the right moment to at is the so it's that moment is the presidential election in less than 2 months
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time. the crammed, and it hasn't yet intervened in the protests, but the vet quick change could be clean more. i'm joined now by the the be, is your shadow filed that report, your e was our must go. bureau chief before the w was banned from reporting from russia, now joins us from riga. your what exactly do those women we saw on your report one to achieve with their protest alternative source and for most of these women, one with the vehicle justice, they are pretty unhappy is that to their house bins. it was a front for so long against is a wheels se is, this isn't about the contract sold is bought about mobilize them in the works of these man, one to their husbands, to come home immediately. and this is news they are demanding done. and because of war, in other words, we are talking here about a group of citizens in russia who to present a part the freshman society that is against the goal. and is therefore also against
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present participle is, is uh, is it still difficult to estimate? sorry, how many people in the share this is because all services are difficult in time. so for, however long as there is obviously a certain parts of the national populations that once they add to do the end of the war, it's difficult, of course, and risky to put protest in russia these days you're but these women are protesting, openly, even in most cases, red square, are they not afraid of being arrested as well? i think the kremlin is lighting the women protests for 2 reasons. i'm source, but because of these women don't seem to be real threats because of cameron so far . and secondly, because of the crime, another stance that a total ban on expression one's opinion is alternately counter productive that are not to get the thousands of women, but it's most hundreds who dare to protest and most goes to be there's nothing. in other words, it's not the yet most movement that they might come insistently to red screen,
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most going to modest of opponents. and peter's book ever. it's out today, but they are not storming to the ground. and the students that are much more women as it came and can quickly change of the minds and also the police don't wants to produce images to of i rest of the women in front of the kremlin now is it on up to the presidential election and yeah, that takes us to the 2nd, the reason is it traveling on the stand so that because there has to be an outlet for people's and go and from the countless point of view, it is better to control a dozen unhappy of women and tens of thousands of supports us, for example, of the opposition politician of all the who took to the streets a few years ago. your you say the curriculum doesn't see these protests by those women as a threat, but could this not grow into a larger anti war movement that's potentially dangerous for poor teen as well? yeah, it's remarkable. is that, does he live in demanding and asked as of one to not the just the rotation of the
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front. so that is their husbands going to have come home. nevertheless, as there won't be a mass produced, i think we've just gotten from the political scientists and my report. russia is it'd be country and that every protest needs and infrastructure and the leader. but that is also terry. and not that much more. that's a positive way, it would, but now the reason of the more than 20 years of teaching, hardly any one in russia, has any interest in politics. people leave according to the nato. i do leave my life in the states would leave me alone. in addition, there is much intimidation across the country last as long as the russians don't feel of this war very clearly in vero, ever they lice as they want to take to the streets and protest against the ends of the russian. the russians hardly feels of war because all the rest and sanctions are as good as usual is russia, is still doing pretty well. because obviously the only thing that the control of worried people would be a new wave organization. but to that once happened, apparently at least not before the election. we much yury. thank you very much. as always,
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that was our correspondence in riga. your ears shut down take a look at some other stories making headlines around the world. today. fillings such a right candidate alexander still of the national coalition party has won the 1st round the countries presidential election. he will face liberal green party candidates, pick up her visto in a rental boat on february. 11th depends space agency says it has re established communications with its moon lander, after power was restored to the craft, the small rover will resume its mission to explore the lunar surface. the craft touched down on the surface of the moon earlier this month, but ran into technical issues when recharging its solar battery are now the prince. where to activists have been arrested for attacking. leonardo da vinci is world famous painting the mona lisa, the protesters russo but the artwork, which is protected by bullet proof glass in the museum in paris.
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pumpkin see, the world's most enigmatic smile. what's important, what's more important. up all the right, the hill, the sustainable food. i good cultural system is sick. a farm was a dying on the job. one and 3 friends. people go without meals every day. degree 3, post elementary or food retaliation said they stays the protests to support the demands for a fair and good cultural system and sustainable healthy food for all the more we're like whistle blowers, we're like an alarm system is a lot. we want people to understand why we do this and why. after having demonstrated signed petitions organize workshops, we end up having to get arrested face trials and take huge risks. you call upon
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this is on the high end it's protective gloves. davinci iconic painting was on damaged witnesses. what understand the police shops but not necessarily swayed by the act to this message? it's discussing the 3. all that's really valuable for the history of human cards. that way. it's really no trade. so she basically, i really don't see the link. i'm not worried about the moon on these because it's del, protected. uh, but i don't see the link with nutrition other than the fact that it's famous. so they know it will be well publicized. otherwise, i don't see the connection. usually if i turn in the loop, said the activist, smuggle the seed into the museum enough. the last, it's the 2nd time the mon and these it has been attacked in 2 years. and the latest in the spring of protest involving outwards, but active is demanding environmental and social justice. after a quick tardy up the gallery,
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we open to the public. you're watching dw news from berlin up next. are africa used? show the 77 percent. looks at nigeria, one of the most diverse countries in the world. i'm terry market. thanks for watching the
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st debate from nigeria walters. generally think about tribalism around this country will become beach. i was in the relationship with someone and i was not allowed to marry this person because it was how many people have their own cultural don't be sustained. you need to be human people, you belong to try the 77. thank say next
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on dw the shuttle the currently more people than ever on the world wide and such a base in life. saffel, jessica admitted god, there's a lot to actually find out about rubinez stories info my grands vacation as an applicant, do they have good weather? i, when i told me that they don't have the islands and we go sailing tulsa tissue
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today, because when they go to that we set up at love a new meal. people on the sidewalk with car bama tenants, although i so not because the the, this week on the 77 percent street debate and i did not get that scholarship. i looked at her that the one said, you know more people is more of your best of my choice to like the w, and that was why it must be this month. jude reach me that i on the poor. i have a tried. it is my know what i have. i try, i think, what are the reasons out? what do you know about that? not transition agencies doing a lot route to go much. you saying you're doing nothing, the hello and welcome back to the.


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