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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 29, 2024 9:00am-9:30am CET

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the, the, this is the w 9 who's coming to live for live for us. troops have been killed in a drone attack on the border between jordan and syria. us present. joe biden has blamed it ran back militants and failed to respond. also coming up more countries to spend funding to the human agency for palestinian refugees after this religious several staff members took part in the loss. is october 7th, terrorist attack and the court in hong kong porters, the chinese property company ever grant to liquidate. we look at the repercussions for china and the global economy, the
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hello and jerry martin, thanks for joining us. the united states is 3 of its troops have been killed and dozens more wounded in a drone attack near a base on jordan's border with syria. us officials say the drone struck near a barracks at the base and the rook. bon region is the 1st time a strike is killed american soldiers in the areas sense the start of the israel, him us for president joe biden blamed, ran back militants for the attack, and bowed to respond. era denies any involved of more of a spring in marina mirror on here. she's a defense analyst with kings college london. read the we know who's responsible for this attack. a good morning, terry way. apparently
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a group called um, um the, the slamming for assistance in rock is responsible for this. now we have to understand that this is not a group per se. razzles. this is an umbrella term used for uranian backed, malicious, both in iraq and syria, and lebanon. for that matter, so half the law could be such a brute. so there is no knowledge which of the militant groups is responsible for this attack. but it is under this umbrella, so it is believes and they did claim that the attack was conducted by them. the iranian government says it had nothing to do with the incident, but we know that the rent funds, many of these militia groups in the region how credible is iran's claim of denial? well, it is interesting because iran will, of course, enjoy a send blank of plausible deniability because it's very difficult to demonstrate
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west ser i, a toll out or, or right. you see we're actually ordering an attack. what is important to understand here while these groups are being backed by iran, they still have their own goals to who it is, for example. so they have some common enemies like the united states in the region . however, in how far the attack has been ported than needed by ram needs to be proven. it is known that the um, as long as the promotion the regard quotes, the quotes for us has been helping these groups to coordinate attacks. so more evidence is needed in order to implicate room talk to us a little about the us presence in the region right there were this attack took place. why are us troops, even station in jordan, near the border to syria? they will have to be back some uh, 14 years. uh and remember, why is that us troops were there in the 1st place?
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and the reason was um, on the, in the wake of the syrian civil war, the us troops were, as they are, to come by the islamic state. so they are stationed not only in jordan, which is an hour i and that's why that position was not well protected because it's an ally country as opposed to syria or or as opposed to see the rock. where am there is a danger of psych strikes and therefore we have through us troops across the middle east of stations, a sense of the set since that time. and right now the rocky government has asked for us to was towards troops from rock because of these ongoing attacks. so this has been going for fort for a while now. and prior to israel from us war in october, the were incidents were, these groups were attacking us forces, but it has never come to casualty. and we might, might remember donald trump's response to one of them and killing into the
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compensation strike the former commander of the codes for some custom fully money. so this, this conflict between the ron in the united states has been developing for many years now. us present job, i said that the us would respond to this attack. what kind of response are you expecting? the oldest seems to be a lack of clarity in terms of how to respond. the republicans want us to conduct strikes on the ranking and territory, and that would be the 1st in history, and that indeed in these circumstances might bleed during broder escalation of the conflict, it is like a powder keg. however, there are other options, such as striking you how you ran your naval assets in the persian gulf and conducting again on the competition strikes against leaders of these militant groups under the umbrella of the atlantic resistance of the rock. so there are
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these options on the table. however, the question is, is it going to be enough to deter both these groups and the wrong from stopping the attacks? is this deterrence credible? and the other option is of course, that can be used in conjunction our economic functions, but it seems like you, ryan has still flourished in terms of its military developments under economic function. so the idea is to identify as a centers of gravity in order for the strategy to work, to impose such measures that would indeed scare a rand and these groups off and prevent further attacks. and we're seeing that strikes against the in the human. they are not making them stop, so i'm wondering which of these strategies will be true and or a conjunction of them, and whether they will be successful and whether it might lead to um, in an increase deployment of us troops to the region which might right in the work
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arena. thank you very much. re insights that was defense and all this marie and a mirror end of things called each line. thank you for having me. as they are, she had to admit him parents to discuss a deal between israel and 10 mazda could see hostages really extend an extended ceasefire, and the goal is to strip protesters in israel have been ramping up the pressure on the government to bring home the hostages just barely officials described the talks as constructive, but the office of prime minister benjamin netanyahu says there are significant gaps between the 2 sides. and the discussions will continue this week. officials from egypt casa, and israel are taking part in the restless tones. more donor countries are suspending funding to the united nations agency for palestinian refugees after is really to staff of involvement in a mazda is october 7th terrorist attacks. japan in italy have now paused their
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funding, joining a number of countries including the us germany in britain. un agency has fired several employees and bout to punish those incriminated. but you had, officials are urging donor stays to reconsider wanting the 8 operations for more than 2000000 people in gaza or collection. let's talk to christopher gun us about the about this is the former chief spokesperson for the united nations relief and works agency for palestine refugees or on what he is currently, the director of the beyond more accountability project. thanks for being with us. mister. got his many countries have announced a freeze on funding to or what the us agency and guys are due to those allegations that some of that stuff assistance from us and carrying out the october 7th terrorist attacks. what do you make of those allegations? a been the full, the investigation being conducted in new york was completed uh,
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proactively as possible this 0 tolerance policy tools to try to keep all the issues sides. these people that are form, i'm with stuff member. the agency is opened itself to compensation claims that successfully, i think to how seriously it takes these, this information. and let's be clear. this is 12 apples in the stall, 13000 in gaza. they are working relentlessly. some of them have made the ultimate sacrifice for humanity, 150 to 2 of them have given their lives none the less unrest remains determined to continue with his life saving work. and that's why we say to the government such as the germans. now these to japan and it's the say have joined the 9 to the suspended a we sites, then what we're doing is disproportionate as punitive. it is punishing the women coming to the on the shelf is full food with a new born 6, the elderly, the dying, the wounded. those the people who are paying the price of his most on full decision
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. and we strongly urge germany to re, to re establish as a, to under pending the outcome of his investigation. and i'm sure it will show under this taken 0 told him policy to its full because actually suspended the stall. and there is no problems there off the full of the expansion was saying, okay, well right now we do have that a suspension under what is facing a serious funding crisis. do you think it can secure alternative funding and ensure that the central services continue to reach palestinian refugees as well? that's a very good question because only clearly needs to broaden it's starting to base. although generally has been incredibly just giving maybe 200000000 a year as last year savings, the gulf states. they could increase oil prices to europe in a moment and make up a huge amount of money, which you could then give to dispatch and clothes in them at least the same region
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. so yes, i think the gulf states you are frankly very wealthy science to boil, need to step up like that. take on all this, of course is that it was the europeans. so it was, you came to close the holocaust as well as be diplomatic about this. the gen logins is forcing juice into palestine, displacing the pot of savings and therefore your parents who should pay for all of this. but of course, the counter argument is, this is going on in the middle east, it's d, stabilizing the middle east, as we're seeing these, made it quite clear to what's going on in johnson, is one of the reasons why that is happening west and shipping interest. so i think the middle east was definitely need to step up to the place on a, an arab league, a commitment to profit funding for under it's that, that's the, the ounce. instead of themselves, they need to step up the plate. yes. okay. you're getting responsibility. it's also our responsibility. okay, i'm afraid you're left to leave it there. christopher gun as far as spokesperson underwear, and now the director of the meal,
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more accountability project. thank you very much. like you need the courts in hong kong has ordered china property john ever ground to undergo liquidation judge linda chance uh the company would have, would have to wind up it's business because of a lack of progress on putting forward a viable restructuring proposal. a massive, sprawling, unfinished for years. no, no work has been done on any of the sites with chinese realistic joined, eval grand once planned to build homes for millions of one of the home owners of like, you know, worth will be done for a long time. that's the property developer is being wound up in the most spectacular corporate downfall in china's history. it all started here in tension, especially cannot make zone what the chinese communist party was experimenting with capitalism. here ever glenda selling that in 1996 at
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a time of china as great organization. when millions from all across the country flocks towards the cities, it led to a housing boom unlike any of the world had ever seen. ever grand was fast to build chain department projects, but not fast enough to satisfy demand. the company accepted down payments for apartments. it never built. soon after that money was gone, much of it spent on more products for future development and banking fees and a desperate effort to raise more cash. and on executive pay, the turn of a grants phone, the we call young into one of the world's wealthiest people. in the midst of liquidity crisis have a grandson, self on the able to pay its bills to construction workers, painters and real estate agents. soon the company's dead snowballed into $140000000000.00 for the construction was halted. and while the cords rule over every glance, future giant developments sit unfinished. insiders estimate they can hold up to
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1400000000 people. or more in this, we're drawing here the studio by laws, how to from our business. this was tell us more about the implications of this liquidation order for ever grand. could it have effects on markets beyond china? oh, a very well could terry obviously, because we have to just look at china as role in the world and how the economy that it has been doing as a flight. and obviously china and the chinese economy was still the engine of the world's economy for a couple of years. now, we have seen very rapid growth here. you might remember for the last couple of years, we've really seen double digit economic growth in china. and now that has pretty much fall on the part of course, much of it is also cobit related. still, last year we saw g d p growth of just of 5 percent or so. and in other countries that would be massive. but for china and compare to their numbers that is really weak and we have to see how important the construction and the development sector
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is in that that was massive. and now obviously, this whole store is entirely weakening that sector even more. and a lot of the western world is still dependent on china. i mean, we're seeing, we're seeing this, the risking strategy where the west is trying to grow a little less dependent on china. but we still are at this point, whether it's for supplies for some companies, while others is the market, or evergreens has billions of dollars in debt. it's already defaulted on. part of that, the judge said there's no viable restructuring plan in place. what about the creditors are, can they expect to get their money back? it's got to be tough for them. they might get some money back, a bought a certain and not a lot as is that there's no liquidity, it's all basically in those dry numerous buildings that we've seen everywhere. so there was a re analysis by the lloyd, and they said that the return rate or the recovery rate, we should say for credit, those is probably 3 and
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a half percent. but then we also saw some investigations into crimes and mismanagement and actually low what the number closer to 3 percent, even. so there is likely just not much money coming back to creditors at all. so every grant is responsible for building millions of homes in china. people are supposed to be living in those homes. how much of a problem is this for the chinese government? all this stuff up the a mass of problem. i mean, yeah, we seen this, reuben ization over the last couple of years or decades actually. and they are people who are desperately waiting to move into these apartments with the family. the cities have been growing and conditions for many a terrible day or they've been waiting for these stories now. uh, we just got a statement here from ever grants. vice president show and, and he says that they will insure a homes under construction are delivered to buyers. but of course, we don't know what that is even worth. a lot of the buildings will get sold, who's buying them? how long is it even gonna take at this point? no work has been done in many of these developments for the last 2 years or so. so
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more action is tired of being torn down because they will build load licenses. so it's really all my, i would say impossible to say right now, what is happening to how many of these buildings, but miss laws, how to, from a business test. thanks very much. i to jump on a few of the stories making headlines around the world today. ukraine's state security services arrested 5 people for conspiring to embezzle funds earmarked for weapons purchases. investigators suspect defense ministry officials conspired with an armed company to steal $40000000.00 us dollars and money destined for mortar shells. ukraine is clamping down on corruption as it seeks to join the e u. n. data. finland's central right candidate, alexander, stop of the national coalition party has won the 1st round of the countries presidential election. the will face liberal green party candidate pickup has bestowed in a rental boat. on february 11th,
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demonstrators blocked the entrance to mexico cities plaza. dev told her of the world's largest b funding re animal rights activists were angered by a supreme court decision to lift a suspension on the practice present. andre, amount of well lopez open the door has proposed holding a referendum to decide the future of both funding depends space agency says it has reestablish communications with its moon lander. after power was restored to the craft, a small rubber will resume its mission to explore the lunar surface. the craft touched down on the surface of the moon earlier this month, but ran into technical issues. when recharging its solar battery pack of studies are heading to the poles on the 8th of february to elect a new government, but the general elections come. as the company faces the surgeon, militancy pakistan often blames its neighbors. afghanistan, it ran in india for violence inside his borders,
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but these countries of long blamed pakistan for supporting militant groups that target their territories. now countries of border practice that are closely watching its elections, to see what the results could mean for their national security. focused on isn't the group of deeds trustees, surgeons of terrorism, in this recent attack, militants good 6 security offices. just last year, around $1000.00 people were killed emitted into tax buckets on plains. its neighbors have gone just on for many of these incidents. it accuses to of gone live and government of supporting one of the most dangerous militant groups are focused on they to get down to find focused on or that the be the make. the issue is that with the bombing that boxed on wants it to control or can they, they acted with these off black box on it done by a groups which had taken
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a shifter life. the pockets dont have to put it nearly half a 1000000 of guns in recent months, underscore didn't get strained. relations with koppel didn't response to frequent board. the disputes focus on sometimes shot fits crossings, but i've done this done, causing millions to suffer economically. and it's not only on it's a western border that buckets on faces. a hosted by neighbor on its eastern border is the regional economic bible house and focus on our tribal india and white the to a new clip all was have not recently seen board is going to shift or to meet with conflict. solutions remain largely unfriendly. in the last 5 minutes turned it in there won't be, sees no incentive and engaging, but the neighboring lift emission of focused on the as also forwarding in against the next few months. and it seemed that a bad buy me some of these said the indian nationalist party. i would
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guess that would been the type time. so it all depends activity. how does india around the spelling biography? we've never bought the stock. we are not in a state of war, but grass and buy that is not that one cannot say that the state of beast and the region for buckets dawn is it's 900 kilometers border with 8 on this month. it strikes between 8 on and focused on the truck relations, which are generally guar due to a new little even though there are no signs of the escalation. long running low level insurgencies remain active on both sides of the border. and there's one country in the region which, which focused on does enjoy a strategic relationship. china, so we have no, it's not on any defense relations with janet, but also have a strong tray uninstall my condition that so that i think i'll be on the next. the,
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what was the equity? this relationship is part of this fact that despite the fact that there has been a lot of pressure on boxed on to discuss that is a big funk. and i, i don't think any government is boxed. i would do that as far as done hits into elections. it's likely the country we continue to see if it didn't political situation and it's neighborhood. and for more we have reporter banish javan. who filed that report with us in the studio? finished up start off by telling us more about this boat that's coming up in pakistan, the beginning of next month. our people, they're expecting a free and fair election to simply say no one to focus on most popular political body headed by bought guns. former prime minister in john hunt has a cue, was that they have not been given a level playing field to comp and for the elections. the party said that probably
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since i've been on bus out in jail, and ron hahn himself is in jail and good afternoon charges. this is all of these are politically more debated gifts because and gone hon been empowered for loud with marcusson's ministry. that is a perception among park, if any don't progress any joining if want to send the comment that does that mean that you already is backing up, particularly the candidate who will come into our but it's not uncommon and focused on when im not hunting department in 2018. he also feels like she was asians, but he came to power with the backing of the military. so like previous elections, there is a perception among public these elections, but also not is the ends here. ok, so february 8th, we got an election. the current caretaker government will presumably leave and so we'll have a new government will cut a new government in pakistan do much to improve relations with its neighbors because these, these relations are not working great at the moment. no one they are not. so i am
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afraid to say that in the foreseeable future, i don't see any change happening because of focused on security on foreign policy. if most of the dictated by pocket funds military, especially with countries like india, n for kindest on pockets on bugs and imagery, sees it as a matter of national security. it accuses these countries off, sponsoring, for example, that it hasn't been focused on. but the buckets on also comes and the fire from these countries, india for the company has long accused buckets done of one string or supporting groups that target india. so it's a i, any government, even like i looked at the government when they tried to change their policy towards these countries or tried to be more creative in foreign policy. they usually are not allowed to do that in the military kinds of 10 folks out with the, with governments, it's rather volatile region. but friction with its neighbors is not pakistan's only
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problem. is that no um, any government that picks baldwood and focused on we faced huge challenges and since restaurants invasion of ukraine, of flooding of buckets on in 2022 pockets and has not recovered economically. so you can see the buck isn't as to still going to chronic economic price. millions of people have fallen into fall would be focused on the new government would have a huge challenge to recover the economy. it's and also security is a big type for proctor fund. as i've mentioned in my report that last year and more than 1000 people were getting into designated incidents that are dozens of militant groups operating into the kitchen and pockets and up any golf. when that comes into power, we'd have to do a lot banish. thank you so much. that was a reporter finish job to france. now we're laying out
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a davinci is world famous painting the model lisa has been attacked by activists to protest is through soup with the price list part 4, which is protected by a sick bullet proof glass in the loop. let me see, i'm in paris. museum says the painting was not damaged and the exhibition, cuz again, open to the public, a group called risk post on the montero claimed responsibility for the attack. they are demanding sustainable food and error agricultural system. a just reminder of the top story we're following for you at this hour. the united states president joe biden has claimed to ran back militants for the death as a claim that ran back to the limits for the death of 3 american troops and a drug attack near a base of george porter was serious, applied invalid to us. would result to the strong more countries or suspending funding to the united nations agency, palestinian refugees after israel accused staff of involved. but the bosses cover
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some of the terrorist attacks the agency is about to punish those incriminated. but you and officials urging donor stage recons. i'm terry morrison. thanks for watching the
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