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tv   Global Us  Deutsche Welle  January 29, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm CET

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reasonable quarters as nonsense. i want my son to become a doctor to indicate it's time to to us. and then when generations clash this we d, w, the so ring debt in louse, modernization comes at a high price real estate, the pucks, how inflation is shaping the cityscape of when was cited and female rapids play in the ring. change in conservative kashmir the
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in the picture. perfect, but the district of indian administered gosh me. most people have never heard of that. let alone off of the woman doing it. and i'm not said who goes by the name of emmy is 19 years old and a local rab active she's had to known this came from scratch. had of interest was for us to be by tv shows me previously i was writing. then i took some youtube tutorials on wrapping. lots of us was a chorus with apple was a triplet switch, a boss. it took me time to understand it to, to do. some of them would have put time ago. she bossed onto the scene in 2020 as a fall of apple, and soon gained popularity among young online audiences. however, her sexes scheme alongside challenges. let's talk about the law. when i told my parents about renting, they not, they refused to allow me to do,
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which is on the they said, this isn't something that goes, go into your, what will society say on the board? i was waiting on the dog. i need write songs that b e at the very same society that daddy daddy instead of getting married. but i'm thinking to step up to get she has to be subjected to speaking, strolling, and has received death threats in response to her look. it's, they're the ones that they can come across from you saying they told me because i'm from catch me. and they told me, because i am a go, they told me because i'm a rock. the goals are told everywhere. even if that not rap has to be to be when a mine works till like people say, what's a hard working mind looking ready? how about when a woman does the same? they say she has a bad character, i'm going to yes, i think she has to work at nights. what kind of work is it?
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a few miles toward india as dfac to bordeaux with boxed on is economic size. home in the district of the bottom left, you can on this side who goes by this, these name young enough is only 17 despite the young each she has already experienced, agreed the, the conflict in one of the wards, most heavy lead militarized zones. yeah, big 2016. a militant cold, 400. ronnie was killed by indian security forces when i heard about what happened to him, i decided to ride. yeah, but a lot was going on in kashmir at the time and i express done. i didn't find anything wrong about anyone, just the truths about my brothers knew by you young. the last things about the push media, people's long standing desire for us
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. that'd be cool. although it has received warnings, she continues to drop about human rights that to us at these crackdowns, i'm confusing that as to region. many people, particularly in this, comes over to muslim dominated area. consider zapper and the style of music to be on his la make. sure. no, i don't think wrapping is a good thing for girls to be doing. this is an appropriate and as long as you guys me, when somebody comes the life with what the kid does and start following in 2022, a young female victim blogger was killed by suspected radical islamist in the same district. and was it like home sleep at night? it buses in lee is that they say leave this wrapping focus on your religion. if
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you're presenting often, they say you're doing something wrong, that being hypocritical because they listen to music themselves or, you know, both. if you have such a huge problem, don't listen to also was on. we're not forcing you to store cost or listen to. i'm like, they want control, they want to store and they also want to sing and your store regarding it. they can get the book, you could also loan hooked off to know who she got them to look what. so got a guy you will have mother is heard the noise cheerleader of these get killed off. pay her phone to visit the because i go with her. he has to agree. and when i spoke by son, he doesn't like her wrapping will still be, but he agrees to it because of me maybe by just say my mind i listen. i say she has talent last to go out. you put diamond. okay, let's go to college or you go get us lucky. yeah. because these days there's no differences between boys and girls. make
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us name is jada one discussion. mary's society thinks it's ok for a boy to go out and go should sit at home. no. you gotta me back. me tell you. you bought mean 1000 boys. i recall a simple update that k lo kyler k a t t i c. i mean, i still have always has my support and she will always have my son who till i die. then after that it's her destiny. i mean young a lot have traveling from the homebound school. she never at the capital of indian administered cuz she did attending. i'm under the zone gathering of push media rappers. one of the app you can you watch them fall into what i need one person to come on in the main dominated dropping. i'd be novice you and finding a number of challenges that begin with them. many, i know many readings,
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one glass ceiling after time and before long i do it before the the a quick trip to the punk new easy undertaking. in windows side is the origin 10 in capital is a huge concrete spoil. so many residents investing in their own full roles is a way to ease the ongoing stress of inflation. but the incessant construction is squeezing out the green spaces. when this family wants to get out into nature, or even just pop to the playground that you like, others here have to work at least 8 blocks in the syringe. he took the scrolling concrete that one of the videos in a level outside of flight. and i have to have
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a playground, a couple of blocks away and not have to cross so many streets local. and it would be great if there were trees around that provided shape so that the kids currently without being the line to the time of the it's almost almost some of the numbers are really spring into that long, really so hot in both of them they with so much concrete everywhere the city gets hotter and hotter, and i know that they keep really built. so like a lot of fun is iris now has over 50000000 inhabitants by 2030. that number is set to hit 70000000 going next to the playground. this a construction site, us as a case almost everywhere, especially in the city center, old neighborhoods, the right, the disappearing being complete, the roof. i'm cities and you up and development plan ensures that new residential blocks being erected on almost every corner there a few regulations in place to protect historic buildings with inflation as high as 100 percent. many prefer to invest in real estate instead of leaving the money in
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the bank, the constant development angus, many residents, several neighborhoods initiatives of taking to the streets to protest against gentrification incident. and if you mean um it's completely indiscriminate over building permits are issued everywhere for just about anything but in every neighborhood across the city when a site is but it goes through this. nope, you see the city also lock screen spaces, areas designated as public parkland, like the area near the old railroad, often end up being sold off to investors. china, antonio vasquez roost, frequently meets activists to discuss that tissues that it see. what they did was subdivide, what could have been a large linear park and build right in the middle of it, leaving just small areas of green around their public spaces. but the buildings are in the middle of done, which also increases the value per square meter. oh,
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we haven't seen it. i know that i meant to be like the land park areas are basically a back yard for the residence of the high rise building. and i thought if you see a thought to put in, they can say we have this whole front that you see here by the high right long. yeah, tv, it's high density is went up on function. so there's very little greenery around it got sent, the buildings are 10 to 12 stories hung up on the backend, so it will not increase on the, on the bus you ever see what? no, it shouldn't assume that rachel, antonio vasquez produced, collected data and created a map of when it's out a green spaces. according to his calculations, there are just 5 square meters of public green space president of the city, new york. meanwhile, those 13 square meters. if you, i mean the more thank you, the data showed us that there are not only 2 few green spaces for the number of people, but that they're also on evenly distributed and mostly located in the cities wealthiest
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neighborhoods. and the flattery of my 2nd, well, had no idea on any of my 4 people in the forest districts have the least access to green space that is, that we can see on. but i mean, and for families who can't travel, parks are the only way to access nature and the city does whoever funds them. initiative, encouraging move greenery like this cooperative. for example, during the code it pandemic, it's members converted a new used part best site into an ethan god and they know certainly grow their own vegetables here, but also offer educational projects to school children and the neighbors. and if any everyone is welcomed, today's topic is composting, the 6, the wordly merrill garden. we want to educate people about healthy eating and get the message across that we can own growing vegetables at home that even there look at all levels that unless we provide information and support for those who want to start doing this themselves, you know what i'm going to go back to the playground.
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the family spends the whole sunday's yeah. no greenery is needed, not just here. so the parents a little less than on. i think there's a lack of public awareness about the importance of green space as a city sort of sounds very positive and we're doing properly know what the camp act is of living in areas that don't have them dna, that part of the city authorities have promised to create much new park areas, but many residents ready, disillusioned by the encroaching reality of the concrete jungle. one as iris has lots to offer, but it certainly needs to welcoming more green the sites to china. high speed train travel has arrived in the people's republic has
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financed the costly infrastructure project. many notions of delighted by the countries shifted to more than the 2. but the resulting debt pushes the small nation integrated dependency on it's my teenager. this is the high speed train with which allows hopes to race into the future. it still looks somewhat daily and then this small country, which is one of the forest in southeast asia, a huge railway station in the capital wing. chun, built by a chinese developer, feels a bit out of place. the crew make their way to their mobile workplace. supported with china lines 414 kilometers away. se lower function is the chief train conductor. he completed his training and china and speaks to language fluidly he's delighted with the 1st real connection for a louse which crosses over 167 breaches and through 75 tunnels through i know most
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of the go cuz i'm extremely proud because of the train makes the travel time so much shorter. in the past they used to be difficult to get from one end of last to the other the some the now it takes just a few hours. this girl is taller than one meter. 20 social need a ticket to come down either explains a ticket across the country cost the equivalent of $20.00 to $30.00 euros, which is quite expensive for local people. the average income is around $250.00 euro is a month. nevertheless, the train is well booked on the train is very important for louse, because it attracts tourists who can now travel through the country easily before it was much more difficult than what the now it's convenient. talk a nice compared to the boss, which would take 15 hours. the train takes just for content. my tongue is traveling with a lot of the 2nd time. the really isn't joint venture 2 thirds belongs to china.
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yeah. well, it's hard to take on billions in debt to be able to afford it, but that's okay. since the passengers that they owe young site and me, i'm so much as i'm done. they don't need a guy that's good for the economy, but lucky time would probably have to train line and we also have a new highway. so we really have a new infrastructure than what's on the train, ryan, some of the old oil temple town long put on a group of lounge and students are performing a traditional chinese show to entertain the tourist. they are also studying the language of their big neighbor when you come, it's so important to learn chinese in order to be able to communicate and work with our chinese business partners. dams are also among the major chinese projects here by 2030. they're
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a plan to be $100.00 of them turning laos into the battery of southeast asia with electricity exports. but there is a price to pay. several villages here have been flooded, and residents have had to relocate. when we talk to a resident who is critical of these plans, our interview is cut short find government officials who have been following us throughout or a trip. the no one is allowed to deviate from the official line. the . our journey continues to bolton on the border with china. on the train, we noticed many chinese folk tourists and business people leaching one is keen to invest, allows perhaps open a hotel. she and her friends want to make the most of the opportunities they see here. i think great is not, not very smart ising does the, the lotions could learn so much from china, home in bio,
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they're not quite as quick as so inflexible in their mind. if you know what, i mean to sure you can see, you know, you can say, you know, the container terminal in bolton is fussing. it's the main transfer home for goods to and from china. the former village through which multi lane roads now run is a special economic selling and prestige project. chinese restaurants abound. and most people pay and chinese one business person from china is, you know, and providence wants to invest the equivalent of a good 9000000000 euros here to quote that's yes, this is what boston is planned to look like. and 2035, and the skyscrapers international schools and hospitals shopping most and hotels around 300000 residents. a booming logistics home for the border region. one more thing shanita now is to become
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a production platform for various countries in the country is still very on the developed but which is why there are tax incentives for export from booting up. and then patrick a, we have a service center here with electric patients can be completed in one appointment by year to the approval process. is very phosphates from quite yet. hardly any one wants to talk about the debts and dependencies on china. the blouse has plunged itself into compet, foamed on us from the ministry of industry and trade is no exception. people only emphasize this, the opportunities to bucketfuls and that allows us to some more country. and if you have a product from to a car, to a 100 point up to the export to the china, i think you and we can explore once on 3. yes,
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tyler is going to be a guest house on the me calling river austrian. monica domain jones has been running it for more than 15 years. she says that in communist run loss, nobody dares to question the government's leaning towards china. but the truth is that the west shows little interest and loss in her. and the truth is that the west chose little interest and lowest in her opinion. they seem to, i've seen in the trying to resume the investor, but it's been that way for me is that we shouldn't get upset about that. and this is what i also feel but allow some selling out to, to disclose, say, one press cash. and that's what the chinese are giving them. i always said to me, even back when i 1st came here every month that allows will be a chinese proven since 50 years time. those in fact, it would likely be a bit. so, you know, certainly custody of the high speed train may connect lowest to the world,
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but it also ties the country even closer to time the . when's the last time you plugged in your phone and it didn't charge? well, depending on where you live, this might have never happens. i mean, i didn't take it for granted is that most of the time the electricity is coming out . and your device where this is kelly sanders. she's an engineer who researches how energy systems involved. so what's going on behind the scenes is actually like the electricity you use is only generated as you use. and to get to you a trip to an intricate network, buyers, cables, and transformers called the grids. the greatest made up of the generators that create the electricity, like gas or nuclear power plants or wind turbines. the transmission lines that carry it to so called substations, which transform into
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a lower voltage and the distribution lines, but finally delivered to homes and businesses. so solar panels and wind turbans, they kind of have a minor and so we can't quite control them as well as we can, the possible generators that we've had in the past dispatch of go means electricity sources we have available pretty much on demands like coal gas power plants kind of turn them up and turn them down according to how you want me to operate. solar and wind of the opposite of this non dispatch. we need the sun shine and the wind to blow for them to work. and this flakiness has changed the way our grids. i managed so much. sure. it's a different color that we have to compare because it was a yes to read the study. yes. back. this is tim maya, you against the c o o? off one of germany's for grid operators in germany,
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more than 40 percent of the tricity comes from renewable sources. it's supposed to reach 80 percent by 2030. so what challenges does a high shelf wind and sold off for a while? well, for one they make you depend on the width is going to exactly what we can expect to the next stage. we unfortunately gotten a lot better at this, but even the best tool cause come changed whether the german words don't. cuz loud to doc doldrums describes times when there is little some and little wins and read operators. nightmare germany produces most of its wind energy and the not most of its solar energy in the south is currently in no way to getting large amounts of wind energy down south where there's a lot of demand from industry, old much solar energy up north for that matter, it's a similar story in the us. most wind energy is generated in the middle of the country, but more than 2 thirds of the population lives here within 100 miles of the boat.
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so that's where the demand is. historically, we've put the power stations close to our cities and broad fuels like cold or gas, so later uranium to them to electricity usually didn't have to travel from solar and winds, on the other hand, have to be put to where the fuel so sunshine, wind is most abundant and utility companies on the only ones generating power. people are putting solar panels on the roofs. for example, the original consumers are turning in to generate took over the tricity. things have changed since the old but upgrades have that. they don't fit the energy system we're trying to build. so we have to be stressful. the electricity from where it's put use to where it's needed. so we have the power. this means we have to get to connect out. that's why a rental per rates of tenants is building suit link, a 700 kilometer high voltage transmission line connecting germany's north to itself
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. when the sun doesn't shine in the south, could get wind energy from the north. at least that's the idea. there's transmission lines. the very, very large transmission lines, it's really difficult. so you have copper raise issues. you have issues over, you know, people that are concerned on indeed your stacy's environmental impacts. so building those projects take a really long time and they become really, really expensive. huge. that's where we pick. so already popping up more and more. we charge the battery when the spanish signing of the wind is blowing. and then you discharge it. when those solar resources are wind resources, wind down the fall of days or weeks, for example, to cover flow to, we need other solutions like hydrogen. we can make it from renewable electricity
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and spend burnett and power plants without any c o 2 emissions. and then there's another part of the solution which up until recently haven't really been discussed . we could be the opportunity. so you can increase generation to meet demand. you can also lower demand. the kind of needs, by somewhere in the middle division is to build a technology driven smart grid that gets oper, right? there's a lot more information to flexibly balance, supply and demand of all this sounds incredibly challenging and expensive. well, that's because it is this industry study. it calculates about to head down that 0 targets grits worldwide to meet $1.00 trillion dollars of investments every year until 2015. and that's excluding new solar panels of wind turbines. changing the grid is a monumental task, but it's when we need to tackle if we're serious about quitting fossil fuel, the,
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or the
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situation to as a temp, the legacy of dictatorship member entering a history. but also for the world representatives were elected to compose the draft . it's relationship between the economy and the date. would be changed the 1st time that indigenous peoples were put on a level with everyone else is today in society, ready to be changed? in 15 minutes,
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dw the street today from nigeria. what does the gen think about tribalism around this country will become beach? i was in the relationship with someone and i was not allowed to marry this person because it was from one of the younger people have their own cultural don't believe, sustains. who needs to be human? people you below the switch side, the 77 percent in 90 minutes on dw, the get ready for an exciting. i've been trying to look surprised. hi, irish. and i'm ready to dive into the hands of human to you. have you have a one to talk to me before port via we've got a response on the on expected side to side. the
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send the is, it is simple is apparently more peaceful than ever on the move world wide and such were based on life. but i suggested in cardboard, that's the, that's sort of what i find out about bailey story. info my grand vacations, an applicant. do they have the weather? i, when i told me that they don't have violence. do this, can we go sailing tulsa tissue today? because when they go to that, we set up the video mill. caldwell on the tenants all the way. so not because the
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the, the this is cdw news lives in berlin. 3 us troops have been killed in a drone, a tax on the border between jordan and syria. us president joe biden has blamed a ron fact militants about to response. also coming up as pakistan for pears for elections next month. we look at its relations with its neighbors and ask what impacts they could have on the vote 1st and ask what impact they could have on the vote. the
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