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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 29, 2024 1:00pm-1:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the that the news live from berlin. 3 us troops have been killed in a drone, a tax on the border between jordan and syria. us president joe biden has blamed a ron fact militants, voucher response. also coming up as pakistan for paris for elections next month, we looked at its relations with its neighbors and ask what impacts they could have on the vote 1st and ask what impact they could have on the vote, the
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sarah kelly, welcome to the program. the united states, as the 3 members of its armed forces, had been killed and dozens more wounded. in a drone attack near a base on jordan's border with syria, us officials say the drones struck me or a barracks in the base in the rook bond region. it is the 1st time that a strike has killed american soldiers in the area since the start of the israel tomas war. u. s. presidential biden blamed run back to militants for the attack and has vowed to respond. ron denies any involvement. and a short while ago, i spoke with middle east channel as daniel garr, last editor in chief of the magazine senate, which focuses on the arab and islamic world. we discussed the strikes potential for further escalation and whether or ron was strategically involved in strikes on iranian linked groups have looks as well, i think, uh iran is involved in structuring and motivating this uh,
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a lions this plus the rough militias, mostly she, uh, oriented militias, in the region 5, i think uh these groups also work at their own behest and have their own time table . and i think that is also the plausible deniability for the radians is also essential here. so this is more, it's a financial, it is a logistic, it's an ideological support. but as we have seen in the past, i don't not think that iran is coordinating every individual strikes. it is not in the strategic just to teach an interest of the rain is to do that and they see how that these groups. and these militias also operates independently, but it's actually contribute to the overall deterrents of the monitor the region. however, what happened now is the beginning of 3 a us service members, which probably did not go according to plan because before these munitions made actually sure that they would inflict harm and that they would provoke the americans. but make sure that they wouldn't cross
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a certain red line. and the killing of us servicemen is certainly a red line that the americans need to respond. and that's uh, that puts also the wrong spot. so that was daniel garr lock speaking with me earlier. negotiators have met in paris to discuss the deal between israel and moss . a could see hostages released and an extended ceasefire in the gaza strip. protestors and israel had been ramping up. the pressure on the government to bring home to hostages is rarely officials describe the talks as constructive, but the office of prime minister benjamin netanyahu says there are significant gaps between the 2 sides. and the discussions will continue this week. officials from egypt, guitar and israel are taking part in the us led talks and let's get more on that. we are joined by defense and foreign affairs analyst, non profit been mubarek out to honey. he was director as the guitar, a director of defense intelligence operations and as the defense of tashay to the
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united states. he joins us now from doha. thank you so much for joining us on the program. when you see the current where things currently stand, how optimistic are you about these talks in paris? what i'm quite optimistic about the any progress towards negotiation would be successful. however, all parties involved have to commit to the process. it's hard process, so long process. we're committing to that process is vital for it to succeed. and we know that the c i a chief william burns met with his as rarely and his addiction counterparts as well as guitars, prime minister, and they are supposed to meet again this week. tulsa little bit more about the mix of participants and what might be going on behind closed doors. what obviously, from a consulting perspective, these made it very clear that the, the place very close to the vest secrecy is important in any negotiation for
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success. however, if we see past negotiations, you know this conflict as a guide, it usually means that it starts off with lean ground rules, understanding of the parameters of negotiation, moving forward to setting reasonable goals, and then executing that. and while that is being executed, as an part of last job negotiations, the control, the foreign ministry, had an option to set up to make sure that if there's any snag or issue in implementing negotiated agreements, that it would we be resolved in real time. i think that would usually be the same mode, our software on dark moving forward. now details about the negotiation. obviously isn't clear right now, but hopefully this past results on any proof of future hopes than were very helpful . what do you see as the main hurdles now, especially, you know, given the role that could tar has played in facilitating the israel gauze
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a piece talks given it's channel of communications with a mouse. well the main hurdle, as i said, is committed. now we've seen some issues internally and israel of the neo conservatives government of nothing. y'all has been on one side asking for guitar is health and wanting it to me, praising it. i'm on the other side criticizing, and that is not help to moving forward. now, the later statement to i would say about, on the part of the boss by the part of the law says, commitment. well, as well the, the proof is in the pudding bob. bob has proven that it is able to negotiate the release of hostages. this is not finding the sky or imaginary, or feel like the coalition this have see natural results. it's only replicating those successes that we're talking about right now. and i think if everyone's committed and again, the prime minister of this guy's office, just less than 12 hours ago, said that is, it is quote unquote,
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constructive assets going forward. i think that makes us hopeful, but steadfastness and commitment by the parties. the negotiators, not only because she does the policies, whether it's available most have to be said, trust and got commitments, and that's only will guarantee a successful negotiation. thank you so much for your time. novice of a tiny defense and foreign affairs analyst and former kentoria director of defense intelligence operations. we appreciate that. thank you, sir. now more donor countries are suspending funding to the united nations agency for palestinian refugees after israel accused staff of involvement in her mazda is october 7th terror attacks. japan and italy have paused their funding, joining a number of countries including the us, germany, and burton. the un agency has fired several employees and vowed to punish those incriminated but you had, officials are urging donors states to reconsider warning that 8 operations for more
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than 2000000 people in gaza are collapsing to a pakistan. these are heading to the poles on the 8th of february to elect a new government, but the general elections come as the country faces a surgeon, militancy pakistan often blames its neighbors. afghanistan, ron and india for violence inside its borders. but these countries have long said that militants space in pakistan target their territories. now countries that border pack us out are closely watching the elections, to see what the results could need for their national security. focused on isn't the group of fatigues, trustees, surgeons of terrorism. in this recent attack, militants skid 6 security officers just last year around $1000.00 people were killed admitted into tax buckets on planes. it's me but i've gone just on for many
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of these incidents. it accuses of gone, live on government of supporting one of the most dangerous militant groups are focused on they to get down to bond focused on or the to be the major issue is that with the government that focused on wants it to control or can they adapt with these all 5 bucks on it, done by a groups we have taken a shifter and a lifestyle boxed on test devoted nearly half a 1000000 of guns in recent months. underscore didn't get the stream tradition spit copy. i didn't response to frequent board to disputes, buckets on sometimes shot fits crossings, but i've done this done, causing millions to suffer economically. and it's not only on it's a western border that buckets on faces. a hosted by neighbor on its eastern border is to reach them. they can amik bubble house and buckets on our try. but india and white the to new clip all was have not recently seen board disk on the sheets or
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a meter conflict relations remained largely unfriendly. in the last 5 minutes standing and there won't be, sees no incentive and engaging, but the neighboring lift emission of focused on the cost of forwarding and it can next few months and it seemed that get a bad 5 missed i'm with the said the indian nationalist body, i would guess that would been the type time, so i taught to defend activity. how does the india rodney slowing bucket seats? we have a bucket stock. we have not in a state of war, but grass and, but that is not that one cannot say that the state of the beast and the region for buckets, dawn is its 900 kilometer border with 8 on this month. it strikes between 8 on and focused on the truck relations, which are generally guar due to a new little loss. even though there are no signs of the escalation. long running
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low level insurgencies remain active on both sides of the border. and there's one country in the region which, which focused on does enjoy a strategic relationship. china, so we have no, it's not on any defense relations with jana, but also have a strong tray uninstall information they've got so that i think i'll be with the next the, what we see actually this relationship is part of this fight. then, despite the fact that there has been a lot of pressure on boxed on to a distance that is a big funk and i, i don't think any government is boxed. i would do that as far as done hits into elections. it's likely that going to be continued to see if it's been political situation and it's neighborhood. and let's give one of us. we are joined by the w report of vienna chavez, who's here with me in the studio. so what are people thinking ahead of this
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election? are they expecting it to be free and fair side off, frankly speaking, no, they're not expecting. because one of pocket phones most popular political party headed 5 bucks and former prime minister in john hon has a q, was that they did not get a level playing feed to comp. and for these elections, they said that poses of their members are in june, even gone, fine is indeed on production charges. the fact is that all of these charges are particularly more debated. the government, of course, the night these allegations and many said in buckets done that in non hon. or despite the, is going to all of this because in wrong on how to for load with buckets and spyware for military. and they already know what the, the next government will be. us of somebody who already focus on even the tree is backing. and it's not something new. sort of this has happened even in 2018. my name wrong hand came to barbara if, if the accusation that it was the military who brought him into 5 or so like
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previous elections even this time. many people believe for the elections to be actually not free. and they have certainly a recurring theme in the country election after election. i'll talk with this a little bit more about, you know, the potential for a new government when it comes to regional relations. specifically, i don't think it's anything in a case for people to to be changed. because when it comes to security policy, foreign policy, it's mostly dictated by pocket funds mandatory. especially with countries like india and of understand focused on see of, of relations with these countries as a matter of national security. i'm often accused of these countries of supporting or sponsoring terrorism. in fact, this done on bulk as an insufficient, the q is accurate vision, for example, from india, offers long supporting militant groups that target india situation still remains by the 10th. and even if there is an electric, democratically elected government,
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it hardly make i can meet or it can hardly be creative when it comes to focus in foreign policy impacts on faces. that in fact, a host of challenges, not just the regional ones right? now i think who, whichever the document comes into our deputy face huge challenges, for example, like this on has been now in a chronic economic crisis. so it was now she has invasion of ukraine than floods of 2022 focus on has been not recovered. millions of people and focused on funding to fall would be so it has that huge stock task of competing the economy. and then focus on also fuses. huge security. just as i've mentioned in my the 4th of last year. $1000.00 people in focused on were killed in relation to the tax, $300.00 of security officers workers in the tax. so it's, it's, it's security, it's not the economy. climate change is also a big issue that the government of buckets on fuses will 5th, whichever new government park hasn't been have after that it separate the an extra
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seamless job that putting it all into context for us. and of course, when the elections take place, you'll put it into context for, for us again, appreciate it. i. so you're up to date now and dw, do stay with us. there's a documentary coming up, looking at to land efforts to rewrite their current constitution capabilities. the cost from a sponsor it's wanted to say a web and he knows how to use it. and pretend this guy knows about energy in a way that these as a bunch structures have no idea what doesn't look behind because it started this energy john, tell us gas come precious political weapon, thoughts february 3rd on dw, the chevy
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. and so struggling to come up with a new constitution.


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