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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 29, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CET

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the the this is dw news life from berlin. 3 us troops have been killed in a drone attack on the border between jordan and syria. us president joe biden has claimed a wrong fax militants and voucher response. also coming up more countries suspend funding to the un agency for palestinian refugees after israel alleges several staff members took part in mazda is october 7th attacks and a port in hong kong orders. the chinese property company ever ground to liquidate. we look at the river, potions for china, and global economy, the
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sarah kelly, welcome to the program. the united states, as the 3 members of its armed forces had been killed and thousands more wounded. in a drone attack, near a base on jordan's border with syria, us officials say that the drones struck near a barracks in the base in the book fond region. it is the 1st time that it strikes has killed american soldiers in the area. since the start of the israel hamas war us president joe biden blamed run back to militants for the attack. and his vowed to respond around the noises, any involvement. a good while i'm all of my government, the resistance groups in the region do not take orders from these. lemme and republic of the wrong with regard to their decision making all actions walter rollin does not welcome the development of conflict in the region. most of it does not interfere with the resistance groups,
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decisions on how to support the power of city and nation or defend themselves, and that people against any aggression, well occupation. the whole that's the med daughter, marina myron is a military analyst at kings college london and she told us more about indications of who launched the strike. they apparently a group called um the, the slamming for assistance in rock is responsible for this. now we have to understand that this is not a group per se rises. this is an umbrella term used for iranian backed, malicious, both in iraq and syria, and lebanon. for that matter. so hospital law could be such a brute, so there is no knowledge which of the militant groups is responsible for this attack. but it is under this umbrella. so it is believes and they did claim that the attack was conducted by some. it seems to be
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a lack of clarity in terms of how to respond. the republicans want us to conduct strikes on the rainy and territory and that would be the 1st in history. and that indeed in these circumstances might lead through an broder escalation of the conflict. it is like a powder keg. however, there are other options, such as striking you how you ran your naval assets in the persian gulf and conducting a gun. the compensation strikes against the leaders of these militant groups under the umbrella of the atlantic resistance of the rock. so there are these options on the table. however, the question is, is it going to be enough to deter both these groups and the wrong from stopping the attacks? is this deterrence credible? and the other option is, of course, that can be used in conjunction, our economic functions, but it seems like you ran has still flourished in terms of its military developments under economic function. so the idea is to identify as centers of
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gravity in order for the strategy to work, to impose such measures that would indeed scare a rand and these groups off and prevent further attacks. and we're seeing that strikes against the in the human. they are not making them stop, so i'm wondering which of these strategies will be true and or a conjunction of them, and whether they will be successful and whether it might lead to um, and then increase deployment of us troops to the region which might writings of work and that was miranda meyer and speaking earlier, negotiators have met in paris meantime to discuss a deal between israel and moss. i could see hostages released on an extended seas fire in the gaza strip. protesters and israel had been ramping up the pressure on the government to bring home the hostages is really officials describes the tops as constructive, but the office of prime minister benjamin netanyahu says there are significant gaps
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between the 2 sides. and that discussions will continue this week. officials from egypt guitar and israel are taking part in the us led tongues on japan has announced that it is suspending funding for the you and agency for palestinian refugees. it joins a growing list of donors, including the us, germany and breton that have stopped payments after israel accused staff of involvement in her mazda is october 7th terror attacks. you want. officials are urging countries to keep funding on rose work with gaza. on the brink of funding, the cell phone ross, a condo, so one of gulls as last lifelines so many here. these blue and white bags of flour, a little bit stand between them and install of ation. but with more and more of the agencies don't, is cutting off that funding. people here in the southern city of rafa here,
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the west. that's what i looked for, told me in this doping, moonrise 8 distribution is a catastrophe in the gaza strip. of like using the handout on main supports and if they still there will be a simon like the one of the no colors going to be much as i'm a thought of somebody when i can isn't what kind of a ross don't helping us then i'll people will face death, a minute, 5 minutes, ros helping on people who are hungry and suffering. if they stop, somebody will have no one on all sides. other things, all the details of these really allegations against monroe stuff. have been slow to a much according to new york times, so i think it does ca provided to the us government for the as railey secret services. 12 workers were involved. some said to have participated in kidnappings and killings, while others provided logistical support. the agency has already filed several people and is about to thoroughly investigate the claims. but the un says the
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funding needs to continue while that happens. palestinian officials and occupied westbank have also urge donors to reconsider to the companies that have i know the suspension very paid amounts to 70 percent of the time you went budget of the united nation really fund work agency. this measure is extremely dangerous, and it is our hope that that would be provide us with most calls ins, no follows from the homes by the fighting people here. i'm more dependent on the agencies help whenever the head of unreal has wound that if money doesn't start flowing again soon, it's what will grind to a hold in a matter of weeks when spring and dw political correspond to thomas sparrow, thomas, germany is among the countries which have halted funding to unreal. what more can
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you tell us about the reasons that were given? germany did stress that the un agency played a very important role. the vital role when it comes to supplying basic services to be affected population. but at the same time, it's the stress that it was important to have a quick clarification of what's happening right now and basically stressed that until that investigation is complete, the job and government will be holding approval for new funds. and it's important to stress that we're talking here about new funds. so it's not about what's already being collected. in fact, the drum and government stress that there are no new pledges pending by that it's all about future funds until that investigation is complete. what that essentially means is that according to the german government, humanitarian aid is continuing to those affected and given the horrendous humanitarian situation and gaza for civilians. did you hear any suggestions about
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alternate ways to help people there? what about it? what's the way the investigation goes? sorry, thomas, go ahead. as no, no problem, the german government did stress that it's rejected. that's criticism that has been leveled against those were holding these funds, stressing that it's basically a collective punishment against palestinians. the german government stressed that there was other ways to reach palestinians, other ways to reach those affected. in fact, stressing that gemini had increased its funds to other organizations like the international committee of the red cross. so units have and again, stress inc. next to monetary a through the c u, an agency was still continuing. so it's a big actually debate as to what is happening now when that investigation will and how it will end. but the german government was quick to, to stress both to oppress statements and also today and it's a regular government spokes people conference that germany was basically still
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helping those affected in the region. and they was doing so through that you an agency but also through other agencies as well. okay, very interesting. thomas barrow, joining us with a view from berlin. we very much appreciate it. here are some other stories making headlines. a danish worship is selling to the red sea to join the us led mission against lucy militants. the around back rebels have been attacking commercial vessels along the route because of the cause of war. the who sees claim to be targeting ships linked israel, pakistan and iran have agreed to improve cooperation following cross border strikes between the neighbors. less than 2 weeks ago a ron struck what had called the militant targets in pakistan. is lum about launched an attack in retaliation? it's always prime minister, georgia maloney has hosted an african summit aimed at boosting economic ties and
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curbing migration. to does an african leaders have gathered in rome. italy has pledged 5500000000 euros for health energy and education projects in africa. even the navy supplements this are just hands space agency has re established communication with its lender. as the craft is powered up, the rover will resume its mission to explore the lunar surface, land or touch down on the moon earlier this month, but had problems recharging its solar battery. demonstrators blocks the entrance to mexico city is plus of the total of the world's largest bowl rain animal rights activists were angered by a supreme court decision to lift a suspension on bull fighting president andres manuel lopez. but i thought has proposed a referendum on whether it should be banned. finland center, right. candidate, alexander, stuff of the national coalition party has won the 1st round the countries
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presidential election. he will now face liberal green party candidates pick up of this to in a run off the boat. on february 11th, a court in hong kong has ordered the chinese property group ever ground to be liquidated. judge linda chan said the company would have to wind up its business because it had not put forward a viable restructuring plant. massive sprawling, unfinished for years. no, no work has been done on any of the sites with chinese realistic, joined, eval grant. once planned to build homes for millions of want to be home owners and like, you know, work will be done for a long time. as the property developer is being wound up in the most spectacular corporate downfall in china, us history. it all started here in tension, especially economic zone,
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while the chinese communist party was experimenting with capitalism. here ever glenda founded in 1996 at a time of china's great organization. when millions from all across the country flocks towards the cities, it led to a housing boom like any of the world had ever seen. a. have a grand was fast to build signed apartment projects, but not fast enough to satisfy the demand. the company accepted down payments for apartments, it never built. soon after that money was gone, much of it spent on more products for future development on banking fees, in a desperate effort to raise more cash and on executive pay, the turn of a grants phone. the we call young into one of the world's wealthiest people. in the midst of liquidity crisis, have a grand found itself unable to pay its bills to construction workers, painters and real estate agents. soon the company's dead snowballed into $140000000000.00. for the construction was halted,
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and while the cords rule over every glance, future giant developments sit unfinished. insiders estimate they can hold up to 1400000000 people. and a reminder now of our top story or the united states president joe biden has blamed around back to militants for the death of 3 american troops and a throne. attack there, a base on jordan's border with serious fight and about the us would respond to the strike. more countries are suspending funding to the united nations agency for post and even refugees. dr. is bill accused staff of involvement in mazda october 7th terror attacks. the agency has avow to punish those incriminated un officials are urging donor states to reconsider. and the court in hong kong has ordered china property giant over the bronze to undergo liquidation judge. linda chan says that
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the company must wind up its business because of quote, lack of progress on putting forward a viable restructuring proposal. up to date on the the news stay with us with the so you don't think and feel the same way you expect and want different things from line in your parent. i just want to pursue what sets my so on fire or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, unreasonable, all stuff. i wonder like.


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