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tv   The 77 Percent  Deutsche Welle  January 29, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm CET

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the magic corner spots affinities. check on some great cultural memorials to boot the w travel. we got the this week on the 77 percent street, the bates. and i did not get that scholarship. i looked at her that day. one said, you know more people's, more of your best of my choice to like the w, and that was why it must be this month. jude reach me that i, i'm people. i have a tried. it is just what i have. i try, i think, what are the reasons out? what do you know about that? i'm not sure. i additionally just isn't doing a lot route to go much. you saying you're doing nothing, the hello and welcome back to the 77 percent sweet debate this week. we are in lagos,
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nigeria, and would you believe me if i told you that this country has over 300 ethnic groups? that's crazy to think about. and with that comes of a 500 languages, making this one of the most diverse countries in the world. but that's a bus that you can sometimes get in its own way resulting to tribalism. and the question today is candice country over comments. and what can the older folk learn from the younger people who better to ask the fellow nigeria and thank you all for joining us. but before we begin, i'd like to ask a general question. how many of you here have experienced tribalism, directly or indirectly? let me see if i shall have in directly and directly. okay, so quite a fair amount of you. let's start with you. i mean, what was that experience like if you don't mind sharing it was very uncomfortable because essentially we are such a huge range from and we have so many languages. so hearing that you cannot have an opportunity to do something because your from the minority tribal from a try, but it's not central. what's actually very uncomfortable. so was this something
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that happened way you were denied as of it? so you what do night, what give us a few more details. okay. so these pictures i was i, i wasn't the relationship with someone and i was not allowed to marry this person because the, what's coming up the truck. so it was kind of, you know, uncomfortable, you want to back and forth between families. what you don't know this person, i know him so it's about the people know about whether from what the people are like or what the people have done, etc, etc. okay, so we've been raised his hand. yeah. and he's actually a historian. so before we continue with people's personal experience is just take us back a little bit with the idea of tribalism begin to in. they do each other, they show up try bodies in the games. me. i the pre quality up here. yeah. and okay . as long as you make sure. and then do i is home to a multiple ethnic groups. so people exist at the different ethnic levels, and then we had the colonial period. okay. and where the, the, the clearly, almost as i'm in use use the, the issue i'm try by using. okay, to rule the country forward. yep. benefits. okay. and then we had it posted
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independence period as a postcolonial period. that's where we had the, the codes and then we had the codes i caused. and then of course, you know, the 1st cool was that there are different positions that it was a selective because i think be cool because of the selective targets, okay, of those that were involved, but they're also opposing arguments against that. well that's cause that's, that's, that's the history. that's how you came down. i mean, the program that followed up to, just to conclude, because i am because i've looked at the 1st 2, i mean, lots of people from the east eastern extraction. we're guilty, we're where it would dead. okay. and that was quite a problem on that has that has formed part of the whole fabric on the whole system of nigeria, of the country. yeah. so a very doc and sometimes violence gets through because of tribalism. thank you. so he started cutting, we used to do in fighting the loads pretty colonial period. there's
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a lot of new fighting amongst your breast if i didn't know, call them save your rush. it to all you try it. it's right to help the bill for the house has to. it is the same scene. they used to always buy it almost themselves on the board, especially the boys because they will have you saying that you, well i'm, i guess i'm on the bottom for that nearby. but simply means that people have looking, you know, says they have no central authority. the address times, let's say this is the town i don't know the talk and they always buy to for one town to do all the. so you raise a very important point to, oh, i really loved the enthusiasm here, but i have to send to buck the debate for a 2nd. looking around nigeria today. i mean, i kind of distinguish between unable i your bought a house. so how does it money fest in contemporary we made julian life the other day i was online and then someone you know, says that the euro bought the euro, but try like, foamed or made, you know, nobody would, which is the 3rd because movie industry as well. as people were saying, oh no, this one was struggling. is the evil one. the system said, no, it's a how is that?
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i was thinking about something. i'm like, why do we have to bring the, the, the holes mitchell type into this conversation. i'm from, i know it's, except we don't even make noise. what does it mean that i'm less balance at? no right now. no. so show me that you can see people insulting themselves. people trying jobs that do to about when like i ask, where is humanity? yeah, okay, so you as a very important question, why that needs to identify along tribal lines and not just as they do as molly would as after beads. let's ask henry here because he works for a national agency or orientation which is basically supposed to unites nigerians. there's nothing intrinsically wrong, was identifying which you're probably busy. so where does the child is coming? that's what i was gonna say. it's a lot of things on up, you know, so shoot me that that's bringing budget memories that i'd be here. go back to our bodies in back into us. okay. let me talk to somebody who knows a little bit about social media, some of who's the digital strategies. so does this imply that it's young people because they're the ones who a majority of social media, who have been heavy to this disease of tribalism. major has about what's to be
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under ethnic groups, $500.00 languages. if you put people of different needs in the same place, it's bound to be a disagreements, right? i think you just didn't really natural that those days would happen. the young people let you know for oh, you said these like those people, people do your about people on it. it's what they knew on what i think. even if there are differences, issue be similarities, right. and did you want got people don't really care about? the difference is if you ask everybody we don't really care, right. the younger people have their own cultural, don't be lease these things, you know? and i think this, we try at the end of the day. okay. so i'm hearing here, i'm going to come to you just a 2nd. i'm hearing a lot of. we're really not try believes we don't care what tribe you come from. and yet you're telling me that in your politics sometimes even in your relationships tribalism, it's seeping through. why is that? let me hear from someone at the back here. i would like to touch on the aspect of culture. i think the culture is mens uniform,
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the mentality to integrate us as the people and the fact that he behaves. he's very able and i'm your by or he's how is that it doesn't change the idea. and the fact that there was an aspect of individually to everybody. so i said i'd be costs if i have, if i have a bad activity, for example, when i say that is when i do and that made me have about that. you know, it is me. it's agile maria, maybe, but i will. i didn't think that the training that my parents gave me, maybe i didn't listen to them very well when i was growing up. that is what make me happy about aptitude. ok. ok, yes i do. and because you mentioned, if i know you want to say something, but i want to come to get you cool for a 2nd here because we are hearing of both of the values that sometimes us tried to you as part of your culture and your identity. fantastic, but isn't there room for national values for a night jury and i just for someone like me comes, are you not you? i don't have the, the, the loves me will be new. ty, buddies, i know is the reason why say this is because 1st you by twice i'm delta and by what
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we do, i'm going by by pressing expedited ation and house of by my, which i don't epic by my time out of jason. so i see. so how do you, how do i find myself and it's got a pretty soon. so how do i, how do i, you know, become type of these things? so i think it's, it has a lot to do with the individual as press when i, when i hear people see, especially besides the mind before the 9 julian i, i say something which is the height of social. you need to be a human before you belong to. we try now you hear the houses call the the cables. yeah. maybe no the what do you, i mean you actually came from that same movie which means give me, we'll talk when you try to get try to tell someone that the, the, the black people are you calling them a booking? you'll have you saw with my friends or your friends that but this is so easy to see when you point the finger of someone so much is pointing out to you. let me hear from you bill a for a 2nd here. by the way, i love the choir that's happening in the background. yeah. yeah. yeah. so the few things that you've said, and i want to give you a chance to,
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i just want to build on what he said, lag the memory. he called me want to, it's something to and monday to is a smoke and doing this evil. so, you know, there's a way he's to be used to fits us. so this new generation of, let's see, all us that the joints see that us often see. so but um, when, when history is being taught to them, that's when do now recall, that's cool. so this is what this means. so advocates in history from the party for a long done by the den presidents or the simple lessons a which he said to with in the bronx, i and i need to sort of used to be from the sea levels. those to take off this well, see what was being seemed to have bodies upwards, to tease it away from the new edge and it is on, well it's, it's done. it has its pros and cons. uh, let me get from you find you for a 2nd because you've been wanting to speak for a while and i want to find out from you is that this disconnect between the young generation and the older generation. the older generation being the ones who went
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through the civil war will really know about this cause of tribalism. yeah. so the big disconnect, i see that very here. when are people currently um, doing the electron, these parts electronics. it was very, very over. it was very clear where the oh daddy, the oh, that was the kind of like relaxed and you want to put so much pressure there. you just comfortable where the way you get somebody like yourself. dude, you gotta do your thing to move forward. you see what happens on social media, how old are quantities are moving forward, periods and everything. and the wants to make was help when you we have all the resources, you have everything while we still hear you get the whole and testing should how you need see is that you need is very, very you 90 most of the younger generation. the most name, pre id, um to get a decrease thing. got it outside the finished increasing type range. use them. got every right you guys. so it was this, it was a very beautiful for me to see to weakness be good. so i think uh, well the reason that holding those box because of the,
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the things that happened to the breaches came in divided everywhere and, and did not say using that as the system is the ones that put it on the system because it's not visible is that what you, what you mean about us, or are you to show an agency, i think we should need to. we need to be very, very black and white. the bulky was very on this. if you ever wanted to kind of see things, you read the and then be able to point it out. you get. so let me get some practical examples. anyone here who has perez, who a very try police and it makes you uncomfortable. anyone or whose parents hold views that you are like i, i am, i'm a anyway. um, my dad used to tell me at the time that you know, matters for me. partners. lots like, oh, that'd be gone to what that why? i box them several times. they will not as i'm you just telling me these do grandma the from that's right. i know fortunately for you when i go to the rest, my close friends obviously be from from the try. so let me ask emmy, because you started us off with the story about marriage. what is
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a big deal in marrying outside of your community? according to the people who are against. okay, so i'm from bios that states and essentially my people are turned in my lawyer to try because we don't make up, you know, a large number of the people, the main syria. we have small tribes. so my re, somebody from much, i've been just, you know, continued the line is continue of the culture continue that, that's what they're going to risk marrying your cousin. you feel such a small try? it's actually helpful. yeah. so yes, it does happen. and i don't think it's frowns on, it's just not too close to home. but i think after which i would say that that murray's been work how not because of what they did was because the 2 of us agreed much with me that we should not continue to eviction ship. what they wanted was just so that i try continue and i think that personally, i fear by in the coming years, if we could see me on my re like that, like that, like that maybe we might not have by also. okay. let me hear from the gentleman
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here. all right, um i will start with this. i was 1st on africa and before i became a nigeria and i was an engineer and before i became a new person, i worked with most of the people from the north. i'm from the west. do you understand it? when i, when i go back to up with you, i did the job, i'm supposed to resume from somebody who's on the notes. so as my personal experience, having to work with these different kind of people makes me one to know more about . i call george, i really joined doctor, i just don't, i never had, i've seen whenever i come across so important there shouldn't be died. dogs, these being thought type, i listed, you know, it doesn't make sense. you don't got generations, we need to put our heads together, get, go back to history, make research and you know, see how we can perhaps to get on and making energy at work. ok. so i just want somebody to clarify something for me because it seems that the issue of i believe them comes up when it's intimate relationships, right? so not microwaves. what about business? what about politics? let me show somebody who wants to respond to them to our weakness and how about
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these and what else to them? the secondary school, a friend of mine who was my name sick, but it wasn't fault. it was the delta able holding up on the close of $9000.00 across the 9 to and we got to think about marketing. you've been engineering and engineering to go through that. didn't get that question. it'd be that way through different places. i say hearing that because i'm from delta care, i'm across the 9 just i see more number on there as i clicked on my cost to be hired on the 2nd level. so people to god's lives on the, on the or not, and from the north on 5 on every day getting to school and you don't get into my study and get, this is really imagining i ok is happening on the secondary level, adult level education only. imagine wasn't on politics, business every other thing. so i think national really does your engine see, do you have no, i don't think they've addressed all these issues. well, here is the national orientation agent. okay, but i will tell you that i'm not sure i have to show you just is doing a lot rather government to saying you're doing nothing. that's what i'm about to tell you what the government suggests. apart from security, jesse that's express sense in all the $700.00, so it's for the,
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for governments. so we are programs out of sets in place to address tri bodies. one of them is beauty before piece. government also outputs measures in place as a subs. some government, it just went to this for the collect our commission. you mentioned, you know, that time that you stop as by, by the name of the app on my digits entirely, such as expense that has not, not only that, it doesn't pull you up with this, it doesn't really happen to parties. this is also often and government sec, well goodness, i've noticed that and that's a government it just in place to ensure that yes such things i'll quote you i, one of them is for is that correct? okay, okay. i think we should do, i need to bring a little bit of history to that, so we see them. we should lose sight of what drives by the way. let's just clarify that for a 2nd, because i only have, like the other ones tried in relation to africa. when we go to the northern hemisphere, they're referred to as ethnic groups. what's the issue? the white? well, i think the that's, that shouldn't be a problem. i think we should focus on what tried these as the word. i didn't say
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a bad thing. it is, it is good identity. the problem is try bodies in which is the behavior ok try it is a basic human instinct. is it best to just lay a whole guy just like um, i'll be tied for these off with that. okay, that's what's how human survived in preserving 60 will have this out there. they have to come together. okay, so that's colorado. that's rate move from pre steve like this one era, to more than say though we, i know there's a tendency to find comfort in your community. okay. there's a tendency to find refuge in your community where you can identify with people. i think what we have to do is to report posts that. okay, do i find safety, indiana, right? do i find safety intimate coming from euro by coming from people that say yeah, let me just which know does, does she want it say when your mind is it comes into the picture. you don't have to worry whether or not you would find safety in the hands of a how is that person or you will because kindness is supposed to be
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a universal think given that yeah. how is that your about your people? it should not be a problem i told i think that from the outside what i don't see us as that the sales rep nigerians. and i think that we should carry ourselves in that one accord us one people because it uses when i see you in school, i don't ask you what, what once they do come from? oh man, i do. um, brother, when i see you in america when i do and when i see your in gone uh well i julians uh hold on. let me get victor chance. he hasn't spoken. okay. yeah. um do n y c? think nat geo you service quote, quotes the 1st time i came to the west, illegal sample a bunch of states because somebody gives legos in the com. how do we fit them? yes. house. ok. but because it was in the west, the south thing that anyone else from that redone is ultimately how sort of experienced um, try bodies in industrial. and i've seen a good thing. so it was, it was very weird to me because it was supposed to like you mentioned mangee on spring just to get off what you've been via you have people being tablet 6. so you definitely also need to given us and then do you have individuals and to go back
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and relax in orlando? i really interesting. so yeah. and what i would like was to take notes of 2 things . now there is a particular time in the meet you were calling to implement, easy, not if i'd be moved. i mean, cruise things like mostly i will this page, the practice isn't going to jump, don't wait and it still good. now i don't want us to be pulling on words for the most part defined post. my job uses the 32 model. so let's suppose that you split up national studies and that's the way for you. if i see my step has been my dream, you see a fit as we might do now we're up. oh, these people much on the usual side bodies. i don't do, i think so before we, before we move on to how exactly does government to use tribalism to manipulate the, let's that's we power and it's such a pulse. i don't think the government plays a role in that. i think it is us. mix up the government, individuals who mix up the system, we're complaining about individuals. so this people, your, me, you from one of the city takes one person to change the situation. you get your
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boss come in by boosting this. you're not, you're not the most efficient. you can might, as the nation will all be united. if i don't see they've got 0, but i don't see them down people. i don't see how would you mind what because we're expecting government is the government. i think we should just stop saying it's annoying. we have failed to mention to other very big institutions that play parts into our bodies and that's our family and religion. um the ink when so values and goods on principles and so you know, you go and then from your family, you're moving to school and from school while you're in school, you'll also pop over religion like, you know, and i don't want to go to what we agree on we know that until this all the institutions sick the issue of try bodies and serials beyond the price around find a way to make sure that it is curtailed, even the government will try and look, i porn. what tends to be a basket? now let me tell you. one thing i traveled on down to a phone was telling me, oh, where are you from as it? well, i'm glad you're in always states. i said pressure about, oh, if i able i said, i'm most people on this month of jude with me that i am able. i have
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a tried. it is just my know what i have. i tried is actually the res tossing to just got, like you said, because he's from a black to states this like he's how's that it's still on there. so this thing is, that's what i wish it because you also play a good spot, which you learn. i know that you because even all see about older. yeah. yeah. give them some of you, you talk to them know the or i stayed in nigeria. i bought from you both the most it kind of rock you don't know other states. i think what you all educate ourselves very well. so what are we not? we tended to that we respect. all right, let me come to to you. so you see i just, i said something and we just wait for the out right now. now she was offended because she's going across the bus. the dentist said she was a boo. it's any cravy valuable pieces actually doesn't. okay, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on to that. i'm going to, i'm hold on, i'm going somewhere a little bit. i'm a good i, i know i know i'm going somewhere you, you do you, you good. you'd be upset because you're trying to make them understand that. yeah. a lot of times outside to meet your tides. right? no, that's is detail, but i don't see the reason why you should be upset because you're going to hold on
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. let me see. no, it was. i want to say your name is i don't know we go. no, no, no, no, no, no, no. you kinda like like that? no. okay, okay. okay. okay, hold on. before we stop touring, has, let's, let's, let's, uh, take a deep breath. make your point. okay. so the thing is, you're supposed to be upset. that's what needs to be speaking. you identity, right? i do educate them. okay, i got you cool. let me, let me, let, let me, let me through the question back out to you, because it's, it's similarly to when you travel outside of the continent. and you say you and i do in and you're introduced to a canyon and you're told, well, you all africans, there's something about erasing your identity. and i think that's the point that she was trying to me. let's hear from you. victor is, i just want to just tell you what i was or what is said since you just said it's, it's not about being offended xbox. you, i didn't, i didn't see that. why you were you. uh like, my, like my, this is being shipped to. i don't like, i want to be called in front of why you know, because i'm not because just because as you know for me for the place, so you don't generalize it. let me give drill
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a chance. please let me take was bucks to the jump issue? like my book pointed out. so that's um some duct us up looked at the sidelines, some people from some ethnic groups. and it's a valid stick with, if you do got to the whole thing because that is not true. yeah. change as throughout data to make sure that you have the presence of so so, so thrive and so, so please, because the federal commission has an ok, that's a shows that everyone is weird represented in every government agency and product starts up so. so yes, that, that's what appears to be what, that's not what it is, because then deluca, i would say something that i'm going to be to. i applied for a scholarship and i got a phone call. they asked me, what are you from? your name, is this how you apply for them? like yes, yes the where are you from? and i said by also states and it was like ok, thank you. i'm like is that it's and i did not get that scholarship. i live, i heard that did want to, you know, more people's more of your back to where trying to like really badly. and that was
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why most, it's so much pumps, if it's not because they want to use it and mix it bottle and see if it costs they want to take you. 3 okay, okay, so while i really i'm seriously enjoying b, as soon as you have some of this debate, we really need to come to a wrap up and talk about some solutions. we'll see how tribalism is affecting us in different ways. how do we stuff it? how do we so i think just like everything with the same individually thing, let's all see ourselves as individuals. let's all see ourselves as people. let's see. i feel as few months before we start looking at dr. i'm from here. i'm from day that is the 1st place to start from and i believe dots, spirits of muscle and all these in should be highly open out governments. how's the possible please really just need us to be possible to play as well as the additional lead us does it? we full okay. in addition to be in a humane and kind which is very, very important. we all, i, i will still keep hammering on education because if you're a well educated need,
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you know, like if you have sets an information, you will not misconstrue things that are not supposed to be misconstrued. i think we have a lot of work to do in our rural communities. the closest the happen i the area. so the message needs to be driven down to those levels. okay. fine. yeah. so i think is 2 boys down to the government. the government is up to really be presenting. what is those 3 present people respect on and follow the stand? do i represent very well. everybody does the same. ok. wherever they talk about, try bodies. him on the negative side is actually you come from sophie's interest. let me tell you what tribe is all about. and i do recall there is this particular notes for the notes is actually um is actually run into west bus. it's in the north and celebrated in the east. so this is what's right these, the major. oh, i love, i ok. ok. so on that notes, i've got to ask you all for a small favor, because i know you're drawn from different tribes. i want you guys to show us
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a little bit to share with our global audience. something unique about your cultural background. what i don't know, everyone was that before line is regarding new dots, milk, and also the ingredients that used to be paid. it is loved all over the world. what yahoo, uh the delta and the depth of the body that you would tell people know, is this the tire that's cold up which up? is it a beautiful? that's how i and his white. so he to picks it up to a piece and you need to. yeah, let me hear about you and it's home. so the rest of this is in the country. i mean, if you can't do it goes that. all right, so what i'm so god bless the vision, dental, we have very diverse beautiful cultures and they have the best where their names here. all right, so i will come in here and go to a mutual. nadia is very beautiful. please. so do not take what you see on social media, please visit nigeria and enjoy as a very beautiful place. so at the beginning of this debate, i asked a simple question. is it possible for the young generation to teach the older generation how to overcome? try but it's in i think all of you here have shown resoundingly that the answer is
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a definite yes. i have never felt so good after discussing something so tenuous. thank you all for watching the, [000:00:00;00] the, the,
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