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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  January 29, 2024 11:02pm-11:31pm CET

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strike back hard enough to deter future attacks, but not so hard. the refunds, the flames of israel's conflict with her mouth in gaza. and if you run this and see it, when he says he doesn't want to escalate this conflict or does it want? i'm feel go invalid and this is the day. the po box is what we expect to run to finally use its influence on its own lives in the region to prevent an uncontrolled conflagration, which would be nobody's interest. test resistance groups across the region. do not take orders from the is lubbock republic of a rob of them up to a month that the resistance and the region takes action begins to america's aggressive presence based on its own decisions and policy. good on the, on the call is on
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also, on the date i had of next week's elections practice done is in the group of a dangerous resurgence of militancy that's causing tensions with neighbors like afghanistan, who packaged on blames the violence within its borders. the major issues that we did on the bombing that boxed on wants it to control. and they acted with these off black box on it, done by a groups which had taken a shifter and advised us welcome to the day of the united states as promising. what it calls a very consequential response to withdraw and attack that killed 3 of its troops in jordan and wounded dozens more us officials say the striking administrator post known as talent $22.00. the other border with syria is the 1st time such an attack has killed american soldiers in the region since the stats of israel hospital us
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president joe biden has blamed around back to medicine. so iran denies involvement to him. country speaks for the us national security council. he talked about president biden's response, and he's met twice with the national security team yesterday. and today, he's weighing the options before. as he said yesterday, we will respond. we'll do that on our schedule in our time. and we'll do it in the manner the president's choosing, as commander in chief will also do it fully cognizant of the fact that these groups back by table have just taken the lives of american troops. lots of, as i'd put a jet, a state of the college of art science. there's an education of a majority, university of science. and technology is also served as president of the international society for iranian studies. a welcome to dw. so us officials have been quite as a saying that us spacings in iraq and syria had been attacked around
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a 150 times since october. the 7th focus through why this attack is so significant. yes, i believe in all the previous attacks we never experienced the depth of us soldiers, whereas in this case, this has happened. and i think also it's important to keep in mind that the officially entered the election, sees it in the united states. and as we have seen already, since these attack happens, the president biden is coming under intense criticism from the folks in the republican party regarding you know, how easily to be responding to this thing. as such, i expect that the white house will respond to you to this latest attack. the question really is whether it could be carried out in tears. there's a corporations, like syria, and, or uh, you rock further than you wanted show. okay, so we have an a that is the we have a,
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the, oh the white house has that has a, a, a problem, doesn't it big because the calculation is debbie tests and how to respond in this election year needs to be strong enough to deter unsatisfied present bible's binds political opponents, but not so powerful as to escalate the current conflict. it's have sooner to the case. i think the us as this patient has made it clear that they do not want the war in garza to escalate. and yet, what the arts she is that us and the british chevy porch to fire at 20 forces in yemen. united states has had to hit the rocky forces in iraq that have been, you know, attacking it, etc. so, and yet at the same time, you know, we are way off behind the scene contact between the reins and the americans. the both sides are insisting that, you know,
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we are not interested in it. why did constance is, should we take iran's claim not to want to escalate the tensions in the region at face value? because otherwise we have to ask more, why is it backing these proxies who seem to be how bend on doing exactly that? or right now i don't think we can take that runs claim at face value. the fact of the matter is that the ranges are pushing the envelope to the proxy for she's right . they are, they are trying to send a message that, you know, we are the power to be reckoned with in the middle east. and you cannot ignore, you know, our interest, etc, etc. they have been talking about, you know, having there a strategy dept in the region. to these, you know, proxy groups be it has, well, the, you know, 11 on the, to watch in gaza or the it a textbook chevy forces in europe except to excess wear. the ranges are flexing
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their muscles, they are pushing the envelope. but hoping that a game due to the complexities of the us, the electoral politics that the bite enough ministration would not be really engaging at any type of attack inside you. rodney. right? so big i, if i understand your explanation, they do want to escalate attention to that, but they don't want america to what type of them out home. that's right. so, but basically they are doing these things to get concession. so for example, they feel that you know, since the u. s. is engaging in conversation with the rocky government about reducing its military presence in your walk. that these types of attacks can pursue a, the white house to really put its forces out for, for example, the other ally. mr. asset in syria has been consistent. the objecting to the presence of us forces in syria seeing is as a violation of his country's sovereignty. so the right hands on the proxy groups
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are hoping that the de set of actions they can push the us out of the region and therefore, you know, have the upper in places like syria, iraq, etc. so i think that's part of the, the game that the question really is, you know, are they perceive which, why, right, in the light of the protest, did you run last year? do you know, the levels of a descent inside the country is very high? and so the, the calculation to ron should be, you know, if there is a war with the have popular support or not. and i think at this point, the answer is an absolute no. okay. so we've concentrated on the us and iran, but tyler 22 is in jordan new, the demilitarized zone between jordan and syria. all were you expecting anything that i was expecting to hear? any response militarily, from a jordan or syria,
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which already have so many problems. if there are or no, i don't believe so. you know, jordan has a fragile right in the state. really get the attorney and was, i think, you know, since this was an attack american installation, the expectations that the us we to retaliate in klein. i wouldn't be surprised if you see a massive attack on some of the 0 you ranges supported forces in syria as the primary targets here. but yes, the fact that you know, now the conflict is finding its way to a country like jordan that was trying. it's best to sit on the sidelines is again, you know, of signaling to everyone that the conflict in gaza is really encompassing the whole region. despite the fact that many of the major players did not want it to be that way. but it seems to be happening. it's becoming a contagious disease in the reach. awesome, nice thing about assessing. we thank you for it. dr. mass at the jazzy from
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missouri university of science and technology in the us. thank you so much. i of the 100 pound is suspending funding for the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees. its joining a growing list of donors including the west, germany and britain stopped payments since israel like you. some of the staff of been involved in the homeless october 7th terror attacks. you ends urgent governments to keep funding the agents that we've got on the brink of funding and ross, a condo. so one of gauze as last lifelines the many here, these blue and white bags of flour, a rule that stand between them, install evasion. but with more and more of the agencies don't, is cutting off that funding. people here in the southern city of rafa. the other west, that's what i look for, told me in the doping,
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moonrise 8 distribution is a catastrophe in the gaza strip. and the handout uh main supports and is based solely on that will be a salmon. like the one that the know that color is going to be much as i'm a part of what i can isn't what kind of a phone and ross don't helping us then i'll people will face death a minute, 5 minutes, ros helping on people who are hungry and suffering if they stop him, but we'll have no one on our side other than go to the details of these really allegations against monroe stuff has been slow to a much according to new york times sledging adult ca provided to the us government for these really secret services, 12 workers were involved, some said to have participated in kidnappings and killings, while others provided a logistical support. the agency has already filed several people and is about to thoroughly investigate the claims for the un says the funding needs to continue
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while that happens. palestinian officials and the occupied west bank have also urge donors to reconsider to the companies that have i know the suspension very paid amounts to 70 percent of the time you went budget of the united nation really fund work agency. this measure is extremely dangerous, and it is our hope that that would be provide us with most calls and snow falls from the homes by the fighting people here. i'm more dependent on the agencies help whenever the head of unreal has wound that if money doesn't start flowing again soon, it's will will grind to a hold in a matter of weeks the progress time has the polls next week on the 8th of february. but the general elections comes, the country faces a search in militancy. pakistan often blames its neighbors,
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afghanistan, and iran, and india for violence inside his borders. but these countries have long accused medicines based in pakistan of targeting them. not a progress down to naples are watching the elections that closely to see what the the results could mean for that natural security focused on isn't the crypt for deeds tricity, searches of terrorism in this recent attack, militants get sick security office of just last year, around $1000.00 people were killed in milton, did tax focused on plains, its neighbors have gone to sun for many of these incidents. it accuses of gone, live and government of supporting one of the most dangerous militant groups are focused on. they to get down to bond focused on or the d b, and then made it easy to use that. but the bombing that boxed on wants it to control or contain an actor with these off 5 bucks on it, done by a group. so you have taken a shifter and a lifestyle. ok,
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this dawn has devoted nearly half a 1000000 of guns in recent months. underscore didn't get the strained relations with koppel. didn't response to frequent bought. the disputes focused on sometimes shut fits crossings, but i've done this done, causing millions to suffer economically. and it's not only on it's a western border that buckets on faces. a hosted by neighbor on its eastern border is to reach them. they can amik baba house and focus on our tribal india and white the to new clip. all was have not recently seen board is going to shift or to meet you to conflict relations remain largely unfriendly in the prime minister. and that in there will be, sees no incentive and engaging, but the neighboring lift emission of focused on the i thought according to the next few months. and it seemed that a bad. i'm just i'm with the said the indian nationalist to body. i would
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guess now would been the type time. so it all depends activity. how does india rarely slowing policy? we have a bunch of stuff. we have not in the state of war, but grass and, but that is not that one cannot say that the state of the beast and the region for focused on is it's 900 kilometer border with 8 on this month. it strikes between 8 on and focused on the truck relations which are generally guar due to a new little loss. but even though there are no signs of the escalation long running low level insurgencies remain active on both sides of the border. the days one country in the region which, which focused on does enjoy a strategic relationship china. so if you have no, it's not on any defense relations with jana, but also have a strong tray uninstall,
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information that good. so that i think probably within the next few years what we see it create this relationship is part of this fact that despite the fact that there has been a lot of pressure on boxed on to discuss that is a big funk. and i, i don't think any government is boxed, i would do that as far as done hits into elections. it's likely to come to be continued to see if it's been political situation. and it's neighborhood michael, google in a south asia institute, director of the wilson center i think time. he joins us from washington dc. thank so much for joining us. but we've just seen him our report out for just touched on security issues and practice sounds. relations with these near neighbors, i think is likely to be big considerations for folks as next week. i don't think so only because concerns about the economy are so much larger. there are indeed significant surety concerns for, for practice done,
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particularly the resurgence of terrorism by the t t p. is the report mentioned, but i think that for most voters, the biggest concerns are with the very high food costs and insulation and that so i would argue that for those voters in the western parts of pockets not on the more holes in the terrorism, mainly from afghanistan, but also from groups based that are on certainly they will be concerned in a literal sense on election day. i think that some of these folders will be concerned about the risk posed by, by terrorist groups wanting to, to destabilize the election process by trying to carry out strikes on election day . so in that sense, voters will be concerned about terrorism. but as a policy issue, i think that voters minds with much more beyond other issues, particularly the economy. right. i mean it but, but it's important to remember that call said that the country's economy is in rather precarious state. it was bad enough. and then we had the summer's catastrophic uh, floods from which i understand a package that still has not recovered. yeah, that's absolutely correct. i mean,
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even before this lot's happened several years back pockets times economy was really struggling. but then indeed you had the, the floods which wiped out so many crops and had such a significant impact on agriculture, which is really one of the most important sectors in the talk, a stunning economy today as the top source of employment among other things. and indeed, it's true that the country is still trying to cover a lot of these people trying to recover from, from the slides, which of course makes things even worse for the broader economy, given that it's been hit so hard by so many shocks. so over the last year, so whether you're talking about, you know, internal issues, inflation or extra mental shocks, triggered by things like the war and ukraine and more recently, increasing instability in the middle east. right. tell us who the big base saw who should be watching out for an next week's elections as well. and the
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one is the key figures, one of the most popular figures in pakistan, the powers exam. ryan con is, is in jail. so all as may be on him, but he's not going to pose much of a threat because he's in jail at the moment. i think the key, the key personalities here, um, the key personality to look at is new wash reece who is a former 3 times the former prime minister. he had been in self exile in london for several years. he returned to pakistan several months ago. and naturally he had a number of or ups, i'm sure is dismissed, so to speak. and i think that's because he has another key player behind him and that being the pakistani military. so i think that no, i sharif is definitely a player to watch. i do think that there's, you're looking at possible scenarios, what's gonna happen after the election. there was a chance that he could become the next prime minister, or i will also highlight his brother, chabarise shareef, who was the prime minister. recently in the, in the previous government and cosign before the current. caretaker administration
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came on board. he is viewed as someone is um, that has better relations with the military than the was does, which is important. if you want to look at a situation where you are hoping to see better civil military relations. if the pakistani military, once more political stability on the whole, so that there could be more of a focus on strengthening the economy. then maybe the name should bosher youth is one to watch off or as he might be the next prime minister as well. right? in my lifetime pack the style, a change from being a military run country to a civilian a run country. so as you've alluded that the ministry does still seems to be very influential and package county politics. right? that's correct. so, i mean, it's been more than 15 years since you last had formal military rule. so nothings protection with no sharp step down in 2008. have you had formal military rule? but i would argue that today, if it were seeing levels of military influence that we have not seen for quite
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a long time at times when practiced on is formerly led by civilians. we, particularly the military has been very involved in economic policy. and it's just very involved in policy on the whole one reason for that is this ongoing confrontation that is had with iran con and particularly nasty one. this is, of course, the former prime minister who fill out what the military has been in jail since last year. so, you know, the pakistani military is very much active, even if it's not physically active, though i would argue that on some level that is visibly active. you have a few new economic initiatives, including a new entity, meant to attract investment from the gulf countries. the army chief has of a 3 exclusive seed at the table with that, but more so the military's there, but it's invisible behind the scenes playing the role of influence or trying to push certain political figures and parties to do certain things. that's always been the case, but it's especially the case all the more so now today, a word about the conductivity of action on the 8th itself the,
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the election commission impact is time says troops and police will be deployed to around 50 percent of posing stations. that has been declared sensitive. what does that mean? but these are basically polling stations that are viewed as uh, as threats for terrorism. they also, uh, i think are places that are viewed as, as high threats for, you know, you realize you regularities or, you know, bringing rigging, type activities and pulling day. but i really think it's the security when they're described as sensitive. it's because of concerns about terrorism. risks, and these are mainly pulling stations, as i said before, in the western north western parts of pakistan, closer to the border with asking i understand where we've seen more terrorist attacks over the last year. so thank you for guiding us through that to michael coogel and then from the wilson center in washington dc. thank you. the quote in hong kong is ordered,
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one of the china is largest real estate developers to liquidate its assets. have a grant that has been in trouble with credit this for 2 years and has failed to come up with a plan to restructure its depth. the ruling is likely to send a ripples through china's crumbling financial markets as policy makers scramble to contain at the funding crisis. i will grant no more. the world's most trouble proper to develop a symbol of china is rapid. growth is finally on the brink of to be to rent at home . concord has ordered the liquidation of china as edward grant, or at least it's overseas assets for a company that was once the pride of the chinese real estate sector. it has been a dramatic downfall, but what happens now is probably likely that the company will be forced to sell a lot of this ready report as such,
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folks on board the property management part which is relatively received in different the like the ongoing, the money and the properties that already exist that people need to surfaces. so um this quite like me to, uh, everything will be broken down into a smaller companies. you know, being shared or pressure is by other, um, like investors, but for africa and itself is basically at the mice of its, you know, on a business model. let's just remind ourselves of how bad things got for eva grant. it became the world's most heavily indebted property developer, its ultimate direct liabilities of over $300000000.00. to put that into perspective, that's more than rochester, entire national debt or equal to 2 percent of china. judy ever grants collapse could cause chuck waves across china. and triple effects would probably be fed globally. i suspect that the chinese government will manage this liquidation process. very careful, you know, why that doesn't cause major problems for the china is economy. in other words,
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it's not. i a layman moment, like we saw it back in 2009. that said, it does tell us that the property across this, in chandra, is far from out of the how about and it will be an ongoing drag on chinese economic activity. experts believe that potential uncontrolled come up. so for every brand could deal a serious blow to the chinese economy and the world's, and i'm not, was the day you can follow our team on social media at the w davis. if you're looking for news headlines, it's always that big w dot com. it's high time. you got the d w. a good the
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11:28 pm
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time to to us. and then when generations class this week on dw, the, the, the version of lee that i did not just change my life to fix my life. thinking it was not that there is no future philippines. but for me, i want to expand. and i believe that when i'm exploring, i will achieve something. that's what got me thinking about going to going about how know how i left him so much. i don't wanna lose my grandson. and angela immigration, se menosis.


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