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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 30, 2024 2:00am-2:15am CET

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin, the us files, retaliation for a deadly attack on its troops in the middle east. the pentagon says its waiting its options claiming iran backed militants for the strike on a military base and jordan, also on the program. the united nations opens an investigation into its agency for palestinian refugees falls as rarely claims that agency staff members took part in the home off the terror. attacks of october 7th. also coming up french farmers block major routes around paris. they're threatening to escalate their protest by driving tractors into the capital unless the government grants them more concessions the
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i'm on east. so thanks for joining us. the united states is promising what it calls a quote, very consequential response to a drone attack that killed 3 of its troops and jordan and wounded more than 40 others. us officials say the strike on sunday hit a military outpost known as tower 22 near the border with syria. it's the 1st time such an attack has killed american soldiers in the region since the start of the israel, him off for us president joe biden has blamed around back militants the wrong denies being involved us defense secretary lloyd austin, used a meeting with nato's secretary general in arlington, virginia to condemn the attack. good morning everybody. let me start with my outrage and sorry for the death of 3 brave us from sin,
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jordan. and for the other troops when president and i will not tolerate attack on us forces. and we will take all necessary actions to suspend the us and our troops. giorgio capiro is a us based risk consultant. i asked him what the us response to the drone attack could look like. right now in washington. there are many lawmakers, especially really the republicans who are trying to put pressure on the bite in administration to respond to by launching strikes against targets inside the ron. i. that would be a very reckless way to handle the situation that would risk escalating the crisis in the middle east to an entirely new level. and for that reason, my view is, is a bite in administration, will probably not go that far. but i think we're going to see dividing team decides
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to intensify us military strikes against groups, backed by iran in the region are chiefly in iraq, syria, m, e m, in. um, as you said, the strikes inside iran would be unlikely, but we have actually heard reports that somebody around back fighters and syria are evacuating their posts. but basically anticipation of us strikes. do you expect that washington could soon hit targets inside syria is inside syria? yes. definitely, um it should also be noted that the israelis has been doing this for many, many years. i mean i, i think um, you know, in recent years at least one or 2000 times or so these re lease has been doing it. i think we might start seeing uh, the new west stating i this type of action and intensifying are these any strikes against iron g, c, ling simulations that are present in syria and also perhaps in other countries too
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. let's talk more about the rules around here because the bite and ministration said that this militia was backed by iran. but can you tell us more about what that means to be backed by iran? well there is no denying that you're on sponsor is a whole host of the militias. inside i, the rock syria and elsewhere you run, you just give the farms money, training, political, moral support on. everyone realizes that, i think, where maybe some experts have disagreements where there's some debate is the extent to which officials india hall and they have direct control over these groups. there were some people who argue that these groups you proxies and the running authorities have complete control over them. there are other people who say it's not quite that simple. busy and these groups have some agency and they get bashing
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from ron, but it's not the case that every single time they do something in the region. it's because they received instructions from your on i think some groups, maybe it's appropriate to consider them the running and proxies where as others, i think it's a little more appropriate to consider them allies, your partner's on the wrong, but not necessarily proxies. i think we have to look at each group on a case by case basis. giorgio capiro theo of golf state analytics. thanks for joining us. thank you. the united nations has begun an investigation into its agency for palestinian refugees known as unreal. the organization is under intense scrutiny after it is related to some of its staff of being involved in the october 7th come off terror attacks. several countries including italy, germany in the us, have halted the financial contributions. agencies says that unless that funding is restored, we'll have to subsist suspend operations in gaza as the telephone was
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a condo. so one of gulls as last lifelines the many here, these blue and white bags of flour, a role that stand between them and starvation. but with more and more of the agencies don't, is cutting off that funding. people here in the southern city of rafa, the other west. that's what i look for, told me in the stopping moonrise, 8 distribution is a catastrophe in the gaza strip. of like is it was a handout on main supports and if they so that will be a salmon like the one that didn't know the colors wouldn't be much as the thought of somebody when i can isn't what kind of a phone ross don't helping us then i'll people will face death a minute, 5 minutes, ros helping on people who are hungry and suffering. if they stop him, but we'll have no one on our side other than go to the details of these really allegations against monroe stuff has been slow to
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a much according to new york times slacking. adult ca provided to the us government for the as railey secret services. 12 workers were involved. some said to have participated in kidnappings and killings, while others provided a logistical support. the agency has already filed several people and is about to thoroughly investigate the claims for the un says the funding needs to continue while that happens. palestinian officials and occupied westbank have also urge donors to reconsider to the companies that have i know the suspension very paid amounts to 70 percent of the time you went budget of the united nation really fund work agency. this measure is extremely dangerous. i mean, it is our hope that that would be provide us with most calls ins, no follows from the homes, but the fighting people here. i'm more dependent on the agencies help whenever the
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head of unreal has wound that if money doesn't start flowing again soon, it's will, will grind to a hold. in a matter of weeks, us secretary of state mc blinking has called the allegations against on raw, highly credible and deeply troubling. but he also spoke of the agencies important work and gaza under his plate and continues to play an absolutely indispensable role in trying to make sure that men, women and children who so desperately need assistance and gaza actually get it. and no one else can play the role that under has been playing. certainly not in the, in the near term. no one has the, the reach of the capacity of the structure to do what honors been doing. and from our perspective, it's important more than impair, important, imperative fit, that, that role continue. so that only underscores the importance of unreal tackling this as quickly as effectively and as thoroughly as possible. let's take a look now,
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some of the other stories making headlines around the world. us secretary of state entity blinking has said a new proposal to release hosted hostages and gaza is quote, strong and compelling. officials from cats are in egypt, have been mediating between israel and a moss. the broker a deal. i'm aust militants are still holding more than a 100 hostages and gaza after abducting them during the october 7th terror attack. the danish worship is on its way to the red sea to join the us, led admission against to the militants. the rebels backed by a ron, i've been attacking commercial vessels along the maritime route. since the outbreak of the gods of war, who these claim to be targeting ships linked to israel, should submit italy's prime minister georgia maloney is hosting an african summit aimed at boosting economic ties. and curbing migration. 2000 african leaders are
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attending the talks in rome. italy is pledging 5500000000 euros for health, energy and education projects on the account that you may be supplement. south africa's governing amc party has suspended former president jacob luma for endorsing a rival party before this year's general election. zoom allowed the african national congress and the country for nearly a decade until the corruption allegations forced him out of office in 2018. in december, he announced he would be campaigning for spear of the nation. a new party named after the agencies former on the wing during the struggle against the part time. the amc leadership is launching a legal challenge over the use of that need for me to vote for j. a n c has tolerated zoom up till now. so why hasn't made this decision to suspend him? here's the w correspondent, dan hawker to well, even though he made that announcement earlier on, he was straddling 2 sides of the line. he hadn't missed the amc formerly and hadn't
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submitted. he's official resignation. and as an, as a card carrying amc member would have had access to attend a see meetings and, and get the internal amc information. so the amc chose to take the stip of suspending him and in all likelihood he will end up being ever evicted or removed from the party in its entirety. i don't think that that's something that jacob's whom i will take issue with since he has already started campaigning for his new party. the court do i see the party and the name is very closely associated with the a and see if that was the agencies, the name of agencies on we. and it looks like of this part in the amc is likely to go into this coming election with the legal battle over its name. the agency sees the project doesn't have permission to use the name and that it's being very strategic in, in taking the name of
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a well known amc associated name and using that as part of it's, it's campaign that was dw, is diane hawker in johannesburg. french farmers are threatening what they're calling a siege of paris and protest over agricultural regulations. convoys of tractors have been blocking major routes into the city. farmers on demanding higher incomes, less red tape and protection from cheap imports. the government is expected to announce more concessions later on tuesday of to days of regional blockades. front of the farm is a headed for the capital in what they calling the siege of paris. stopping traffic along a to me to authorize into the states a, the males that to tyrese's the capital. so going, there is a powerful symbols. and if you go to paris, that's where the head office is, where all the ministries are, where all the politicians are up there and going there is the final act,
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elective. no sooner will you see oakland these protest slogans have become a common science across the country. they read oh and will be all hung up and i love my job, but i'd like to make a living from at the pharmacy they are being strangled by french and you regulations the oper, testing it against the removal of subsidies by agricultural diesel, a low tax fuel used to power attractive? i'm calling for a reversal on pesticide bonds that make producing goods like these more expensive. in belgium. farmers echoed the demands and tactics of the french counts of pops, looking roads near the capital, brussels. we're your boots, us, us, and the scene that was starting up and other countries we said to ourselves,
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maybe if we all get together all solved and will be stronger in the eyes of the company. and we would like you to take it the responsibilities of the principal dispos ibt farmers in germany also demonstrating they say the standing against what they called tax and bureaucracy madness. similar protests of also have spread to other countries, including h. l, a under mania. and based on good could be expressed at the bottom votes when the you repeat parliament elections take place in june. and here's a reminder of our top stories. for us defense secretary lloyd austin has promised retaliation for the killing of 3 american soldiers and a drone attack on a base in jordan known as power $22.00. the pentagon is blaming militants, backed by iran. united nations has opened an investigation into its agency for palestinian refugees is realized accuse some of its staff of being involved in the
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mos october 7th terror attacks and you're up to date coming up next. doc film looks at the threats of a major earthquake and it's denver, i'm ami and he says, thanks for joining us. the i sorry, so one on 6 times to please come and see more people than ever on the move worldwide in such an one. great timing question is very hard to say very difficult to find out about time on store info. my grands well i don't live in the in.


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