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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 30, 2024 7:00am-7:16am CET

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the, the, this is the, the we news line from berlin. at least 12 countries have now halters funding for owner of the new one agency for a palestinian refugees along them the west germany, the u. k, and japan. the u. n. c is expected to meet king donors, leader with an investigation underway into is really claims that some agency stuff took part and the october 7th come off. terror attacks also coming up and he was about to take all necessary actions after a deadly drone attack on a us military base and jordan blaine's iran back militants for the strike. but iran denies any involvement the
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nicole fairly welcome to the show. a dozen countries including major donors such as the west, germany and japan, are freezing their funding for the united nations agency, for palestinian refugees and move falls is really claims that some of you and staff were involved in the october, 7th and last, tara tax. the accusations have already triggered an investigation by the un into the agency known as the owner of the workers at the heart of the scandal are said to have been fired. even secretary general antonia with terrorist has pleaded for continued financial supports to me dire needs and a set to sit down with key donors later today, this trickle of you in a to is oh, meaning thousands have to 8 right now with an estimated one and 4 people stopping in the palestinian tiara tree. but even these live saving supplies being thrown
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into doubt of to israel accuse relief workers for the you in agency on risk of being involved in him. us is october. see them attacks of the 13000 staff is in gaza. 12 have been implicated during the countries accounting for most of owners funding have now post payments. the u. n. has condemned what it calls the current alleged acts, but it is urging donors to reconsider the funding freeze. the diary needs of the desperate population this or must be met. at this point, the outlook for underlining the millions of people it serves not only and gaza, but also in east jerusalem in the wet in the west bank. jordan 11 on and syria is very bleak. the united states was one of the 5th countries to suspend funding,
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but sees it could be restored depending on the you in pro, into the allegations. certainly, we have, we've not had the, we haven't had the ability to investigate themselves, but they are highly, highly credible. at the same time and as you indicated, henri has played and continues to play an absolutely indispensable role in trying to make sure that men, women and children who so desperately need assistance in gaza. actually get it to you in is the biggest age provide and gaza. in addition to food volta and meet us in its facilities, a sheltering 1400000 people displaced by defining like in them in has sort of them in the have a food is from one of the what i wanted was from india and that i might as zip code of my for life is from is that i suffer from diabetes and high blood pressure. really my head, why do i get my treatment from orthodontist to pack them? end up to where i do the pregnant women go the clinics to do tests and take
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medicine they can be get all this if the 8 stalls. and then one said from where most 10 were waiting for the hour. but all the you in one is it's crucial, aid could be caught within weeks if funding isn't restored. another belong to palestinians and cancer, who already paying a diva staging price for the some us israel war. let's take a closer look with the ws. but this is who live in jerusalem then good to send you . we heard of and the report on right is crucial to life and to a significant extent to survival at this moment in time and gaza. are there any other 8 organizations that could fill the gap? so there are no others that could fill the gap. there are others that are being operating in gaza. so for many years, but a non with the connections that on the wall has. and this is not just one of the biggest employers in gaza, it employed some 13000 stuff in gaza. it is also the biggest facilitator already
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facilitate some 80 percent of the a that's being sent in by other 8 organization. so knowing the other guys is reliant on these to you when agency other agencies a well as well the reliance on it. it's, it also runs schools, health facilities, where some 1000000 displaced people at sheltering at the moment. and so that's also a fact we have to take into place. so many people having being displaced across the gaza strip, especially in the north. what's going to happen from here on is, nobody knows, i mean, it's a really touching go situation. for so many people who, for whom this organization is a lifeline. i mean, there were warnings that these people are close to salvation and many, in many cases nicole, are there any major on the donors who have not suspended age and who maybe ramp up
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their efforts and keep operations running? well, the biggest ones of the us, the most important ones and the ones who cut off along with other countries including astray the japan. as you know, this is not going to fill the gap. it's a huge gap. and according to the agency, they're going to run out of aid and the capacity to deliberate by the end of february, israel and or on a long had a complicated relationship. wind is israel considerably even agency, so controversial. so they've seen these accusations before, and each time the organization has been very quick to go into investigations to take measures in this case as well. we're talking about a handful of people about
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a 1000 who are implicated 9 of whom was fired. o suspended. um, almost immediately uh, 2 of whom missing one of whom is dead. we also should point out a 150 of it stuff. it died so far in this almost full months long war. but this is spot protests among his way at least hundreds have been gathering at the korean. so them border crossing for example, trying to block a police of set up road block spots. these protestors including relatives of hostages being held in gaza at been scudding across fields to avoid the police road blocks. the military has declared the area of military zone and has won. these protests is to stay away those pencil and injure some things. but thanks a go. united states is promising what it calls a very consequential response to
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a drone attack that killed 3 of its troops and jordan and wounded more than 40 others. it was official save of strength on sunday, had a military outpost known as tower and $22.00 in a border with sarah that is, according to media room for the enemy drawn, wasn't shot down because it may have been mistaken for a us drone flying in the area, it was president joe biden has blamed or run back militants for the attack, or on the noise being involved. and us defense secretary lloyd austin, used a meeting with nato secretary general in arlington, virginia to condemn the attack. good morning everybody. let me start with my outrage and for the death of 3 brave us from sin, jordan and for the other troops who president and i will not tolerate attack on us forces. and we will take all necessary actions to defend the us. and our troops shows real cause 0 is the us base risk consult and i mean told him that we
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what the us response to the strong attack could look like right now in washington. there are many lawmakers, especially really do republicans who are trying to put pressure on the bite in administration to respond to by launching strikes against targets inside you on. that would be a very reckless way to handle the situation that would risk escalating the crisis in the middle east to an entirely new level. and for that reason, my view is, is a bite in administration. will probably not go that far. but i think we're going to see our dividing team decide to intensify us military strikes against groups backed by iran in the region are chiefly in iraq, syria in yemen. and
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a quick look at some other stories making headlines around the world right now. hong comes government has begun the process of passing new national security laws that move bills upon sweeping legislation imposed by basing and 2020. the 1st measures will target state secrets, espionage and foreign influence critics of the national security laws point to an erosion of democracy and civil liberties. and hong kong or near to your government shut down in northern ireland could soon be over as long as the deal reached between the bro, for british democratic union, his party and the u. k. government on post breakfast trade rules for the territory and union is boycott had blocked the formation of a power sharing government at a storm and with the republic of champagne party. human trials. how begun in the united states for a long lost, you're a link bring implant, ship mosque, said the 1st patient has already been implemented and is recovering well. these
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ships act as a brain computer interface and are intended to help people with lim, disability, or implementations control devices around the south africa's governing amc party has suspended former president jacob zoom for endorsing a arrival party before this year's general election. zoom island, the african national congress and the country for nearly a decade until corruption allegations forced them out of office in 2018. in december, he announced he would be campaigning for spear of the nation. a new party named after b and c is form or armed wing during the struggle against a part time. and the leadership is launching a legal challenge over the name of the amc is tolerated. zoom up until now. so why hasn't made his decision to this? but and so suspend him as a data we use diane hawker to well, even though he made that announcement earlier on, he was struggling 2 sides of the line. he hadn't missed the amc formerly and hadn't
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submitted. he's official resignation. and as an, as a card carrying amc member would have had access to attend a c meetings and, and get the internal amc information. so the amc chose to take the stip of suspending him and in all likelihood he will end up being ever evicted or removed from the party in its entirety. i don't think that that's something that jacob's whom i will take issue with since he has already started campaigning for his new party. the court do i see the party and the name is very closely associated with the a and see if that was the agencies, the name of the agencies on we. and it looks like of this part in the amc is likely to go into this coming election with the legal battle over its name. the agency sees the party doesn't have permission to use the name and that it's being very
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strategic in, in taking the name of a well known amc associated name and using that as part of it's, it's campaign. this is diane hawker, domestic. i know the country has hosted its 1st to both sides in nearly 2 years after the supreme court overturned a temporary band, a crown of $50000.00 watched the events and the world's largest bowl rang, but outside the arena, there were a noisy demonstrations against the bull fight which protest or se amounts to animal cruelty, a pat stadium as tens of thousands of people. watch the return of bull fighting in mexico city. convinced the dispute is part of the country's culture. when the best of the important parts of the bill fighting culture is 1st and foremost, the bill, the bill is at the center. it's an animal that has been bred for this. you also see the economic benefit. so many jobs are generated by bill citing. it drives
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a lot economically put down the side, the stadium. hundreds of protest is gathered angry what they say amounts to animal cruelty mode or is this group shouts, as most foods queued in the arena fights. we're fed up with the mistreatment of animals of any species. we're here to defend the bills. unfortunately, in december, the judges decided that there were in sufficient arguments to keep the bill ring close to that judgment was made by mexico supreme court in december. it temporarily overtime the local decision to bind bull fighting. but judges is still debating whether it should be allowed to carry on in the long term . something that continues to divide. the country
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is that you're up to date coming up. her me, 3 is an artist exploring general of women's rights and violence and their work that's after the breaks. thanks so much, very accompanied by the cost for almost a bunch of zeros on it's wanted to say a web and he knows how to use if this guy knows about energy in a way that these as much countries have no idea. it's been pretty clear, especially of late. the energy often tend to be the printer symbol. that's what menu deals ones to fix.


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