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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 30, 2024 8:00am-8:30am CET

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the, the doesn't state of the news line from berlin, at least 12 countries have now hold to its funding for the human agency for palestinian refugees. along the, the west, germany, the u. k. and japan. the one change is expected to move key donors later with an investigation underway and to is rarely claims that some agency stuff took part in the october 7th. come off terror attacks. also coming up the us vows to take all necessary actions after a deadly drone attack. on a us military base of jordan, blames iran back militants of the strike. but iran denies any involvement. plus french farmers, blogs, major rounds around paris. they're threatening to escalate their protests by
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driving tractors into the capital. unless the government grants them more concession divisions in south africa's ruling party ahead of national elections. the amc suspends former president jacob zoom or thing so campaign for arrival, political group the friendliest welcome to the show. a dozen countries are freezing their funding for the united nations agencies or posting in refugees. move follows is really claims that some of you, when staff were involved in the october 7th come off terror attacks you and see when tony, with tears has pleaded for continued financial support to meet the dire needs of palestinians and a set to sit down with key donors, later today of this trickle of u. n i, that is a many guys and
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a half to 8 right now an estimated one and full people, a staffing in the palestinian tiara tree. but even these live saving supplies being thrown into doubt of to israel accuse relief work is for the you in agency on risk of being involved in how mazda is october. students. attacks of the 13000 staff is in gaza. 12 have been implicated during the countries accounting for most of owners funding have now pulled payments. the u. n. has condemned what it calls the current alleged acts, but it is urging donors to reconsider the funding for ease. the diary needs of the desperate population this or must be met at this point, the outlook for on the one the millions of people it serves not only and gaza but also in east jerusalem in the wet in the west bank. jordan 11 on and syria is very
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bleak. the united states was one of the 5th country to suspend funding, but sees it could be restored depending on the you in pro, into the allegations. certainly we, we've not, i've yet, we haven't had the ability to investigate the marseilles, but they are highly, highly credible. at the same time, as you indicated, henri has played and continues to play an absolutely indispensable role in trying to make sure that men, women and children who so desperately need assistance in gaza. actually get it to you in is the biggest age provide and gaza. in addition to food volta and medicine, it's facilities, a sheltering 1400000 people displaced by defining. like in them in has sort of num in the food is from one of the. what i wanted was from into anatomy. i zip code of my whole life is from is it i suffer from diabetes and high blood pressure?
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really my head, why do i get my statement from orthodontist that has come in the the pregnant women go the clinics to do tests and take medicine but can be get all this if the aid stalls and then one side from where most 10 were waiting for the hour, but i will see you in one is it's crucial, aid could be caught within weeks if funding isn't restored. another blow to palestinians and cancer, who already paying a div, a staging price for the some us israel war closer look with benefits willing who joins us from jerusalem. then we heard of in the report on risk frushell to life and at this point also to survival in garza, the are there other 8 organizations who could fill the gaps? unfortunately, there is the right organization that has the network that has the connections. we're talking about knowing the, the main supply up here, but the biggest employ
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a 13000 stuff in gaza. so we're talking about the livelihoods of so many people in gaza and also the distribution of aids. we're talking about 80 percent of aid that's sent in by other 8 organizations that's distributed by this agency. so it's a lifeline to so many people. also, it provides the schools and health facilities that so many people are sheltering out of the above, but told me about uh more than a 1000000 displaced people were using those facilities. so, so many lives at risk here with warnings that these people are on the brink of famine. and it comes at the time of this well called, or i, c, j building that the 8 to guys it needs to be increased. these circumstances will only see a decrease when israel and right they have long had a complicated relationship. how the wind has israel consider the you an agency to
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be so controversial as well. first of all, the agency has to work extremely closely with how most and distributing all of this aid with talking about a huge network in the how much controlled gaza strip. but secondly, this being suspicions before and accusations made and investigations launched by on what it's also going to the investigation in this case and moved very quickly to suspend some of those work as 12 implicated, 9 suspended to missing one dead. just a handful of people. you have to take into consideration, but israel claims many more could be implicated and accuses maybe more of doubling as militants, including teachers. now they've been days of protests, is riley's taking to the streets and trying to block aid at the care. i'm so long
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crossing, for example, skirting around police road blocks crossing fields to try to stop that a getting in. they want to see the release of the hostages before anymore. aid is delivered to the gaza strip, the military, the warning them to leave the area that they've now declared. it's a closed military zone that was ben physical and joining us from jerusalem. thanks about man. thanks michael. united states as promising what and calls a very consequential response to a drone attack that killed 3 of its troops and jordan and wounded more than 40 others. he was official, save a strike on sunday. had a military outpost known as tower and 22 near the border with syria. according to media reports, the enemy drawn wasn't shot down because it may have been mistaken for a us drones lying in the area. is presidential bite and has blamed run back militants for the attack. ron denies being involved in national security council
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spokesman, john kirby said the west is still pondering as the response or we're not looking for a war with iran or not. so you can in conflict with the regime in the military way . and as i said in the, in the opening, we're not, we're not looking to escalate here. this attack over the weekend was that school, the tory make no mistake about. and it requires a response, make no mistake about that. i will not get ahead of the president's decision making well as president by laws america's response to the attack. and jordan pressure is growing in washington to strike a blow directly at iran. for decades. iran has funded militant groups targeting the us and its allies across the middle east with more than a 150 attacks on us forces stationed in the region since the start of the war. in garza, along a missile slide towards the red sea targeting ships and from lebanon into israel,
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and from a rack into jordan, all fired by groups backed by iran. iran backs more than a dozen proxies in lebanon, syria, iraq, yemen and gaza, projecting its influence across the region, and aiming to drive out american troops. there over 30000 us forces stationed across the middle east, from several 100 in syria to more than 10000 agent guitar and the united arab emirates since october 7th. the us also brought warships that have moved closer to israel and guys of so many us soldiers near so many proxy armies and dozens of tit for tat attacks and counter attacks, but no direct confrontation with around so far. iran says it doesn't control the groups. it's funding, well i'm all of my government resistance groups across the region. do not take all to somebody's lovek republic could be wrong that these lemma group probably could be wrong. while it does not welcome the expansion of conflicts in the region.
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doesn't interfere in decision making by resistance groups that it has to be multi good all the more of a match. but since the as law mac revolution, in 1979, iran has built up its support for those proxies, sending them hundreds of millions of dollars per year. its 1st big success for the proxy for us happened in 1983 in lebanon when it has below truck bombing at the us army barracks killed more than 200 soldiers. the us withdrew its forces from the country. meanwhile, has built built a huge arsenal of missiles since her mazda is terror attack on october 7th. hezbollah has nearly daily fired rockets into his re a hey, ron also arms the who's the rebels in yemen. after israel invaded garza who these attack ships and the red sea, the u. s. has bombed who the positions, but the group continues its attacks. yet another front is in iraq and syria,
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or iran appears to be encouraging it's militias to attack us military bases. washington has responded with its own strikes. the drone attack on us forces in jordan was the 1st of october 7th to kill americans. soldiers. 3 people lost their lives. the attack was claimed by the islamic resistance in a rack. a collection of militias backed by around the us as it will mount a consequential response entail. now the us and a ron have been locked in a war of words, careful not to attack each other's militaries, but the fatal strike on us troops has created pressure from republicans on president biden, to hit iran itself. bringing the 2 countries even closer to direct confrontation charge will cause pharaoh as a risk consultant based on the us. and he told them w what the us response to the drone attack could look like right now in
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washington. there are many lawmakers, especially really the republicans who are trying to put pressure on the bite in administration to respond to by launching strikes against targets inside ron. and that would be a very reckless way to handle the situation that would risk escalating the crisis in the middle east to an entirely new level. and for that reason, my view is, is a bite in administration, will probably not go that far. but i think we're going to see dividing team decides to intensify us military strikes against groups, backed by iran in the region are chiefly in iraq, syria in the i'm in that was risk analyst, georgia ferro. let's take a look now at some of the stories making headlines around the world today. he was secretary of state and to be blank and has said
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a new proposal to release hostages and gaza is strong and compelling. officials from could tar in egypt, have been mediating between israel and the last or broker a deal. last militants are still holding more than a 100 hostages in gauze after abducting them during the october 7th terror attack. hong kong is government has begun the process of passing new national security laws that was built upon sweeping legislation imposed by an beijing and 2020. the french measures will target state secrets, espionage and foreign influence critics of the national security laws point to an erosion of democracy and civil liberties. and on con, near to your government shut down and northern ireland could soon be over as follows. deal reached between the bro, rented pro british democratic unionist party and the u. k. government on post breakfast trade rules for the territory and union is fully caught, have blocked the restoration of empower share and government with the republic of
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champagne party to and human trials have begun in the united states for a long last year. a link brain implant chip must said the 1st patient has already been implanted and is recovering well. these chips to act as a brain computer interface and are intended to help people with lim, disability around mutations control devices around french farmers are threatening what they're calling a siege of pears in protest over agricultural regulations. conway, subtract, or is having blocking major routes into the city. farmers are demanding higher, incomes less threatened tape and protection from cheap imports. the government is expected to announce more concessions later on tuesday. after days of regional blockades, francis farmers headed for the capital in what they were calling the siege of paris, stopping traffic along a major arteries into the city. now that
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to value see that, here's the capital. so going, there was a powerful, simple. if you go to paris, that's where the head office is, where all the ministries are. yeah, we're, all the politicians are going. there is the final act. if you know some of the east, you know these protests logan's have become a common site across the country. they read are and will be your hunger and i love my job, but i'd like to make a living from the pharmacy that they are being strangled by french and isa regulations. anger over the removal of subsidies for agricultural diesel. a low tax fuel used to power tractors and the reversal on pesticides benz for many to the streets in belgium, farmers echoed the demands and tactics of the french counterparts. blockading roads
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near the capital, brussels to move without where you want. boots are assessment so that it was starting up in other countries. we said to ourselves that we're not, but maybe if we all get together home, then we will be stronger and the eyes of the you fall and we would like to you and it's representatives to take responsibility. so the farmers in germany are also demonstrating they say they are standing against what they call tax and bureaucracy . mathis? similar protests of also spread to other countries, including italy in romania and design group could be expressed at the ballot box with the european parliament election. takes place in june, cross to paris now and to the w, corresponded liza louisa, the farmers are angry and they are on their way to paris. how far are the farmers prepared to go? well absolutely, as we just heard in, in this report, the final point of this protest movement could be the siege of paris. mind you
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right now, that blocking the main roads leading up to pirates. so secondary rates are still open to traffic that might change today or tomorrow. also, they have said that they might move into power is always depending on what's prime and it's got to be that's how it will say later on. there's also a, a convoy of about $200.00 tractors that are on the way from south west and phones to powers right here on the mos in central phones. right now. the aim is to block b as long as this whole phase hold, say food market out just out of power is one of the biggest such markets in the world that is providing police for paris and it's region. but it seems that the police are determined to stop them from doing site. and you mentioned that the french government is to address farmers request later today. what do you expect will be announced there? a slow w. that's how we'll hold his a general policy speech and parliament of this afternoon. you know,
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the government has already responded to some of the month by the farmers such as, for example, a, the government has withdrawn, tends to increase taxes on a freight food l. so providing additional subsidies at the government would now say, you know, we kind of touch it. there's no red tape or easiest with environmental measures. however, there are some pallets. so base the balance that off in the hands of your, of the is you and am i, my klein to stand, will go to brussel, select the room this week as might plead the cause of the farm is for example, and we are hearing from the l e say that the they would like to stop negotiations on a free trade deal between the you and the market. so markets of south american countries a deal to which farmers are opposed to you in front me. so what's interesting is that elsewhere across your farmers, protests have attract as far right and populous parties. is that something you're seeing and friends as well? and if so, why?
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well, yes, absolutely. the far right column. she's the head of the far right paul, who is it all done by the law has gone to see farmers on several occasions over the past few days. obviously they are trying to come to that boat. how just a vis, you know, this year's new elections in june, my new pharmacy, i'm not necessarily the ones that will primarily vote for the fall, right. but the far right is trying to capture the road, right. and is increasingly succeeding in doing so. since 2000, 2001 hand front, just need a way of corresponding lisa louis. thank you so much. i. it's to south africa now where the governing amc party has to spend a former president jacobs. zoom out for endorsing arrival party before this year's general election zoo. i loved the african national congress and the country for nearly a decade until corruption allegations forced them out of office in 2018. and december,
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he announced he would be campaigning for a spear of the nation, a new party named after b amc, his former armed wings during the struggle against apartheid and the leadership as launching a legal challenge over the name of amc is tolerated. zoom up until now, so why hasn't made this decision now to suspend them? here's the w corresponding, diane hawker. well, even though he made that announcement earlier on, he was struggling 2 sides of the line. he hadn't missed the amc formerly and hadn't submitted. he's official resignation. and as an, as a card carrying amc member would have had access to attend a see meetings and, and get the internal amc information. so the amc chose to take the stip of suspending him and in all likelihood he will end up being ever evicted or removed from the party in its entirety. i don't think that that's something that jacob's
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whom i will take issue with since he has already started campaigning for his new party. the quote do i see the party and the name is very closely associated with the a and see if that was the agencies, the name of the agencies on we. and it looks like of this part in the amc is likely to go into this coming election with the legal battle over its name. the agency sees the party doesn't have permission to use the name and that it's being very strategic in, in taking the name of a well known amc associates his name and using that as part of it's, it's campaign. it was the, the way of corresponding diane hawker. now, the survivors of the alleged abuse in myanmar had been speaking to the w about their horrifying treatment in signed a secret of so called scam factory, held against their will and an operation involving crime syndicates. these victims of human trafficking are forced to execute crypto currency fraud. our report is
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drawing the rescue mission defined and saves them. the names of the interviewees in this exclusive room forward have been changed for their own protection. in this compound on me and most boda with thailand, thousands of people, a working to trick people in china, the us and europe out of the savings. but the people inside on doing so for personal profit. they've been traffic from across the globe and being forced to work in a scam factory and slaves like conditions. if there is no plans with no, no lunch. if someone checks and you didn't reply to atlanta, the be to all make use done for hours. lucas, the spot at the group that managed to escape a scam factory known as k k puck. it's one of around 12 such compounds in this area as me and most current state. and it's one of the most notorious,
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secure tools checking out computers, seen if we are doing our job or play and we work 17 hours a day. no complains, no holidays, no rest. and if we say we want to leave, they tell us they will sell us or kill us. so they did what they would told make contact with people on the internet when that trust and convince them to invest and fake crypto currency thoughts. once the victims have sent enough money, the website is shut down and the money gone, of this sophisticated form of scanning is called a pic, butchering and the united nations office on drugs and crime estimate such scams generate more revenue than the drug trade in southeast asia. k, k pocket alone makes tens of millions of your as a month, apparently enabled by soldiers of me and most buddha, god, and on the backs of help us victims of human trafficking. last message says we're
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in a bunker after the river. and what's down the end of that river on the ty side of the boat to a team of 8 workers is on a mission to help them escape to. so timing is critical. victims are sometimes transferred and taxis to other compounds by a thailand because the rates there are foster one sofa that's when to to initial act. and we're looking for a taxi with the license plate, $95.00, yellow and blue coming up on that side of the ride. it's a dangerous mission. they don't know if traffic is out in the car. they turn down a side street resistance and that's about the best time they're lucky. they all know um traffic is inside. there's no opposition from the taxi driver and judah and michelle managed to shut the group into that. i con my name's to that
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nice to meet you, the group abroad to a safe house for a much needed rest. the next step will be dealing with immigration authorities. but you know, not an easy experience. and i hope i can go back to my country and find a job that i was graduated for. to start a new life. this is aaron and lucas, what eventually recognized us victims of human trafficking and re petri a to to the home country. the thousands of victims of still trapped at k k park and all the scam factories somewhere on the me and my thailand, buddha and you can watch the entire documentary here on dw and little over an hour and a half. that is at $1015.00 central european time, or go to our youtube channel and search for the w documentary highly recommended.
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before we go, here's a quick reminder. over top stories today, at least 12 countries have halted their funding for the owner of the you, an agency for palestinian refugees, the us germany, and japan are long them. the u. n. is investigating is really claims that some agency staff took part in the october 7th last tara attacked. the one chief is expected to meet key donors later today. he wants to send the secretary lloyd austin, has promised retaliation for the killing of 3 american soldiers in a drone attack on a base in jordan known as the tower. 22 depended on as blaming militants. fact, fine, iran and don't forget, you can always get the domain is on the go out from google site or from the app store, and that will give you access to all the latest news from around the world. as well as push notifications for any rankings are all in the state coming out in doc building stores. what happens when generations flash over migration,
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and that's the view from the philippines and iraq on the phone. really thank you so much for your company. the . the
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german to offer cheese over what is what they say, but i hope i loved them so much. i don't bundle my grandson. leaving home can be contemptuous, but for different reasons. and the general then goes to another country, she hop on. why would that be good? if i'm afraid that she will be murdered or to that us in the when generations flash dw, there's more to sustainable fishing than just fishing when allah and go out to see
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together big world cultural heritage. sharefile's fishing is a traditional technique used to, to music articles of care kind of it's important sort of lead artist the mean it to be, it's in bassett, or eco africa. in 60 minutes on d. w. the . so you don't think and feel the same way you expect and want different things from line in your parent. i just want to pursue was set slice law on fire or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, unreasonable, all stuff. i want my son to become
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a doctor to in the clouds. it's time to, to us. and then when generations class this week on dw, the, the version of the that i did not just change my life to fix my life. you know, it's not that there's no future lanes, but for me i want to explain all. and i believe that when i'm exploring, i will achieve something. that's what got me thinking about going a little while i'm going, i'm the i left him so much. i don't wanna lose my grandson.


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