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tv   Close up  Deutsche Welle  January 30, 2024 10:15am-10:46am CET

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sions in the country, despite his fonts or supports ton has been barred from running st. you're up to date of next are exclusive documentary and a list of views and slavery inside of myanmar scam factory. stay tuned for that and i went back more news at the top of the our hope see that the, that the shuttle the kind of into the more people than ever on the world wide and such a big loss asshole jessica middle castle josh, find out about robina story info. my grands i was hoping to go and when overseas n one d, i was approached,
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it starts with an attractive job offer abroad. and it ends in modern slavery. i kind of just see that i want to pull out the have guns. the come shoot you here in southeast asia, thousands of people of trafficked into secret sites where they are full to scam unsuspecting victims across the globe. i was so shocked to hear how big the company's it's like running a corporation. the only hope a few volunteers and doctor visits to help them escape were coming down. but who is behind this 3? so scam factory, we go so one of the largest scamming operations in south east asia to track down the pub, patrice as we followed the money. and it let us to
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a vast criminal network, spending the globe he says he used to fight for the cartels and now he fights for the chinese communist party. in 2022. aaron was finishing his university degree in the country in southern africa when he was recruited by a technology company based in thailand. on google maps, i could see the have different locations, some of them in thailand. i thought everything was legit until i go to bangkok. when i arrived in black hole, i saw some one was waiting for me with a sign. my name was on it. he took me to a car with 2 other guys. we were suppose
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to go to a hotel that is like maybe 10 minutes away from the airport, but we drove in a different direction instead of a 10 minute ride. aaron was in the car 4 hours. that's when we realized to be, i know going to bundled i was so scared, the fin, the cop talk. that's house. it's a group is all should and we were told to hide with the picks. we don't
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understand what is happening here. they hide 4 hours under the cover of the dogs that taken to a nearby river the . we must keep down. keep down now we are really afraid the boat came. they put top box in the people with guns. they said we should get in the boat and across the room and the rest of the group were brought to a hometown surrounded by highlands with fall jamalia. now that trapped inside this is the river that are in crossed the marie mux, the buddhist separating thailand and me and ma on the the me side. it isn't always
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clear who is in control of the for most of its history, me and ma has been ruled by appraisal ministry regime. but here at the eastern boulder with thailand on groups of the korean, the ethnic minority have fought for the independence. but the decade ago, the reality on the ground changed. some groups still fight the government. but others have made a deal with the means military. today, these former rebels form the official border guard forces. and in exchange they are free to pursue their own business interests. k, k cox, this is where are in this taken to thousands of traffic tia and fulls to scam people in china. the western europe there are a few compounds like this in the area,
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but this one is the most notorious. and the most secretive line, the palm soldiers go up the entrances and cctv cameras everywhere. the we reviewed the exclusive images taken from within the compound and spoke to several victims who were held here. they will recognize the badges on the golf uniforms. they all the ins and take me up the folder called forces the fuller rebel to change science. the one thing is leah soldiers from me and malls go to god full of presents and k tape talk the in k k park our needs lucas from western africa. he was also traffic to him to the
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compound they received detailed instructions on how to scan people. upon arriving at the compound, we reviewed several of these manuals, and they casually explain how to build trust and exploit weaknesses and the so called clients, such as be funding, make clients fall in love with you so deeply that they forget. at 1st thing. sometimes it is the need for loans and sometimes it has the need to connect with others what i leave. we don't have a lot of asian population. i was talking with some ation people online and i met this ation person. he told me he's from california. nora is a chinese immigrants in a western country. after a while, this guy,
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he says, we have this type of crypto currency. i want to to learn how to come and see work. so and, and this person was so kind and he said, i'm going to teach you the crypto car. and so he's like, bitcoin are increasing the popular as investments. the risk is high, but so the margins for profit, they are largely unregulated and transactions are difficult to trace that goal. so it makes them attractive for organized crime. the so i chose, so this person and you know, i, i let him teach me on your invest in the website. you can see a funds there. you can take out the money. the scam is through the victims of 4 months and just wait them to invest more and more. laura, so the website was legitimate. she believed she exchange test savings for
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a lucrative investment. but instead of money went to a crypto wallet, the equivalent of a digital account controlled by the scammers. i wanted to withdraw a couple of $1000.00 in. i could then withdraw them. and this person was, was pushing me to invest more money into, into this crypto currency. the websites has suddenly down the sky, mother goes silent and your money is gone. this fullness scamming is cold. pick, butchering the scam affections, the victim. and then goes in for the slaughter and do less wondering why is this person doing this to me? off to being scammed, nora starts with a volunteer group to help others scammed victims. but then something unexpected happened. we thought that everybody in this skim industry is a criminal, always
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a bad person until one day someone reached out to us and said you had been traffic to into this skim compile. and i was so shocked to hear how big the companies is like running a cooperation, the people of traffic in from all over the world. but several sources confirms that the pulses and the compound are chinese. they track screen time on work phones and randomly inspect rooms secure to us checking computers, seeing if we have d natural or plain lucas, an hour and received financial targets. numbers of clients to be contacted, an amount of money to be scammed. if there is no client with no, no lunch, if someone checks and you didn't reply to a client, the beat to all make you stand for hours. we work 17 hours a day. no complains,
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no holidays, no risk. and if we say we want to leave, they tell us that we've set us or she loves the the last night, i got a message from, from somebody inside the compound saying, i think i'm gonna get out tomorrow, right? judah, i'm michelle aide. work is on the toys side of the buddha. they help traffic to victims escape from these fruitful comb pounds. today a group of victims reached out from what i understand, the majority of them have just being disruptive. they have for kids to work. that's a problem. magic to the buses, and so you've refused to work, so then they're going to sell you to another come pounds. when victims are
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transferred to another, sometimes they also go through thailand because the roads are foster, i'm say, so this is judah and michelle's own neutrons to into steps the group. not every rescue is successful and not every rescue or case provides you with the opportunity to actually tracking into steps. if a sign goes dot to caught chase that goes around town, i need to let them as soon as they can. because if they stop at a traffic light, it's the chance to get out is not responsive, 713, and his date of his live tracking has updated for 1112 the story of the scam of factories begins and beijing with a grandiose announcement for me and we stand ready to join people around the
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world to build the built in road initiative that you move. in 2013 china is head of state she. jean king announced a massive investment program abroad. the belgian road initiative was intended to link china closer to global trade. one of its biggest target countries was me in month it was the opening shop for chinese investors to rush and build out infrastructure in this impoverished country. but it was also an opportunity for a much shady business here in korean state near the table with a whole new city sprung up within years destined to be asia's new gambling destination. for chinese clients, the gambling is illegal in mainland china and most of south east asia. but here and this will total cost of me in my. nobody is looking this promotional video shows what the $1000000000.00
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investments would look like for a gigantic gambling town on the border. the chinese business men should judge young as seems, finding the project next to him. the head of the former rebels turned both accounts . the chinese government reports initially hailed this project as an integral part of bilson road emissions. only when reports of wide spread organized for which sprang up to phasing distance itself. just 2 years later, a few, columbus su styles, the same solemn scenes say you, she got a placement to become another gambling destination, the visionary, one quite coy and notorious, crying both from a cow present at the groundbreaking ceremony. or he also goes by the
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nickname broke into this k k polk. the scam compound lives just in the middle of these 2 cuz he knows disease . but he is, there is no public opening ceremony. those behind it remained. a mystery room is such late that one of these 2 chinese investors could be behind this cruel operation. but so far, proof remains elusive. and then lucas spend several months in k, k. polk. as time pauses, they become increasingly desperate. after the said no salary, we started to complain and then we refused to work, or suddenly they must pack the bags. i had them saying they would sell us to
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a place the northern me and my wife is who are of no use to the pulse is also a result of the criminal groups. aaron lucas and others are taken to the banks of the marie to hide the traces. they are forced to switch, call several times and waits and checks along the river. once they cross to the ties side track because we'll take them to the north standby, they're in town and they're like literally if we had tons down that straight there at the end of the strait right there. you just don't want to drive down. you know, you judah and michelle are close to the victims, but intercepting now would be too dangerous. they don't know if the traffic has the
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last message says we're in a bunker. what's down the end of that reason? it's a really small little narrow road too. so he didn't say he just started sending that live vacation from that one message that we got could be in a van could be in a house. i see in my thing he's like pin back into one of those houses. are bouncing around and come back. okay, head out on that street and
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hi, they're right down the street behind and we just we just drive past the the united nations, also some drugs and crime estimate step so cold pig butchering scams in southeast asia generate more revenue than the drug trade. take a pocket load and mix tens of millions of yours a month. we followed the money trailer from several scammed victims to see where it leads. like laura, they invested the money in a fake crypto currency site. and on witching lea transferred the funds to a wallet used by scam us to hide its trace criminals, rerouted the money until it reached wallets k. k pop uses to pull the defrauded funds. these one that's then made several direct transfers to other accounts
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including this one, millions of yours was encrypted or passed through it. we weren't able to identify and corroborate that. this one that was opened by this chinese business man based in bangkok during the time the cash was flowing long. each one was the vice president of the tie a trade association located in this building on the fringes of bangkok. this is also the building of a chinese association. the overseas human culture exchange center. both the location i'm the sense that came into the focus of title storage sees in 2023. i this in february, police raided the building on suspicion of serving as a from to for organized crime, along with another cultural association in bangkok using the same name home and
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the home men were a chinese secret society, dating back to china's imperial era. with time they developed links with organized crime and close ties with chinese triads. triads of both criminal networks with thousands of members. they operate globally and are involved in drug trafficking, human trafficking, extortion, and other criminal activity. what homeland does is it takes a lot of the symbolism, a lot of the stories of the chinese under world and, and popularized has them. this is jason tower, a leading experts on organized crime and asia. the scamming operation stemming out of k k talk trace back to a complex network of businesses and associations, used by well connected criminals to legitimize the crimes
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and they all lead to one truman and shake a broken shoes. here we can see him visiting the time from shift the homeland association, the same one that was rated by local police broke into this rose to power in the eighty's and ninety's as a member of the full team k. try out. one of the home comes largest guns, notorious for his ruthlessness he took over as the 14 k lead to a neighboring macau at the time ages gambling capital. but the failed assassination of a prosecute to lead to his arrest. he spent more than a decade in jail. when he was released in 2012 times had changed. the cow had been handed over to mainland china. the mafia, both re branded himself as a patriotic business man. he invested in crypto
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currencies, casinos, and real estate, all over asia and even named be a brand off the home and never missing an opportunity to show his support for china and the communist policy. we must jointly support the cause of national unification and support the great renaissance of the chinese nation. sitting side one cup lay also has a, a quote that he uses fairly regular. literally he says, he used to fight for the car towels and now he fights for the chinese communist party in 2018, broken to, to establish the world human history of culture association, an organization that has since spread its presence across the globe to use lights are broken tooth and his homebound association was sanctioned by the
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united states. in the announcement they drew links between broken, choose the chinese communist policy and bilson, road investments. china has denied these allegations it says i'm clear whether the sanctions had any impact on broken tooth. businesses from bangkok says network continues to expand from southeast asia to africa, the middle east, and even north america. we really see that these criminal networks are becoming more, more powerful, more and more influential and more and more in edit, in different countries around the world. and the efforts by law enforcement are really only touching the tip of the iceberg. at this point, the group of traffic to victims having formed judah and michelle that they have been put some taxes to end on now driving to an unknown location. now is that
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sounds to interest saturday. we're going to be looking guys for a vehicle and we're looking for a tech to see what the license plate, $95.00, yellow and blue coming up on that side of the right. that could be them right there . 965. it's probably $65.00, and they get $600.00. that's the river, right there guys. the bridge. the it does show over on top of them on the right there. so i think that's i've got the yellow and blue. yeah. and it's, and he's kind of from $65.00, but i mean literally was sitting in the traffic that's to come up. so can we tell them i think the
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i'm gonna say that everyone's probably heading in the same direction to the same hotel where just that we just thought the traffic lights. okay. where behind the yellow taxi they turned down a side street for like a 5. okay. i can see where they're at. i know we try to tell the right can you say it? can you say it on the pin? yep. so where just one straight in front of it. there behind i can see where they're at. yeah, yeah, yeah. we're coming down the section
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the the, i think we're gonna get a minute. okay. the we have to get the partner transferred, the
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judah and michelle, bring the victims to a safe house when they explain what will happen next will start to use will either recognize them as victims of human trafficking and repack, treat them home or charged them with violating immigration laws, which might mean more time behind falls this time in an official detention center. you never actually switch off then you try to give the victims a chance to it's a painful a chance to kind of breeze. um for the 1st time, perhaps in 910 months they've ever taken abreast we give them afraid for the stand, the think is any way i'm gonna turn out how we going to be court. is there gonna be
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something that comes in off them off just moments of rest probably to the last 2 or 3 days, then they must report to the large sees it was not an easy experience. and i hope i can go back to my country and find a job that i was graduated for. to start a new life the
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the, to these places in europe smashing the record, stepped into a bold adventure. the treasure map for modern globetrotters. describe it as some of us wriggled, begging sites on you to look for task for on the sponsored zeros on it's one of the sale when he knows how to use this not. i mean, this guy knows about energy in a way that these as much structures have no idea. it's been pretty clear,
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especially if the weight often can be the printer. symbol. what does exist behind the facade is this energy john tell us gas from russia's political weather in the us, february 3rd on d, w. the common melanie should be to, is haunted by the past of the day goes by without her thinking of her. many relatives were personally murdered by the nazis shop. i no longer have a family. i'm on my own because my whole family was killed. common should be taught belongs to germany since the minority. she's hoping to get closer to our ancestors by visiting the ocean, its concentration camp. but it's a painful journey into the past and a search for her own identity.


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