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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 30, 2024 11:00am-11:31am CET

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the, the, this is the, the we news line from berlin pockets as former prime minister in run con is sentence of 10 years in prison. accord finds him guilty of revealing officials speak or verdict comes just days before parliamentary elections in the country. also coming up crystal currency fraud and the lives of views as the hands of the chinese mafia. we are investigating the secret of myanmar scam factory, bring you exclusive insights and pressure and grows on president and joe biden, to retaliate following a drone strike on a us space in the middle east. america says it will take all necessary actions
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after the attack in jordan kills 3 of it's true, the relation welcome to the show. we started with a developing story from pockets done were former prime minister and run con, has been sentenced to 10 years in jail for revealing state secrets. cons, legal team says it will appeal against the judgement. con, was ousted from power through a no confidence mode. and problem in april of 2022 not allowed to run for election said for february 8th, but continues to have significant public support. con is currently in prison, serving a 3 year term as part of a separate the craft case. in an ongoing finding, nobody is being his job name is one more. can you tell us about this verdict? nicole, this is and was indications that ron hahn when he was prime minister of the country
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in 2022. he shared a secret diplomatic deeper was sent by pocket sense invested in washington and named on han use that and shared that peoples thing accusing the united states is conspiring with august and the politicians to oust him from his office to a new confidence. what and this up happened and gone on was i'll stick to a new confidence sports and we got hung skeptic using that was done because the us didn't want him gone home to have an independent foreign policy. the us denied or has officially, or we have denied these indications, but in focused on it's, it's illegal to share state secrets and therefore this gift against him and to be hurt that he has not been sentenced to then. yes, he has, or his team has announced they will appeal, but if this goes through, what would this mean for his political career?
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for him, not hon. and his political party accused that no, and they have dozens of the case of the not hon, has dozens of cases against him and postings of the political bulk of arctic names in g. b. a said that it has happened because john, hong had to fall off. we bought defense military and the new one for transport. and all of the cases that he's facing on his part is facing it because the amended to once him out from the political landscape of the country. and for now we do see that this is happening. but there's a lot of uncertainty and focused on. but for now, it seems things are pretty back for him here. the military, of course, usually seriously influential in progress done, is we are less than 2 weeks away from elections in the country. so what does this, you know, with in room con, being a hugely polarized in staggering to, but one that enjoys such tremendous following? what does that mean for the political situation and stability in fox,
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the fox and john hunt is a popular leader at the grassroots level. he has a lot of street power. he is able to bring thousands and thousands of people in valleys, but of course now he's in jail and just before elections, his party, also lots last elect order symbol for the party. and in fact, who happened to accord in focused on it's very important for the political party deposits elect orders and the because political it is really low. so in order receive that his body has been completely sideline and gingerly and focused on elections are out of are like festival. there's a lot of scam spinning, but what we see that many young people who do a follow him. ron hahn are kind of disappointed at what's happening and it's leaving a lot of uncertainty. and this a reason. charging, looking down on would also mean we could see political chaos or some unrest on the streets. that was the most challenge. thank you so much for your insights. now,
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survivors of alleged abuse in myanmar i have been speaking to the w about their horrifying treatment inside a secret of a so called scam factory, held against their will and an operation involving crime syndicates. these victims of human trafficking are forced to execute crypto currency fraud. our reporters joined a team trying to find and rescue them. the names of the interviews and this exclusive reports have been changed for their own protection. in this compound on me and most boda with thailand, thousands of people, a working to trick people in china, the us and europe out of the savings. but the people inside on doing so for personal profit. they've been traffic from across the globe and being forced to work in a scam factory and slaves like conditions. or if there is no plans with no, no lunch. if someone checks and you didn't reply to atlanta the be to or make you
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stand for hours. lucas, this part of the group that managed to escape a scam factory known as k k puck. it's one of the around 12 such compounds in this area as me and most current state. and it's one of the most notorious, secure to us taking our computers, seeing if we are doing our job or playing. we work $17.00 a day. no complains, no holidays, no rest. and if we say we want to leave, they tell us they will sell us or kill us. so they did what they, what told, make contact with people on the internet when that trust and convince them to invest and fake crypto currency thoughts. once the victims have sent enough money, the website is shut down and the money gone. the sophisticated form of scanning is called pick, butchering and the united nations office on drugs and crime estimate such scams,
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generate more revenue than the drug trade in southeast asia. a. k, k population makes tens of millions of your as a months, apparently enabled by soldiers of me and my as buddha god, and on the backs of help us victims of human trafficking. last message says we're in a bunker after the river. what's down the end of that river? on the ty side of the boat to a team of 8 workers is on a mission to help them escape to. so timing is critical. hello, victims are sometimes transported in taxis to other compounds by a thailand, because the rates there are foster one sofa. that's when do the initial act. i'm looking for a tech to see what the license like 95, the other and blue coming up on that side of the right. it's a dangerous mission. they don't know if um traffic is out in the car. they turned down a side street for like
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a flight provisions, and that's about the best time the lucky they all know um, traffic is inside. there's no position from the taxi driver and judah and michelle managed to shut the group into that. i caught my names to that nice to meet you, the group abroad to a safe house for a much needed rest. the next step will be dealing with immigration authorities. you know, not an easy experience. and i hope i can go back to my country and find a job that i was credited to for, to start a new life. and, and lucas, what eventually recognized us victims of human trafficking and re petri a to, to the home country. the thousands of victims of still trapped at k k park and others scam factories. somewhere on the me and my thailand,
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buddha to my colleagues lewis sanders worked on that investigation. a short while ago, i asked him how he and his team found out about the story and then gained access. well, the question is quite difficult to answer because it could effectively goes splits into 2 different parts. you have the kind of investigative side of the project and you also have source development. and the story really begins with us kind of starting to look at this scan mean pandemic. that is, that we're kind of seen in, in, in the us and europe, but also in places like china in japan. and as we were digging deeper into the story, we realize that there is a human trafficking crisis triggered by the skimming operations on the border with me and more and thailand. and the further and further you dig the, the more you start having this kind of information you start reaching out to sources and kind of trying to figure out what's happening and painting the picture . and it is in this process that you start kind of getting better access,
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better understanding of the circumstances on the ground. and, and that's when we also met michelle and judah, and i think what was really key and also getting access to be able to embed with them as they go on to one of these intersections. i think what was crucial is that we weren't seeing them as a means to an end or as just a story, but we really kind of walk through with them. got to know them, you know, spoke a lot about what they were doing and better understanding how people get trafficked into these kinds of compounds. how do they get rescued out of them? what happens if they don't get rescued out? right. and, and i think it's this kind of, uh, you know, months long process of really getting to know who your sources are. so that really kind of, uh, you know, really benefits this, the story and, and the investigation that we were able to commit to conduct. let's talk about what you found out there. how do people end up in these in these compounds k park,
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in that case that you investigated and how do they get out? it says actively, a lot of these people in particular, lot of them are coming from either southeast asia or africa and they're university graduated there. you know, young uh, you know, young men women who are just graduating out of university. they're kind of bright. i, they're looking for something, you know, a job to kind of, you know, for the field their lives there and visions, their dreams. and so you and, and they often, they, they're basically being recruited for speaking for an english and fort mandarin. and they'll get head hunted, they'll be told, hey, look, there's this really cool job in thailand you, we're going to give you tons of money will pay out your ticket. you'll come out here, you'll do this job a little. do they know when they actually to bangkok they're effectively taking to may start this for the city and then traffic to kick you park where the effectively told now you have to scan and if you don't, these are the consequences which are often either you know, torture and we also have reports of murders to now there they realize they're there
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in hell on earth. and oftentimes it's impossible to escape because there's a, you know, surveillance everywhere. there's armed guards, all of their communications are logged. so they're not able to kind of communicate with other people outside of this, right. but what usually happens is that one day will come out after a few months. maybe they're not performing well and they'll be told they're going to be released or their contract has been completed. but actually they're going to be sold off to another confound um, sometimes in the area, but also sometimes in northern mia and martin. this is effectively that one opportunity where they cross into thailand in order to reach better infrastructure traffic infrastructure to get to northern myanmar or whatnot. that's the kind of like small little window that, that they have to kind of reach out to people like jude and michelle and say, hey, we're going to be out here. can you help us? can you save us? yeah, but who's profiting from this? who's behind these factories?
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so this is kind of a, there's a lot of people profiting from this situation. you have enabled is on the ground. so we were able to find out that soldiers of mars go facial board or guard forces of care and state are, are present on the compound. it appears that they are providing security for the area. but we have also been able to speak to scan victim square, scammed out of scanning operations from take a part and been able to trace the crypto as it went from their wallets into a wall. it's managed by kick a park and we're basically eventually see direct payments to people who are involved in that these vast crime networks that effectively link to chinese mafia. and it looks like me on more as military is at least in part involved in this. our authorities doing anything to tackle this problem. but it's a little bit tough because the official border guard forces their former rebels and
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they made this deal about a decade ago with the military, june to and said, okay, we'll stop fighting you if you allow us to kind of do what we want in the areas and territories that we control and this, you know, what the june to is getting from this is now they have a fighting force that is allied with them on the ground fighting other uh, you know, as think rebels that are against them. and it's unclear whether there's some sort of kick back a system, but they haven't done anything. we spoke to law enforcement also in taiwan, who are likely we reach out to our colleagues, our colleagues in law enforcement on the online. and they don't really know that they, they don't want to share, they don't want to do anything and act on the kind of criminal enterprises that are happening in k k park as low standards of the utilities investigating department. thank you so much for your reporting. thank you. i and you can watch the entire documentary here on dw, at 1 15 pm, central european time, less and about in 2 hours time. or you can go to our youtube channel and search for
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the w documentary cannot recommend. that's enough. now to some other stories making headlines around the world, failed a russian opposition politician vladimir car morris has reported leven transferred to a new penal colony. quoting his lawyer, the newspaper in the land is that the year of it says, current war that has been placed in a punishment block and the arms region of siberia. it was handed a 25 year sentence last year for treason. com. where is the call for sanctions against russian following its invasion of ukraine. south africa's governing amc party has to spend the membership of former president jacob zoom. the decision comes after his due must said that he would vote for arrival party in this year's general election for weeks. zima has been campaigning for spear of the nation and as a new party named after the amc former armed. wait because we are now on
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cons. government has begun the process of passing new national security laws that move builds upon sweeping legislation and post bind beijing back in 2020. the fresh measures will target state secrets as being odds and foreign influence critics. the national security laws point 2 and erosion of democracy and civil liberties and hong kong. french farmers are threatening what they're calling a siege of paris and a stand now with the government over agricultural regulations. pay taxes. con lines of tractors are blocking major routes into the city. farmers are demanding higher income, less red tape, and protection from cheap imports. the government is expected to announce more concessions later today of the united states as promising what it calls a very consequential response to
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a drone attack that killed the 3 of its troops and jordan and wounded more than 40 others. he was officials, davis drank on sunday, had a military output as known as tower 22 near the border and syria. according to media reports, the enemy drawn wasn't shot down because it may have been mistaken for a u. s. strong. flying in the area as presidential biden has blamed ron back militants for the attack, though iran denies being involved. a national security council spokesman john kirby's of the us is still pondering as the response. we are not looking for a war with iran or not. so you can in conflict with the regime in the military way . and as i said in the, in the opening, we're not, we're not looking to escalate here. this attack over the weekend was that school, the tory make no mistake about. and it requires a response, make no mistake about that. i will not get ahead of the president's decision making well, as you, as president joe biden laws america's response to the attack. and jordan pressure
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is growing in washington to strike a blow directly at iran. for decades. iran has on the militant groups targeting the us and its allies across the middle east, with more than a 150 attacks on us forces stationed in the region. since the start of the war in gauze on october, missiles fly towards the red sea targeting ships and from lebanon into israel, and from a rack into jordan. all fired by groups, backed by a rob on their own backs, more than a dozen proxies in lebanon, syria, erac, yemen and gaza, projecting its influence across the region. and aiming to drive out american troops . there over 30000 us forces stationed across the middle east, from several 100 in syria to more than 10000 agent guitar in the united arab emirates. since october 7th, the us also brought warships that have moved closer to israel and guys of so many
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us soldiers near so many proxy armies and dozens of tit for tat attacks and counter attacks, but no direct confrontation with around so far. iran says it doesn't control the groups, it's funding, well, i'm all of my government resistance groups across the region. do not take all to somebody's lovek republic could be wrong that these lemma group probably could be wrong. why that does not welcome the expansion of conflicts in the region. doesn't interfere in decision making by resistance groups that it has to be multi good all the more of a match. but since the islamic revolution in 1979, iran has built up its support for those proxies, sending them hundreds of millions of dollars per year. it's 1st big success for the proxy for us happened in 1983 in lebanon when the hezbollah truck bombing at the us army barracks killed more than 200 soldiers. the us withdrew its forces from the
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country. meanwhile, has built built a huge arsenal of missiles since her mazda is terror attack on october 7th. hezbollah has nearly daily fired rockets into his re a hey, ron also arms the who's the rebels in yemen. after israel invaded garza who these attack ships and the red sea, the u. s. has bombed who the positions, but the group continues its attacks. yet another front is in iraq and syria, or iran appears to be encouraging it's militias to attack us military bases. washington has responded with its own strikes. the drone attack on us forces in jordan was the 1st since october 7th to kill american soldiers. 3 people lost their lives. the attack was claimed by the islamic resistance in iraq, a collection of militias, backed by around the us as it will mount a consequential response entail. now the u. s. and the ron has been locked in
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a war of words, careful not to attack each other as military's, but the fatal strike on us troops has created pressure from republicans on president biden, to hit iran itself. bringing the 2 countries even closer to direct confrontation, wrong doesn't deny funding. it's money proxy malicious and the middle east, but says it doesn't control them. i asked middle east expert christine halbrook as she's convinced by tear once claim as well. these proxies strongly lied live, and they are supported by uber on, but they do take their own operational decisions. so there is an overall, i would say strategic coordination between iran and these militias. it supports his bullet and live and on the who is in yemen, the groups in syria and iraq. but not every attack or a sold is ordered into around. so none of these groups obviously would be able to do what they do without the financial and military or support that they receive from yvonne. and we have to consider that these munitions and not only some toes
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groups here and there, but they are political play. us with considerable influence in the countries that they operate and for example, his bullet in the been on the who these indian but also the a ring and big release just in iraq and in syria. this is that make resistance in iraq. the umbrella group that claimed responsibility for the attack on the us outpost. they are a pro, a rating and movie shows, and they have a big influence on yvonne key internal policies. because the iraqi government has only limited control over these. going to use us as a prime minister as to dani meets them because he created his own governing correlation with the hub of these iranian melisha. so they do have the political role and this is why they can not only be fault with military means. i was released to expert christian hubbard staying in the region. a dozen countries are freezing their funding for the united nations agency for palestinian refugees. and the
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follows is rarely claims that some of you and staff were involved in the october 7th. i lost her a text you want to save and tony with harris has pleaded for continue financial supports to meet the dire need of a fellow students and the such. sit down with key donors later today. this trickle of you in a to is a many gallons have to 8 right now for an estimated one and 4 people stopping in the palestinian geometry. but even these live saving supplies have been throwing into doubt of to israel accuse relief workers for the u. n. agency on risk of being involved in how mazda is october, stevens attacks of the 13000 and stuff as in gaza. 12 have been implicated during the countries accounting for most of owners funding have now pulled payments . the u. n. has condemned what it calls the current alleged
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acts, but it is urging donors to reconsider their funding for ease. the diary needs of the desperate population they serve must be met. at this point, the outlook for on the one to millions of people. it serves not only in gaza, but also in east jerusalem in the, in the west bank, georgia and 11 on and syria is very bleak. the united states was one of the 5th country to suspend funding, but sees it could be restore depending on the you in pro, into the allegations. certainly we, we've not had the, we haven't had the ability to investigate themselves, but they are highly, highly credible. same time and as you indicated, henri has played and continues to play an absolutely indispensable role in trying to make sure that men, women and children who so desperately need assistance in gaza. actually get you in
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is the biggest aide provide and gaza in addition to food volta and meet us in its facilities. a sheltering 1400000 people displaced by defining a can them and has sort of num in the have a food is from one of the that i wanted was from india and that i'm at a zip code of my whole life is from is that i suffer from diabetes in high blood pressure, very modern. where do i get my statement from orthodontist? that's how come in the way to the pregnant women, go the clinics to do tests and take medicine. what can be get all this if the aid stalls and then one side from where most 10 were waiting for the hour by hour. the you in one is it's crucial. aid could be caught within weeks if funding isn't restored. another blow to palestinians and cancer, who already paying a div, a staging price for the most israel war. finally, human trials have begun and the us for
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a long lost narrow link of frame implant chip mosque says the 1st patient has already been implanted and as recovering well, attempts are acts as a brain computer interface and are intended to help people with lim, disability, or amputations control nearby devices, marilyn perceived clearance last year to conduct its 1st trial, but has face calls for further scrutiny regarding its safety protocols. before we go, here's a reminder of our top story today. former pockets, sony prime minister and wrong con, has been sentenced to 10 years in jail. on the courts found him guilty of revealing especial secrets. the development comes at hand to february's parliamentary elections and talks don spine to his popular support. con has been bards and running. and don't forget, you can always get the the news on the go. just download our app from google play or from the app store that will give you access to all the latest news from around the world. as well as push notifications for any breaking news
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the solution. the future is 77 percent. every weekend on dw, the to choose and send and emoji to someone you only need to alms. put writing with a pen or pencil involves the entire hand. it's a veritable anatomical wonder made up of 27 different bones. a perfect multi functional tool with close ties to the brain, writing things out by hand, improve recall how come that topic and much more this week on dw science program tomorrow today. welcome to the show. the newborns will grab
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