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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 30, 2024 1:00pm-1:16pm CET

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the, the you watching dw news live from building pakistan school. i'm a prime minister in run con, this sentence to 10 years even child, the court finds him guilty of revealing official secrets, but it comes just days before poly parliamentary elections. i held him back as don, also coming off under cover is riley soldiers killed 3 people. it says we're part of a terrace sales and the west bank hospital will find out more about the right and what implications you might have. and crypt to a car and see fraud and alleged abuse at the hands of a chinese mafia. dw, investigate a secret here for me on my scan factory will bring new exclusive insights. the
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jared raid, welcome to the shy pakistan's full. my prime minister in ron khan has been sentenced to 10 years in jail for revealing state secrets cons, legal team. so you think will appeal to the judgment con, was ousted from power through another confidence. i didn't, i apologize. back in april 2022. he's not allowed to run for elections fit for february, the i but it continues to have significant public support. con is currently in prison, serving a 3 year term as part of a separate raft case. so people carry is the senior member of him run cons potty the pack is done. test rica insightful p t i is a close site to the former prime minister alia he gave us for his reaction to district to well, this is writing on the was the way that this, uh,
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this harry and the whole case was being conducted on last today. until even late, late night, midnight last night. it was uh, going on. it's like the most fast track case 7 bucks on history. probably new moms at ponds, lawyers were not allowed to even speak on his behalf or even cross examine any of the witnesses that were presented uh by the prosecution. um, so we probably expected a little bit less than this even. um, but like i said, it's a lower court and no, it's just already been appealed in the high court. and the supreme court, which we know will find justice in that. tell us, what does this mean for him? run cons. political korea is it over? it was not at all if anything this sentence has probably, uh, 5, uh, incentivized. um you know, all the voters for the upcoming elections on february, 8th, uh those that probably we're gonna sit on the fence. all probably gonna be more
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motivated and most likely show up in higher and larger numbers to vote for him on han and his party p t. i know there's been previous prime ministers including the wash chief who has been welcome back. although he's been a conduct a conduct a conduct, a condo in from the supreme court of box on and then around to london and, and now has just come back. he was previously given 10 years as well and banned from politics for the entirety of his life. span, he is now that decision has been overtime and he's a return back into politics and even off of the 10 year band he became prime minister as well. so right. you know, we see this happening in the end, throughout history, in the last 70 years of the box on the difference with him on han. and the other problem is, is that he's the most popular lead a box on, has seen, and the public a standing with this, of course, his verdict against in wrong con, as a said back and older and the for him. but for your policies
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a i guess it for the upcoming elections, how it will perform your convince you'll potty can survive this. oh yes, absolutely. um we have survived an onslaught of human rights violations in the last 2 years. practically, we've had more than 15000 people in prison, or our senior leadership is jailed up and eggs out. well in hiding and fox on. you know, children have been abducted women and all sorts. so this, like i said, actually is not going to go in favor of them. this is actually going to motivate all the voters to come out on february 8, even more and larger numbers to vote for him on hon. so we're taking the positive out of this and a feeling it legally and having face and the supreme court. and then the high court of the country, you say you will appeal. the court did decide though, that he leaked a top secret document while he was the prime minister. this is a, a pretty serious accusation. is it not?
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well, in this case, went to the supreme court. don't forget, this is the same case that supreme court given bales on this is the court that's giving it to him now was clearly manipulated. it was doing hearings from morning to midnight, which has never been seen before in history. they one listening to anything that mont, honda was legal team had to say it was a pre determined decision. thinking that if the bad and non hon prior to elections, that was somehow suppressed is popularity. it's, it's a severe accusation which is completely untrue. let me remind everyone that the cipher was declassified by the federal government of the country during amount of hans term. so it's not even a classified document. so how you can be charged for revealing state secrets on the declassified document is beyond any logical tablets of people cari c a p t i potty later. and i to the phone, the august on the prime minister in run con,
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we thank you for your time. thank you. so let's get around off now of some other world news headlines, child russian opposition. politicians are flooding me. a car almost has reportedly been transferred to a new penal colony, causing his lawyer, the newspaper, novi, garcia to europe and say is cut, remove that has been placed in a punishment blocking the almost region of siberia. he was added to the 25 years sentence last year, the trees a treason, kara mos, the quotes, the sanctions against russia following its invasion of ukraine, plus for the french farm is a threatening what they're calling a siege of powers in the stand off with the golf mentors the agriculture regulations, pay and taxes convoys of tractors, blocking major routes in to the city. pharmacy, demanding hiring comes less read type and protection from cheaper inputs. the government is expected to announce small concessions license on tuesday. human trials have begun into us for a long mosques, new or link brang implant chip, chip,
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moscow. so the 1st patient has already been implanted and just recovering. well, these chips act as a brain confuse into face and are intended to help people with lean disabilities or amputations control devices around them. israel's military says each has killed a 3 members of what is cooling a terrorist, settled in a hospital in the west bank as well. says the militants were using the facility engine name as compa. see, think t v footage released on social media. appeals to, sorry, is riley security forces, possibly disguised as medical staff carrying out the right. the director of the you've been seen a hospital said at least one of the targeted men was receiving treatment. a double use been physical and interpersonal and has more now on that is riley right. in the way the military is saying that 3 palestinian gunmen were killed in this raid. one of us benbow who was a major the preparing
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a terrorist attack and spied by the october 7 attacks on the east. well, one from the islamic jihad, an ally of the almost terrorist group. and also one from a group of janine based gunman. both of those last 2 said to us allegedly being involved in recent attacks. now how much is called the hospital killings, a continuation of the occupations on going aggression against out people from causes to jeanine, jeanine long being considered a hot bed of terrorist activity. janine also having a witness to an upsurge in unrest as in field type of 7 attacks has been moving across the gauze. and now what's the current situation with the fighting there in the diplomatic attempts like us to end? there were reports coming in of a renewed push for gaza city. which comes as a bit of a surprise considering that as well late last year had said that it pretty much had
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the area under control. but reports from residence of air strikes tank showing from the east naval vessels firing from the west and gun battles near the main hospital . l schieffer and a large number of palestinian civilians having being killed negotiations. a continuing lead by the us. as far as a cease fire goes, but there are set to be big gaps between both sides. neither wanting to back down the is way be saying they want to see all of those hostages more than a 100 of them still being held by hamas and other groups and gaza released uh how much saying it wants to see the is way the troops with through withdrawn from the gaza strip, but it said that a draft proposal lower agreement includes at the moment a phased released of hostages. we'll see if we get more details at some stage this week. it's also said to include a 2 month truce pencil in the interest. one thanks so much for that. been
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now survive is all of alleged abuse in me on my i have been speaking to the w about, they are horrifying treatment inside a secretive so called scan factory held against a wheel in an operation involving crime syndicates. these victims, if human trafficking offers to execute create to current c fraud, our report has joined a team trying to find and rescue them. the names of these interview ways and this exclusive report have been changed for their own protection. in this compound on me and most boda with thailand, thousands of people, a working to trick people in china, the us and europe out of the savings. but the people inside on doing so for personal profit. they've been traffic from across the globe and being forced to work in a scam factory and slaves like conditions. if there is no plans at noon,
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no lunch. if someone checks and you didn't reply to atlanta the be to or make you stand for hours. lucas, the spot at the group that managed to escape a scam factory known as k k puck. it's one of the around 12 such compounds in this area as me and most current state. and it's one of the most notorious, secure to us taking our computers, seeing if we are doing our job or playing. we work $17.00 a day. no complains, no holidays, no rest. and if we say we want to leave, they tell us they will sell us or kill us. so they did what they would told make contact with people on the internet when that trust and convince them to invest and fake crypto currency thoughts. once the victims have sent enough money, the website is shut down and the money gone. this sophisticated form of scanning
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is called a pic, butchering and the united nations office on drugs and crime estimate such scams generate more revenue than the drug trade in southeast asia. k, k pocket alone makes tens of millions of your as a month, apparently enabled by soldiers of me and most buddha, god, and on the backs of help us victims of human trafficking. last message says we're in a bunker after the river. and what's down the end of that river on the tie side of the boat to a team of 8 workers is on a mission to help them escape to. so timing is critical victims of sometimes transcodes and taxis to other compounds by a thailand because the rates there are foster one sofa that's when to to initial act or um are looking for a tech to see with the license plate 95, the yellow and blue coming up on that side of the road, it's a dangerous mission. they don't know if the traffic is out in the car. they turned
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down a side street. and that's about the best time they're lucky. they all know um traffic is inside. there's no position from the taxi driver and judah and michelle managed to actually degree into that. i caught my names to that nice to meet you, the group abroad to a safe house for a much needed rest. the next step will be dealing with immigration authorities. you know, not an easy experience, and i hope i can go back to my country and find a job that i was credited to for, to start a new life. aaron and lucas, but eventually recognized as victims of human trafficking and re petri a to to the home country. the thousands of victims of still trapped at k k park and
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other scam factories. somewhere on the me and my thailand, buddha. and you can see the full documentary here on d, w in just a few minutes time ride off to destroy, or you can go to al youtube channel and search the for dw document trees. oh, okay, finally, now take a look at these amazing images taken by the way and tell us carbs, situated in spice one and a half 1000000 kilometers away from us. now they depict spiral galaxies relatively close to our on, but sign with a clarity never seen before. scientists can count millions of stars spread throughout these galaxies, also invisible in unprecedented detail. uh, very cool gas holes and glowing. dost the images reveal evidence of exactly how stars and galaxies are formed? pretty amazing. you're up to date here on dw up next. we have our exclusive
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documentary exposing allegations of abuse and people traffic in me on my inside a so called scan factory. i'm tired, rating building. thank you for watching the can you see what old car tires have to do with steel production? here's a hands on the real media now on youtube, i was hoping to go and when overseas and one d i will.


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