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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 30, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm CET

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the, the, you're watching the, the, we can use why from the lead. huck has done school and the prime minister in run con child for 10 years. the cord find some guilty of revealing official secrets con is already banned from standing in elections next week. also coming up on dekalb, it is riley soldiers killed 3 april 4th to say were part of a tear. we're still at a hospital in the occupied with back because the light is shortly from not correspondents. dw investigate the secretive scan factory can be, and mom will bring the exclusive insights from the victims and those who are risking everything to sign the task. the 1st human trials of an experimental ryan implant from a style laid by avon mosque,
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the chief quote new religion keys intended to help people with disabilities usability device. the jared raid, welcome to discharge practice. don's full, my prime minister in run con, has been sentenced to 10, using jail for revealing state secrets. con is already in prison, serving a 3 year term. and a separate corruption case is banned from standing and elections next week, but still has significant public support. cons legal team says they will appeal against the sentence. it's march 2022 and prime minister in rank con is fighting for his political life. he loses a vote of no confidence. in spite april, he's out of power. a con has already accused the western countries lacking
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packet stones, military and his opponents was tim, cuz that country at later transpired was the united states gone to very popular and continues to riley. he supposes that by october 2022, he's disqualified from holding public office. over corruption claims the organizes alone protest, march in another attempt to cool for snap collections at one of those events to show to the leg move he describes as an assassination attempt. cases against a mount condo continues to campaign. in may 2023. he's taken into custody by power military forces of a corruption claims needing to a 3 year drill sentence. violence follows. con
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is banned from running in next week's election. his p t, i potty says it continues to face a brutal military crackdown. now con is facing a 10 year sentence of a claim, see link to secret state document. he says it proves the us conspired with his opponents to remove him from office bows, pack of stones, military and washington denied the allegations. but for this boma prime minister, it's hard to see a post back to power. earlier i spoke with those people call right, he's a senior member of him. wrong cons policy to pack his dentistry insightful pci and he's a close eye to the former prime minister. he gave us his reaction to the verdicts as well. this is writing on the was the way that this uh, this hearing and the whole case was being conducted on last today until even late,
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late night, midnight last night. it was uh, going on. it's like the most lost track case 7 bucks on history. probably new moms at ponds, lawyers were not allowed to even speak on his behalf or even cross examine any of the witnesses that were presented uh by the prosecution. um, so we probably expected a little bit less than this even. um, but like i said, it's a lower court and no, it's just already been appealed in the high court. and the supreme court, which we know will find justice in that. tell us, what does this mean for him run cons. political korea? is it over? it was not at all if anything, uh, this sentence has probably, uh, 5, uh, incentivized. um, you know all the voters for the upcoming elections on february, 8th, those that probably we're gonna sit on the fence, are probably going to be more motivated and most likely show up in higher and
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larger numbers to vote for him on han and his party p t, i, you know, there's been previous prime ministers, including the wash chief who has been welcome back. although he's been a conduct a conduct, a conduct, a condo, and from the supreme court of box on, and then around to london. and, and now has just come back. he was previously given 10 years as well and banned from politics for the entirety of his life span. he is now that decision has been overtime and he's a return back into politics. and even off of the 10 year band he became prime minister as well. so right a we see this happening in the, in the, throughout history in the last 70 years of bucks on the difference with him on han . and the other problem is, is that he's the most popular lead a box on, has seen on the public ascending with this. of course, his verdict against in wrong. com is to set back not only for him, but for your policies a guess for the upcoming elections. how it will perform your convince you'll potty
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can survive this. yes, absolutely. um. we've survived an onslaught of human rights violations in the last 2 years. practically, we've had more than 15000 people in prison, or our senior leadership is jailed up and eggs out. well in hiding and fox on. you know, children have been abducted women and all sorts. so this, like i said, actually is not going to go in favor of them. this is actually going to motivate all the voters to come out on february 8, even more and larger numbers to vote for inbound hon. so we're taking the positive out of this and up feeling it legally and having face and the supreme court. and then the high court of the country, you say you will appeal. the court did decide though, that he leaked a top secret document while he was the prime minister. this is a, a pretty serious accusation. is it not? well, in this case, went to the supreme court. don't forget,
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this is the same case that supreme court given bales on. this is the court that's giving it to him now. was kelly manipulated? it was doing hearings from morning till midnight, which has never been seen before in history. they one listening to anything that mont, hon or his legal team, had to say. it was a pre determined decision. thinking that if the bad and bron hon prior to elections, that was somehow suppressed is popularity. it's, it's a severe accusation which is completely untrue. let me remind everyone that the cipher was declassified by the federal government of the country during amount of hans term. so it's not even a classified document. so how you can be charged for revealing state secrets on the declassified document is beyond any logical and tablets of people carry senior p t i potty later and i to the phone the august on the prime minister in wrong con, we thank you for your time thank you. it's nothing use now is rouse miller
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trees days each has killed 3 members of what it's describing as a terrorist, still a little hospital in the occupied westbank is rouses and musicians were using the facility. and janine, as calvin footage appears to show it as riley security forces, partly disguised as medical style carrying out the right, the director of the even c no hospital said at least once a man killed was being treated to do don't use tanya. clean magazine, jerusalem for us, tanya, what can you tell us about this? is riley military right on the hospital in janine a while this happened, as he said, that they even seen a hospital which is very close to the janine refugee camp of the hospital. the in jeanine, virginia and refugee camp has seen over the past a year. uh several is really incursions and also heavy fighting between these really military and militants,
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the in the can. so this happened apparently in the early morning hours between 5 or 6 a. m. and was captured on cctv footage where it appears that this is really on the cover unit. moved on the 3rd floor of this hospital in civilian clothing. oh, so dress a civilian so we've been seeing on this footage. some are dressed as medical stuff, others as women carrying even a baby carrier, and one coming with a wheelchair. this was sent a folded, but also all of them carrying automatic weapons. now the target as to is really military, so they were 3 young men that were saying are part of the janine pre dates. that's an umbrella group operating in the area which comprises him us and his stomach. he had an other militant groups, how most has claimed one of the young men as the members. this whole rate. i mean
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it's nothing. we've seen a such race in the past where it is really military has been dressed of undercover agents and in such a manner. but it has stirred really a lot of criticism on social media, also among a palestinian officials because it happened in the hospital. and while the, it's really military, a set of these members, we are a current, we're planning an imminent attack. they were also in this hospital. uh so that's been a lot of criticism that this happened again in a hospital and a protected space. it's tanya, what's the current situation with the fighting in gaza and the diplomatic attempts to end this? well, i mean there seems to be no let up at the moment of the fighting in gauze or the the, the reports coming out of calls are that is intense bombardment is really bombardment across the 1000 strip. also ground fighting of course. uh but um, you know,
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most of the area where most of the fighting is happening is in the city of hon. units do you and reports that a lot of people are going also displays towards the gulf of the most of the city in the south of the gaza strip. but of course, the also our reports are coming out that there are attempts to come to a new framework for a new hosted steel. there was a meeting on sunday in paris with the heads of the uh, c, i a uh, the is where the massage of the media to some katara and egypt for a new proposal that was and submitted to him us. and according to this, through these reports, and of course, all of this is unconfirmed. uh but what it, what concerns the details of such a deal is a could be seen another temporary cease fire faced released of those remaining hostages. in garza, in exchange for public opinion, prisoners,
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but we also understand no one of the how much data is montagnier is who is outside of cause a was invited to a to, to cairo. this different reports now saying that i'm off as over the rejected the proposal. others, i think this the reviewing it. we know that how much has insisted on in a total ending of, of this war before they would agree to release more hostages, and also a complete withdrawal of israeli forces from casa, thanks to that, tonya tonya claim, the injuries to them. this is a quick round up of some other world news headlines now. home combs, government has begun tightening national security those building on sweeping legislation employees to bind aging and 2020 dimensions will cover state secrets, espionage and foreign influence critics site democracy and civil liberties in hong kong. being the broadest, freshest child opposition. leader of letting me
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a kyra moser has been transferred to a new penal colony. his lawyer says, cover most a had been held in the almost region of siberia but was moved off to being accused of a minor infraction. he was giles to 25 years off to cooling the sections against russia, of the invasion of the crime. now survivors of alleged abuse in me and i have been speaking to d. w, about the horrifying treatment inside a secretive so called scam factory recount being held against the will by crime syndicates and being forced to carry out on one crypt. the currency fraud report has travelled with a team trying to find and risky them. the names of always interviewed and just exclusive reports have been changed for the wrong protection. in this compound on me and most boda with thailand, thousands of people, a working to trick people in china, the us and europe out of the savings. but the people inside on doing so for personal profit. they've been traffic from across the globe and being forced to
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work in a scam factory and slaves like conditions. if there is no plans at noon, no lunch. if someone checks and you didn't reply to atlanta the be to or make you stand for hours. glucose as part of the group that managed to escape a scam factory known as k k puck and it's one of the around 12 such compounds in this area as me and most current state. and it's one of the most notorious, secure to us taking our computers, seeing if we are doing our job or playing. we work $17.00 a day. no complains, no holidays, no rest. and if we say we want to leave, they tell us they will sell us or kill us. so they did what they would told make contact with people on the internet when that trust and convince them to invest and fake crypto currency thoughts. once the victims have sent enough money,
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the website is shut down and the money gone. the sophisticated form of scanning is called pick, butchering and the united nations office on drugs and crime estimate such scams, generate mold revenue. then the drug trade in southeast asia. k k popular and makes tens of millions of your as a month apparently enabled by soldiers of me and my as buddha god. and on the backs of helpless victims of human trafficking. last message says we're in a bunker after the river. and what's down the end of that river on the ty side of the boat to a team of 8 workers is on a mission to help them escape to. so timing is critical. hello. the victims are sometimes transported in taxis to other compounds by a thailand, because the rates there are foster ones safe. then that's when jude and michelle act. i'm looking for a tech to see what the license like 95,
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the other and blue coming up on that side of the right. it's a dangerous mission. they don't know if traffic is out in the car. they turned down a side street for like a flight provisions, and that's about the best time the lucky they all know um, traffic is inside. there's no position from the taxi driver and judah and michelle managed to offset the group into that. i caught my name's through the nice to meet you, the group abroad to a safe house for a much needed rest. the next step will be dealing with immigration authorities. but you know, not an easy experience. and i hope i can go back to my country and find a job that i was graduated for, to start a new life. and, and lucas,
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what eventually recognized us victims of human trafficking and re petri a to, to the home country. the thousands of victims of still trapped at k k park and others scam factories somewhere on the me and my thailand, buddha and we put the issues raised in that report to jason tau. why he's the country director for the program at the us institute of peace. and we asked him whether the accounts of torture matched his own research or yeah, absolutely. i mean, we've seen uh um, you know, instances from across to me m r. uh, they're being use of torture and these compounds. you also notably have a very recent case. this is from last october where there was an attempt by a very large number of individuals while over a 100 individuals tried to escape a compound up in the china and me and my border in the co. com territory and
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security forces actually opened fire resulting in the desktop multiple individuals who were trying to be back how pounds. so, you know, you're seeing a torture murder, as well as very serious psychological threats that are being used in order to get people to scam um, but then also to prevent people from, from leaving. indeed, very shocking. an article you co offered in 2022 describes, i guess, a post closer the explosion of human trafficking for labor in parts of me on my could you explain the link to carpet for us? sure. so actually a lot of the areas in which these pick butchering scans are taking place. they were initially built out for alyssa, off shore um gambling operations and that targeted largely, chinese nationals, massive amounts of capital, were poured into me,
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m r and the timing of my border area. the training me and my border and other places across the region to build out these. ok, so you know, cities. now during the pandemic, what happened was the casino cities last access to labor. and also the entire business model for the online gambling industry was pretty seriously disrupted by some of the china is you know, growing policies to, to regulate this. and so what you saw happened was these, um, criminal networks shifted to, to now being shifted to human traffic thing to start bringing labor in. and they also shifted away from operating and uh, the online casinos to perpetrating these big butchering schemes. so you saw after 2020 that there was a very significant up check in and fraud heating initially, chinese nationals, but then increasingly going global as the, the stem us and the kids started to traffic nationals from other countries as it
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was difficult during pandemic times to be able to bring adequate labor from china, and then they also started to roll out the scam targeting people in many different countries around the world. so we're seeing increasingly the patterns are that the scam syndicates are going after people in the united states, people in europe, and really the rest of the world to a greater and greater extent. jason, we've got about 30 seconds list. our investigative team basically states that the problem in myanmar is that the fact that on groups control board areas, they can act with impunity considering the, the political climate in be on mark. is there a way to change this? so yeah, i think the member military itself has been the biggest enabler of a lot of this activity. it has under its border guard forces been, you know,
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providing protection to the scam, send the kids recently. you did see, and that's fine. i mean, i'm our border area, an effort by some of the resistance groups to actually a radical aids on some of these scam syndicates, as well as to eradicate the presence of the me, i'm or military that was on again the trying to me, i'm or border area um it does seem to have um, disrupted this industry to some extent. so i'm gonna try to be a more border. and so, you know, i think one of the key things to look at is, are there ways to similarly begin cracking down harder on, on some of these scam syndicates on the tie border and really in other parts of the region. what we've been missing so far is, is kind of a whole list that crack down that involves careful coordination between a wide range of countries. and i think if you were able to, to get that out and able to deal a little bit more with the me, i'm our military's role in protecting these scam syndicates. you might be able to
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make more headway. thank you for your insights, the jobs, and that was dry, some time with the country director for the program at the us institute of peace. thank you very much. thank you. well, human trials, happy gone in the united states of an experimental brain implants developed by a company founded by a loan mosque mosque. as soon as the 1st patient has already been feasted, we've been, you are linked chip and is doing well. now the chip communicates with the computer to help people with disabilities or amputations oper, right. and the ability devices trials were approved last year, but you are link has faced calls for most scrutiny of its safety procedures. i like to welcome professor, marcelo yankton, now he conducts research on the ethically sustainable development of systems and neuro technology. is that the technical university of new nick, welcome to you. tell us please. how exactly does this brain shape work?
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well, thanks for having me. so the spring computer entities establishes a direct communication possibly between the brain of a patient with a neurological condition and an external computing device. and near link is involved in the 2 technologies that are relevant here, the brain computer interface itself. so this technology that enabled this patient, presumably a patient with quadriplegia, so with the paralysis of all 4 limbs, to control a computer device before an activity, but also on the, to the surgery. roberts, dead on send you a link is producing which is the robert that is used to implant the device into the patient's brain. so there's a real opportunity here if, if i understand how you're describing it to, to really help people. there is, um, there is some real clear benefits with this. yes, absolutely. we should remember that you are logical disorders are a major component of the global burden of disease. and we can not sure what we
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cannot measure. so we need to develop this kind of newer technologies to understand the function of the brain and to develop the tailor solution for the hundreds of millions of people worldwide or suffering from these orders of the brain disorders of the mind. how safe is this as well? this is hard to tell because as you rightly mentioned before, this is the 1st and human file. this means this is the 1st time i human was implanted with this particular technology produced by new legs. however, we have good data that suggests that the procedure is a business because before obtaining an approval from the fda a for a 1st and human trial can you relate had to produce evidence that the device was safe and effective in that. in my models today i've conducted extensive researching, monkees and other animal models. and it was also released in the video and well
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being of take that shows a relatively high degree of safety and advocacy. and also we should remember that this was not the 1st time that a brain implant has been implanted in the human impacts on the very 1st is brain. the implant was implant of the the human batch of 1998. so it's 26 years ago, but this doesn't mean that the technology is not in all of these. in this last 2 to 3 decades, being computed decisions have made incredible progress. uh, but this is clearly the problem. so i think we can have a good confidence that the procedure is safe based on the preclinical data and also based on data that we obtain from similar technologies that we use before. so the technology has been progressing sort of gradually of the last couple of decades. i want to ask you a question and i don't want to be flippant when i ask this. but if i have a chip in my brain, can someone hack into dice and make me do something that i, i don't want to do? the short answer is yes, of course. um,
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anything that is connected to a computer is, will go to the same rest instead of computers vulnerable too. um, so it should connect the brain to your computer, your make a brain bootable to the risk and what can do there including action. and this is impact is something that has been proven and experimental models that being said, the risk of for this a hacking attack, for example, to happen to a patients uh, using this kind of uh, implants, is we're letting me know because the technology is not widespread and also the benefits and the risk should be balance against each other. and here the beauty benefits clearly outweigh the risk. fascinating talking to thank you so much, marcelo yankee professor of the ethics of a i and you are a science at the technical university of munich. thank you very much. thank you start. so you're up to date here on to w up. next global us meets 2 young women with
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a mission to help to bring routes to catch me up. i'm tired, right, engravings. thank you so much with the
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dentist. all. ok, female rappers been catch me back. daddy. tap daddy. these young women are daring to perform their arts openly, their courage risk being seen as a provocation in a region still dominated by mass. one of the app you can, you watch is involved noble as a southern name on the bus has to come to the human they scam people
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weld wide but they are also victims in prison and forced into slavery. the double use investigative team reveals who's behind a just cyber slavery scam factory shows up in 45 minutes on d w. the sometimes a seed is all you need to allow big ideas to grow or bring an environmental conservation to wife with learning facts like global ideas. we will show you how climate change and environmental conservation is taking shape around the world
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