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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 30, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm CET

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the, the you, what you can do though we can use live from bully pack is done phone the prime minister in run con child for 10 years. the code finds him guilty of the links official secrets, cons, already bought from the dining and elections next week. also coming up on the account that youth riley soldiers killed 3 people that forces side with part of a terrorist filled with a hospital in the occupied west. back. we'll get the latest from mount correspondent shortly. and french farm is refused to back down in week long protest mass track to come voice lock roots into powers. as the farm is demonstrated against low food prices and cheating ports, the government is expected to announce the 2nd round of conditions soon. plus the
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1st human trials of an experimental brain implant from the start off the lid fine, he loves the box. you are lynx. shape is intended to help people with disabilities used to mozilla the device. the jared raid. welcome to the show. pakistan's, former prime minister in run con, has been child for 10 years, full revealing state secrets. don is already serving a 3 year term and a separate corruption case is banned from standing in elections next week. box still has significant public support. cons legal team says it will be a little appeal of a sentence. he's a look back now at the full and the crickets task full from power. it's march 2022 and prime minister in rank con is fighting for his political life. he loses
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a vote of no confidence in spite april, he's out of power. con has already accused the western country of backing pakistan's military and his opponents to was tim. that country at later transpired was the united states. the gone to very popular and continues to riley. he supposes that by october 2022, he's disqualified from holding public office over corruption claims the organizes alone protest. march in another attempt to call for snap collections. at one of those events to show to the neg move, he describes as an assassination attempt. cases against a mount condo continues to campaign. in may
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2023. he's taken into custody by power. military forces of a corruption claims needing to a 3 year drill sentence. violence follows. con is banned from running in next week, selection is peachy. i potty says it continues to face a brutal military. correct? um, now con is facing a 10 year sentence of it claims unique to secret state document. he says it proves the us conspired with his opponents to remove him from office bows, pack of stones, military and washington denied the allegations. but for this full, my prime minister, it's hard to see a post back to power. a lawyer i spoke with salty, the car, a. he's a senior member of him, ryan cons policy. the pack has done test re key insightful pci. and he's
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a close eye to the former prime minister. he gave us his reaction to the verdict. well, this was writing on the was the way that this uh, this hearing and the whole case was being conducted unlawfully until even late, late night, midnight last night. it was going on, it's like the most fast track case 7 bucks on history. preferably new moms at ponds . lawyers were not allowed to even speak on his behalf or even cross examine any of the witnesses that were presented uh by the prosecution. um, so we probably expected a little bit less than this even. um, but like i said, it's a lower court. i know it's just already been appealed in the high court. and the supreme court, which we know will find justice in sophie vakari there, a senior member of in rank cons pci potty and a close site to the full and the prime minister will dw single sands is in karachi earlier, he gave us his assessment of the verdict a valid form,
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a problem. mr. iran palm has been sent dunster down years in prison over charges of uh, leaking estate secrets. this is about to win. the con was i was just in a no confidence vote. and he claimed that his government received a site, a document from the us, which is as proof, according to him that the u. s. washington was a conspiring to remove him from paula that it goes to washington and the bucks on the ministry that august drifted as i was done from above, charge of the claim that has not been proven. but now the interim government has the under special court, has the sentence con, down years in prison, over leaking these secrets option secrets,
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which is a serious crime. you find the stand as well. washington and the pakistani military have denied any kind of conspiracy to a samuel tell us, what does this verdict mean for cons political career as well. i would say that if the 10 years in prison for this kind of an allegation or crime is quite leaning, leaning punishment because of the many you are speculating here that you could have been under the special quote could have uh, a 100 companies bothers me to him. busy or uh, like in prison, but does that not happen 10 years in prison is a relatively lenient punishment for this kind of, of growing up. so a 100 b o the is body b. b, i should be a little bit little bit relieved and is political curry is already in
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jeopardy, and that's something because he is not standing in elections upcoming elections on the 8th of february and his body is facing a savior track down. so, hong is, is the and hot water is like now it's politically cutting. it is hanging by and thread. the military is going on happy with the military stuff. there's been to the generals, i'm not happy with calm because on has been accusing them of all sorts of, of things, conspiracies, since he was removed from from paula. so his political career is uh, not, doesn't look very good at the moment. did you use some of the psalms and speaking to us earlier at the, from karachi, pakistan are in use use, rouse me. latrice is each has killed 3 members of what it's cooling. a terrorist is still at a hospital in the occupied with bank. is ralph, is the mill listen to using the facility in janine as combat?
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now the city has been the target of repeated rights by these riley military in the past months. 42 peas discharge is riley security forces, partly disguised as medical staff carrying out the right. the director of the you've been seen, the hospital said, at least one of the men killed, was being treated dw corresponding and tanya came. and jerusalem alia told us more about this is riley mueller tree right on the hospital engine the a lot, as you said, it was captured on c, c t, v footage. and it happened in the early morning hours at the even seen a hospital which is very close to the janine refugee camp. where we seen over the past year. and many military incursions by the is really young, but also heavy fighting between palestinian militants and that is really military. and on this to face it to the 4 digit appears that this on the coffee unit went in on the 3rd floor that was of this hospital, you know, dressed a civilians, uh,
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some of them in men dressed as medical stuff, some even dressed as the women but you could also see that they had automatic weapons uh with them and uh, the target where uh what, uh the is where the military said 3 young posting and men. this thing the part of the janine re gates and umbrella group, that comprises minutes and some us and also from islamic jihad and other groups. and uh, with the is really military saying uh, at least one of them was planning an attack and the imminent future as they put it . now this really costs really a lot of up or among palestinians also on social media, but also among palestinian officials because this happened in a hospital which is supposed to as supposedly a protected a space. and tanya, let's move away from the occupied west bank now. and talk about gaza and the fighting day that's continuing. there's of course, diplomatic attempts to in this,
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how advanced are they at the moment as well at the moment there's only talk about a potential framework that is being worked out that could see a temporary cease. finally told me about a temporary is these probably not an end to the fighting in itself, a temporary cease by that could then also see the release of a some of the remaining hostages in goal is that in exchange for posting in a prison, this house in uh is really a prison snow as this free because according to reports being worked out as a meeting on sunday in paris a, together with the, the heads of the ca and the assault and the cut, the re uh to the how much a leadership um, how most of the day is manhattan. yeah. he's from the leadership outside of gaza.
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is expected to come to kyra to discuss it. but we also have to say, it's unclear whether this moves forwards, because how mazda is also made it clear, they want to see an end of the hostilities altogether and a full withdrawal of israeli forces from gaza. that's a condition they put to release some of the 136 remaining hostages to the believe, to be held. so in gaza. so and it is well which has not committed to a full and of this war in gaza. so it's a quest, you know, whether this will actually go further ahead. yeah. right. that's tanya crane my interest, lynn time. yes, thank you so much for bringing us up to date. we've all that and many of those quote off in the war and goss, i have witnessed extreme violence and destruction. one woman who fled from her full behind weed 5 children is now living in south africa. she has been sharing her
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story with dw, and so i, well, i really think this, we are fortunate that we actually got out. it's somebody go from god. because we saw a lot of things that were not supposed to see because i cannot show it to you. i is able to reflect on her life in gaza from the safety of her home. india. how does that shoot to into south africa in december of the escaping with her children? she shows us the area that was once her home destroyed by bombing with the vibration of the sound of themselves as it hit the ground is correct. if we thought of the entire world, all the windows that was within the building, it's cracked and escaped like, like spikes around you. so if you went the wrong position, if you would be like a really, really badly hub church, he has spent more than 25 years living in gaza. she married a palestinian man, raised a family in both a life, the teaching english and doing humanitarian with that life came to an abrupt
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end. when israel launched its war games come austin gaza, following the tier attacks on october 7th. we saw how the buildings were collapsing in front of our eyes and asked if we're bombing they were targeting an 80 like 30 minutes from our home. and as the kids and i watched from the balcony, we see, because it's really, it's really coming close to us. this is not something that we can play with our lives, but we went into a primary school that we stay for a week. so difficult circumstances sleeping on the floor, highly densely populated, and if you 40 was screaming and in a lot of data entry, that was when she realized they had to leave. she turned to the south african embassy for health of the family, travel to rafa on the board with egypt. they waited for over a month before being allowed out of garza when i possible to be gone through that
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stage. i said, okay, this is really understanding and having faith in god because you going into unknown stuff and you put yourself into unknown situations and you have to hire a power of faith or god. that was my key. i think she can help worry about those left behind, including her ex husband. hope that he can come out because he trusts with me to come with the children. they have to be safe. but i don't know what's going to be a life of they haven't talked to you and have 5 children and now rebuilding the lives here. but she still thinks about the people in gaza. they didn't need people that can really do they thought and getting them a ceasefire that can hold a new piece in their lives. they thought, you know, they didn't ask them to be put in a situation where everything is taken away from their a talk. you talk to you the ending that report from d. w 's diane holcombe,
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that's going around off of some of the world news headlines now. roches, child opposition leaders letting me cover most has been transferred to a new penal coming me. his lawyer says carlos had been held in the almost region of siberia that was moved off to being accused of a minor infraction. he was giles to 25. he is off to cooling fist sections against russia over the invasion of you, cried durham in april. the security staff are planning a nationwide strike for thursday. that's according to the gym and trade union. $38.00 would be the licensed in a series of strikes to hit the transport sector as calls cried for basic pi and working hours. french prime minister got the ties there's, he will implement controls on foreign a 3 products in order to ensure a competition. me to stand off with the countries farmers. now, farm is in fonts, have been using attractors to blockade the main roads in and out of paris. they're angry about foreign competition, vote wages and what they say is too much regulation by the government and the u.
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previous efforts by the government to reduce tensions of filed dw correspondent lisa louie and paris has been following the protest. she tells me what the french pm said earlier in parliament about them. a well, he's been holding his a so called general policy speech announcing, what kind of policies he will implement loads of stuff, you know, regarding the economy, unemployment, a transition to a green economy. but also he was talking, he was mentioning some things that might be interesting for farm is a, for example, he said we need to create a, a good cultural french exception that was overly and reminds us of the french cultural exception. that is, the government is protecting the cultures that to him, the country arguing in brussels about this as a site to like to know other and can be projected by a special subsidies from foreign competition. so maybe the government is planning
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on game down that route with the other cultural sector as well. the prime minister also said that pension for independence was about include lots of farmers, what to go off in the future. and that also what read cut red tape would be contacts you by the government, not as one of the main, a demands by the farmers here in france. okay, so you've run through some of these things that the government might be thinking about. do you think any of these measures the likely to duplicate the following as well? i can't really see them stop that protest right now. i must said they have been promising any way to stay in place around paris at least on to friday. and they've been asking ahead of this, a row anticipation speech that the government make a really concrete announcements. and i like direct immediate measures and that doesn't really sound like it. so my badge is that they would continue that protest
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over this. we will see what happens on the coming days. lisa, i'm interested in how the farm is messaging is kind of impacting and getting through to regular people. how to protest impacting how people feel about politics and the latest as well. you know, when you look at poles here in the country, about 70 percent of the defense are supporting the protests. they will be watching the government's reaction. and you can say that money positions are aware that these farmers might have an impact on public opinion. the far right movement, for example, if i still want us to not has been going game to see at farmers protests across fonts to try to capture that tension. and over the the vote. mind who farm is on. not necessarily a primarily evaluating full far right policies and there are elections coming up as you know, you know, in june be the european elections across, across europe. and the far right is hoping to capture that right. a box. and they also an up to the other countries,
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other policies also trying to capture the attention of by, of the farmers and the protest. a so yes, all eyes on these protests and on how the government might actually access to see the anger. that was the w correspondent, lisa louie, the 1st and power as lisa. thank you so much for that. really you are on from devastating forest fires into a people in the worst affected areas are still struggling to rebuild their lives and their businesses. despite the best efforts they are all too aware that climate change makes extreme weather events even more likely in the future. we report on now on how to lands off preparing for catastrophe still to come. it's weeks if you really care for it to contain the forest fires that ravaged southern chile in 2023 . it's 5 flights is on the ground and in the at risk met large to end the devastation. the task was made more difficult by incent seats and winds brought on by climate change. it gives we must, we had a combination of high temperatures,
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more than 40 degrees, wind speeds of a 70 kilometers per hour. and she made it to be a low 10 percent. the 5 was advancing at 18 kilometers per hour, saw it, and send the sheer number of outbreaks meant firefighters were unable to help everyone navea and i knew there was no help, no government intervention, no fiber grades, nothing. the area was abandoned, not because of negligence because the fire brigade just took the cold. there were flies everywhere and then tell me, lost everything in the fires. but as he held a stable job, he didn't receive any help from the states army. through the generosity of friends was he able to rebuild his home. it was a similar story for many of his neighbors in some to one among them. maria de la vega, do you have to rebuild a grocery business off to a difficult yeah. does she feel prepared for the next potential emergency to use? i said, i'll go latest of it. if god forbid this,
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what to happen again for me must be, it would be better to have more time. no, but so that we don't go through the terror of being causing the flame, unless yeah, we trusted, it won't happen again. lucky. in no way less to say this is off, the management committee has since been sets up with the i am are preventing the next devastating incidents new procedures including fire patrols. how about a positive impact? wouldn't that seem to someone i knew in? well, the fine weekend of 2022 to 2023. there was 75. the outbreaks with more than 4000 heck to bend. but since then we've had only 33 fire outbreaks with about 10 act is, but this shows that a patrols are efficient, give it come through yet. funding has also increased or they want us even from the girls around $90000000.00. we are now at more than a $160000000.00. we have also increased by a 3rd,
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the numbers of public firefighters to see from 2000 to 3300, in addition to the 3000 private firefighters. this to ma'am, i'm a mean pretty well preventing fires from starting in the 1st place. this key temperature is only heading in one direction as a result of climate change. not even the best response could cope. it seems similar to those same one year regarding well human trials have gone into us. so of an experiment to brain implant, developed by a company founded by a loan mosque mosque says the 1st patient has already been visited with the newer link chip and is doing well. now the chip communicates with the computer to help people with disabilities are amputations oper, right? ability devices, trials were approved. last year, i thought you were link has sufficed kohls, for most cruise, any of its safety procedures. profess, marcelo yankee or researches the ethically sustainable development of a i systems and you are a technology use at the technical university of munich. he told me earlier how you
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are link works. so the spring computer interface establishes a direct communication possibly between the brain of a patient with a new or logical condition and an external computing device. and nearly is involved in the 2 technologies that are relevant here, the brain computer interface itself. so this technology that enables these patients, presumably a patient with quadriplegia, so was the paralysis of all 4 limbs. to control a computer device before an activity, but also on the to the surgery. roberts, dead on send you a link is producing, which is the robert that is used to implants the device and to the patient's brain . so there's a real opportunity here if, if i understand how you're describing it to, to really help people. there is, um, there is some real clear benefits with this. it is yes, absolutely. we should remember that you are logical disorders are a major component of the global burden of disease. and we can not sure what we
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cannot measure. so we need to develop this kind of newer technologies to understand the function of the brain and to develop the world taylor solution for the hundreds of millions of people world wide or suffering from these orders of the brain disorders of the mind. how safe is this as well? this is hard to tell because as you readily mentioned in before, this is the 1st and human file. this means this is the 1st time i human was implanted with this particular technology produced by new elect. however, we have data that suggests that the procedure is a business because before obtaining an approval from the fda, a for a 1st and human trial, new release had to produce evidence that the device was safe and effective. in my models. today i've conducted extensive researching a monkeys and other animal models, and it was also released in the video and well being of take that shows
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a relatively high degree of safety and advocacy. and also we should remember that this was not the 1st time that a brain implant has been implanted in the human impact on the very 1st is brain. the implant was in plan to the the human back in 1998. so it's 26 years ago, but this doesn't mean that the technology is not in all of the uh, in this last 2 to 3 decades, being computed decisions have made incredible progress. uh, but this is clearly the problem. so i think we can have a good confidence that the procedure is safe, based on different clinical data. and also based on data that we obtain from similar technologies that we use before. so the technology has been progressing sort of gradually of the last couple of decades. i want to ask you a question and i don't want to be flippant when i ask this. but if i have a chip in my brain, can someone hack into dice and, and make me do something that i, i don't want to do, or the short answer is yes, of course. anything that is connected to computer is,
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will go to the same rest set of computers vulnerable to, um, so it should connect the brain to your computer, your make a brain bootable to the risk and what can do there, including action. and this is impact is something that has been proven in experimental models. that being said, the risk of for this a hacking attack, for example, to happen to a patients uh, using this kind of uh, implants is relatively no because the technology is not widespread. and also the benefits and the rest should be balance against each other. and here the beauty benefits clearly outweigh the risk assessment of being talking to thank you so much, marcelo yankee professor of the ethics of a i and you are assigned to the technical university of munich. thank you very much . thank you. a that said you're up to date here on d, w this morning, use on t w dot com, you can follow has to on social media handled. there is that i'm tired,
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right? in berlin. thank you so much for watching the
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there's more to sustainable fishing than just fishing with ally. go out to see together big old cultural heritage. sharefile's fishing is a traditional technique used to be using archipelago of care kind of its importance of live artist. i mean it to be, it's in bassett or eco next on d, w side to traffic jams. toughest solution of that traffic was like smoke with no bumper to bumper. grid lock,
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lock them out, 3 know road rage. see what we could. i'm sure none of 16 that is on the d w. the do you know which should be see, industries has the highest c o 2 emission rates would you guess concrete? transforming business to live is on to figure out what's the real new div just screen blushing, the the sometimes it's hard to find
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what you're looking for. but we've got something for you. the climate change kind jeopardize anti economic sectors and take away people's livelihoods. but in many cases, sub solutions can help us to adapt ad opportunities to make life better for rules. welcome to a new edition of pico africa. i'm present lens, an idea once again. we've got to punch show for you today. let's dive straight to coming up.


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