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tv   Tomorrow Today  Deutsche Welle  January 30, 2024 8:30pm-8:47pm CET

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been able to hire someone, i can practice themes on one. i can probably even judy higher, it won't be fun for the theme. do one of the, but a lot of looking forward happy, you can keep it. i can mail the to choose and send and emoji to someone you only need a thumbs. but writing with a pen or pencil involves the entire hand. it's a veritable anatomical wonder made up of 27 different bones. a perfect multi functional tool with close ties to the brain. writing things out by hand, improve recall how come that topic and much more this week on dw science program tomorrow today. welcome to the show. the newborns will grab woods
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in their immediate environment. they have an innate grasp reflex. it probably originally rose from the need to reflectively latch on to a mother, animals for the pin. so go ahead, which involves coordinating with the sun only starts to develop around 6 months. the grasp reflex is subsequently lost and training improves dexterity, and daily life. most children can tie their own shoelaces by the age of 4 and learned to right in the 2nd grade class and the small, but very good town, and subsequently lost and training, improves dexterity, and daily life. most children can tie their own shoelaces by the age of 4 and learned to write and the 2nd grade class and the small, but very good town, and subsequently lost and training, improves dexterity, and daily life. most children can tie their own shoelaces by the age of 4 and
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learned to write and the 2nd grade class and the small, but very good town and subsequently lost and training, improves dexterity, and daily life. most children can tie their own shoelaces by at the age of 4 and learned to write and the 2nd grade class and the small, but very good town and subsequently lost and training, improves dexterity, and daily life. most children can tie their own shoelaces by the age of 4 and learn to write and the 2nd grade class and the small, but very good town and subsequently lost and training, improves dexterity, and daily life. most children can tie their own shoelaces by the age of 4 and learn to write and the 2nd grade class and the small, but very good town and subsequently lost and training, improves dexterity, and daily life. most children can tie their own shoelaces by the age of 4 and learn
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to write and the 2nd grade class and the small, but very good town and subsequently lost and training, improves dexterity, and daily life. most children can tie their own shoelaces by the age of 4 and learned to write and the 2nd grade class and the small, but very good town, and subsequently lost and training, improves dexterity, and daily life. most children can tie their own shoelaces by the age of 4 and learned to right and this 2nd grade class and the small but very good town and will subsequently last and training improves dexterity, and daily life. most children can tie their own shoelaces by the age of 4 and learned to write and the 2nd grade class and the small, but very good town, and subsequently lost and training, improves dexterity, and daily life. most children can tie their own shoelaces by the age of 4 and learn
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to write and the 2nd grade class and the small, but very good town and subsequently lost and training, improves dexterity, and daily life. most children can tie their own shoelaces by at the age of 4 and learned to write and the 2nd grade class and the small, but very good town and subsequently lost and training, improves dexterity, and daily life. most children can tie their own shoelaces by the age of 4 and learn to write and the 2nd grade class and the small, but very good town and subsequently lost and training, improves dexterity, and daily life. most children can tie their own shoelaces by the age of 4 and learn to write and the 2nd grade class and the small, but very good town, especially in the 2 weeks before an exam. a good study plan has says, no,
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i tried to avoid last minute cramming and all nighters and if you feel like you can't manage, you're stressed out inside the talk to people usually trust like friends, family, or university counselors. don't hesitate to seek professional head. try to find out which of these to help you. and there's a good chance you'll say that most mostly to college life. even if you fail a test every now and again, it doesn't mean the end of the world. on the contrary, in the long run, it can actually help strengthen your ability to bounce back your resilience. no one succeeds at everything all the time, but some people deal with failure better than others can be trained. isabel, it him eyes as a psychologist who studies what helps people cope in moments of crisis. resilience plays a key role in the research. she and her colleagues even look into test subjects,
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brains. the term resilience refers to the ability to cope with challenges. scientists recognize 3 basic types of humans. i'm fine with us against both of us who resilience bonzai with me. because i think it nicely demonstrates the different ways that people react to adversity to pop things until they again, it's come to have been much in the when does life to develop latrice ways. but if you look at the trunk, it remains every time and stuff. and stuff, because i worked with some people, the stress bounces, all one go 10, so it's called resistance and that keeps keeps things. other people felt less well and may develop. symptoms of stressed have in front of the when the wind dies down a little, which is corporate generations, they manage to regenerate and stop growing normally. again, i can just look up on this. i did the cool, the windsor fly started blowing. when done, sony to put them as a sub type known as reconfiguration. cool, that's what this is where the trunk changes that on that bonzai op on. so i didn't
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do so well for a while. it didn't get to the microsoft outlook, but then it managed to grow in a new direction and i'm on by an example would be people who had come. so they also managed to develop new skills abilities and i did in order to be even better equipped in a matter of speaking. hey, mike, for instance, realized what's really important to them in their lives, in stride housing completely new direction and all you these like they might quit the job, i hope to see very specific activities and hoping resilience used to be viewed as a kind of inborn characteristic one person might be more resilient to another, less so. so research has shown that how resilience you are can change over the course of your life. how do i send her team one to understand exactly how it works? vehicle that in this case here we look into the brain because we found the tim resilience people, some struck to the fact that developed in the brain to put them into connected enough. and that's very, i'm like the mikaela, the son to for processing emotional side. but also another important structure of
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the prefrontal cool toxic in the full brain. again, it's responsible for thinking and planning this. and of course, these are also structures that can be trained on. and because the ability can be trained isabella homepage and her team have found that the resilience outpatient clinic here, people can learn and develop specific resilience factors and courses, or an individual coaching sessions for exam, well, they learn to confront and take on situations that they find challenging, and that even failure at times can have its positive sides. a little shy if on hold for say years, of course no fill up to the phone but it is positive like no one gets 3 life without some crisis. i. so you have to practice failure funding. we should teach people, it's good to fail because you can learn from itself now and let us read. why do you have a science question?
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send it to us in a video text or voice message. if we answer it on the show, we'll send you a little surprised as a thank you. so come on just that this week or question comes from jorge on the vehicle from el salvador the what can we learn from spiders? the spiders and most of builders that help a lot to teach of the they can produce so many times find the human thread long enough to encircles the clothes which weigh less than a ball resort. the, the european gotten spider. we've subscribe from several different types of threats
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. spider silk is free of bacteria and also mike crowds more elastic some night long and ground for ground, much stronger than steel. prey, tangled up in spite of soak doesn't stand the chops. a single thread can contain up to 1500 strums. the material force is produced in the animals optimum and was the cold to spend the rest. as the spider slowly shapes its thread down to these glands, researches have been working for decades to replicate the price i saw sufficiently . ready ready ready to do so, they fast copied the dna segment from the slightest d 9 that provides the genetic recipe for so then they transplanted it into a box area. the bacteria modified in this way. start turning out the protein acts as a building block for spider silk. this rule material is then used to produce also special threads,
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even more or less to can staples and then not tro counterparts. manufacturer's warranty makes me cuz from spite of cell and coating. so medical implants, some cosmetic products also contain spine to salt proteins. the elastic material is even use an ad across the twins and reset to see many more potential future applications for spite of silk, the we imagined about science and technology. that's like d, w signs is now on take time. what do we want to grab? a taishan on the way when did people begin getting high and laughing gas? how do i need drums boogie to the beads? and what's the perfect kid footboard find?
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find the on says, gets most dw signs on new tick tock channel. and that wraps things up. this week on dw science show, thanks for watching and see you again next time on tomorrow today, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, they scam people world wide but they are also victims imprisoned and forced into slavery. d,
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w 's investigative team reveals who's behind a just cyber slavery scam factory closed in 75 minutes on the w. the doctor. why does that? because now i'm leaving the new host join us for an exciting explanation now. and everything in between. this is a video and audio production 5 d w. i hope video with unit dw 416, all 3 and 5 every day,
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the world wide web feel free to come. we can take the different w to call, the world unpack, pulse of your info is and all the inputs w stores. now 12, so you don't think you the same way you expect and more different things from life than your parents. i just want to pursue what that's my thoughts hired or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable port is not. i want my son to become a doctor. during the clubs. it's time to to vehicle your generation with
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a sleep us. i'm them. when generation as class this week on the dw says kind of fun. it feels like therapy of the the business data, but the news line from the land hopes of a ceasefire deal to frame all hostages in gaza. as the wife has sense, negotiate just on making progress. israel's prime minister rules out any military pull out old mass release of how much business princess,
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whose fault is most of the chief bull. there is no that's after the violence under comment is riley forces killed 3 people in the occupied west fox saying they were members of that terrace. so confront specs, concessions to which protesting thomas the government announces that kind of some


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