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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 30, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm CET

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the, the business data, but the news by some valid hopes of a ceasefire deal to frame all hostages in gaza as to why fi sense negotiate just on making progress. israel's prime minister rules out any military pull out all mass release of how much the business princess, whose fault is most of the chief bull. there is no that's after the violence under comment is riley forces killed 3 people in the occupied west fox saying they were members of a terrace cell, confront specs, concessions to which protesting pharmacy. the government analyses that kind of some food impulse as mass, subtract the convoys block routes into us. the 1st human trials of an experimental
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brain in time to come and eat on the bus. stop newer links. the chip is intended to help people with disabilities use most of the 2 devices. the . i'm so glad to welcome to the program. we begin with a fresh hopes of a safe spot and release of hostages in gaza. hi, my says it is studying. i knew 3 phase proposal put forward by international media uses on talks with these riley sighed in paris. the wise house that's progress is being made as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu, as ruled out any military withdrawal from gaza or mass release of how mass presidents i think so now, i mean hold on because i had comments about all sorts of deals. so i want to make it clear, i know we will not send the school without achieving all of our goals. so this
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means the elimination of a mass on the return of all i'll talk to use. the problem is that god will no longer pose a threat to israel. i don't know who the it's, we will not pull the idea from the gaza strip and we will not release thousands of terrorists know that this will happen. what will happen? my absolute victory. why corresponds atanya kramer in jerusalem tells me more about the diplomatic efforts to secure a 65 as well. we understand that there is a framework that's being a worked out there was a meeting in paris on sunday. the heads of the sierra and the most odd and the immediate test from our caetano egypt for a meeting there. of this kind of frame make framework as it's reported could see a temporary cease fire with some of the as rated hostages that we made. and garza being released in exchange for posting and prism those held in is really
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a presence. but there are a lot of mixed messages coming out. and you know, depending on which report you're reading, the gaps between the 2 sides is run her mouth or either wide or narrowing. her mouse has said that, um they want to see a full withdrawal of israeli forces and also a full stop a to the hosting a t's before the release. any hostages, we understand one of them, mostly this is matt how near was one of those abroad? we'd be traveling to cairo to discuss the proposal, but we also heard mixed messages from the israeli government by mr. benjamin netanyahu a set in a speech given and then it's really a supplement and you occupied westbank. that is well that the reports are untrue. that is what we release thousands of terrorists, as he said,
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speaking to that particular audience. he also has a lot of pressure from his power, right? and coordination partners who have said, if this is about deal, they will quit the, the government basically. but there is a lot of pressure in is road from the public. they say the time is really running out for those hostages remaining in golf. and that the government has to come to some kind of agreement to bring those hostages back home. a new crime in jerusalem . well, israel's military size, it has killed 3 members of what vague described as a terrorist cell at the hospital in the occupied westbank. israel has repeatedly talk is with the city of janine in recent months. around back is ludovic jihad groups that 2 of the men killed belonged to. it's the way how mass confirm the other was one of its members. many countries classify how mass as a terrorist organization is really false as storm a hospital disguised as medics,
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palestinian civilians. this the aftermath of the shooting of 3 members of palestinian groups. the hospitals direct to describe what happened in the rooms in the b and at 5 pm this morning. the occupation special forces needed into the quarters of the hospital. you can see now man, this need into the courtyards come from the northern and southern entrances that happens. and they will disguise and most uniformly was in will be the doctors and civic influence. kind of, we're kind of getting just needing the top floor. they rang the bell, and the door was closed. when they rang the bell to end of the department. they cut out the scanner again, that model of the slee and the whole, the consumer israel set the men were planning to carry out to talk. and that this
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is another example of the cynical use of civilian areas in hospitals. the shelters and human shields by type of risk. organizations focused on the minute to bring up a mouse claim. one of the dead palestinian islamic jihad said the for the 2 men with members of the militant group to the hospital with tuesday's operation took place is located in the city of janine in the occupied westbank. the facilities just over one kilometer from jeanine refugee comp, wimbledon, 10000 displaced palestinians. lave israel regulate tyree's rates in the cab, which is known to house members of militant groups. the united nation saves more than 360 published indians have been killed by his randy. false as all settlers in
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the occupied westbank seems to have must. tyra tucks on october 7th, will take a look at the small stores, making headlines around the walls. will stop inspect anywhere the lower house of parliament has voted not only to reject a controversial bill offering. i'm the states would cost them on separatists. the legislation from this time stand exchange for separate responses, forcing the minority government to administer hetero. sanchez bill now goes back to upon mentioned committee for the banks. i had a potential new book to have an ad for security staff. plenty of nationwide strikes for thursday, as, according to jim trades, you bad. it would be the latest in a series of strikes to hit the transport sector i make calls for the best of pay and working on a francis new prime minister, gabrielle i. todd says he's introducing controls on foreign food products to ensure
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fair competition as far mistake nation wide protest they using tractors to blockade roads around paris and other cities. i'm going to buy red tape, low wages and cheap food impulse. farmers and friends have besieged virus with hundreds of tractors, blocking highways into the gap. there has been for testing for these against rising fuel costs and cheap imports. to the growing pressure is one of the 1st challenges for france's new prime minister, gabrielle, a daughter who announced several measures in parliament, duplicated the farmer as well. talk to you or agriculture as our strength and our pride too. so i say here, solidly, there is, and there must be a french agricultural exception because i'm clear sighted in the face of the piling up regulations in the face of decisions that come down from on high and sometime from who knows where farmers have their doubts to are looking for answers and
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solutions you will be there without any uncertainty. it is sort of because woods haven't convinced farmers to continue their protest around virus and elsewhere in the country. care in the south. farmers keep the roads float even as night falls full and they to so we are only be brief, less and seem to we are farmers sometimes isolated, you know, where fields. it's not a job where we work together. the process is also a way to come together to reinstall the very d. we the message that this is for everyone. whether it's someone from wine or from serials, no matter what, we'll stays the same problem and what's the advisor mother to on the 5 so many she can sit showing up in large numbers. they have bowed to blockade the capital with trucks bearing messages in french that warn their fellow citizens are and will be your hunger. of course, in practice,
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tom has sentenced full the prime minister in round. com to 10 years in prison, after convicting him revealing state secrets. mister collins already serving a 3 year term in a separate corruption case is also facing multiple legal actions and his band from standing in next week's general election is legal team says it will appeal slightly sentence. he damage the code claims pakistan's military at least have conspired to entities, premier ship and prevent a come back by his p t. i thought, well, this was riding on the was the way that this, uh, this hearing, and the whole case was being conducted on last today until even late, late night, midnight last night. it was uh, going on. it's like the most foss track k 7 box on history, probably the moms at ponds, lawyers were not allowed to even speak on his behalf or even cross examine any of the witnesses that were presented by the prosecution. um, so we probably expected
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a little bit less than this even. um, but like i said, it's a lower court. i know it's just already been appealed and the high court and the supreme court, which we know will find justice and i was those people carry a senior member of the americans that pci prostate on a close 8 to the full prime minister survivors of alleged abuse have been speaking to dw, about back treatment inside the circle scam factory, may not that were held against they will by say, by crime syndicates enforced the county had crypto currency for dw travels with a team, trying to rescue them some of the names in this exclusive reports have been changed to protect their identities in this compound on me and most boda with thailand, thousands of people, a working to trick people in china, the us and europe, out of the savings. but the people inside on doing so for personal profit,
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they've been traffic from across the globe and being forced to work in a scam factory and slaves like conditions. if there is no plans with no, no lunch. if someone checks and you didn't reply to atlanta the be to or make you stand for hours. lucas, as part of the group that managed to escape a scam factory known as k, k punk. it's one of the around 12 such compounds in this area as me and most current state. and it's one of the most notorious, secure tools checking out computers seen if we are doing our job or plane. we work 17 hours a day. no complains, no holidays, no risk. and if we say we want to leave, they tell us they will sell us or kill us. so they did what they, what told make contact with people on the internet when that trust and convince them to invest and fake crypto currency thoughts. once the victims have sent enough
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money, the website is shut down and the money gone. this sophisticated form of scanning is called a pic, butchering and the united nations office on drugs and crime estimate such scams, generate mold revenue, then the drug trade in southeast asia. the k. k population makes tens of millions of your as a months, apparently enabled by soldiers of me and mas buddha god, and on the backs of helpless victims of human trafficking. last message says, we are in a bunker after the river. and what's done, the end of that river on the tie side of the boat to a team of 8 y, cuz it's on a mission to help them escape to. so timing is critical. hello, victims of sometimes transcodes and taxis to other compounds by a thailand. because the rates there are foster one sofa. that's when do the initial act. i'm looking for a taxi with the license quite 95. the other and blue coming up on that side of the
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right. it's a dangerous mission. they don't know if traffic is out in the car. they turned down a side street for like a flight provisions. and that's about the best time they're lucky. they all know um traffic is inside. there's no position from the taxi driver and judah and michelle managed to shut the group into that. i caught my names to that nice to meet you. the group i brought to a safe house for a much needed rest. the next step will be dealing with immigration authorities, but you know, not an easy experience. and i hope i can go back to my country and find a job that i was graduated for. to start a new life. aaron and lucas eventually recognized as victims of human trafficking
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and re petri a to to the home country, the thousands of victims of still trapped at k k park and other scam factories. somewhere on the me and my thailand, buddha, the deputies lewis sands as well as on this investigation. he told me how i was 1st made contact with the traffic people inside k, k park. or they usually have a very narrow window from when these traffic victims exit the compound and are usually told that they have fulfilled their contract. but actually, they're usually being sold off to either other compounds within the vicinity, or also those uh, in northern me and more. and what they usually need to do is they have to cross into a, into thailand because the infrastructure is better for cheaper. the cars for the vehicles and whatnot. and so this is kind of the moment where the traffic victims uh, reach out to judah and michelle, or other aid workers that are,
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that are doing these kinds of operations and say, hey, look, we were just told that they're going to release us. that this is what's gonna happen when we get into thailand and whatnot. and oftentimes they also might even know that they're being sold off. and so this is the moment we're actually, the traffic victims are making contact with you and michelle and other aid workers like this. and they're the ones that kind of coordinate with them. and she allow them to kind of information that they can, that's crucial for when they do make it onto the type border. for example, one of the things that when i was speaking to jude about, he always mentions that, you know, i have to let them know. like if you stop at a traffic like you need to jump out if you can. and there's other, you know, other steps that they do take to, to make sure they're safe when they do these kinds of things. but, but it's usually actually the traffic victims who are 1st reaching out to, to them without supporting it too much for people who wants to watch the full documentary, give us an insight into who's actually running these factories as well. we were able to trace crypto currency transactions from some of these scheme to victims.
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and we were able to see how the assets effectively flowed into wallets that were controlled by kick, a partner scam operations out of take a part. and we were able to trace that to effectively a one man who saw tens of millions run through his crypto currency account. and we've seen him and others like him placed in a larger network, electric criminal network that spans across se, asia, but also the globe. and is linked to a chinese mafia and we're talking about 14 k triads and effectively how this, this leads to one particular figure, one quick qui, alias, broken tooth. and he is kind of the, let's say, the, the, the figure head of this wide network that is effectively not on the launch and just gave me an operations, but also long during the assets. and we're talking about the 10s of millions, if not hundreds of millions that we only have been able to see if he confronted the faithful running k, k pop we have and we have to do the legal way. and
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so we, we ended up submitting our evidence to them, but they didn't respond. okay, let me just thank you for the assigned us from that date of use investigative use. thank you. a year after july suffered devastating forest fires. people in the worst affected areas are still struggling to rebuild their lives and businesses. ultimate, wherever climate change makes extreme weather events f. a more likely next before i have looks at how truly ends july ends up preparing for future catastrophes. it's weeks of a rubbing cap put to contain the forest, 5 ravaged southern chile in 2023. it's 5 flights is on the ground and in the air risking their lives to enter the devastation. the task was made more difficult by intense heat. some winds brought on by climate change. this, we must say that we had a combination of high temperatures. more than 40 degrees,
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wind speeds over 70 kilometers per hour. and she made it to you below 10 percent. the 5 was advancing at 18 kilometers per hour. so in send, the sheer number of outbreaks meant firefighters were unable to help everyone. maria, and i knew there was no help, no government intervention, no fiber grades, nothing. the area was abandoned. so, you know, not because of negligence, that because the fire brigade just totally told they were flies everywhere. and then i mean, lost everything in the fight as far as he held a stable job. he didn't receive any help from the states army. through the generosity of friends was he able to rebuild his home. it was a similar story for many of his neighbors in santa one, among them, maria dela vega, who had to rebuild her grocery business off to a difficult yeah. does she feel prepared for the next potential emergency to use? i said, i'll go, lita. if god forbid this, what to happen again must be, it would be back to, to have more time,
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no bus that we don't go through the terror of being causing the flame. unless, yeah, we trusted, it won't happen again. lucky. in no way less to say this is off, the management committee has since been sets up with the i am are preventing the next devastating incidents new procedures including fire patrols. how about a positive impact? wouldn't that seem to someone i knew in? well, the fine weekend of 2022 to 2023. there was 75 outbreaks with more than 4000 heck to spend. but since then we've had only 33 fire outbreaks with about 10 act is but and this shows that all patrols are efficient, give it going through. yes. your funding has also increased. they want us to, even from the figure of around $90000000.00. we are now at more than a $160000000.00. we have also increased by a 3rd, the numbers of public firefighters to see from 2000 to 3300. in addition to the
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3000 private firefighters, this to ma'am, i'm a pretty mean pretty well. preventing fires from starting in the 1st place is key. temperatures only heading in one direction as a result of climate change. not even the best response could cope. it seems similar to those seeing one year ago, but take a look at some all headlines from around the world. hong kong, se government has begun to tighten national security and those building on sweeping legislation in post by beijing in 2020. the measures will kind of state secrets, espionage and foreign influence critic site democracy and civil liberties in hong kong being eroded. russia's jail deposition lead inviting me to kind of the house being transferred to a new penal colony. his lawyer assessed was to kind of business been held in the old screeching of siberia, but was moved after being accused of a minor infraction who was jail for 25 years after coating for sanctions against russia over the invasion of ukraine. and the
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a 2 year administrative shut down in dawson island could soon be over. probably the busiest in democratic unit is passed in. the government reached a deal. i'll post breakfast trade rules for the province units of previously blocked the restoration of the power sharing governments with the republican should say, posit the human trials have begun and the us of experimental brain implant developed by a company founded by evil and most of the company new to link is called your link of mr by success, the 1st patients already being fitted with this chip and is doing well. the chip communicates with the computer to help people with disabilities or amputations off, right? mobility devices, trials were approved last year, but year link has faced calls for more scrutiny of its safety procedures. so we saw sounds very sy fi ad dw size reports or friends. sharla is here to talk us through
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it. welcome fred, to tell us more about what is what this actually does. so and you're like aims to help people help patients with severely damaged living systems. it tries to help them communicate or move or for example, speak again. this affects patients with paralysis, or we could you please. yeah. or with severe blindness. these devices could really be life changing for some of these patients. the trip itself, it's, it's, it's made of over a thousands electrodes. these electrodes record what's called an euro signals. this is brain activity inside of for and how it communicates. that translates just for an activity and then send it to a computer device like a process, a limb, or a computer which has and text or communication and devices which helps the patients to interact with wells. now doing themselves. and they are working with patients with paralysis and quarter pages. this is in your link is, is actually implanted into an area of the brain which controls movements. this is called the motor cortex. and inside the motor cortex, there are no signals which move my hands on my legs. and then you're like device
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because this intercepts it and sends it to a computer or a prosthetic device. so it's like the patient is controlling the device with the mines via the chip. my i just to be clear, we only have as far as i understand a lot most word for it, but this is actually going on. correct. and this was approved back in september by, by approval. regular reports, however, must gonna be treated last night that this is something which has happened to where it's yet to be verified by publications. and by studies that said, this technology has been around for that directs, it's been around for several decades. and so actually, yeah, you really cannot. the 1st people here they've been working since 2016 on developing that trip. i have a as early as 1978. there been researches working with patients and they, for example, and funds to friendship. and a patient with severe blindness under spring ship allowed them to experience lights again the 1st time. okay, so we're talking about when, when we talk, when you, when you say a life changing that's, that's no of a statement if the technology is working, correct? yes. so it, i mean,
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it is also to do with who is gonna be affected by this. this could be only affecting a very small number of people with in special cases we've very severe disabilities due to injuries. these tend to always are not designs yet for white clinical use, and certainly not for people without serious damage then assistance. okay? he's claims the law must of the new or link could be used to download memories or provide supervision really or this is very much science fiction that it's related to the rhetoric which, you know, most often does. so we're not even close to achieving this and you really kind of read your thoughts. it kind of read the lines or your emotions. and only things which i said before, which were more basic near all signals of a motor plan which, which is helpful for their clinical sense. and so near what scientists don't really know how the brain in codes emotion or as thoughts. and we certainly can use devices to text him and not very specific way. so these are not there yet. so yes, potentially the future, but that, that, that it's something which is ongoing research, but it will take decades to get to this point. i don't. and so the people who,
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who could potentially benefit from this and who, what sort of injuries. so like i said, so it could be um, people with severe cause or peachcare or paralysis. these are usually traumatic injuries to the cockroaches. for example, they might have am lesions or damaged the spinal codes, which actually prevents the information going from the brain to the muscles. so really, the vin size is helping these very specific cases of people with very specific damage. they never system. so like i said that they're not helping the population of old people with less severe damage than ever. system stocks for toughness through that front don't lose that fridge trauma. so finally i take a look at these amazing images taken by the web type of scope. one and a half 1000000 columbus has from us. they show spiral galaxies relatively close to my own power, tate and never before. the sciences can got millions of stuff spread throughout the
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galaxies. images provide evidence of how stars and galaxies of the washing do the use of life. a better still to come will take you through the day in the day and the big story update. cosa, in run him, run cons, continuing to events in pakistan. i suggest the
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they scam people worldwide, but they are also victims in prison and forced into slavery. d, w 's investigative team reveals who is behind a just side of slavery. a scam factory shows up in 45 minutes on d, w. the
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is increasing at reason many of watching online services, the work that is holiday destination drowning in plastic white at the cause every year of exports over $1000000.00 tons of plastic. why is there another way officer ruled the environment is not responsible. make up your own mind dw, made for minds that i wish i could have done more the same. you just click away, find the best document on you to really
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see the world as he's never seen it before. the dr. no to dw talking interest spark your sounds form a prime minister in mind. todd has vain the jail for 10 years after being found guilty of the feet of revealing official secrets is already bound from standing in next week's collections. will he still be able to wield political power from behind boss? i'm feel jail and this is today. the big i think this is no way for any prime minister to act if they need to be witness to the was.


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