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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 31, 2024 3:00am-3:03am CET

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the young people clearly have the solution. the future is 77 percent every weekend on dw the this is dw news, and these are top stories is rarely prime minister. benjamin netanyahu is ruling out any military withdrawal from gaza or mass released from us. prisoners is comments coming into fresh bush for a ceasefire and for freeing of hostages. i'm off says it's reviewing the new proposal, put forward by international mediators. following talks in paris. the white house has expressed hope that the 2 sides will prove the deal. israel's military says it has killed 3 militants belonging to
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a quote. terrace cell in the west bank is rarely commandos. disguised as civilian women and medic shop a man as they were being treated in a hospital in the city of jeanine moss and his mom. if you, how it has confirmed the 3 as members of their groups, francis knew prime minister a gabriella atalla as promising farmers emergency aid and controls on imported food . as the 6 the qual, angry protests across the country, convoys of tractors had been block hitting roads around paris and other french cities. the protests have spread around us, farmers demand more concessions for agriculture. we're watching dw news from berlin . there's more news on our website that's dw com. the a pocket sounds form, a prime minister in mind. todd has been in the jail for 10 years after being found guilty of the feet of revealing official secrets is already bound from standing in
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next week's collections. will he still be able to wield political power from behind boss? i'm filled jail and this is the day the big. i think this is no way for any prime minister to act if they need to. what we witness to the was a complete mockery of the know, the 10 years in prison for this kind of crime is quite a streaming leaving the office, the rob cardboard also. so from the proceedings, what kind of sour enough tote, the whole system is trying to eliminate him. the punishment could have been very extreme, but he was only given 10 years. so surely this decision was made with some thought behind it with justice. and when we just.


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