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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  January 31, 2024 6:02am-6:31am CET

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the of this thing of revealing official secrets is already banned from standing in next week's directions. will he still be able to wield political power from behind boss? i'm so go and this is the day the i think this is no way for any prime minister to act if they need to be witness to days was a complete mockery of the little 10 years in prison for this kind of navigation or crime is quite streaming, mr. rob cardboard also. so from the proceedings, what kind of sour enough tote, the whole system is trying to eliminate him. the punishment could have been very extreme, but he was only given 10 years. so surely this decision was made with some thought behind it. with his justice and when was just leaving
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sub also on the day the 1st human trials of unexpected mental brain implant the chip from even on mc stats of neutral link is intended to help people with disabilities use mobility devices. and we can not sure why we cannot measure it. so we need to develop this kind of newer technologies to understand the function of the brain and to develop the tailor solution for the hundreds of millions of people worldwide or suffering from disorders of the brain disorders of the mind. welcome to the day apache stands for my prime minister in my account has been in jail for 10 years for reading state secrets is already serving 3 sentencing a separate corruption case. he's banned from standing in the elections next week, but still has significant public support. legal theme says it will appeal is
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a little back up before the cricket stuff fall from power. and it's march 2022 and prime minister in ryan con is fighting for his political life. he loses a vote of no confidence and to fight april. he's out of power. con has already accused the western country of backing pakistan's military and his opponents to i was to him. that country at later transpired was the united states. the gone to a very popular and continues to riley. he supposes that by october 2022, he's disqualified from holding public office over corruption claims the organizes alone protest. march in another attempt to call for snap collections. at one of those events he shot in the leg and move. he describes as an assassination
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attempt. cases against a mount condo continues to campaign. in may 2023. he's taken into custody by power, military forces of a corruption claims needing to a 3 year drill sentence. violence follows. con is banned from running it. next week, selection is p t i potty says it continues to face a brutal military correct? now con is facing a 10 year sentence of the claims unique to secret state document. he says it proves the us conspired with his opponents to remove him from office bows, pack of stones, military and washington denied the allegations. but for this form, a prime minister, it's hard to see
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a post back to power. but they don't use the shuttle shelves in karachi, gave us this assessment of the fact this is about joe, when the con was, i was just in a no confidence vote. and he claimed that his government received a size a document from the us, which is as proof, according to him that the u. s. washington was a conspiring to remove him from paula that it goes to washington and the bucks on the military. that or guess drifted as i was done from above, a charge of claim that has not been proven. but now the interim government has the under special court has the intense con, um, done years in prison over leaking these secrets option secrets, which is
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a serious crime that he is in prison for this kind of uh, navigation or crime is quite leaning, leaning punishment because of the money you are speculating here that he could have been under the special court could have uh uh, handed uh capital punishment to him. busy or uh, like in prison, but district not happened. 10 years in prison is a relatively lenient punishment for this kind of growing up. so a 100 b o the is body b. b. i should be a little bit little bit relieved and is political because he is already in jeopardy. and that's something because he is not standing in elections upcoming elections on the 8th of february and just bought the spacing a. save your crack down. so, hong is the hot water,
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is like now it's politically cutting. it is hanging by and thread. the military is going on. happy with the ministry stuff. there's been the generals. i'm not happy with con, because con has been accusing them of all sorts of, of things, conspiracies, since he was removed from from paula. so here's the is the not, doesn't look very good at the moment. israel's ministry says it has killed a 3 members of what they called a terrorist. so a hospital in the occupied westbank. israel has repeatedly targeted the city of janine in recent months. the around back to is nomic jihad group said to have it's meant to have the man killed belonged to it's um, when i'm asked confirmed that the other was one of its members. many countries to classify how much as a terrorist organization is really false as storm a hospital disguised as medics,
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palestinian civilians. this the aftermath of the shooting of 3 members of palestinian groups. the hospitals direct to describe what happened in the rooms in the room at 5 pm this morning. the occupation special forces nathan to the quarters of the hospital man. this need into the courtyards come from the northern and southern entrances that happens. they will disguise in most uniform doctors and civic influence kind of what kind of tv and just needing the top floor. they rang the bell and the door was closed when they rang the bell at the end of the department. they cut out the scanner. you can bet more look at the slee and the whole guy consume israel set the men were planning to carry out to talk. and this is another
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example of the cynical use of civilian areas in hospitals of shelters and human shields by type of risk organizations. the cause of the minute to bring up a mouse claimed one of the dead palestinian islamic jihad cindy for the 2 men would members of the militant group. the hospital with tuesdays operations took place is located in the city of janine in the occupied, westbound the facilities just over one kilometer from jeanine refugee comp, wimbledon, 10000 displaced palestinians. life is ready to regulate tyree's rates in the camp, which is known to house members of militant groups. the united nation saves more than 360 palestinians have been killed by his randy. false,
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as all settlers in the occupied westbank seems to have must tire, at talks on october 7th, the level of correspondent time your crime that joins us from jerusalem. welcome atanya tokens through what happened. i was raised by the is really military happened in the early morning hours at the and at the even see now hospital which is very close to the janine refugee. tell them which i've seen in the past year a lot. a lot of military rates. also a lot of incursions by the military and fighting between palestinian militants and the is really military. so you can see on that c, c t, v footage on the cover h and that were addressed as 2000000000, some also in women's clothes, some addressed as medical stuff. some have even a folded. we a chat within but also a weapons on them. and they were going into one of the hospitals, rooms,
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there were those uh, 3 published in young men where and they were killed in the hospital. and you can imagine that this great did a lot of you know, outrage, an anger and concern among palestinians because it's happened in a hospital a, supposedly a safe space policy. no officials have said this in contravention of international law. now israel has said the military, that those where at least one of them was planning an imminent attack in the immune and few to a crime. i. people called in the crossfire all the homage is around war and guns that have experienced extreme violence and destruction ever since the october 7th. how much tara attacks. but women who escaped the fighting with her 5 children. i moved to johannesburg in south africa, has been sharing a story with the w. heartfelt message comes with a plea for a ceasefire in the region. so i, well,
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i really think that we are fortunate that we actually got out. it's somebody called from god. because we saw a lot of things that were not supposed to seats. so that's what our choice is able to reflect on her life in gaza from the safety of her home in dentist that she turned to south africa in december of the escaping with her children. she shows us the area that was once her home destroyed by bombing with the vibration of the sound of the marseilles as it hit the ground. it's correct if we thought of the entire um, what was all the windows that was within the building is correct. and it came like, like spikes around you. so if you were in the wrong position, it would be like a helium really badly huh? short yes. been mold in 25 years. living in garza, she married a palestinian man, raised a family and both a life the teaching english and doing humanitarian with but that life came to an
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abrupt end. when israel launched its war games come austin gaza. following the tier attacks on october 7th. we saw how the buildings were collapsing in front of our eyes and has to have a bombing. they were targeting an area like 3 minutes from our home. and as the kids and i watched from the balcony, we see that because it's really, it's really coming close to us. this is not something that we can play with our lives, but we went into a primary school that we stay for the week. so difficult circumstances sleeping on the floor, highly densely populated, and if you 40 was screaming and in a lot of data entry, that was when she realized they had to leave. she turned to the south african embassy for health. the family travel to rafa on the board with egypt. they waited for over a month before being allowed out of garza when possible to be gone through that stage. i said, okay,
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this is really understanding and having faith in god because you going into unknown stuff and you put yourself into unknown situations and you have the higher power of faith or the god. that was my key. i think she can help worry about those left behind, including her ex husband. hope that he can come out because he trusts me to come with the children the to be a safe. but i don't know what's going to be a life of they talk to you and have 5 children now rebuilding the lives here. but she still thinks about the people in gaza is they really need people that can really do they bought and getting them a ceasefire. that can hold a new piece and their lives. they thought, you know, they didn't ask them to be put in a situation where everything is taken away from the survivors of an extra abuse in me. and i have been speaking to dw,
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about the treatment inside the secretive, so calls gum factory held against that. well, an operation involving a crime syndicates. these victims of human trafficking, say they were forced to execute crypto currency fraud. report has joined a team, a trying to find and rescue them. the names of the interviews, interviewees, and this exclusive report. i've been changed for that protection. and this compound on me and most boda with thailand, thousands of people, a wanting to trick people in china. the us and europe out of the savings, but the people inside on doing so for personal profit. they've been traffic from across the globe and being forced to work in a scam fact, right. and slaves like conditions. if there is no plans with no, no lunch, if someone checks and you didn't reply to atlanta the be to or make you stand for hours glucose as part of the group that managed to escape
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a scam factory known as k k puck. it's one of the around 12 such compounds in this area as me and most current state. and it's one of the most notorious, secure tools checking out computers seen if we are doing our job or plane. we work 17 hours a day. no complains, no holidays, no risk. and if we say we want to leave, they tell us they will sell us or kill us. so they did what they, what told make contact with people on the internet when that trust and convince them to invest and fake crypto currency thoughts. once the victims have sent enough money, the website is shut down and the money gone. this sophisticated form of scanning is called pick, butchering and the united nations office on drugs and crime estimate such scams, generate mold revenue, then the drug trade in southeast asia,
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k. k. popular and makes tens of millions of your as a month, apparently enabled by soldiers of me and my as buddha god, and on the backs of help us victims of human trafficking. last message says we're in a bunker after the river. and what's down the end of that reason? on the tie side of the boat to a team of 8 workers, it's on a mission to help them escape to. so timing is critical. hello, victims of sometimes transcodes and taxis to other compounds by a thailand. because the rates there are foster one sofa. that's when to the initial act i'm. we're looking for a taxi with the license quite 95 yellow and blue coming up on that side of the ride . it's a dangerous mission. they don't know if traffic is out in the car. they turned down a side street. the provisions and that's about the
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best time the lucky they all know um traffic is inside. there's no opposition from the taxi driver and judah and michelle managed to, i should the great into that. i caught my names to that nice to meet you, the group i brought to a safe house for a much needed rest. the next step will be dealing with immigration authorities, but you know, not an easy experience. and i hope i can go back to my country and find a job that i was credited to for, to start a new life. this is aaron and lucas, what eventually recognized us victims of human trafficking and re petri a to to the home country, the thousands of victims of still trapped at k k pop and other scam factories. somewhere on the me and my thailand, buddha let's get more on this from those scientists who worked on my investigation
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. he joins us for bon welcome, davis. so how did 8 was in your report? first, make contact with the traffic to people or they usually have a very narrow window from when these traffic victims exit the compound and are usually told that they have fulfilled their contract. but actually, they're usually being sold off to either other compounds within the vicinity, or also those uh, in northern me and more. and what they usually need to do is they have to cross into into thailand because the infrastructure is better for cheaper. the cars for the vehicles and whatnot. and so this is kind of the moment where the traffic victims uh, reach out to judah and michelle or other 8 workers that are, that are doing these kinds of operations and say, hey look, we're, we're just told that they're going to release us. that this is what's gonna happen when we get into thailand and whatnot. and oftentimes they also might even know that they're being sold off. and so this is the moment we're actually,
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the traffic victims are making contact with you and michelle and other ed workers like this. and they're the ones that kind of coordinate with dementia allow them to kind of information that they can uh, that's crucial for when they do make it onto the type border. for example, one of the things that when i was speaking to jude about, he always mentions that, you know, i have to let them know. like if you stop at a traffic like you need to jump out if you can. and, and there's other, you know, other steps that they do take to, to make sure they're safe when they do these kinds of things. but, but it's usually actually the topic picked into our 1st reaching out to, to them without supporting it too much for people who wants to watch the full documentary, give us an insight into who is actually running these factories as well. we were able to trace crypto currency transactions from some of these scheme to victims. and we were able to see how the assets effectively flowed into wallets that were controlled by kick, a partner scam operations out of take a part. and we were able to trace the, to effectively a one man who saw tens of millions run through his crypto currency account. and
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we've seen him and others like him placed in a larger network, electric criminal network that spans across se, asia, but also the globe. and is linked to a chinese mafia and we're talking about 14 k triads and effectively how this, this leads to one particular figure, one quick qui, alias, broken tooth. and he is kind of the, let's say, the, the, the figure head of this wide network that is effectively not on the launch and just gave me an operations, but also long during the assets. and we're talking about the 10s of millions, if not hundreds of millions that we've only been able to see if he confronted the people running k k pop we have and we have to do it the legal way. and so we, we ended up submitted our evidence to them, but they didn't respond. okay, let me just thank you for that. lou assigned us from that dw is investigative use.
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human trials have begun in the u. s. on experimental brain implants developed by company founded by you know, mosque. mr. musk says newer links, 1st patient has been affiliated with the chip out is doing well. chip communicates with the computer to help people with disabilities or amputations operate ability devices. trials were approved last year, but you're think us faced calls for more screwed today. i mean safety procedures. so this all sounds very sy fi, ad dw, sides. your thoughts are friends, shiela is here to talk us through it. welcome fred, to tell us more about what it, what this actually does. so nearly aims to help people. i help patients with severely damaged living systems. it tries to help them communicate or move, or for example, speak again. this affects patients with paralysis or with quadriplegia or with the vip linus. these devices could really be life changing for some of these patients. the trip itself, it's, it's, it's made of over
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a thousands electrodes. these electrodes record what's called an euro signals. this is brain activity inside the for and how it communicates. that translates just for an activity and then send it to a computer device like a process, a limb, or a computer which has and text or communication devices which helps the patients to interact with wells. now doing themselves. and they are working with patients with paralysis and quarter pages. this and then your link is, is actually implanted into an area of the brain which controls movements. this is called the motor cortex. and inside the motor cortex, there are no signals which move my hands on my legs. and then you're like device because this intercepts it and sends it to a computer or a prophetic device. so it's like the patient is controlling the device. we've been minds biologists much just to be clear. we only have as far as i understand a lot most word for it, but this is actually going on. correct. and this was approved back in september by, by approval. regular reports, however, must gonna be treated last night that this is something which has happened to where
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it's yet to be verified by publications and by studies that said, this technology has been around for that directs it's been around for several decades. and so actually, you really cannot the 1st people here they've been working since 2016 on developing that you have a as early as 1978. there been researches working with patients and they, for example, and funds to friendship and a patient with severe blindness under friendship. allowed them to experience lights again with this time. okay, so we're talking about when, when we, when you, when you say a life changing that's, that's no of a statement if the technology is working, correct? yes. so it mean it is also to the re who's gonna be affected by this. this could be only affecting a very small number of people with in special cases we've very severe disabilities due to injuries. these tend to always are not designs yet for wider clinical use and certainly not for people without serious damage then of systems ok. he's claims the law must the new or link could be used to download memories or provide
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supervision really or this is very much science fiction that it's related to the rhetoric which, you know, most often does. so we're not even close to achieving this and you really kind of read your thoughts and kind of read the lines or your emotions. and only things which i said before, which were more basic neuro signals of a motor plan, which is helpful for their clinical sense. and so near scientists don't really know how the brain in codes and emotion or thoughts, and we certainly can use devices to text. i mean, not very specific way. so these are not there yet. so yes, but thanks for the future. but that, that, that it's something which is ongoing research, but it will take decades to get to this point. i don't. and so the people who, who could potentially benefit from this and who, what sort of injuries. so like i said, so it could be deep with it cause or peachcare or paralysis. these are usually traumatic injuries to the cockroaches. for example, they might have an lesions or damaged the spinal codes which actually prevents the information going from the brain to the muscles. so really the bins face is helping
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these very specific cases of people with very specific damage. they never system. so like i said that they're not helping and one to population an old people with less severe damage than ever system stocks for toughness through that stuff. don't lose that, fred, charlotte, i or not, was the day more as ever at dw dot com, of social media at the w. a news on this. oh, i see you had d w. youtube channel. the
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oh you're not just the phone line retailer is coping with the short of skilled workers. hey, i guide almost all operational processes and humans are at the helm. analyzing things from it's a fully automated operation. most of the time made in germany on d. w. in good shape. what does
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our book say about our health? what is the correlation between blood type and cobit infection? how is potentially life threatening fences detected and really be able to synthesize part of this? oh boy, are in good shape. it's in 16 minutes on d, w. the . so you don't think and feel the same way you expect and want different things from life and your parents. do i just want to pursue what steps my saw on fire or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, unreasonable, all stuff. i want my son to become
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a doctor to in the canal. it's time to to them. when it's in the races class. this week on d w, the, how are your new years? resolutions coming along, given up smoking, doing a dry january or even a vague in january. for many people losing weight is a big. how about a fruit diet, or interval fasting low or no carbs? or maybe a lot of exercise instead. which method are you choosing to shed the excess weight? and how often have you experienced the yo, yo, a fact where you gain back more kilos after a diet. now what looks like the solution has arrived in the form of the diabetes drug or something for the new obesity shots from what goes a also.


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