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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 31, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news. why, from berlin, the former prime minister of pockets done receives another jail sentence, him on hon and his wife, or handed a 14 year prison term for corruption. just a day after hon receives a 10 year term for leaking state secrets, transfer, all of schultz gives an impassioned defense of german support for ukraine to appear in the union is convening a summit to assure update for keith will have analysis from our political correspond the
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and welcome to our viewers around the world. unlike loco, former pakistani prime minister in ron hahn and his wife of bush a, b, b, have been sentenced to 14 years in prison for corruption. the verdict comes a day after another court handed hon and a 10 year sentence for revealing state secrets. the opposition leader was already serving a 3 year jail term and his board from standing in next week's general election hung says the latest sentence is part of a plot to shut him out of politics. and that he will appeal the ruling of. for more on this week in cost of london and speak to jill fee, because a senior member of the pockets done to week a and soft party and a former special assistant to enroll in hon when he was pakistan's prime minister. mr. mccarthy, thanks for joining us. this is the 3rd conviction for him. ron hahn in recent
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months. he says the timing and nature of these charges are politically motivated. what evidence is there for that? sir, are you with us? sir, let's try you again. mr. bu corey, are you there? let's move on now to some of the other stores will certainly try to have him back if we can reestablish a connection. he is really military has confirmed that it's been flooding. parts of hamas is underground tunnel network and gaza. the army says it is making sure groundwater isn't affected. experts have worn that flooding. the tunnels could damage to the territory as fresh water supplies and risk the lives of hostages.
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still being held by how much to you in secretary general, antonio quoterush has urged donor countries to continue funding. the embattled un agency for palestinian refugees came back behind, clicked the embattled un agency for palestinian refugees. he met behind closed doors with ambassadors from 35 nations following accusations that 12 employees of the new uh agency, participated in the last tear attack on israel on october 7th. last year. several countries, including germany, have subsequently suspended their funding. farmers in france continued to block highways around paris in protests of the government's environmental regulations. they are demanding the government ease rules and protect them from rising costs. the government has announced a number of concessions to farmers protest follow similar demonstrations in germany, belgium, spain,
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and italy. social media joined take talk is set to lose access to millions of songs. universal music group home to top selling artist like taylor swift, has said it will pull its music from the platform. after talks over, payments broke down, universal accused tick tock of trying to under pay on royalties for its audience. well, weeks of bombing and heavy combat have left much of hon. eunice in southern gaza in ruins. tens of thousands of civilians are fled further south to the egyptian border . israel launched it's military counter offensive in the gaza strip, in response to the homos. the terrorist attacks on october 7th, last year. we have this exclusive report from alpha mama and family of 20 are in search of safety. as i was forced to flee from
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a you in shelter in hon. eunice after as riley bombings intensified. now this is the home, may of the city of rough or close to the border with agent. with that one of the things we've been suffering a lot to you. there's no food or drink. all the food be prepared, we give to the children for us, old people, it's not important. eat or drink and in the school. that'd be that everyone situation here it is difficult. we live in great suffering may be a lot of. there's no drinking water and there's no health. i have not even the most basic elements of ordinary life. what am i going to have on do they have limited ongoing clashes with homeless. israel escalated, it's bombing off from eunice, or the $43000.00 displaced people being forced to move south towards rafa.
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the women, i mean, you know, good god, we was sleeping peacefully when suddenly there were clashes and shells started falling on us and we couldn't sleep all night. and i still don't understand. the reason for this behavior is just how the sony on the you in the estimates around a c 5 to seem to have causes population has been displaced by the war. many families have been forced to move multiple times the color. so how do we hope that the water will end peacefully and that will be able to live a safe, normal life for the children. because our children don't live in safety at the moment. then the whole thing is that i love you, we hope to return home as soon as possible and live a life like everyone else and like the rest of the world. all situation and data for children is very bad. ledner. on my end,
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thousands of palestinians and gaza hopes that they can return home one day for now, those home is this make shifting on the guys in border, truthfully, all of charles has given an impassioned defence of german support for ukraine. he was speaking during a debate in parliament, he use his speech to endorse demonstrators who have taken to the streets to denounce the rise of the far right in germany. schultz also stress the importance of both the german and european backend for ukraine. via that, we will make our major contribution for this year and we will do everything we can to ensure that europe's joint contribution is so big that ukraine can rely on it. and the uprooting cannot count and also port to wayne at some point. and one document that's the comp existing for more or less cost over to our chief political editor to make a low cliffs new who's standing by inside the german parliament. unusually
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passionate words by the german chancellor mikayla. but with all the budget troubles his government is facing kenny actually deliver on this promise as well. sofa, germany has delivered on this promise, and it's the 2nd largest supporter of ukraine in terms of military hardware and also in terms of funding. so germany is leading the way, but with the germans on so also said as he is about to head to brussels for a key you summit to discuss this very support for ukraine, is that he would hope for more european partners to come together and back ukraine more he said that he deliberately hasn't upstaged other countries in the past, but just by saying that he's actually already heading in that direction. so this was the budget to debate today. this is traditionally also what we see very he says exchanged as passively exchanges between the opposition and the government. and
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this was also what i've sold, responding partly to an attack by the opposition, which is that's the accused that was not being europeans thinking enough. he is sending the signal, they will find the money if needed to back ukraine, no matter what. can he count on the oppositions support then spot on ukraine. it does appear. so if anything, the o position is pushing for more support, for instance, also in delivering at weapon systems that ukraine is asking for. and at the same time, there is criticism of by sweeping his math, the opposition leader who says that what i've sold is not doing enough it to have a dialogue with funds to rethink european security. also more in terms of what could be heading your way. if donald trump was to be re elected as us president,
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then the europeans would have to think differently, become more independent. that must, is consensus here in europe and in the german government. but the details and how to do that. that's where the criticism from the opposition is with what i've sold, insisting he does have an agreement with funds that he will meet with the french president very soon. whether that means reviving the volume or term triangle between france, germany and poland. that's the big question mark, but we do have the use of the really security conference up coming up in 2 weeks. so we'll probably learn more that the opposition leader also called for a close to cooperation with european allies. do you think we're going to see that it? absolutely. there is a growing realization within germany, but particularly within the european union that if anything more corporation is needed at the same time,
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you have big european egos being thrown around the most prominent one. being victor, move on of hungary who doesn't say a way of using what some cool black male, a basically not giving his vote too much needed support for ukraine unless he gets what he wants for his country. and that kind of in fighting of course, is the opposite of your opinion. and c, d, w is a chief political editor and me how you all are clifton of many, many facts. to remember and ceremony has been held at the german parliament, the bonus tag to honor the victims of national socialism. the fisher ceremony put a special focus on the whole economy. from an intergenerational perspective, among those to speak was eva suspicion, who survived the ash with death camp. she was 12 years old when the camp was liberated. in a moving speech, she described the moment when she arrived there,
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the office had come um, actually the guard stormed up to the doctor and she was back, kicked my jacket to one side as of yesterday and then to do so. i tried to stop doctors. yes. this is needed, i left the wrong then when i had it came up to me with this is in a 100 and without breaking stride. i started cutting my braids off of and then threw them on a big pint of hair on board the scottish. and then she started to eat or got a razor. it took all the time. i had a funny you all the next time i felt sad. this is my last protections have been taken from next. well, it's one of the world's great unsolved aviation mysteries, the disappearance of female pilot amelia earhart during around the world air voyage
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. in 1937, she hoped to become the 1st person to complete the stroke of navigation. now an american explore thinks she may have located her plains wreckage in the middle of the pacific ocean. and the last drop of her magnificent amelia earhart sets off on her doomed flight around the globe. in 193700 miles have to have an island she was reported missing. as her disappearance over the pacific ocean has baffled aviation experts for decades. now a team of deep sea explorers believes they have found air hearts plain. they say these sooner images match the dimensions of her aircraft. for months, they scoured the ocean floor with a submersible, using clues from air hearts. final radio calls. the pilot and her navigator
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vanished after flying from popular new guinea to highland island and the central pacific. the suspected wreckage is located near the tiny us territory. it's believed earhart wanted to refuel there. the team is keeping the exact location of their discovery secret, hoping to add their names to the history books. i mean, she's america's favorite missing person, right? and, you know, as long as she's missing, there's always gonna be somebody out there searching. and so if we're, if we can help bring closure the story, bring amelia home, we'd be super excited, but not everyone is onboard. one expert is skeptical about the accuracy of the sooner images and the location. still the exploration team hopes to obtain better images and eventually bring the wreckage to the surface to solve one of the world's great aviation mysteries,
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the annual. and if they're up next, we have planted a looking at how wind turbines are cleaning up our energy, but not without drawbacks. that's after the break. i'm like, look through, thanks for watching and bye for now. the . so you don't think and feel the same way you expect and want different things from line in your parent. i just want to pursue what sets my salon fire or you think your kid is 2 different, risky,
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irresponsible, unreasonable, all stuff. i want.


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