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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 31, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm CET

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the the, this is dw news line from berlin, israel flood to mos tunnels in gaza. the army says it's root removing the underground threat by pumping sea water into the tunnel complex used by as long as militants. israel also steps up it's bombing campaign and gaza. thousands more displays palestinians fleet rough in the south of the territory. and pack of stones . former prime minister in ron han is given another prison sentence. the one time cricket store and his wife get 14 years for corruption, just a day after han was jail for 10 years for leaking state secret, plus out germany's efforts to recruit skilled workers from abroad,
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or being hampered by its cumbersome immigration system. we look at efforts to open the door to europe's largest economy, the in greetings, throughout viewers around the world. i'm michael. okay. israel has confirmed that it's forces have been flooding tunnels under gaza, which it says are used by him offs. the army is pouring sea water into the tunnel network, but says it is ensuring that ground water supplies were not effected. experts have previously warren, that sea water could permanently damage. fresh water for guns is 2300000 residents and in danger, hostage is still being held by him. ok, a mike martin is a former british army officer and senior fellow in the department of war studies at kings college, london. i asked him whether flooding tunnels is an effective way of flushing out of
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mos militants and dismantling the tunnel network. good morning, michael. uh yes it is. sally ruthless approach is, is very simple. um, you can pump in sea water is you said new package or you need is a, a fire hydrant. the something that every fire department has an in you can run that for 24 hours on the is a simple as it sounds. water flows down hill and we know some of these structures are very deep and it fills up the system from the bottom. and then either, if you're not totally the drown or you have to come to the surface, which is obviously what the id f wants with this activity. many of our viewers know that more than a 100 is really hostages, are still being held by him on summit for him, or believe to be in the tunnels. doesn't the army risk drowning the very people they're trying to rescue? it's in a sense,
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actually what we're seeing here with this story about flooding tunnels is a perfect example which describes the strategic tension that the is right is having that will rains. they seem to destroy hummus, but also to release the hostages that is repeated daily by these way, the government's thoughts actually is probably impossible to achieve both of those items. the only time the hostages have been released is when in fact there has been a ceasefire on the walls, the wolf fighting is going on. we've seen hostages kills. and so here when the flushing of the tunnel to perhaps get rid of how my supply is all to take on minutes is obviously the most sense we'll place for the hostages to be is in the tunnel network. so yes, they are exactly puts in danger. there's a perfect example of the tension, the strategic tension of the sensor, and these really war items experts say that the flying tunnels is a dangerous option that poses huge ris to gauze as already besieged the civilian
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population. what do they mean? but i think there's 2 things. one was what you mentioned in your package, which is about ground water. and of course, it's only see water that they can pump in because that's, you know, because it's on the case and that's the biggest volume of water. and they need a lot of volume to flush out the entire tunnel network that will seat into ground water. and a lot of calls in a gets that water from wells. so that's a huge quickly, but the other problem is what this flooding does is it, is it pits some of the causes and population between aerial bombardment and flooding on the ground. inevitably, some of these tunnels will have been abandoned, although be not some tunnels on be used on some elements of the cause and population will be hiding in the best place to go when this excessive aerial bombardment, as we're seeing is on the ground. and so by flooding the tunnels,
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it puts the population in between a rock and a hard place. mike, we only have half a minute or so, but i am curious. israel says that dismantling tunnels is a slow process and could take years. what sort of push back could be expected from us? and do they even have any interest in preserving those tunnels? very briefly, the tunnels uh essentials of how much any fighting force needs a rear area where it can store supplies, prep treats casualties. and in this case, as we've heard, hold hostages of removing the tunnel network from hamas makes it very, very difficult for them to continue to cite the people survive. but they will lose all of that minute treat infrastructure when supplies and the ability to move around the territory and saying that again is mike martin from the king's college london as ever. many thanks, mike. thank you,
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michael. 6 weeks of bombing and heavy fighting have left much of southern gaza in ruins. tens of thousands of civilians have been forced to flee even farther south to the egyptian border, dw, as mohammed of co, who sent us this report on conditions facing the new arrivals. or mamma, and a family of 20 or in search of safety. they were forced to flee from anew in shelter in hon. eunice after as riley bombings intensified. now this is the hon. me of the city of rough or close to the border with agent thought with no one of these we've been suffering a lot to you. there's no food or drink all the food. be prepared. we give to the children for us, old people, it's not important. eat or drink and is it hard?
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and in the school navy that everyone situation here has difficult. we live in great suffering may be a lot of. there's no drinking water. yeah. there's no health. i have not even the most basic elements of ordinary life. what am i supposed to have onto the have image ongoing clashes with homeless? israel escalated it's foaming off from eunice or the 43000 displaced. people have been forced to move south towards the rough. uh, the one i mean. yeah. i know. good god, we were sleeping peacefully when suddenly the clashes and shells started falling on us and we couldn't sleep all night and i still don't understand. the reason for this behavior is just uh, how the sodium the you in the estimates around a c 5 to seem to have causes population has been displaced by the war. many families have been forced to move multiple times the color. so how
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do we hope that the war will end peacefully and that will be able to live a safe, normal life for the children. because our children don't live in safety at the moment. then the whole thing is that i love you, we hope to return home as soon as possible and live a life like everyone else and like the rest of the world. all situation and data for children is very bad, ledner mama and thousands of palestinians in gaza. hope that they can return home one day for now. those home is this make shifting on the guys in border in the form of pakistani, prime minister and ron honda and his wife had been sent and stood 14 years in prison for corruption a day earlier. another accord handed hon. a 10 year sentence for revealing state secrets, the opposition leader was all reading serving a 3 year term and his bard from standing and next week's election on says the
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verdicts are part of a plot to shut him out of politics. and he will appeal, dw reported been issued, dr. it has more on what this means for the former pakistani prime minister. right in the time now for a significant feeder in future. uh so basically this conviction means that he would not be able to do any better to go to book for a significant period in future. so definitely it is a big step back for him, rob hon. but it was not something that was not expected. and he is more disturbing a 3 year to them and get up some charges. and yesterday he was sentenced to 10 years on a on a case. i didn't want him to begin of the secrets now this case involves him and his wife just even stayed. gibbs and not declaring them by using office and
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therefore all of these convictions just before february 8 elections definitely are very damaging for him. not would we have to see the impact of done when things are when died stored in favor of fund additions gave up against them get dropped there . disqualification are also dropped. but at this moment in the wrong hands, but it was good to go. it is a big step back for him. now con says that he's being targeted by pakistan's powerful military, and that essentially he's being sidelined ahead of next week. so national elections . but why should the world believe his claims to so non hun, on his body to his body? they say that they have not been given a level playing field to campaign for the february 8 elections. and they argue with this said the poses of the workers have been incarcerated, even in ron hahn is charged on jumped up charges. but we also know that if not
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hundreds, but it goes by the deer and it sort of symbols, they're not allowed to run on the symbol many, many people in focused on recognizing don han was also a former cricket or on the sort of symbol of fact and therefore, they give all of these different reasons why they feel that there have been a white spread of black don't against them. we also have to convince history nor prime minister in focused on has ever completed therefore done. and many of them of had to for the great book is and sponsor for the military. so if you look at the context and history of part this done i did is that's why there are some people i observe was journalist. even for me, that doesn't focus on who would say that there is some we in the argument of the part the has been a targeted or did the instead of the target it's got been against and non home and his party dw sub and uses drop it there now to some of the other stories making
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news at this hour, un secretary general, antonio gutierrez has urged donor countries to keep funding. it's agency for palestinian refugees. he met with investigators from $35.00 nations to discuss accusations that some agency staff took part in the october 7th, almost terror attacks. several countries including germany, have suspended funding its ron back truth, a rebels and yemen claim to have fired several missiles at the united states navy ship in the red sea. the us said one missile had been intercepted and no damage cause. after series of attacks by the who these western navies have been deployed in the area to protect commercial shipping farmers in france or still blocking highways around parents to protest low food prices and red tape. the government has announced a number of concessions. farmers have stayed similar demonstrations in germany, belgium, spain, and italy. tick tock is to lose access to millions of songs.
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universal music group home of top selling artist like taylor swift, has said it will pull its music from the platform. universal accuse is tick tock of under paying royalties for its arts as well. germany remains a top destination for skilled workers from abroad, despite many reporting racism and discrimination in everyday life. that's the conclusion of a new report from the organization for economic cooperation and development. the o e c. d. track the careers of 30000 highly skilled workers who wanted to come to germany since august 2022. it concluded their desire to move to the country increased rather than decreased in that period. in morocco centers are being established to help attract the young people and prepare them for their
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new lives. the latest in the capital robot mind seeing the home, my aim is to find hospital and that's why i want to go to germany. the invoice, friends, i would like to work in germany in the semester google and to develop professionally as well as personality. once victim dismissed the in boots, i would like to do an apprenticeship in germany in the hotel industry in do so i'm in germany. there are lots of opportunities for young people that i'd like to have a successful career easily dismissed. i would like to trying to work in the hotel trade in the heat. martin here in robots, they're preparing for a life far away from home. the idea is to promote integration right from the start, or it's part of a new agreement between morocco and germany, to support legal migration and reduce illegal migration. germany's minister for economic cooperation and development spaniel schultz is in morocco as
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part of a drive to attract skilled workers and all. but we need work has to come to germany . we'd benefit if they came, lots of young people here, one prospect for the future and want to earn money. so they'd benefit t. m a russell would benefit as well. 8 percent of the countries to the be comes from americans living and working abroad. leveled out on the german economy needs an extra $400000.00 skilled workers each year. in morocco, some 25 percent of people with higher education qualifications are unemployed. the country desperately needs to retain its own doctors. but germany hopes to attract electricians, cheating, and ventilation engineers and hospitality staff. don't want to call them migration. they want to call them international mobility. because at the end of the story we have people and we professional and personal projects. and we want
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to help these people to develop their experiences abroad. come back to the countries if they want. illegal migration is off topic at the official inaji ration of a new moroccan european center for labor, mobility, and robot. here it's all about presenting germany as an attractive place for migrants. berlin is competing with other highly industrialized nations for skilled workers. so we do focus on the counseling because we do consider it's a very, very important phase to prepare the person in order to take an informed decision and instructor at the one in language classes at the good to institute. those planning to migrate to germany to work also learn about its history, culture and everyday life voice, how germans even spend the free time this type. so what young people in germany are allowed to are not allowed to do the do's and don'ts and the family and the norms of personal space. dig into values,
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the polite form of dress up is called the familial once and then. and germany's development administer also addresses concerns that americans might have about racism. even though i just want to say this express the again here we won't give the enemies of democracy in germany. any space we need the americans working in germany. they are part of our society. this shooting and ventilation engineer has already received a job offer. and he feels well prepared for life in germany. it's have of, i know. i have also done unit about cultural integration like 200 bucks, which one think got ceiling to d motion? yeah. it's global. i think everything will be fine. how does gates quotes? as soon as the visa process is complete, he'll be off to the south western german city of mannheim to start
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a new life. i'd like to now welcome uh thomas, uh, maybe a migration expert for the organization for economic cooperation and development. which of course commissioned the study, we just reference, mister libby, germany appears to be putting in real effort here. do you think that effort will result in the 400000 skilled workers? germany needs each year? i think one thing that's clear is that germany wants to attract on talent and is very uh, as they start taking a lot of impressive steps to attract these people and includes not only the legislation, but also the lot of the initiatives that are being taken in corporation was origin countries and other stuff. so that is death that is beyond beyond doubt. whether they will manage to get 100200300400000. that is uh that is it. that is a different question. enable or not? what depend on to be the info structure that germany has in place right now,
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that is our study has shown that there's lots to, to be decided on that. and notably, and some of the key origin countries on the s complaints that the pros is a pretty slow and not digitalized yet. um. so there's a lot more to be done in terms of making sure that these, that this openness, that is in the law and the immigration is off or skilled labor mind, goods from abroad. that this is also part of the practice of for the people. for the many people who seek to come to germany, i do have quite a few occasions that i signed up on in the drafting table. write a report touchstone concerns among would be immigrants about the rise of germany's far right. what does your research tell us had to this discourage workers from coming has not really discharged people yet. but what we see is that people have arrived in germany report pretty high levels of perceived
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discrimination and, and, and mistreatment um on the street in shops and especially on the housing market. that doesn't mean that actually they have been mistreated. it's just a protection that they have that's us because some of the debates that are going on in germany. but at the same time last observed that people are generally happy with a life in germany. and that they also think that they are happy with the government housing cartridge, but it's been pretty much a mixed picture, but certainly be shipped is coming. nation and racism is something to watch out for . and to address a urgently what other deterrence did you study, identify? it was the number one obstacle certainly is to put in touch and tell them the problem. it wants to come to germany and the german employers. and neither one
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really knows how to meet you to meet the others and all that needs to be a little more little more investment. and starting to do that matching process between what times the calvin from abroad and, and employs part of that will be overcome to this new chance. a chance to be that jeremy's implementing, which allows qualified people from abroad under certain conditions to come to germany, even if they don't have a job. so there will be a great improvement on on that. but once again, it's important. it is also well implemented by the consulates and these offices abroad. and also the 3rd element that's very important also to transmit to into the audience. here is that if you want to come to germany is very important to learn german. and we see no candidates. it doesn't quite, the billing is to do that. and, and that's certainly needs to be more investment also by germany to, to, to support that german language learning abroad. that means god to open up new be
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just henders rather than closing existing ones. yeah, that is thomas levy of the organization for economic cooperation and development. many thanks you sir. you're welcome. thank you. a remember and ceremony has been held at the german parliament, the bonus stock to honor victims of national socialism. this your ceremony focused on the holocaust. among the speakers was that eva, suspicion who survived the ash which death camp. she was 12 years old when the camp was liberated, she described the moment when she arrived there to the armchair he com. i'm actually dead guard stormed up to the doctor, and she was back, kicked my jacket to one side as of yesterday and then to do so. i tried to stop doctors. yes,
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this is me and i left all. then when i had it came up to me with this is in a 100 and without breaking stride. i started and cutting my braids off of and then threw them on a big pint of hair on board the chicago. and then city that started to east of got a razor and it took all the time. i had a funny middle of the next step. i felt sad. this is my last protections have been taken from me. joining me now is dw shawnee was honest shawnee, you watched that moving ceremony at the boost on your takeaway. indeed it was the could see many members of the house also uh, shedding a tear. it was very touching, especially in this tradition that the from this type of german problem and has been taking since 1996 and testimony like we've seen of a 91 year old of a sufficient sufficient that's becoming aware. and we are the only 14,
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around 14000, a living home cuz i have a southern germany around quarter, a 1000000 of them around the world. and this tradition of germany looks like a stick. and quite early on long before the un has actually passed the international customers, lucian is something that is still very much an important international collaboration day. and you can see that today clearly around the parliament and the house members being very much involved and touched strongly. we should note that the ceremony didn't only reflect on moments in history, but there were direct references as to what happened in israel on october 7th, correct. that was very much a permanent part of the ceremony. it was mentioned in the speeches and it for very clear reason that that we still see the precautions of that day. not only them, at least, but also for jews living in europe, in germany and around the world. let's take a look at what was said about that. the status 7th of october
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was the days which changed everything for us jewish people in the world. my everyday life in germany is defined since then by increased security measures on please send me a solution from increased an anti semitic incidents of difficulty defined by fears to me and conversational. let's start with yes, but we'll get to vegas or a silence that is residing from the heart of the society by the look at it. not many drawing eyes there. you know this the there was also pointed remark from eva, patsy. about a growing fears of the rise of the far right in germany. what exactly did you say about that? well, you know, we also have part talking about the fear of a silence before remaining silence as they see rise and, and to semitism rise and hatred and hate speech in attacks against snow. in the
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rise of the far right, she was talking about the need to stand up against that at every moment when people see it every day lives in their office in their, you know, in their, you know, in their daily conduct and not to wait only for a special memorial day, such as we see today. but you know, it's specifically this year in germany, the 27th of january, which has the official collaboration day saturday was also today. and thousands and thousands of germans all over the country were marching in the streets against the rise of the half day against the rise of the right. so germany is very much a tune to that message and very much tries to show that it's always trying to, to keep the memory as, as a testimony and as a will, it has a force driving it's forward and it's decision and it's policy today. user shawnee was honest, i think you've shown it. you're welcome, michael. for any reminders our top story is rarely israel has confirmed that its forces have been flooding tunnels under gaza. which made sense are used by amongst
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the army is pumping sea water into the network. but it says ground water supplies are not effective. experts warn the flooding could permanently damage fresh water for guns is 2300000 residents will ended their bye for now. the
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oh here, largest online retailer is coping with a short of skilled workers. hey, i guide almost all operations on processes and humans are at the helm, analyzing things from it's a fully automated operation. most of the time made in gemini on the double is this standalone will people be able to survive is a big one. the ground underneath this metropolis of 16000000 is
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