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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 31, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CET

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the, the state of the news line from by land israel floods how most tunnels in gaza. the army says it's removing the underground threat by pumping seawall at the end of the tunnel complex use by is midst minutes also on the program. ultra nationalist, x rays, coal for the construction of the sacraments in gaza when the war is over. the government imposes the idea. here live from these right? the prime minister's office the
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i'm feel good and welcome to the program. israel has confirmed that its forces have been flooding tunnels on the gauzy, which it has to be used by hamas. despite porting, see, want to enter this whole network beyond me says it's issue in the ground water supplies and not affected experts of previously will deflecting could permanently damage drinking water if a gas is 2300000 residents, i said it could also endanger hostages. taken by hamas as a counter about the terror attacks on the 7th of october, mike mountains are full of british army officer and senior fellow in the department of wolf that is at king's college in london. explained how is how israel's flooding operation is being carried out. it's a, it's, it's actually very simple. any fire department in any town will have the fire hydrants, the pumps that are able to take the c will. it's obviously garza is on the coast. so there's normal, limited supply of water, you lay a pipe out to sea with boys, you get
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a pump and then you stick it into the nearest entrance. the tunnel. many of these tunnels are linked up. so if you fill out one segment, it will the flow and spill into the next segment. and as water levels rise, obviously both will sing down to the fed up the both a member of the tunnel fuss as it rises, people chops and supposedly the die. oh, they will have to come to the surface which silver see what's the idea these when he defends forces want? so what do you think of this as a strategy? i think it's pretty ruthless. i think the problem is that israel has defined to will rooms and they all to destroy thomas and to get the whole seas out. and it's very difficult to do one without impacting on the other. so this really is the perfect example of that. so as you fill these tunnels, and we can speak about whether it's an effective military tax, it can be that should flash most people out. the problem is, of course, that most of the hostages. how much is keeping all of a sudden you're going to be in the tunnels and they going to be quite deep down in
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the tunnel system cuz thomas wants them to stay alive. and so is vital is achieving one of these 4 objectives. but making it impossible to inside the office and she is more objective when it comes to getting the hostages back. unless you have a list of mike moffat, israel's prime minister opinion method, yahoo has insisted that he does not want to maintain. and he's writing the civilian presence in casa when the war is over. but there's little unity about what will happen. alternation this one to bill settlement sat and several ministers in just enough and young whose government have joined calls for construction to begin. the air strikes and operations on the ground as israel tries to root out a mouse from gaza, death and destruction throughout the strip. but here at a conference in jerusalem far right is really settler organization. but here at a conference in jerusalem far right is really settler. organizations are making
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plans for the day after daniela, vice is a settler and activist, the aim of these assembling rings where there, that people claim that we have $32.00 big brothers, 3 and established to each communities. right. the way it was deep area to see if you guys are all over the street, the era we not know the support and those you do not so full time. i don't want to say any way. those kinds of plans are not government policy. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has said israel does not intend to establish a permanent civilian presence in gaza again. but a number of his ministers were at the conference calling for is really settlements in gaza, including the national security minister. today everyone understands that retreat
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brings about war, and if we don't want to know the type of 7, we to return home to garza and control the territory to encourage voluntary emigration to protest any and most stuff about booty of the palestinian national initiative. told the algae 0 a news outlet, that this is not a joke. these are the people who are making the policy in israel and they were calling for the complete ethnic, cleansing of the people of causa. in 2005 is real. evacuated settlements in garza, the largest of which was called goose cut teeth. after a 38 year occupation evacuation was framed as a move to improve security. but how mos started firing rockets into israel soon afterwards. building new settlements and doesn't, doesn't have majority is rarely support for recent poll found 44 percent in favor, but netanyahu has not shut down his own ministers calls for return. he's just said the plants are not realistic. those calls have been condemned by israel's allies,
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germany in the us, some of this rhetoric and the language, and that was attributed to some of these ministers at this event, irresponsible, reckless incendiary. i go so far as to say, it certainly isn't as, as a report with our strong policy statement what we have made clear that there can be no reduction in government territory because it's the fact that re settling garza is being discussed at all has rate fears. that the issue has come out of the fringes and will gain legitimacy. meanwhile, danielle advice told dw, she might not wait for permission. she wants to lead a group of settlers to start building and gaza. let's look at basic how highlander is to speak for the office of age, right? the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu. a welcome to the w. mr. man. yahoo has said repeatedly, bessy oppose a civilian settlements in gaza. why hasn't he been strong in his repudiation of
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these calls? from ocean nationalist ministers in his own government as well. so i think the prime minister has made it very, very clear that the only thing that matters is uh the stripes that the warrant cabinet is agreeing to promotes. and the goals that we set for this, for the voices that you played in that report before. most certainly do not represent the war cabinet, do not represent the unity government that we have in place right now. and they do not represent any kind of consensus within the israel e society. and you'll report stated as well i, this is, this is not a the, the tone that the government is studying. we said very clearly that we believe that the future of the palestinians of gaza is in gaza. and you know what the real upstart is that the count many palestinians, rather in gauze, i do not believe that their future is in god that they believe that their future is within israel's territory when they chance from the river to to see when
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a mock error is rated under chairs under charter and uh, when they asked on it. and you say that the there, there is no consensus within uh, within the government that is clear. 12 members of the cabinet attended that meeting on sunday. the ministers for tourism and the communications minister, attended the ministers for tourism even spoke at this. they think they will exclude a cabinet members at this uh, these are the members of mr. ness and young who's own potty people go look at this and ask themselves is missed and that's on yahoo! refusing to condemn these calls and these members of governments because he's scad or if he's coalition folding the pot. well, the prime minister is not, no less than israel, honestly. uh is, are dealing with politics right now and, and you know, why? because when, when,
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when from last year was targeted us on october 7th, they didn't here who voted for who didn't. they didn't care if someone was for just give me the original one for the class because we have told about the october 7th attacks. previously, i'd like to confine this to this issue of these calls for faculty of garza. mister netanyahu has not condemned this meeting. is that because can you scad of these coalition falling apart? well, the prime minister made very clear that this is not his private position and not the position of the government. and i'll tell you more than that. you see, i'm, i'm, i'm just really, i'm speaking to you from new york right now in my country. we don't have in constitution, but we are committed to the 1st amendment of free speech. so there is free speech in israel citizens and people in politics are allowed to say what, what they think. but it doesn't give the. 2 it's any, any political uh,
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any policy credence whether so the prime minister has made it very clear that this is not something that, that he sees for the way focus with our neighbors. the prime minister. made it clear before a vision be thing that took place. let's address, i've asked you to address the question raised by your own national security minister. in that report, he said, if we don't want to say i know the october 7th, we need to return home, meeting garza and control the territory. is that is of i've been to this position well that's, that's you endorse. well, i do not speak for i this minister, i speak for the is really prime minister's office. and i can tell you, i can explain to the principle that the prime minister speed in his press conference when he was asked about israel's security presence in the gaza strip down the road. you see, once we eliminated come off, which is one of the goals of our operation right now. before that we did it starts
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and we did what we said. we don't want to see a resurgence of terrorism. therefore, we say that god, the must be the militarized and in the near future to guarantee israel security and the gods and will be the militarized israel will have to maintain some security presence. right. so just to be clear when it's a, it's a me up and via says we need to return home, meaning israel and fabulous need to return to gaza. as far as the problem is, the is concerned, he is wrong. this is, this is not the position of the prime minister in, but i can refer to the that's the reason i'm going by the time is again this, okay? when i'm ready to miss the bend. very close for the fall in 3. and the gratian of palestinians, isn't israel already effectively forcing the voluntary emigration of palestinians
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by reducing the territory to an uninhabitable rumble, as well as the population that is displaced within the gaza strip right now, of course, this is because of how much is ongoing. the rulers of the gaza strip. we didn't want this well, we called on down to evacuate from the north, through the south and from various zones. all of this is clear ma'am, where we started guess of repeating that. but what we know is the rubble, the devastation has been caused by is riley bottom. so i one that is, is, is mr. math. and y'all who referred me to try to find a lot is, is missed the most effective you trying to have it both ways easy trying to say on the one hand, this is not the best position, is not one between those was effectively endorsing it. i yes or no, it was fine. i. i don't think i see. i understand exactly the point that you're
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trying to make your but i will tell you that this is a temporary displacement of the palestinians within the gaza strip for their own safety. we don't want them to get caught in the crossfire so obviously it is not safe for them to return to the north right now, worse, we're still, we have fighting, taking place. and more than that, i will tell you we also have is released from the north in the south, more than 250 thousands of them have been internally displaced right now for security reasons. i israel has cannot return home as long now. final would then on any assurances, but these regular government might be able to give to the people of gaza about a post of all future given what age royal has has done to the territory on the fact . i'd also give him the fact that israel does not yet have a formal postwar plan. i wonder what stage you will have it and how much confidence
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you expect gossen was to have in it. so when you say what gets real has done to the territory, what israel has done was to withdraw in 2005 give the palestinians of the territory . and we even let them the green houses so they could, you know, turn into the new single forward. this is what our leaders back ben if you remember, had wished for. but instead of home off to power, you know, the rest, the turn got into the terror base that is, do we call them? i know the weight was about the assurances that israel gardner and so please address that so. so our, our principle is that as the prime minister of ticket, articulated it before october 7th, an after october, 7th is the down the road. after doesn't use the militarized and be radicalized, the palestinians should have all the powers to govern themselves, but none of the powers that could threaten israel, and it's a very basic natural principle more so after october 7,
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we're going to leave you the thank you so much for joining this tall uh hi, rich spokesperson for a benjamin nice. and you know, as i set you up today, it's more at the top of the hour. more of course around the clock on the w. com and on the dw. good. the fast fashion as an environmental night a clothing graveyard in the to land desert. this is where things well the industrial nations no longer need and flight us textile ways get stranded fashion, watch now on youtube. the
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