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tv   Conflict Zone  Deutsche Welle  January 31, 2024 8:30pm-8:47pm CET

8:30 pm
no, just send out via the way to the test and then the tips talk to the young people clearly have the solution, the future of the 77 percent every weekend on dw, the, the israel, how boss was moved briefly to an open culture with the hague as the international court of justice hud accusations of israel had committed genocide, gaza palestinians, welcome to move, including my guess was stuff about booty. the westbank who heads the probably the city of the national initiative was the one from the court immediately to allow me is to say that it is the mission of genocide and to give as an add on or the stop know popular to close violence against all civilians, but he was of special combinations of israel. so how will and how will the hatred
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of good faith can garza ever be rebuilt and the better future be salvage the little the suffering of destruction? let's talk about the welcome to complex of. thank you, but to be with you, you've said that as well is failing. it's declared items in the guise of war, but jerusalem exists it. how much will be liquidated, and the fighting will go on until that happens. do you seriously doubt israel's ability to achieve as a absolutely, i'm not the only me. i think the media isn't really that is like i think got was a number of that would have been a thought of saying the same. isn't that nothing you know, is trying to create an impossible mission by trying to just to, by how much, how much does not just a minute that is structured, it's much this is much bigger than that. and the, i don't think the, this, this is
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a good that should be pursuant. i think that i upload, which is to ask, what can be done in this folder situation? yes, but let's put in there. how about how about a minute to find a city? a group is classified as a terrorist organization. jeopardy, the you, us, do you really think at some point as well, we'll just give up the fight against it is all right, and we'll have to make these was all the listing is including time us. there is no other way. eh, montane book, your patient is not the solution. thinking of ethnic cleansing as a solution is also impossible. so there is only one way in and the, to my knowledge how most wouldn't be able to do to accept the listing. and steve, within that, i'm so that expect it to step solution that's design austin. but to continue with this occupation will not be to enter solution onto piece. i want to get into just
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what kind of future you envisage for the palestinians a bit later. but there's been a huge debate around the world about the force of israel's response to what happened on october. the 7th you have of course, condemned that responds. but on send me this. if you will, in a single day, how must must have good hundreds of his race in the west attack of jew since the 2nd world war, women and children of people would murder some or even right to a sexually abused. some of them were actually in the peace movement. is it time that how was this? well, supposed to react to that press the let's, i agree that i do not accept that. can you go to the injury and go to the human? do you think i need to be on the scene now known as the name? but i don't think that the fact that he had said, isn't it the children would come, that the just unacceptable is justification for couldn't 10001st thing in children
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. that is unacceptable. but you have the um, the history, it does not start on the 7th of october. the big question here is, how many pundits do you guys have been since 1948 and what happened before the 7th of october? so we have time, i can describe that, but i think the message, the other thing is we have receiving that isn't it does not belong to. these does not belong to allow of other students, students and intuition, and nothing else felt in the united nations and kind of the model is and showing the annexation of smoke on the list. ben, also, guys are the cdn, okay. by the heights. nothing, you know is declaring company do not use the best prime minister to prevent a listing in states. so what is the solution blamed on violence? is it to continue the environmental garza which has already taken the lives of
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$29000.00 people? if we include the people on the table or to find a different monthly winter, you'll have about my question, which was how was israel supposed to respond to what happened on october the 7th, we could get it to the history we will get into the history. but, but what kind of response would you expect israel to have made? i'm didn't. how much expected it would be exactly what happened exactly what happened? look at it. how is it as responded with boom, bottom into guts, continuously for the see leaks using on types of s. dykes that is like 70 percent of all the houses income. you know, according to the most recent, that is there any point during the 2nd world war, germany has on the 10 percent of the homes and does that and yet many destroyed
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units on check on what it is, not the same portion of the different thoughts of this person that's the same proportion, but what would it be that point of view? now what would be proportional just to say to the was enough is enough with the settlement violence. we don't want this to continue and the end of the patient to i am not meant to conduct the thought and i know that you can kill the patient if you concentrate on the, on the symptom of them the cause of the disease. do you think you're not saying that's how boss is a was as i said earlier, to provoke israel and to doing exactly what it did, provoked must have been that tre retaliation event them as well for it. no, i don't think so. i don't think i must expect the discount due for that. i don't think so. maybe if they knew what, what was what going to happen? maybe they would have to revise the plans. i don't know, i'm not in the mines, but i know that we've been living so 75 years of oppression,
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of the displacement of cleansing, which effect of 70 percent of the cdn people. i know about 70 percent of the population of guys that have be able to if you use the list by is that are in the 1948 and i don't know what that does. it has to be on the siege for 17 years with no electricity, no water, no running water. no, no, no economy, 80 percent of the people. what i do kid live unemployed, and 70 percent were on the positive. and what, what did that lead to? i know that kind of speaking and sign the agreement i piece, i agree mental it is or what the actually 80 percent of the people. why do kids and live on employee and 70 percent. what on the positive and what, what did that need to? i know that spanish speaking and signed an agreement i piece, i agree, mental is or what they actually 80 percent of the people. what i do kid live on employee and 70 percent. where on the positive and what, what did that lead to?
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i know that's kind of sticking on, signed an agreement. i piece, i agree mental it is or what they actually 80 percent of the people. what i do kid live on, employee and 70 percent. what on the positive and what, what did that lead to? i know that kind of speaking and sign the agreement i piece, i agree mental it is or what the actually and 2 percent of the people, what i do kids and live on employee and 70 percent. what on the positive and what, what did that lead to? i know that spanish speaking and signed an agreement i piece, i agree, mental is or what they actually 80 percent of the people. what i do kid live on employee and 70 percent of the positive. and what, what did that lead to? i know that kind of thing and signed an agreement. i piece, i agree mental it is or what they actually 80 percent of the people. what i do kid live on, employee and 70 percent. what on the positive?
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and what, what did that lead to? i know that kind of speaking and sign, the agreement i piece, i agree mental it is or what the actually 80 percent of the people. why do kids and live on employee and 70 percent. what on the positive? and what, what did that need to i know that kind of speaking and signed an agreement. i piece, i agree, mental is or what they actually 80 percent of the people want to do gifted live on employees and 70 percent. what on the positive and what, what did that lead to? i know that kind of thing and signed an agreement, a piece i agreement with is or what they actually 80 percent of the people. why do kids and live on employees and 70 percent. what on the positive and what, what did that lead to? i know that spanish speaking and signed an agreement i piece i agreement with is or what they actually 80 percent of the people. what i do kid live on employee and 70
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percent. what on the positive and what, what did that lead to? i know that's kind of sticking on, signed an agreement. i piece, i agree mental it is are, and what they actually 80 percent of the people. what i do kid live on, employee and 70 percent. what on the positive and what, what did that lead to? i know that kind of thing and sign the agreement i piece, i agree mental it is or what the actually 80 percent of the people. why do kids and live on employee and 70 percent. what on the positive and what, what did that lead to? i know that spanish speaking and signed an agreement i piece, i agree, mental is or what they actually 80 percent of the people. what i do kid live on employee and 70 percent of the positive. and what, what did that lead to? i know that's kind of sticking on, signed an agreement. i piece, i agree, mental it is or what they actually 80 percent of the people. what i do kid live on, employee and 70 percent. what on the positive? and what, what did that lead to?
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i know that kind of speaking and sign, the agreement i piece, i agree mental it is or what the acts of the practice doing god. but that's what i'm up to work. that's why we have one of 2 options. i have one of the 60, why not? and as one of my best friends, daniel, but in the literature, the when on musicians taught me once, sometimes then boss of it is easy of the difficult. and that's why i will never stop believing that i want them what kind of difficult people so that i know it looks now impossible with all these feelings on advantage of vengeance, etc. but my view with you as a leader is somebody home people, rather than be picking them depressed very briefly because we're running out of time just literally what, what if you, conte 5 the don't find the solution that you're looking for is october. the 7th is going to happen again to i hope not. i don't think violence is the solution to any
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other violence. i think the national and it isn't of the people on smart to be, but look, always look for another type of dispatch. and that's what i would continue to 2nd floor so that i would have people eventually be free. a lot of people would be accepted as equals human beings, and we would have all the lights on top of which should be freedom on different stuff. if i go to, thanks very much for being a complex, so thank you. thank you. the,
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8:47 pm
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