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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 1, 2024 4:00am-4:15am CET

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the the, this is dw news, live cumberland, social media, boss's face. a grilling asked the u. s. congress offenders accused the head of facebook and other companies of not doing enough to protect children online. plus israel floods embossed tunnels and gaza. the army says it's pumping sea water into the vast network spike warnings and jeopardizes the drinking water for millions, palestinian, the, i'm in use of thanks for joining us. the world's top tech ceos have faced the
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grilling from us. lawmakers and washington, members of the senate judiciary committee, accuse social media giants like tick tock, x, discord, snap and meta. direct not doing enough to protect children and teens on their platforms. met a chief mark sucker burke who controls facebook and instagram, and i reckon give a public apology and announced new child protection measures on or he also told lawmakers that social media is on balance not harmful to young people's mental health. well that drew a heated exchange between zachary burke and republican senator josh holly. let's take a look. it said you mischaracterized 37 percent of teenage girls between $13.15. were exposed to unwanted nudity in a week on instagram, and you knew about it. who did you fire center. this is why we're building all. what did you firewalls? a center that's. i don't think that that's who did you fired? i'm not gonna answer that. this is i or anybody, right? you didn't take insignificant because it's appropriate to talk about it, but it's not
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a part of the decisions that and parents so you didn't take any action. you didn't take any action or didn't fire anybody. you haven't complicated. i think let me ask you this, let me ask you this. there's families of victims here today. have you apologize to the victims? i would you like to do so now? well, they're here. you're on national television. would you like now to apologize to the victims who have been harmed, but you're not showing the pictures. would you like to apologize for what you've done to these good people 1st. okay . do you know the is benjamin alvarez goober was following those hearings in washington, and i asked him why mark secretary was facing so much heat from us lawmakers this
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this right indeed it was a heated exchange. there is growing frustration and also disappointment because the issue of online child safety is not new. and many i say that the companies on social media companies are not doing enough. and that's also what the senators is said to day. one of them even said that the fact that no new bills on child safety has been passed as exactly due to the power that the social media companies half of the companies, the senators accused of not only doing enough, but also the actively blocking steps to hold it'd be social media a company's accountable. so that's definitely disappointed in today's appointment in this hearing and not only by the members of the family of the victims of online exploitation, but also from the centers across the. 1 there are 2 suckers of having, and i quote, a product that is killing people. so the moment that we just saw her that was highly emotional, highly, also surprising when max talk about turned it to the audience, apologize to the family. that was definitely the one of the most unusual parts of
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the hearing because they were to proceed with them in the lifestream and parents were holding a pictures of, of the kids that were also a victims of abuse on the social media. so a moment definitely that we will remember for a long time, but the bigger question came directly afterwards. and when he was ask why the company and you should be sued personally for that not just the company, but he himself knew dodge the question. and also he dosh the question whether was a suggestion of a senator to set up a victim's compensation fund. there was dw correspondent benjamin alvarez gruber in washington dc, turning to the middle east. now israel has confirmed that its forces have been pumping sea water into almost tunnels. under garza, it is rarely army says it's ensuring that groundwater supplier supplies are not effected after experts. one that flooding the vast network can permanently damage the drinking water for causes 2300000 residents. critics also,
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so the tactic could also endanger the remaining hostages, held by him us since the october 7th, tara tax. mike martin is a former british army officer and senior fellow in the department of war studies at kings college london. he gave us more details about israel's flooding operation. but it's, it's actually very simple. any fire department of any town will have the fire hydrants, the pumps that are able to take the c will. it's obviously garza is on the coast. so there's normal, limited supply of water. you lay a pipe out to sea with boys. you get a pump and then you stick it into the nearest entrance, the tunnel. many of these tunnels are linked up. so if you fill out one segment, it will the flow and spill into the next segment. and as water levels rise, obviously both will sing down to the fed up the both a member of the tunnel fuss as it rises, people chops and supposedly the die. oh, they will have to come to the surface which silver see what's the idea these when
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he defends forces? once i, i think the problem is that israel has different to will rooms and they all to destroy thomas. i'm to get the hoss use out and it's really difficult to do one without impacting on the other. so this really is the perfect example of that. so as you fill these tunnels and we can speak about whether it's an effective military tax, they can be, it should flash most people out. the problem is, of course, that most of the hostages, that how much is keeping all of a sudden you're going to be in the tunnels and they're going to be quite deep down in the tunnel system cuz thomas wants them to stay alive. and so is vital is achieving one of his war objectives, thoughts making it impossible to invite to the office and she is 4 objects when it comes to getting the hostages back. and then now to some other world news stories saves us secretary of state antony blinking will return to the middle east this weekend for his 5th visit since the october 7th attacks. the white house says the
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trip will focus on post war efforts to rebuild and govern garza as well as boosting humanitarian aid. the territory, germany's former domestic intelligence chief, is now being monitored by that same agency hands. garrick boston is suspected of being a far right extremist. he was dismissed from his role in 2018 for appearing to down play violence against migrant. cisco recently announced he would launch a new political party to the police in argentine have use tear gas to disperse protesters in the capital boys, iris mid anger, over president. javier malays controversial reform plants. demonstrators called clash with police in front of the congress, where the so called mega bill is being debated. the legislation proposes massive changes to economic and political life. in ukraine, tensions appear to be deepening between present of load them is a lensky and the commander in chief of the armed forces. media reports exist as the
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lensky is trying to fire. the popular general for larry's illusion in his departure would be the biggest shakeup of ukraine's military leadership since the russian invasion, the president, and his general, and to show of unit the last summer, inspecting newly delivered anti missile systems, presenting a united front. but as the war dragged on and the much anticipated counter offensive against the russian invaders failed to turn the tide tensions of merged at the end of the year, soleski said that the army had presented a plan to him to mobilize up to $500000.00 more troops that is politically risky, even though soldiers at the front line have been on duty for months or even years without a break. opinions and ukraine are mixed.
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we should activate any of our capabilities and resources. my husband has been out for since february 28 and my son in laws up more, i see very large number of examples of people sacrificing themselves to go to war. following the call of the heart of mobilization is something that brings neither health nor joy to anyone. only war zalinski has cast himself as the president, fighting and unpopular move but general's allusion. a has refused to take the full for the unpopular mobilization proposals. and the ukranian parliament has refused to debate. measure is to increase trip levels. living much needed fresh troops missing on the front lines. and elections that were originally set to be held. this spring has been suspended under martial law, but ukrainian media outlet. the key of independence says that in private opinion
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polls, so lose me would run a close 2nd to zalinski and a presidential match up. all of which adds to the atmosphere of intrigue in the halls of power in keys. in russia and ukraine have completed a prisoner's swap that saw the release of $200.00 captives on each side. the deal was brokered by the united arab emirates and it comes just a week after a russian plane was shot down close to the cranium border report of the caring home, dozens of ukrainian prisoners of war home. at last the i'm so making a loan away to the cold war. yeah. yes. yes. oh daddy, it's me. yeah. i've been exchange, you know, i'm in ukraine. i'm alive. you're everything. okay. with me, the quote release also on the other side of the board
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to the i'm very glad i want to dislike. i don't know i what i've never had such feelings. this is our own land and home like this is very good. this is the 50th reason exchange between russia and ukraine since last. oh, it's full scale invasion. well, it follows the deadly crush for russian military transport plane last week that according to moscow, was carrying ukrainian present as a full for him. now the plans exchange, russia blames ukraine for the tech. something keep neither consumes, no denies. some fee if the incident could jeopardize the prison exchanges. both russia and ukraine seemed determined to continue. will it stop the exchanges? we went stopped the exchanges. we have to get our guys back and i'm say 3 bathrooms, a. but when you propose,
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we haven't forgotten about anyone. we are looking for each. so our name, i am of russia and ukraine, harrington's thousands of prisoners since the start of the war being the slightest exchange gifts hoped the money to wait and to come home. european farmers are stepping up protests in response to rise and costs cheap imports and environmental rules. tractor convoys have blocked traffic arteries across belgium, france, and italy in recent days. now they're moving in on brussels head of a major european union summit starting later this week. the last night falls, hundreds of testers take over the streets of brussels. european farmers, one to up, the pressure on e. u. leaders have of a major summit. some protesters have been parked outside the u
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parliament since sunday. so this is the capital of the european union. this is where everything is decided. we're waiting to see what comes out of the meeting, because we have to months to get you over recent weeks, tens of thousands of farmers across europe have sent at the anger over the problems in agriculture. track to come voice have blocked large stretches of motor ways, bringing traffic to a standstill and disrupting trade. the farmer say they're not paid and off. well being strangled by taxes and e u regulations. pace now to wallace. time is up. we want a you latest to think of the pharmacy, talk to the families rather than about the farm is discuss what is possible. we are open to dialogue for his back to the e. you now want to shield farmers from rising costs and sheep food and ports. the
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you also wants to ease its follow landfills, which forest farmers to the fields on use for environmental reasons. the commission believes so that by taking the subadvising action we can help alleviate. so the pressure that we know our farmers out of feeling in order to ensure that they can stay economically viable during these times of high uncertainty. the plan still needs to be approved by member state and the e u. parliament with european elections looming in june. the commission could fall to even more demand and delay it's new green deal that has so angered farmers. and here's a reminder of our top story. techs the use face tough questions that the us senate, as lawmakers accuse social media firms, if not doing enough to protect children from harmful content and online sexual
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abuse. facebook chief mark secretary said his company is working on new child protection measures. you're watching the w. a news. i'm only in ease of stay with the trast fashion as an environmental night. a clothing graveyard, immature land desert. this is where things wealthy industrial nations no longer need and the slightest textile waste gets stranded. the fashion watching on youtube. the the is it is supple.


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