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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 1, 2024 9:00am-9:31am CET

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the, the, this is the w news coming to line from berlin. disruption that airports across germany as security workers strike hundreds of thousands of passengers are affected by flight, cancellations, or delays and frankfurt, berlin, hamburg, and other major airports. also coming up, european union leaders gather to debate a massive aid package that could lead tens of billions of bureaus flow to ukraine, and tensions at the top of ukraine's armed forces. for 4th, se presence lensky wants to fire his lead commander. but the general refuses to go
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plus the social media, boston space, a grilling by us. lawmakers, senators accused the heads of facebook and other companies of not doing enough to protect children online. the hello, i'm terry martin. thanks for joining us. airport security stuff are on strike here in germany today, forcing airlines to cancel or delay over a 1000 flights in and out of 11 of the countries. major airports, including berlin and frankfort, that the union called for their members to down tools for 24 hours until tonight after their demands for better pay and benefits for some $25000.00 security stuff stole around 200000 passengers are expected to be affected by a strong database, christy. platinum is germany's busiest airport in frank for its she gave us an
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impression of how the strike is affecting your travel. well just a moment ago we heard someone yelling profanities throughout the hall here. so in terms of how it's affecting passengers, they seemed quite frustrated and unhappy when i got here on terms of what i saw was, uh, maybe you can see it on the board behind me, dozens of canceled flights, all of lift. kansas counters have been turned into re booking counters. there was a airport wide announcement saying that due to the strike, no one can go through security. you cannot get on your flights. there are some connecting flights that are so leaving, but passengers should expect delays there as well. so yeah, you said jeremy's most important airport. it's very disruptive on the ground here today. so expecting hundreds of thousands of people to be affected by this, what do the security staff want to achieve? christie? right. well, what verity is calling for is an hourly pay raise of $2.00 euros 80 along with
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unimproved bonus scheme for the security workers. and basically what they're saying is that the offer that they've been currently uh, has been put on the table is not meeting their demands in terms of the amount of money they're looking for. and this is very important for them because inflation, which is something that we know has been binding all of us. um for the last year or 2 uh, has really been biting into the pockets of these workers as we see by the disruption caused by their strike. these are clearly very essential to air travel and the body and these workers are calling for what they see is wages that better reflect how important they are to the functioning of the airport and to air travel. a disruption like this. christy can have an impact on the ripples throughout the world can weeks. what can we expect in the coming days? right, well the strike well and tomorrow morning. um by the end they are expected to go
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back to the negotiation table next week. but as anyone who has been following some of the news that others are out of germany in the last few weeks, know if you've been following the train strikes here as well. is that if negotiations do not make progress. uh, there can be more strikes ahead. so we'll have to see what happens with these negotiations, and if this something is something that that could happen again, we also know that more strikes are coming in other areas of germany as well. we're expecting a local public transportation strike also to take place starting tomorrow and various uh, cities around the country as well. um, so you talking about the ripple effect around around the world. we're also seeing in germany right now, a ripple effect in terms of labor here, people calling for and improve wages, improve working conditions. and there does seem to be something of a trend occurring in, in the area of labor here in germany right now. christy, thank you. very much that was pretty plants and from the w business they'll look at
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a few other stories making headlines. the humans who the rebels say they've attacked a us military ship and a merchant vessel in the red sea. us navy said the cruise missile attack on his worship was intercepted without damage. the cruelties have been attacking shipping in the area for months in solidarity with the palestinians in garza is us secretary of state anthony blinking will return to the middle east this weekend for his 5th visit since the october 7th terrorist attacks against israel. the white house says the triple focus on post 4 efforts to rebuild and govern garza as well as boosting humanitarian aid to the territory. farmers are blocking roads in brussels as your leaders meet for a summit in the city. small farmers have been demonstrating across europe, overburdened some bureaucracy and following prices. the use bins tens of billions of bureaus on agricultural subsidies, but most of that goes to the biggest producers. the u is holding
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a summit to insure it crucial financial aid to ukraine. leaders from the 26 countries have to overcome hungary opposition and unanimously. agree on the amount from their shared budget hungry is beat to the 50000000000 euro package for ukraine, which would deliver the amount over 4 years. and actually, so the hungary as prime minister victor or button has been pushing for the you to approve funding on an annual basis. instead with the right to veto every year. leaders meeting in brussels will try to overcome the veto a mid growing frustrations within you. that hungry is refusal to compromise, could continue to block funds for ukraine in the future. and now the corporate law firm, i'm joined now by d. w as christine mcguire, who's at the u. summit in brussels crossing your members, are meeting to discuss further support for ukraine as hungry has been blocking the
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aid. what can we expect or well, terry, there were some concessions made a hit of this summit. so we want to see now if the headgear and prime minister will find those to be sufficient, as he will pointing out, it comes down to this annual review of this aid. what they have now offered the, the prime minister of hungry is that there will be an annual debates, but without any z to power. so essentially forcing him to agreeing to this 50000000000 package over 4 years. we wait to see if he is going to accept that a lot is hedging, of course, on his agreeing to that, because to get that through, you do need unanimous voting agreements. uh, if i should say, now they're all ways round unanimity, but these ways on long and painful. and it's certainly not the way people in brussels are interested in getting that to going into this meeting. the belgium prime in his style courses as belgians you presidency. right?
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now said he was hoping that everybody could come back to the table and debris they have the difficult discussions in the past. they've always found their way to each other. last time. for example, the pregnant is stroke hungry, did sort of give an olive branch instead of exercising his veto. he left the room so that the vote on ukraine's membership to the you could take place if he's in the mood for that. or if he's going to digging his heels, will have to wait and see, but it will is about henry's prime minister today. terry, on that crucial aid for ukraine. so the aid for ukraine is front and center at the summit in brussels, but just outside farmers or protesting. christina, tell us more about that. this terry, there are about a 1000 tracks. is police tell us in the city of brussels, they have blocked roads. these or small farm is, has come to make. the statement to you need is today as i was coming in, i could see them. they've set up fires, they've been your overnight. their message is clear that their business is not sustainable. you what farm is saying that they're facing expenses,
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increasing expenses of up to 30000 years a month that they just simply can't afford that for july's or is expensive. and all of the other materials that they need to be able to, to, to run their businesses, the electricity, the field. and then of course, this is the time when the has a very ambitious talk. it's about reducing carbon submission. so they're all sorts of rules and regulations that farmers have to find. of course, maybe people will be wondering, but of course, but you hands on such generous subsidies to tom is, but you know, you see if you look into the details, that's one of them. is there necessarily always benefit from those big subsidies and those are the form is that will purchase things today, sending a message to you. lead is that it's just not working out for them. and yet, so of course, what they do is so crucial feeding the continent. christine, thank you very much. that was d. w. as christine wood was in brussels. now russia and ukraine had completed a prisoner swamp to solve the release of $200.00 captives on each side. the deal
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was brokered by the united arab emirates. it comes just a week after a russian plane was shot down close to the ukrainian border, reportedly carrying some dozens, dozens of ukrainian prisoners of war to our home . at last dom i'm so making a loan away to the cold. but yeah, yes, yes old daddy. it's me. off in exchange. i'm the new crane. i'm alive. yeah. everything. okay with me the cool a relief also on the other side of the border. i'm very glad i want to dislike i don't. i was i've never had such feelings. this is our land and home life. this is very good. this is the 5th
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teeth reason exchange between russia and ukraine isn't small, so it's full scale invasion. well, it follows the deadly crush for russian military transport plane last week that according to moscow was carrying ukrainian present as a full for him, not the plans exchange. russia blames ukraine for the attack, something keefe neither consumes, no denies. some fee, if the incident could jeopardize the prison exchanges, but both russia and ukraine seemed determined to continue. will it stop the exchanges? we weren't stopped the exchanges. we have to get our guys back and i'm slightly bit nothing, but when your proposal, we haven't forgotten about anyone. we are looking for each. so our name, i am russia and ukraine every 10 thousands of prisoners since this talk to him of the war being the slightest exchange gifts hoped the money to wait and to come home . no tensions appear to be deepening between ukrainian present beloved
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him is the landscape in his command or the armed forces. media reports size, the landscape wants his popular general valerie, the solution need to step down. but the general has refused to his departure would be the biggest shakeup of ukraine's military leadership since the russian invasion, the president and his general and the show of unit d. last summer, inspecting newly delivered anti missile systems, presenting a united front. but as the war dragged on and the much anticipated counter offensive against the russian invaders failed to turn the tide, the tensions emerged at the end of the year. so laskey said that the army had presented a plan to him to mobilize up to $500000.00 more troops. that is politically risky, even though soldiers at the front line have been on duty for months or even years
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without a break. opinions in ukraine are mixed. we should activate any of our capabilities and resources. my husband has been out for since february 28 and my son in laws up more. i see very large number of examples of people sacrificing themselves to go to war. following the call of the heart of mobilization is something that brings neither health nor joy to anyone. on the war, zalinski has cast himself as the president, fighting and unpopular move but general's allusion. a has refused to take the full for the unpopular mobilization proposals. and the ukranian parliament has refused to debate measures to increase trip levels, leaving much needed fresh troops missing on the front lines and elections that were
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originally set to be held. this spring has been suspended under martial law, but ukrainian media outlet. the key of independence says that in private opinion polls, so lose me would run a close 2nd to zalinski and a presidential match up. all of which adds to the atmosphere of intrigue in the halls of power in keys. for more of this and joined by a rest of the looks of it, she's deputy director of the russia and you raise your program and head of the ukraine form at the think tank. chatham house enjoying just from london. what else you. why is this conflict between zalinski and this top general coming to a head now as well? the tensions between general zillow's man presents the landscape started earlier. there were already reports at the end of the year that there is a search of a new strategy for this long whole war. and we've seen the article by general zillow's in the, in the economy saying the there is
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a certain positional fast tail made on the battlefield. the wild zaleski was actually saying, no, there is a movement of the troops and there's a way forward. so, um, after this uh, on successful ground defensive because ukraine has made some success on the black sea and the round crania, but especially on the ground defense. and that seems to be a disagreement between the commander in chief and the judge and the, the general commands of the rest of the landscape about how to continue this war. how many man i need, and what is the strategy? and most important, what is the kids that ukrainian army has on the battlefield to achieve these objectives? what do you say that zalinski is facing external pressure on this perhaps from the united states? i have not seen such information of external pressure. mainly, this is internal pressure, and as your report has just said,
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there is this politics and war. a presence. lensky is trying to sustain more all in the society, and it remains high over 80 percent of ukrainians. believe they can win this war. but partially because the normal sale of live in kia and other cities such as was continued. and if indeed ukraine goes full blown into more economy, mobilizes a lot of people. it will be very difficult to maintain the normal see that president zaleski was able to do and remain so popular. what's at stake here in this conflict between so landscape and his talk general a lot is in state because if indeed the presence of landscape takes this decision, it is unpopular decision. a general zillow's nice huge the whole to live. he's almost the elijah and right. do people actually seen him
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a live body to use this music figure? he's also its dream new popular among the soldiers on the battlefield for his approach to save life, to protect his troops. and to mitigate this politics of war, where you know, political tasks on the battlefield do not a cause, a catastrophe on the battlefield. so you can do the landscape, takes this decision. it will be the 1st time since the spouse of the war that it goes against the popular will. he will have to carefully explain it because he may be blamed for undermining the war effort and unity inside ukraine. so it's very critical how this is done and what are the public reasons that i've communicated to why the society about this critical move, or what repercussions could a resignation or for the firing up. so the solution they have for ukraine for,
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for zalinski, politically and for, and for the war effort. while of this war is reaching a critical point where the 2024 will actually decide the trajectory of the outcome . many experts agree on that. and this is a brute parade to re year for ukraine either to make a decisive bush to prepare for it. the 2nd part of 2020 full beginning of 2025. and indeed try to achieve that objective that zaleski bowed to restore ukraine's territorial integrity. and depending on who commands the army and how the army is supplied. and here i think western assistants, and especially german of the systems of long range missiles comes so critical because part of the disagreement between the 2 man quote to be in the, in sufficient supply all the armaments on the battlefield. that does not match
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these political objectives. that i have described. so wherever you create and will be able to reach consensus inside between the political and medicine leadership. and let's remember in democracy, civilian leadership always prevails. that is why the lensky has and not have to be in the way drive the strategy of this war. you credit remains the democracy and according to the constitution that losing it can be fired by the landscape. it's illegal move. all right, sir. thank you very much. for talking with us today, that was a rescue, lots of which deputy director of the russia and you raise your program and head of the ukraine form at chatham house of the world's top tech ceos have come up against heated questioning by american lawmakers in washington, members of the senate judiciary committee accuse social media giants like take talk x. discord, snap in matter of not doing enough to protect children and teens on their platforms
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that the chief mark sucker brock who controls facebook and instagram, gave a public apology and announced new child protection measures. have you also told lawmakers that you know, social media is on balance not harmful to young people's mental health? that's true. a heated exchange between dr. berg and republican senator josh holly. let's have a look. i said you mischaracterized 37 percent of teenage girls between 13 and 15 were exposed to unwanted nudity in a week on instagram if you knew about it. who did you buy or senator? this is why we're building all or did you firewalls center that's i don't think that that's who did you fire? i'm not gonna answer that. is this is i or anybody. right? you didn't take any significant because it's appropriate to talk about it, but it's not a part of the decisions that and parents so you didn't take any action. you didn't take any action. you didn't fire anybody. you haven't consecrated thing. let me ask you this, let me ask you this. there's families of victims here today. have you apologize to
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the victims? i would you like to do so now? well, they're here. you're on national television. would you like now to apologize to the victims who have been harm, but you're not showing the pictures? would you like to apologize for what you've done to these good people? i'm sorry. okay, still use benjamin over his group. it was following those hearings in washington. we asked him why bark succor? burke was facing so much heat from us lawmakers. that's right. indeed, it was a heated exchange. there is growing frustration also disappointment because the issue of online child safety is not new. and many i say that the companies on
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social media companies are not doing enough, and that's also what the senators is said to day. one of them even said that the fact that no new bills on child safety has been passed as exactly due to the power that the social media companies half of the companies, the senators accused of not only doing enough, but also the actively blocking steps to hold it'd be social media companies accountable. so this definitely disappointed disappointment in this hearing and not only by the members of the family of the victims of online explanation, but also from the centers across the. 1 there are 2 suckers of having, and i quote, a product that is killing people. so the moment that we just saw her that was highly emotional, highly, also surprising when max talk about turned it to the audience, apologize to the family. that was definitely the one of the most unusual parts of the hearing because there were 2 could see them in the lifestream and parents were holding a pictures of, of kids that were also
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a victims of abuse on the social media. so a moment definitely that we will remember for a long time, but the bigger question came directly afterwards. and when he was ask why the company and if he should be sued personally for that, not just the company, but he himself knew dodge the question. and also he dosh the question whether was a suggestion of a senator to set up a victim's compensation fund, the look of those, the heads, dw benjamin alvarez group are there in washington. let's check out a few other stories today in the us. at least 3 people have been killed after a building collapse in boise, idaho. several others were injured in the incident of the cities. airport workers were constructing a new hanger for a private jet company. when the structure collapsed. police and argentina have used tear gas to disperse protesters in the capital one as iris, a mid anger, over present fabia malays controversial reform plants. demonstrators clashed with
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police in front of the congress where the reform bill was being debated. the legislation proposes massive changes to the can only and political life. meanwhile, the international monetary fund has approved $4700000000.00 for origin to you know, praising the new administration of present hobby, emulate as the enact massive spending cuts. but usually i much says, money is meant to support efforts to restore macro economic stability. germany's former domestic intelligence chief is now being monitored by the same agency. he once led funds guild mouse and is suspected of being a bar, right? extreme is, he was dismissed from his role in 2018, procuring to downplay violence against migrant. cdn recently announced he would launch a new political party when you have to get the investigation. authorities in the cadillac and region of northern spain are expected to declare a water emergency today. some 6000000 people will face tight restrictions on their
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use of water as a historic drought shows no sign of abating. after being submerged for more than 60 years. this medieval church reappeared. it is now a symbol of 3 years of drought. that's how far to catalonia, the lack of rain has got reservoirs, the record low levels, a drought these that we didn't across the region. the ski resorts opened this winter. how fleet those know on the slopes so can we create a very critical situation? we can be very critical because if there is no snow window, if it doesn't bring and there is no thought the reservoirs instead of growing, get smaller and smaller. going. so under the skin contained to reduce water waste, dr. montalvo, the government explained how critical the situation has to become the, the president. it measures 3 guard when what the reserves dropped below the 16
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percent threshold. the new measures will affect citizens and businesses swimming pools, including those used by hotels and come grounds cannot be revealed. only sports centers kind of repealed them if they produce their total amount of what their consumption many have already prepared for their restrictions. main is on the showers, lowering the pressure in the showers, the duration of the show us how the hot water reaches the shower. so i'm going to limit that time as much as possible in a few towns for the defendant and wells that's have been shut off for some bones. a father of 3 explains to headaches, invalid for 3 months, you know, the imagine cleaning, washing clothes, cooking. you can't wash dishes, you can't wash clothes, and i'm not even going to stay washing machine. you can't even p because there's no
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water. you've rainclouds don't show up what the restrictions we keep getting tighter. when many fewer things we get even worse the summer, if you're watching dw news up next, it's conflict. so tim, sebastian on terry martin, thanks for watching the
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enter the conflicts with tim, sebastian, the israel. how much more moved briefly to an open courtroom with the hague policy as welcome to move, including my guess was stuff about booty and the westbank who has the policy, the national initiative, we'd be in such a difficult situation. so however, more evans and can guys ever be rebuilt. conflict next on d. w. the most painful things to watch. your kids suffer today is day 84 of
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a runaway natural gas leak above los angeles. that's it may take more than a 150000000 pounds of leasing the silent killer. there are up to $30000000.00 abandoned wells around the world. and they're more dangerous than previously thought foils lasting in 30 legacy. in 45 minutes on d, w, the suspension is wanted to see him when he knows how to use this, this guy knows about energy in a way that these as much functions have no idea. it's been pretty clear, especially of late. the energy often tend to be the printer symbol. that's what
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menu deals for, the little ones to fix that. but just a glimpse behind the facade of this energy time. tell us, gosh, come russia's political weapon starts february, 3rd on dw, the israel. how about us was moved briefly to an open culture with the hague. as the international court of justice hud accusations of israel had committed genocide, gaza palestinians, welcome to move, including my guess was stuff about booty, the westbank, who had the policy, the national initiative was the one from the court immediately to allow me is to say that there is a mission of genocide and to give it as an add on or the stop no priority to pro is valid and so it gets all civilians. but he was a special combinations of israel. so how will the war and how will the hatred of
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a good bye.


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