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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 1, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CET

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the, the, the news light from berlin, the autopay, and you didn't need to see a massive deal on page 2, ukraine. after many i blushed out if i'm getting prime minister, big to hold on us before all bonded, withdrew his opposition and the 50000000000. your package cost also coming up. disruption hits airports across germany as security walk as strike hundreds of thousands of passengers, unaffected by flight, cancellations, or delays in frankfort. berlin, humbug and age. other major airports plus a drought emergency in 3 years. that has be no significant green in northeastern spread. all sort of these say it's time to severely tighten water restrictions.
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the i've been in japan as you're welcome to the program, the e. u has agreed on a new 50000000000, your support package for ukraine as a leader summit in brussels, the autopay and council, the president sharp. michelle said that they would ensure code long term predictable funding for ukraine. the agreement comes after weeks of opposition from hunger. his prime minister, big to hold on ukraine has faced increasingly uncertainty over age funding with in fighting in the you and the us holding up support the demos, brussel 02 products under phenomena is a bit. you need us summit and dw crane bureau chief nick connelly is in keys with analysis on the breakthrough. i started by asking alexandra ha older you overcame
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opposition from big to all done. well, according to diplomatic sources and officials that we've been speaking with the uh, it was the run up to this meeting today with all the phone calls to, to victor alba. and has been receiving from your p and leaders with a bilateral meeting, sweat, this breakfast, meeting this morning with the french italian. and she, german leaders and all of them made it clear that the hungry was standing there alone with their locate. that all the other members of the european union wanted to have disagreement and were ready to move ahead without hungry. so for the big to open, it was for it to clear that he was the price of late at the end of this question. and as to he's demands, he wanted to have for this at age 4, you queen and then you facility outside of the budgets. this is not gonna happen.
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he also wants to have a rides to v to the whole package every 2 years. for instance, that is also not what was given to him according to our sources. there is um, uh that we have to stay to this. spect conclusions in the final communicate that to you. a p and commission will be issuing a report every year about the implementation of this age package to ukraine. there will be needed, could be a review of the whole package every 2 year. but said the diplomats, we've been speaking here with the told us that this is a lot of loss and it doesn't mean that hard. we would have a right to veto it. so it was basically, i think they clear facts that tongue we were standing alone here make a to you in key. what is the reaction being and ukraine to those dean? find anything cost? thank a kind of he is
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a relief through the telegram child through the news wise here in ukraine. this was money that was legally white. so especially given how slow things are going in america, and no real final clarity about whether america will return to supporting ukraine on the scale that it has. just to give you a sense of how big a deal this is. these 50000000000 euros are equivalent to 2 thirds of what to ukraine has received from all different international done. and since the beginning of this was of the semester, i think it was important to stress that where's the beginning of the boy, you had lots of small transfers way one with the lady wouldn't make such a big difference. now the things become more professionalized and it's a little bit less chaotic. they have to go to the money and when those get held up, it's really a problem right now. you crane it's sending all the tax revenues it collects to the army. it's estimated spends over a $130000000.00 yours a day on the, on the, on the ministry a day, and all the money to pay pensions, pay wages to keep the country running that is all coming from outside. so this is really a huge deal and is basically more than the 40000000000 euros that you're ukraine
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needs. just as you see, this is money that's coming over for years, but it makes a big difference. alexandra. and so the you need is weren't able to convince the victor all bon, to drop his own position, but still even funding for hungry remains frozen despite victor or bonds request for it's released. can you tell us more about that? yes, we talking here about about 20000000000 the euro static to open would like to get from the european union money that was frozen over the rule of law of concerns with regard to ukraine. for instance, concerns about discrimination against algebra, q, q, community in hungry and those funding, those funds, this funding is remaining of frozen. and so according to our sources, the leaders today didn't speak about that. so there was no deal behind closed doors
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subject to all, but it could get those funds at when he agrees to the financial aid for ukraine. however, there will be a reference to this whole rule of law of mckinney's, and that is quite new in the u. a p in union in the final communicate because that was something that victor all but also wanted to, i was speaking about that this may kinase has to be used in the propulsion that way proportional way. and that is probably something that we are going to find as a reference and the conclusion spots with regard to the funding. it is remaining frozen for hungry for now, nic and key. if you call this a big deal, i'm yeah, and it's coming at a time and ukraine has had few successes on the front line. what would it mean for the country? british, if you just look at the news here at what people are talking about,
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it is all pretty grim. we have the power struggle saving a between presidents, the lensky and his top general fathers illusion. and you have the good luck in the united states. and there is a real growing sense here in ukraine that after slow start with the us and to so the k to less extent were very fast in sending ukraine weapons and money at the beginning of this rule that now finally the you is realizing what needs to be done is getting kind of a handle on things and helping the numbers. we've had calls from olaf schultz involving a warning of the european countries to not think they've done enough that they need to keep on cranking up that production of weapons. and those provide more in the way of money. so there's a real sense that, you know, increasingly thinking about ukraine's the future member has realized that this is a little on it's 2 steps in its neighborhood. i wonder that need to do more for the the blues. you can bureau chief, nick connelly in cave and dw is brussels village here. alexander phenomena reporting from brussels. thank you so much for your vote. thank you. and now to some of the storage room around the world for mazda of blocking roads in brussels
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during the summer, it's small scale farmers have been demonstrating across europe, over red tape and following food prices. that use sense spends a tens of billions of bureaus on agricultural subsidies, but most go to the biggest producers. germans who the rebels, they are, they have attacked the us ministry ship and a bunch of vessel in the red sea. the u. s. navy said the cruise me sign attack on his voice reports intercepted without damage. that who these have been attacking shipping in the area for months in solidarity with the palestinians in gaza after alec baldwin has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter over the fatal shooting on a food site in 2021 sentiment dog. prefer lena hutchins diary adopted a pistol ball windows for your hosting with went off similar charges against the actor. what dropped last year, but prosecutors say they have new forensic evidence west side story and i'm told plan a document that i turned back has arrived in court in london to face trying overall
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of dissipation and a process loss to turn back has been charged in connection with failing to follow police orders at the demonstration, outside an oil and gas conference, she faces a nearly $3000.00 bureau, fine if found guilty. a job in germany striking airport security styles of forcing airlines to cancel or do me over a 1000 flights. major airports, including phelan and frankfort, unaffected. the the union has called on its members to stop work for 24 hours to press their demands for better pay and benefits around 200000 passages all facing disruption. the dumbness kristy plots, and these are germany's busiest airport in frank. that should give us an impression of how the strike is affecting ad travel. right, well this morning on i'm standing in one of the major departure halls here and this morning on the sign. you can see behind me we saw just dozens and dozens of
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canceled flights. but as you can see now, they've just cleared the board completely to give you some idea of how things are going here at frankfurt today. most of the departures have been cancelled. love times by which is germans by being carrier, had encouraged people to stay home today. once very announce the strikes, then you will not get on your fly because the security personnel are not there to check passengers to check luggage. people can knock it on their flights. still, many people did show up anyways and there queued up in mind hoping to be re booked for tomorrow. so you said most of boxes have been can so does these uh, cancellations also affects the arrivals. so uh, as of the last information i had arrivals here at the frankfurt um are still expected. um also if you are doing a transfer flight, there is an expectation that you could make
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a transfer flight. so uh the airports were encouraging people to expect delays. there, um, but we've also heard that at some other airports here in germany, um, uh, even a rival slides. so what you're asking about had been cancelled. and this is because the airlines actually didn't the purpose and letting the plane arrive is it can't be refilled with passengers. so it was making more sense to them to just cancel the flight completely. so some arrivals were indeed effective for christy. why exactly all security workers tracking right, well they're basically asking for higher hourly pay and for a better bonus system. now they were given an offer which they have rejected saying that it just doesn't reflect the reality of the cost of living. but many of these workers are dealing with, we saw a major group of sugars going through the hall area today, bagging on a drum. one of them told me, i said i'm on government assistance. they're saying that they're super crucial to
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the airline industry and they're demanding better pay to reflect what they see as being but difficult in criminal work that they contribute. and negotiations are set to continue on this next week or leave it back because the platform at franklin airport. thanks so much. disappeared next bell thought of things in the northeast of the country. how big lead a drought imagined save for the city of boston, luna? and the surrounding area, some $6000000.00 people with face type restrictions on the use of water as a 3 year drive period shows no sign of a beating after being submerged for more than 60 years. this medieval church reappeared. it is now a symbol of 3 years of drought. that house sparks catalonia. the lack of rain has got reservoirs record low levels are really the drought, these that we didn't across the region. the ski resorts opened this winter. how
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fleet, those know on the slopes, a successive weakness, very critical situation. we could be very critical because if there is no snow, but what if it doesn't rain and there is no stall, the reservoirs instead of growing, getting smaller and smaller, go so under the skin contained to reduce what are we started months ago? the government explain how critical the situation has become the, the president, it measures 3 guard when what the reserves dropped below the 16 percent threshold. the new measures will affect citizens and businesses swimming pools, including those used by hotels and come grounds cannot be repealed only sports centers kind of repealed them if they reduce their total amount of what their consumption. many have already prepared for their restrictions. name is on the shot, so we're in professional press the duration of the show stuff. and we just the
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showers, the set time as possible in a few pounds for the defendant and wells that have been shut off for some bones. i father of 3, explains the headaches invalid hooked up and it was not on the market for the washing clothes. i was looking. yeah, i know began to watch to choose the clothes on role, but i'm not even going to stay in washing machine. you can't do the p because there's no water in while you bring clouts, don't show up water restrictions, we keep getting tighter when many fewer things we get even worse the summer. and a quick reminder now, the tough sort of that they're following for you at this uh, your opinion need as including hungry is big to hold on. have approved to 50000000000 your dean on age to ukraine. all bond had withheld his okay. for months
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on to today, that is you're watching the news off next off to the break. we talk to a senior research i from the international monetary fund about a likely up to and for the global economy. 5 businesses in germany are struggling using cost for on the sponsor. it's one of the sale when he knows how to use it and pretend this god knows about energy in a way that these as much structures have no idea of what doesn't look behind the facade of this image of john, tell us the gas problem brushes, political weather in february 3rd on dw, the gemini is being left behind as the global economy out performs expectations. that's a conclusion.


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