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tv   Focus on Europe  Deutsche Welle  February 1, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm CET

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just i'll see your crane in the coming years. we're looking to add um, $12000000.00. yours per annum. uh, in total, $50000000000.00 euro. it's a good message for the citizens of ukraine. and we're challenge great the due to the war of aggression, but it's also a good time for the european union which showed you and meet in the 2013 and unity . um, it wasn't clear, it has to be for me, it has to be a decision. uh, taken by all 27 member states where we have to stand together as a family, as a union and to take us as a decision together. so a good message, a good day for the european union, and a good one for us to ensure your crane and to summit up, it was a very successful summit. i am happy that many linda contribution supported us and did their utmost to come to this point on it as good as that
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everyone. well, we were to manage to take these decisions. we also had intense, did, based upon the questions pertaining to the military assistance for ukraine. it's also very important indeed. we talked about the question in great detail together with others, with whom i discussed this together with the danish prime minister committee young . we wanted to discuss the question, do every member, does every member state enough in my opinion? um not all member states are doing enough. germany is doing a lot in the past. we mobilize the great support for ukraine. we have your mark more than 7000000000 euro. i'm dispersement um
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the appropriations of the, to the tune of, uh, 6000000 euro and its a substantial contribution mister door to send for me. this means i'm say, canada that we need to be very clear that it will take a great effort on the part of all. we had a very sincere and serious discussion we talked about in great detail. we must stop this discussion. we need to continue our talks . we have to reach a point that we bolster the cranes could capabilities to defend itself. and it's also a good message to, to the us united states. the american president is a good friend and ally who is making great efforts to garner support in congress.
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and i hope that the message that we're sending out today and the discussions we're having today is well helping him with his political projects at home in the united states and commit to the inside. and while this brings us to the question, then mark was kind of the id wants to take the floor and ask the 1st question. i have 2 questions actually surprise. thank you very much of mr. transfer. one question regarding mr. all. then you said we, you managed to reach an agreement. i assume that victor oven a didn't realize why it's good to take this dishes soon, but i realize the problems of this may have what consequences did he or what conclusions did he draw? and then 2nd question, we heard that germany would not support the supply chain law on your level. is that a good decision? well, i talk isn't too big to all the and last year,
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this year in the run up to the summit. but also during the summit meeting here, but we had a very, a subject oriented discussion. there's nothing that exists inside was less, have been decided. and everything hasn't been said. everyone has to rely on the fact that everyone sticks to the rules, especially when we call on everyone to stick to the rules, especially as far as a rule of law matters are concerned, and this has been expressed in our conclusions. so we had a very clear discussion on that and see, and it is important, the necessary that we take a decision as the 27 member states. and in the end, there's no convince to believe that we bear responsibility for the economic and trade relations, which we have that is what ties into the supply chains. i know that many take
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a closer look when they order the goods, whether companies are able to report where these goods come from. and so what conditions under what conditions these are being produced that starts with high tech products, everyone and all of the brands. some of the brands advertise um with that in august when we made an extra change. um uh, when we uh, talk on the phone, some of the companies uh, actually the advertised with uh that that they use materials that have been recycled in summer where they are come and that is being supported by the german supply chain law that we already have i'm familiar with that because i negotiated about this for 4 years and months in the last election took a different term and we had hoped that on the basis of what has been discussed in
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germany, we wouldn't managers an agreement in europe. a lot hasn't changed, the federal minister space has much, much less to your right, which means just leave all the forces press conference there and heading to president of the delta solve the show, which was also speaking to the press, the few weeks up suited to nice to improve the ability to move, move or order to this is will be support is also a mandatory support for your creative year to your children today to discuss in depth how it is important to make more efforts for more munition. for more minutes, richard been for you create, we estimate progress in support and you created through the opening piece facility . we have decided tossed our ministers to find the guy's work. we understand how it is important to deliver. and this debate to the was extremely useful to me to be clear that we are determined to make more efforts and to make sure that you create a reject the military treatment that they meet,
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to defend the trend 3 and to defend the future. we also have the occasion to ask them to put the agreement on using reach for profits on the russian force and a 6 to help rebuild the ukraine. and the idea is to continue to work on this tract, which is also for an important one. and once again, we have discussed how we need to address the question of the circumvention of sanctions. we are still determining to make sure that everything is done to reduce the possibilities to avoid dose sanctions, which targets on russia in the criminal justice. the 1st element i wanted to mention for this european gulf, you meet the southern talk, which i would like to mention and to explain what you're of distrust is this addition to me, the interest and you know that we do not this. we tend to difference on the list, which it once again, is that each change of use of the situation in that region is what i thought it was
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you, me really knew the false people say hook bounced with sisters and putting the plot with some it's criminal detailing the whole stream it determines to continue in europe and time would be supported member states to produce as much as possible to see the risk. so regional exit escalation percent more on the ticket. and the red sea we know criminal how important dentist and the 2nd the point is that we of course, are determined to continue to assume that so do what we can to pay for them from freeing of the hostages with no conditions attached. and we will continue in the township with the member states and also our international. com. that's making me sick with the to do what we can to make sure. the distributed terry aid was delivered to me because we know that there is a major pressing me to on that subject to every civilian life council,
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every life accounts. and that's why we need to be more like the clinton wants to mention, because he have to go through. there was a strong political agreement within the european council dot com is how important is it 2 to 3 long read all just the negotiation process for a 2 state solution. and we, once again, this effect are to help you call i did. oh, cool that that is i called out for 2 days the solutions with a guarantee of the existence of the 2 peoples that they couldn't have exist in peace and in the future. and so we need that to be peace, not just between israel and the palestinians between israel and all of its neighboring countries as well as we discussed one of the city behind. well, that's by high rep brown, the she reduced to we had the initiating a peace conference with one of the collectors. and we'll be coming back to that address to you, to europe and council, to advance to subject administer will continue to be very engaged in such an in
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portion of the subjects. and the final word, goals, member meeting as a time to see where we can in a number of european countries, including in belgium. and you will have seen that the ground as a building good, our pharmacy many expressing that been changed as a discontent of 101031 of the concerns about the fusion that was that important for us to address that as well. and we have to reaffirm that's from a lot just how important of the coming up talk, you know, policy is for us. it's one of the core and this of your public safety and. busy there's an essential role for the coming up and the policy own just about the condition who told us about the 1st show it to him that just would have to be taken and also have, you know, the process that has been going just need to bring together or they were stakeholder with stakeholders getting the uh, acro, food. i agree food, texas, or we can have a democratic process where we can listen to one. and that sounds pretty fun way.
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and then they can express big concerns and to all size that can be integrated into the cultural policy in the future. so that we can take him out of the need of i promise we can take this on the account of the need for that to be true. security health system as well. and we know, after all, this is a very important, if you could know me there. sure can a sector. so all of this i some is just for moines. so some of the major points that came out of town meeting, which showed once again that the european council can price to people to surprise people buying oh, unity and capacity to discuss you, send a wheelchair and a speedy solutions to difficult for the for you. questions and difficult problems and so i'd like to thank all of the teams what is so hard since december. and in fact, since the day after the last 2 semesters, when we decided to i'm,
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it will come back to me today. so to, to read, to show us as to questions such as ukraine has been preston from the line. you have the full thank you so much. today is indeed a very special day. the european council reconfirmed, europe's on waiver and commitment to stand with ukraine. we'll know that ukraine is fighting for us, so we will support them with a necessary funding and provide them with a much needed predictability they deserve. and i think these 15000000000 euros for 4 years also send a very strong message to putting just ahead of the secondary diversity of his brutal invasion. but today we also agreed on the 1st ever revision of our multi annual budget budget. it confirms the priorities that the commission has presented back in june, and i'm very satisfied that we got 80 percent of the funding we asked for.
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we had certainly some difficult choices to make, but we have a very good result. we reaffirmed our commitment to fight illegal migration as we, we assumed ultimate meant to support our western bolton park us. this is the part of the gross plan that is in the budget and the southern neighborhood. we will also increase our ability to deal with natural disasters in member states and to many terry and crisis such as garza and for the more step will support the much needed development of critical technologies in europe, including on defense and increase our competitiveness. so with this agreement, your stance united and is well equipped for the challenges ahead. in other words, today, europe got stronger. we will also continue to support the brave ukrainian forces
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to fight of the brutal invaders. our military assistance to ukraine has been an have meet and met an unprecedented level of effort so far the european union and its members states have mobilized 28000000000 euros worth of military equipment. and of course more is coming. and of course, more is needed more time helicopters, defense systems, missiles, and of course more munitions. the european industry defense industry has already increased its production capacity by 40 percent, and this is still growing over 80 european manufacturers have responded to our coal for proposals. so we will be signing the contracts in the metal weeks and we're working with the member states to get that munition to ukraine bid from the national stocks, albeit by diverting the orders or making new orders as i've just described.
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so we will have delivered 520000 gallons of artillery show up by march. and we will more than double this amount of by the, this amount, by the end of this year. on top of that, we have been training ukrainian soldiers for 2500 so far, mid february, but the support must increase and that was the discussion today. in fact, russia's invasion has also been a wakeup call for the whole of the european union. so while we keep supporting ukraine, we need to bolster our own military capacities to we're working to take our defense industry to the next level. and this is why the commission will soon present. and you will defense industrial strategy. it will introduce a stronger your pin that i mention across our defense industry. and this goes from
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planning to procurement will have a greater a coherence and coordination at the european union's level. with this strategy, we aim to make your move from the emergency response to a defense readiness. let me add a few words on the discussion on adequate culture. thomas play an essential role in your economy and society, and that work contributes greatly to our fluid security. and indeed, also to our way of life. and they are key actors sent and showing the sustainable use of natural resources. they live with nature and from nature. it is after all the basis of their livelihood. some that's also the basis of our livelihood. a european farmers are dynamic in 2022 productivity, improved 13 percent thanks to their efforts and they also contribute positively to
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our external trait. last year again, every food exports increased by 5 percent. so i think it is fair to say that all farmers have shown remarkable resilience in the face of the recent crises. but many challenges remain. for example, the tension on prices agri, food prices, or very competitive global market that leads to uncertainty. and of course, the need to remain competitive. why the working to high standards and environmental protection, a very complex and never the farmers can count on european support. the coming of the cultural policy budget locates close to 390000000000 euros. that is almost one 3rd of the european budget to every culture. and in 2023 alone euro provided exceptional assistance of over 500000000 euros to
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farmers most affected by crises. we know that the support is crucial and we know that pharma so making good use of it. but in power low, the commission is now working closely with the member states to address the immediate challenges this week. for example, we have proposed additional flexibility to farmers on the so called federal land use. and we have proposed safeguards on poultry eggs and sugar imports from ukraine to avoid a significant surge in imports. us finally, of course we have to defend legitimate interests of farmers in our trade negotiations in particular in ensuring a level playing field in terms of standard when we have trade agreements. and i'm very sensitive to the message that farmers are concerned by administrative burden.
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this is a general topic, you know, that this is close to my how to reduce these administrative burdens. so we will work with a belgian presidency on a proposal that we then will present ready in time before the next agricultural council to work on reducing these administrative burdens. last but certainly not least, it's long term meet on long term proposal. as you know, we have started last week, the strategic dialogue on the future of agriculture and the european union. in other words, we have convened all the different stakeholders, of course, the farmers representatives like young farmers, but also the food processors. and those who work in environmental n g o is green peas and other stakeholders in the whole overall agricultural topic. as the aim is that's together. we develop an
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idea of vision under road map. how to reach our common goals. it was very reassuring to hear that all stand behind the common goal to reach climate neutrality by 2050. but how to get there. this has to be developed with the farmers with their knowledge because they have many ideas that are very interesting to move forward on this topic. so this was also a strategic dialogue that we started last week, but of course it will bring the answers in the mid and long term that will feed in the program of the next commission and certainly have an influence on the next negotiations on the cap. thank you president, we will open out the flow to questions and stuff with lawrence. thanks. thanks very much. we'll see general i have 2 questions. one is like the
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technical one is the plan for the 55th or so i'm just joining us. we're just playing a, the press conference, the joint press, conference of europe and commission president, set up on the line and your bank accounts are present shot and michelle being held in brussels on the same day that they usually does have bossed a 50000000000 your aid package for ukraine, and before that, here with this thing to a press conference by german jobs let or not charles for more. let's start head to brussels wherever you're joined by the douglas brussels bureau chief alexander off on knob and who's been having to listen to 3 press conference is to press conference. is it all the one behind the other. alexander, the common message from all 3 lead as really has been born off your pin unity in bossing. these $50000000000.00 or have to bring in there. you're, i'm sorry, a package for you praying that was the pin. you didn't really unite of given that it took more than 2 months to have this bossed and the account this rounds of
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conversations with victor hold on from hungry while you write instead of to call almost 2 months and then took it to some, it's to meetings of the leaders to agree on this topic and this is of course very towing because it shows us that it's getting increasingly difficult to be united and said that stick to all the on the hungry around prime minister as somebody who has the potential of the railings such decisions, so we have to say that all the other leaders were very upset and angry with the he's located off the financial aid for ukraine. money that is so urgency needed. there are to continue the fighting against russia's invasion, but in the and so all the leaders were successful. there were successful in making sure that whole 27 member countries sign off on this financial aid for ukraine. and
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that is why us, you just mentioned all the leaders that we heard from in their press conference. so set that and showed and there's room in there on the remarks that they were really happy and satisfied with this decision today. because as they put it, it was showing that europe is united and still so it is showing solidarity with ukraine and it's fight against the restaurants invasion. you've been following uh this summit uh through the day for us. was that a special role? yeah. that the german he played in trying to win victor all bon over and dropped his opposition to this a package. well, we've been speaking with many officials and diplomats here behind closed doors in brussels. and one source told us that their impression was that it was a sort of hard line put forward by the german chancellor that in the and made the
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difference that, that a lot of shows was also as the other leaders, pressing victor all button behind give him 5 minutes to, to agree to drop his veto, his locate of the financial aid for ukraine. we know that the last december at the last meeting of the e. u. a leaders, it was also the german chancellor who convinced evict to all but to just leave the room to make it possible for all the others to agree on the opening of the membership accession talks with the ukraine. so dad was a trick that health and this time as it seems, at the moment, it was all the leaders together pressing hungry to, to give in. and to gave a case basically, and it was the hotline off of germany, a to that's in the and as it appears, convince victor all button that he needs to say yes to this huge
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a package for you could a another point that really came through in these 2 press conferences, talking about the joint press conference that was left on the line child, michelle, and the german chancellor alive. charles was about a commitment to increase military supplies and ammunition to ukraine. put your head john to the sold, saying that not all states in europe are doing enough on that account. was he particularly talking about well, of course he didn't specify who he was addressing at this moment, but it was not the 1st time that the german chancellor urge all the other member states to do more. as we know, after a sort of small slowed stores, germany is now the 2nd largest provider of military age to ukraine and to today and to weeks before the german, the german chancellor urged the other member states to do more. and he was
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without specifying good to addressing uh, the, the things that he would expect from friends because hard, some growing criticism that friends could do more and deliver more weapon, small and military equipments to ukraine. right. we have about a minute left to alexandra. what's up on the line talked about bringing in a new defense industrial strategy. something that's going to be introduced soon. do you know more about that? what exactly is that going to cover? well, it's badly needed. that's for sure. old member states agree on that. when we look at their promise to ukraine, they wanted to provide kids with a 1000000 rounds of artillery shows until uh, a bite by march. uh, and this is from this. they can, they can do that. so they understand that they need to do more to boost industrial
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weapons production since in the european union. and that is what this plan is aiming for where you live at the, for the time being. but thanks so much for joining us today. like the deputies brussels gratitude, alexander phenomena in brussels. thank you. and of course, your mind and all of the top story of your funding for you, a german jobs that will not show say that sincere effort from all of your parents are just needed to have keep find the russian. envision he was speaking and brussels off to europe in union leaders approved 50000000 euros and paid for ukraine. you're bringing more details on that story off of the break, but stay tuned because uh, we'd be back with more details as to what's happening in brussels. isn't the answer is the conflict with sim sebastian,
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the israel. how much small booth briefly to an open courtroom with the hey, how the city is welcome to move into the my guess we're stuff about gucci and the westbank. who has filed a city of national initiative. we've been about to be in such a difficult situation. so how will the more can garza ever be rebuilt? conflict in 19 minutes on dw, the we said there about never giving up every weekend on d. w. cost problem responsible. it's one of the sale when he
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knows how to use it. and pretend this guy knows about energy in a way that these as much structures have no idea what doesn't look behind. but the started this energy time tell us gas problem for us as political weather in february, 3rd, on the frankfurt international gateway to the best connections, solstio, road and radio. located in the heart of europe, you are connected to the world experience outstanding shopping and dining offers. antonio's services be our guest at frankfurt and bought cd, managed by front, bought the the
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. this is the, the news life from belinda european union lead us see a massive diem on age to ukraine. after many have lost out of time, get in 5 minutes to victor. all about us before. 12 on we do, here's our position and the $50000000000.00 journal package cost. also coming up the air force chaos across germany as security. walk of strike hundreds of thousands of passengers that are affected by 5 cancellations o d. as in frank, fred, berlin and other major airports and a drought emergency. a lot of these and ne, in spain tighten water restrictions of.


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