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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 2, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CET

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the, the, this is the, the use live from the lid the us for past the strike you ran back to militias, but of attacked american targets. defense 2nd street lloyd austin confirms at washington will take significant action retaliation for the bombing over us advertising jordan, which 3 troops with you also on the program. us president joe biden issues and executive board the target think is really set those accuse of attacking palestinians in the occupied westbank. the move comes after a wave of finest in the territory at the latest seal, a major a deal for ukraine. member states overcome hyundai on gary and objections
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and unlock a 50000000000 euro package designed to keep the premium states what the . i'm told me on logical welcome to the program. the us says it's preparing to take significant action against militias that have carried out attacks on american targets for days. the biden administration has been hinting at strikes in retaliation for a drone attack on a remote u. s. military base in north, east and jordan, known as talent 20 to 3 american troops were killed in the incident on sunday, defense secretary lloyd austin. the said, it's time to take all the other action against malicious backs by iran, or tax us forces on land and sea. over the death at the defense secretary went on to say that while wishing to avoid escalating the conflict,
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us would not hesitate to act. the president will not tolerate a tax on american troops, and neither will i, as our teammates were killed by radical militias back by iran and operating inside syria and iraq. so this is a dangerous moment in the middle east. we will continue to work to avoid a wider conflict than a region, but we will take all necessary actions to defend the united states, our interest, and our people. and we will respond when we choose where we choose. and how we choose alex, but tanka is the director of the iran program at the middle east institute in washington, dc. and i asked him about the possible targets and timing of us retaliatory strikes . i think our timing remains to be seen. clearly,
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the united states needs to act the killing of 3 soldiers a by this iraq based minutes and group really demands action and a response. it will be significant. and in terms of the targets on your question, look, it really depends. i think overall, if you look at the axes of resistance that the ryan has been spear heading in recent decades, it's biased from his bow and 11. i just, i'm extend. we could call the who these in game and on the other side of the middle east, also a proxy of sorts of these dynamic republic. i don't think these organizations will be targeted. i think the us will be very specifically going after those moods in groups that have been carrying about a 167 attacks against us forces in iraq and syria. so i think will be very targeted . i don't think it will be a sort of major uh, you know, attack against some of the bigger players in the acts of this resistance like his bullet. it'll be minor groups that of us will go after. so you don't think this
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could cause some kind of escalation and military tensions, particularly after the u. s. a sat is not seeking war with iran or if you mean escalation, this is a regional award. i don't think that is likely to happen for one simple reason. the united states as white, has made it very clear. he's not interested in regional war. i don't think these rabies are interested in regional war at this point, and certainly the iranians are not interested in regional war. so i think most likely what would happen is clearly you don't want to regional work. you're washington. but clearly you want to make sure you re, uh, you know, reinforce the idea of the terrorist. you have thousands and thousands of american troops across them, at least for them to become that sort of city targets for militant groups, is unacceptable to any american president. and certainly this american president, we just enter election cycle. so for political reasons in the united states,
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because the reality is on the ground, something needed to be done, but nothing as large as inviting and regional. what would you just say? i really don't, don't think is of interest of any of the larger players. imagine the political angle that how, how big a part does that have to play as well. it's important, i mean, uh, and for any american president, it would be important when american soldiers are killed overseas and for this particular american president. as he's facing a re election, he needed to do something. but at the same time, i think president biden knows that the american public opinion is not interested in of the large war and the middle east. that's the last thing. american public opinion was when you start killing americans, it requires response. and i think the really inside clearly understood that if you noticed the last few days to arrive as trying to distance itself from these proxies . and the proxy group responsible for the attack and jordan has itself not suspended attacks in the, in the united states. so i think that tells us quite
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a bit about where each is coming from and where we're likely to go in the near future. okay, so, so iran as a whole, you would say they don't have a, a major overall objective in the backing these groups. well clearly right does have a long term objective and that goes back to the reading revolution of 1979 to to keep colors to that one is to basically bring the end of the state of israel. the other one is to push the united states out of the middle east, but that's a long term strategy of the reading and regime. if you listen to the radiance of premium comedy, he's not asking for more and these objectives to be met next week or next month, or even next year. he's saying that's a long term strategy. now that's a whole different issue and how to west deals with ad requires, you know, the strategy on the part of west, which frankly doesn't exist right now. but in the short term, as i said, i doubt very much anybody's interest in regional war. that would essentially put everybody at a loss. okay. alex attack
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a director of the run program at the me least, institute in washington dc. thank you very much for your insights. you to us president joe biden has issued an executive order imposing sanctions on is really settlers in the occupied westbank after a wave of violence measures include financial and travel restrictions on a small number of settlers accused of violent attacks on palestinians. these are the prime minister's office, has criticized the sanctions calling them unnecessary and describing the mob the vast majority of the settlers as low abiding steve news, washington bureau cheese. and as paul has told us, more about the presidents, latest executive order executive orders enables the united states to impose financial sanctions on individuals who are i quote here, directing or participating in certain actions including x of frets, of violence against civilians intimidating and civilians to force them out of their
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homes, destroying or seizing property, or engaging in terrorist activity in the west bank. we typically see these types of financial sanctions targeting russians or citizens of states that the us as an open the conflict was. but you have never seen that targeting is rarely citizens. i think it is fair to say that this is the most significant step. any u. s. administration in history has taken in response to violence, but it's really set us against palestinian civilians in the west bank and indeed prove so great a frustration of the by the administration. but not only that, it also under scores a, the men's pressure president biden faces in this year, which is just the beginning of the crucial presidential election year. 70 percent of his policy disapproves office is rally is right. israel policies,
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sorry. and indeed, risks losing crucial support from blackboard was younger voters. and of course, arab americans, if he is unable to make. so a pressure on israel to commit to lossing ceasefire and degree to has to stay solution that it's no incident that this order comes right in the moment before president biden was on his way to michigan. this is an important spring state. it was a large area of american community, a dizziness, paul from washington, across all says how mazda is given an initial positive response to a new c's wipers proposal for gaza. us egyptian and category mediators, met, is rarely intelligence officials in paris on sunday. they often how much a 6 week pause in the war and an exchange of hostages for hottest indian prisoners . how much is considered a terrorist organization by multiple countries and have taught previously
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negotiated a week long pause in the fighting in? nope, and let's look at some other stories from around the world. now. thousands of people in the slovak, in capital branch of saliva have protested against the government's plans to abolish the role of the special prosecutor below with hand back powers to regional jurisdictions to deal with organized crime. those changes include reducing punishments for a raft of crimes including corruption. the testers have slashed with police in argentina and have to demonstrations against sweeping economic reforms proposed by president happy and delay lawmakers are discussing the controversial bill that into handling the president's emergency pause on issues including the economy and security, argentina suffering from hyper inflation. when he got over 200 percent striking airport security stuff in germany have forced airlines to cancel or delay over
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a 1000 flights. 11 apples are effected. the very union cold, 24 hour strike, depressed demands for better pay and working conditions around 200000 passengers. face disruption of the farmers of class and police outside the e. u. summit in brussels. small scale farmers have been demonstrating across europe, all the red tape informing surprises that you spend tens of billions of yours on how the cultural subsidies. but most of goes to the biggest producers. so the brussels you need is of praise. the passage of a new, 50000000000, your support package for ukraine. european council, president of shaw michelle said the 4 year deal with ensure long term predictable funding for ukraine. the hungry is prime minister ethic to open. finally dropped 2 weeks of opposition. queens faced increasing uncertainty over 8 funding because of the political insights and,
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and take us the ukrainian president voted him or zaleski is welcome to the support he says, the strengthening of ukraine's long term economic stability is no less important than military assistance. western backing has enabled new grades to hold the line against the russian invaders. but 2 years into the war, there's no sign. ukraine is close to expelling russian forces any time soon. deep enough for us then don't boss. do you see cranium? soldiers have setup camp. they're taking a few days off after months of fighting on the front lines and comp young's. ukraine is not giving up to city, but paying a heavy price to lose the last bill. this is perhaps one of the most difficult places we've ever fought. one night today, the russians use their own people is kind of the photo which i in the beginning, they send prisoners out those for you. i do not find a human life. i mean of as no hours. and then there's
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a new to the next week. the logic of the day. do you want to be released? 10 years of cos? i do. i think 80 or 90 percent of the soldiers here want to be mobilized. i would like to know from the government when our service will end for what exact period goes, how long should we say? it'd be me, i'm going to have those. and so that is, i hardly any new bolan's. he is coming forwards to join the troops, dwindling ammunition supplies, sandstone motto, new weapons from the west force units to be creative, to move them. is that the just still we can take out this piece either. but with this being that t and t or an explosive substance, and i'm pretty good. we can also put a nails, you call small bombs. you think not at this moment. as long as there are no new
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arms deliveries, the soldiers will have to work with what they have. it doesn't mean see mean yet the most everyone understands that we will not be relieved soon. so we recharge you. we get energy and strength to keep lying saying, let's be we have now with the choice. so yes, so it's a cliche because if we don't do it, who will talk after 2, he is, everyone is wondering how much longer checking in on support now and 7 time for me to one champion lose. hamilton is leaving mercedes at the end of the year to join ferrari. hamilton activated a release clause in his contract and we'll join for are you on a multi year deal joint, mercedes in 2013 and won 6 of his 7 titles with them. he said the decision was one of the hardest has had to make, but he's looking forward to the new challenge. it was indeed on the news day with
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