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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 2, 2024 7:00am-7:16am CET

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming to line from berlin. a deadly gas explosion in a residential neighborhood of nairobi at least 2 or did and more than $200.00 injured after the glass to the gas refilling station. we'll get the latest from our nairobi correspond also coming up. the us sanctions is really settlers in the west bank saying violence against palestinian civilians. there has reached intolerable levels. it's a rare us move against his release as war rages in guns. plus the pentagon prepares to strike it, ran back militias. defense secretary lloyd austin confirms of washington will take significant action in retaliation for the bombing of the us air base. and jordan
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that claimed american lines the blow and terry martin, thanks for joining us. at least 2 people who've been killed in a gas explosion in pi are in the can in capital nairobi. according to the canyon red cross, hundreds more were injured. the government spokesperson said that the fire broke out around midnight after a truck loaded with gas canisters exploded, and then spread to nearby homes and businesses firefighters have extinguished the blaze and an investigation into the cause of the incident is under way for more, we're joined now by our correspondence she likes maureen, go in, i wrote a felix, what more can they tell us about this? devastating far a terry,
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the fire broke out at around 11 50 pm is toxic on time and uh, missouri to the people of the y. i sleep by that time. so uh the, the news uh the news came and my judge of it people could not respond immediately to verify. but the people on the ground was saying that a multiple labels of people in the neighbor who would have sustained injuries. some had to bonds to the i had some actually had the vast kin bonds and uh, the images that are as close services to meantime. uh, but it wasn't um to i need to ensure that a majority of the people did not get things ready. so even them, them be lot of services, the firefighters who came one not able to get paid in time to save a couple of people who add 2 of them. so 5 died and the majority to of them who sustained is aries wallets or as to different hospitals within the capital and
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currently uh, getting images to services guy. these are government has also asked people in the area to buy kids the area as they do not know when that they'll be find the explosions of later on or as they extend to reach to the gus lived in the area. so government has asked people to like it, the area, uh some people i live this morning was seeing living their homes with uh, with that properties. uh, some of them i seeing all that property has been bounced down and so it is nothing they can carry. uh, moving into different places, we couldn't see that to be much safer. do authorities know what exactly calls the explosion. so the government folks thought sort of has saved lives. it was asked for a truck that was carrying a liquefied patrol level gas that the boss and the next next to where the explicitly took place was. i come find me that model fox as public. so that's with the gas explosion caught to the fabric and it starts at binding bots. authorities
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are only do they do on the ground and an operational area has already been set for $58.00 investigations. and for further questioning will the people around to get to back to the find that details of what exactly took place. but as that's now official government position is that it was a fire. it was a and a little pc gas truck that exploded. and the once the once the gus it's still dead. it's got still 5 be go to houses in the by and the thought is what cost the device that you can fire. felix. thank you very much for bringing this up to date there. that was the w as felix moving in. i robi us present joe by has issued an executive order imposing sanctions on is really settlers in the occupied westbank after a wave of violence. measures include financial and travel restrictions on for
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softwares accused of violent attacks on palestinians. the prime minister's office has criticized the sanctions calling them unnecessary and describing the vast majority of settlers in the west bank as law abiding. but let's bring in dw, corresponded rebecca richard was here. she joins us from jerusalem. rebecca, what do we know about these for individuals who have been sanctioned by the us as well. the felt for initial individuals, of, or individuals that have been sanctioned under these, under this 1st round, has been named 0 foreign nationals though. not us citizens, terry. and they have been involved or alleged to have been involved in some very violent crimes in the occupied westbank, one allegedly leading what was laid, a cold, a pilgrim, but leading a macho setting to march on the town of hawaii, where a group of moving
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a 100 settlers set fires of how the city and prophecy cause homes and that led to the death of at least one palestinian a couple of the others were involved in von and the other violent attacks against palestinians of assaulting farms as well as is ready activists. that should be said, and another peasant was said to have led an assault on vehicles breaking windows and assaulting palestinians in the cause. and the full man was alleged to have led a another loose of a riot if you will, or let a group of settlers to a bed one village attacking those homes there and threatening the palestinians, the veteran's day to leave their villages and saying that they would home them, so there if they didn't, so some very, very violent acts is only for at this stage, but the bottom administration has left the door open too wide, and this, this sanction order against so the people that carry out crimes. so this is an extraordinary step, but the us has taken
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a how exactly will these sanctions have been announced? impact those individuals as well. it certainly is terry. i mean, some, some people here calling at the historic move by the us government bond, the bond administration. they will be, of course, people who say it doesn't go far enough for that. it comes to, you know, too late. but of course, this is the strongest act we have seen from the us administration against these a settler violence attacks. this is an issue that the u. s. has been concerned with for some time, even before october 7 and the war and the the, the in the spike environments that we've seen in the west bank. this has been a concern of abiding and ministration for some time. and they have been threatening to make moves on this. and now we are seeing that come to a fresh fruition and it has been causing a huge risk with the between the is riley us relationship and. and we are now
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seeing the fruits of that come out the question of how effective this will be, terry remains to be seen because, you know, they, we not sure exactly how many, how, how many assets of these, these people have in the us. but it's certainly showing a very strong sign, a very strong signal, and they were even rumors that was been reported in at least one media outlet that the, the administration were considering also including to government ministers. they, they shot away from doing that, but it just goes to show what is possible. what kind of message does this send to the is really government's rebecca as well. it is a very strong message and we have say, the as riley government prime minister, netanyahu coming out against this move, we're saying other ministers more fall right? ministers, those 2 that i was talking about, they were reportedly being considered to be included in these moves. that's a little small trip to the finance minister and it's not been viewed and national
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security minister may have also come out against this, both of them of themselves, settlers and very pro the settling movements. they have come out again saying that this is an attack on the ro accept lives that are, that are, you know, settling today and scenario is what they call the west bank. so we're seeing a real clash of ideologies here. but the us definitely sending a very strong message, as i said, many cooling of the historic move, definitely the strongest, we've seen so far, whether or not these ready government hades. this warning, of course, uh, you know, we time hotel. rebecca, thank you very much. that was our correspondent rebecca rivers in jerusalem. while the us is preparing to take significant action against militias that have carried out a tax on american targets for days, the by the ministration has been hinting at strikes and retaliation for a drone to tack on a remote u. s. military base in northeastern jordan known as tower 20 to 3 american troops
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were killed. in the incident on sunday, defense secretary lloyd austin has said it's time to take further action against malicious, backed by around the tip of tact us forces on land and etc. outrage and sorrow defense secretary went on to say that while wishing to avoid escalating the conflict, the us would not hesitate to act. the president will not tolerate a tax on american troops. and neither will i, as our teammates were killed by radical militias back by iran and operating inside syria and iraq. so this is a dangerous moment in the middle east. we will continue to work to avoid a wider conflict than a region. but we will take all necessary actions to defend the united states, our interest, and our people. and we will respond when we choose wherever we
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choose and how we choose. well alex, but tanka is the director of the around program at the middle east institute in washington, d. c. we asked him about the possible targets and timing of us retaliatory strikes . i think our timing remains to be seen. clearly, the united states needs to act the killing of 3 soldiers a by this iraq based minutes and group really demands action and response. uh, it will be significant in terms of the targets on your question. look, it really depends. i think overall, if you look at the axes of resistance that the ryan has been spear heading in recent decades, it's biased from his bow and 11. i just somebody's name. we could call the who these in yemen on the other side of the middle east. also a proxy of sorts of these nomic republic. i don't think these organizations will be targeted. i think the us will be very specifically going after those militant
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groups that have been carrying about a 167 attacks against us forces in iraq and syria. so i think will be very targeted . i don't think it will be a sort of major uh, you know, attack against some of the bigger players in the accident. this resistance like his bullet, it'll be minor groups that the us will go after. or you leaders have praised the passage of a new 50000000000 euro support package for ukraine. european council, president shaw michelle said the 4 year deal with insure long term predictable funding for ukraine after on greece prime minister because our bon finally dropped weak football position. ukraine has faced increasing uncertainty over 8 funding because of political infighting in the ear and the us well, while progress was being made there inside the halls of power in the european union and brussels outside things came to a stand, still protesting farmers blocked the streets with their tractors and through fire
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crackers, eggs, and bottles of police. they're angry about rising costs and bureaucracy. a farmers out in force in brussel. they located parts of the belgian capital demand more help with rising costs associated use. assume that you're trying to make people aware of the conditions for farmers who read on. so advice from people quick go hungry so far. so if i would close the police assembled near the headquarters were fires blazed as the farmers gathered. we are right in the middle of the european union. the ports are in process and these slaves that you see are just an expression of some of the anger on the streets. and of course, not only anger filling this square, but also tractors, traffic in the area of growing to a home with more than a 1000 tractors, going nowhere, agricultural subsidies already make up a significant slice of the budget. and the book is trying to make good on climate
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promises, but these farmers insist they are getting a real deal with too much red tape. making us feel no more and to some of the best ones we have to. we have people who work with the us, we've met the people who manage this specific tasks. unfortunately, they probably know nothing about the nature of it on this, but it meant best to accept that through mail. it was more in response to your reply to protests, to you has moved to temporarily relax some green farming rules and limits cheaper imports from ukraine to the full not found this. those are old sites. we see you and we hear you. and if you voice, you want your voice to be heard to make it had also in june. when you vote for the european parliament elections about this effort to cool tensions, hasn't yet cleared the air. you're watching dw news stay with is coming up. next,
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we've got an interview on why the international monetary fund downgraded germany's economic outlook. well upgrading the global outlook. so i'm cherry martin. thanks for watching the sometimes it's hard to find what you're looking for but we've got something for you. nice easy at the end just to pass it, got any difficult to access an expedition ventures on to places that no one has the why is the ice melting.


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