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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 2, 2024 9:00am-9:31am CET

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the, the, this is the, the news coming to live from berlin. a deadly gas explosion in a residential neighborhood of nairobi at least 3 are dead and more than $200.00 injured after the blast, the gas refilling station will get the latest from on. i, roby correspond also coming out. the us sanctions is really settlers in the west bank saying violence against palestinian civilians. there has reached intolerable levels. so rare us move against is released as war rages in gaza. and after you liter sealed a major a deal for ukraine. i'll speak to a top you're printing and official on what it means to 50000000000 euro package with european member states approved or under overcoming hungary suggestions is
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designed to keep the ukrainian states working the hello. i'm terry martin. good to help you with this. at least 3 people have been killed in a gas explosion and fire in the canyon capital nairobi. according to the canyon, red cross, hundreds more, were injured. the government spokesperson said that the fire broke out around midnight after a truck loaded with gas canisters exploded. it then spread nearby homes and businesses firefighters. have since extinguished the blaze, and an investigation into the cause of the incident is under way of more on this. i'm joined now by our correspond it, felix and the ring in i rotates headaches. what more can you tell us about this devastating fire a fedex
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or are you with us? we speed you seem to have some problems connecting there with felix felix uh in the early can you hear me? this is terry martin in burly or perhaps will be able to come to will come back to felix later in the program. if we can get him anyway, let's move on to us present. joe biden, who is issued an executive order imposing sanctions on his really settlers in the occupied westbank after a wave of violence. measures include financial and travel restrictions on poor settlers accused of violent attacks on palestinians is rarely prime minister's office has criticized the sanctions calling them unnecessary and describing the vast majority of settlers as law abiding.
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earlier i spoke with dw is israel correspond to rebecca richards. she told us more about why the settlers have been singled out by the us for sanctions. i will tell you this 1st round and it should be said that it is an initial step and the door has been left open for more sanctions in the future. but this initial step focuses on full is riley set lives that have been involved or alleged to have been involved either directly or indirectly in a violent attacks in this uh, the occupied westbank. we believe that all foreign nationals, though, it's sort of a not in fact to us citizens of course and begging the question how effective the sanctions will be. we're not exactly clear as what exactly clear how many or whether they have an assets in the us. but the for a said to have been involved in various active violence including initiating and leading a riot in a palestinian village last year as where more at least more than $100.00 set was descended on the palace in palestinian village of hawaii torching homes and
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prophets he there at least one palestinian was killed in that attack. and now the was accused of assaulting palestinian farm is one, was accused of assaulting palestinians and is rarely active as in a village in the west bank. and a full of leading repeated attacks in his riley village is particularly better when villages and threatening move on. and so those people not leave the line, so the very serious acts that these people the alleged to be doing. but as i say, it is at this stage only for settlers where we have seen many more acts of violence falls short. i should add of putting sanctions on any is randy ministers. but there are reports, at least one report and us media saying that the administration was thinking about including 2 ministers, both themselves settlers in the a type of that shied away in the end. as i mentioned, the,
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the effectiveness of these sanctions is a question that will be being off just what the response from me is really government will be whether it will have any effect in stuff and set in as long as remains to be safe. but it does leave the door open this order for more sanctions on will pay for. should the alliance continue? now these are the 1st ever sanctions on israeli settlers by israel, big a satellite. what's behind this extraordinary decision by the us, rebecca? well, this comes, terry. at a time of increased set, the violence was suddenly saying that since the terror attack of october 7 and the subsequent war, even before october, terry was seeing a rise in setting the violence. and it was causing a huge risk between the is riley government and their allies, the us, particularly the bottom administration, coming down hard at least trying to discourage this kind of thing. putting a hardwood on the israeli government. this is the biggest move,
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the biggest step. it's being called historic by, by many here. of course they will be those that say it's not going far enough that it's not doing enough and that it's come to light. however, it is the most significant step we've seen by u. s. government, when it comes to set the violence in the history. so it comes on that backdrop, as i said. but in november we, we sold us administration, preparing full this to you as president joined by and saying that he calling on the administration to prepare this. we've been sol visa bands on some settlers, and now it's saying this final step. and as i say, it does leave the the door open for more to come. rebecca, thank you very much. our correspondent rebecca richards interest us says, is preparing to take significant action against militias that have carried out a tax on american targets for days the by the ministration has been hinting and strikes and retaliation for a drone attack on
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a remote us military base in northeastern jordan, known as power 223 american troops were killed in the incident on sunday defense secretary lloyd austin has said it's time to take further action against malicious, backed by iran that have attacked us forces on land. and at the scene in our outrage and sorrow. earlier i spoke with sol, ton a bar, a car to use a professor, a public policy. it counts our foundations. how am i been? khalifa university is also founding director of the center for conflict in humanitarian studies. at the don't institute for graduate study, so i asked him what his take is on us plans to strike around affiliated targets in iraq and syria. i think it's a little bit controversial in the sense that all the public statements are about avoiding escalation and avoiding spreading the complex to beyond. beyond garza but they actually, we'd be seeing ever since the 7th of october is really seeking escalation. i think
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uh the united states has got to be extremely careful not to be drawn into a day like confrontation where they're on, which as you know, is the main objective. one of them in objectives of not doing. yeah. and that then yeah. hope for was that 20 years has been advocating for a confrontation we did on ever since. the issue with your rock was settled, ac is not them as the arch enemy in the region. and i think the united states would be well advised to take a much more a central the calculated response to, to the recent attack. bravo is on the spreading for a year. and also going back with this, with a, with a wider campaign. and the way that the fit to keep in mind that they are allowing this riley's, at least turning a blind eye to the, is varieties attaching a man bases in syria and lebanon. so if you,
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if you allow these ladies to act beyond the boundaries of israel, you should really expect that everybody else in that region will feel that they are justified to also protect the interest and protect their security by acting preemptively. returning to our top story, now at least 3 people are dead in a gas explosion and fire in the canyon capital nairobi our correspondent felix my ring is in i robi, and joins us now of felix. what more can you tell us about this? devastating fire says it was completely devastating at night for people to wake up. we've alex below, so an in the neighborhood. so these a truck that was carrying liquefied petroleum gas that bought into flame it from the bottle fi and the bottle of fire ascribed into the neighboring community. there's also a gust cylinder that actually flew into the neighboring company that sells that
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bundle fox. those governments and it caught fire, the fire also spread to the new building policies. and people in there is visual area as well as sleep. by that time, while walking by the blast, a lot of people have sustained a very bad injuries. people had to bonds on their box, people's hands. why a bunch of dollars. some of them had their faces bonded out. so it is, it is actually very diverse facing and about 250 of them have been vast to the different hospitals within the capital. and the i received the receiving emergency treatment of cost, the fire firefights as why i would location. and they tried to put up the 5, but it, it took more than 2 hours to actually get to the fire. i had to actually put out the fire, so it was really bad. and right now, the police in the area, the, the residents. why in that area, how much of the being towards to evacuate the area?
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because ad they do not know whether they is much more gas that could be spreading. they. yeah. and people could just be sitting ducks. so this is still a volatile, dangerous situation. do authorities know felix, what exactly caused the explosion to begin with? so the government spots on, uh, stealing has said that this morning that it was a, uh, it was the truck that was carrying liquified petroleum gas that exploded and costs the fire. but iris one center has actually a couple months since uh, has actually been put in place for inquiries and for people to actually come in to anybody who has information has been told to get to the command center and inform the authorities of what could have transpired because they're still trying to patch things within that area. but as it stands, the official government position is that there was that truck busting to fi and the device stating fire across the bonds and multiple people i know inside and
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indifference hospital facilities. felix, thank you very much for bringing this up to date there. that was our correspondence . felix. my ring in nairobi. now you leaders have praised the passage of a new 50000000000 euro support package for ukraine. european council present, shaw. michelle said the 4 year deal would insure it long term predictable funding for ukraine after hungry as prime minister victory or bon finally dropped week's football position to the deal. ukraine has faced increasing uncertainty over 8 funding because of the political infighting in the you and the us or with me here in the studio is all her stuff. a nation. she is deputy prime minister for the european and euro atlantic integration of ukraine. as such, she's responsible for ukraine separation into both of you and nato. welcome to dw.
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good morning. let's begin with the breakthrough yesterday in brussels. uh, you leaders finally approved that 50000000000 euro package for ukraine. what does that mean for your country as well? that means a lot and so since a long list has a message to all ukrainian people, ukrainian medical workers sold shirts, so the social workers teach us that they will have the necessary payments that and do you grade in society, which has no signal that it will survive throughout the 4 years, because we're not only surviving through the war and fighting on the front line. there's a surgeon $1000030.00 plus 1000000 people which have to so i have to work on a daily basis. and those decisions vital this 50000000000 from, from europe for 4 years from new york in union. does that really going to be enough to cover all the needs for the financial needs for the country?
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because it must be extremely difficult keeping your war economy going while you're fighting a war against russia. sedation is different from 2002 and now the amount of necessary resources to god the budget shortages is much smaller. because we have typed in our, our conditions, all the revenues from national budgets are targeted to find the war and defend ourselves. so this resources are not enough. of course, we're waiting for the decision of the us administration, but it shows the commitment of your a to stand with ukraine. and i think it's more than than the written the resources, but financially we will be able to survive. but this resource as well hungry and even member state long opposed to this aid package for ukraine and was able to successfully block it for weeks and weeks in brussels. do you sense that support for ukraine within the european union and is diminishing so i don't stay so i don't
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think so. on the opposite, the ukraine has generally opened the window for the transformation of european union, and every member state is looking for its place. so that i just saw providence or, or button the coming through to be in the counsel in his di or fees. it's great and usually it's a bank or read. so which means that the transformation starts at and i think unfortunately you credit has to find the war 5 the war. but at the end of the day it will result in the stronger union united together. so color symbolism important there. talk to us about the trajectory of the war and how it's influencing ukraine's prospect sub joining. the u and nato ukraine's counter offensive against russia has stalled, by most accounts of russian forces or dog in on ukrainian territory. vladimir putin shows no sign of backing down is you or nato membership realistic
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under these circumstances. us. well, let us not forget that you, courage has securing the black sea corridor, which has one of the major military operations which will be part of the history. and you cannot say that the font is stuck. and now we're also a, a, a war in which you create test the, the new technology. so which means the front is not the way you send that over the 2nd world war. but on you, it's very clear. so all the decisions and commitment has been made, your credit is in the process and your friends administration is perfectly capable of delivering to you on that. on natal, the decision has been taken and when does that, you credible become a member of nato? and since then, all the decisions has been implemented. so i think that basically now the issue of the next step where they to invitation or i will have discussions in the chance story today, what could be? it's a, it's not that political, it's, it's a normal process and it's
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a perfectly legal solution which stumbled the commitment to military financial support to ukraine and persistence to the end of those war and the restoration of fees. so i think the angle of a discussions different now because 2 crimes membership to nato is vital for the allies. it's critical to the war in ukraine and not allow us to, to cross the native border and basically to secure the borders or european union. so you'd say that ukraine's e u. n. nato membership aspirations are on track. are perfectly sure. let's talk about your thoughts on, on ukraine's relations with the us. us clearly an important backer of ukraine in this war against russia. aid for ukraine is being blocked right now. in the us congress by republicans, and there's a good chance that donald trump will return to the white house as president after
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the election later this year. how concerning is that prospect for you? well, of course, your grand new sanctions are anxious about any potential dentures, which you delay the decisions on financial a military support because every decision directly affects ukrainian people. and some of the congress people told me that you come come play poker so so don't, don't distract us from the us. that's a, that's okay. this is the politics. we have to survive at any condition and we will survive at that new condition. but we're still see the situation probably would have to, to get to the total of sort to see that the decision is on this and it's on the surface. so i'm really happy that natal side jen installed number has been in the, in to see. and i guess the transfer of choices planning kids about it as well. i think this is a very important showing of solidarity, but you are a bas, done strong for each security, but u. s. role is still wide. so at this point,
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both us definition deputy prime minister for the european and euro atlantic integration of ukraine. thank you very much for talking with us here today. thank you. this india has recently announced plans to fence its border with myanmar to enhance security and hold the entry of refugees the moves paulo, an escalation of fighting inside me on mar, between various rebel groups and the military. since the 23 years ago, the u. n says over 75000 people have crossed into india to escape the conflict. just one state miss around in the northeast is playing host 2, nearly 19000 refugees from you on march in state. the sudden arrival of so many people has put the remote states medical infrastructure under pressure dw audio, but traveled to 0 co op tax district in these around state where he met a refugee doctor doing what he can to help others who flat
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on the edge of the india i'm in more bought uh, in the northeastern state. the music from dr. mout is making his re rounds in this makes shift. yeah. today he's checking on an incident suffering from a cold, but it's not the cold that what he's the mother. she's concerned about the left flip with which the child was born in this room. i suggest surgery and mrs operation has a high success rate and it's not dangerous, but she cannot afford it to ma was of if you're the doctor from me in mama, she was among the surgeons who are part of the civil disobedience moment. again, this, the middle to when the of the of the make the going to 2020, why i'm getting is the rest of the mile. select the country and soccer refuge in the indian state of missouri. to tell him contempt living there is not safe, adopted like me, my fellow doctors who stay bucking monument still under arrest. some of them are
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facing long jail sentences with many different charges. they are looking for me. if i were 10 and then i won't be safe. and so the rest of the doctors like mom, find themselves in the difficult position since it does not over refugee law, these doctors can neither receive asylum, no point employment. but despite not having an indian medical license, my was continuing to practicing in an official capacity to plead his fellow refugees on him, the refugee living here vulnerable to diseases. and in the past we have seen outbreaks. walter segmentation is paul with lots of being scammed and clean, and it also leads to the risk of decent treating other diseases. because we don't see it that the doctor doesn't just make house calls that the can fuel me goes away. dr. mile also runs this refugee killing
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every the hundreds of patients for in from the 6 nearby refugee camps in the border area. for the rest of the cheese, this clinic is the only place they can get treatment. it's run with donations made by the local needs of people and the services that most of the free and go to i may buy these refugees of witness to traumatic events back home. most of them need mental health treatment. it is not only medicines, but they also require counseling sessions for many patients. my was a hero my. we consulted him regularly and 22 adults with no high medical expenses. he's a blessing for refugees like me. like his patients, mama, 2 years, the one some conflict in the field often now being people done home. but
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despite his own, his worries off, he continues to politic brochure road for his people. for whiting the medical care that nobody else can. kasanya spring in cb lo love selling me here. she is a political analyst from missouri state in india. thanks for being with us. about the doctor we saw in our report there said he fled to india because he no longer felt safe and beyond bar after taking part in the civil disobedience. moving following the crew is that a common story? did the qu lead to more refugee arrivals in your state? thank you. i hope i'm on i'm or they will. yes, we can hear you as a or yeah. so martin, just to recap a bit on the number of refugees that have crossed the border into missouri. i'm seems to go crises of agreed to range between to one. um uh, approximately 425-0000 refugees have entered india uh to under missouri them.
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which is bordering jean state. um and um, just to uh, gratify um these items easton, 6 districts are bordering myanmar. a little, a 500 them understands boris mountain is border. this is where most of the refugees come inside india. and many of these were viewed geez, and they're the nearby villages and not necessarily the urban centers of missouri or only wants to other states in india. but they usually come to take refute and shelter, you know, due to intensified fighting between the when the army and the, the beauty of forces and the ethnic forces who are fighting against the uh, the, did the re establishment. so it is a very good one story of border crossing, even before the co crisis. border crossing has always been a good one feature in this region because of the board of nature. and also because
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of the ethnic kinship and relationships shared by the communities, leaving on both sides of the board after the cool breakouts as often to break out of the crises. many of this, of the teams in particular, many of the refugees who in the majority of the refugees were under missouri of june at mister t, who shared um the one on 5th street and lean age and go through the edition and even religion with them use those of them is around, so they find shelter within missouri and as you okay with it out, um, without the help of defender, the government has and the civil society at large, the 00s, i'm sorry, sorry, sorry to interrupt you. i was just, i just wanted to ask you about something you mentioned that border and that's a really important area where, you know, people are going back and forth understand that india has decided now to fence the border off. and it may even scrap the free movement agreement that allow these are
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free travel from both sides. how's that going to affect people? there are so yes, riley pointed out out the f m r a gene is and by the drill not to acknowledge the drug. this, you know, go to a, dies shared between the communities in these, what a region, and much of the bush to fence the border, the 16 border trick, unlimited or long international boundary between india and mar, i have come from the neighboring states, money poor because of the internal ethnic conflict between the cookies and the melodies in money for but largely from my perspective, the means around june state border, autumn is around me on my border. had always been more peaceful. so it is done border control zone. it has been a lot of a position from india was in the government itself. we got to read for dancing and up. yeah. right. sorry, i'm forever going. have to leave it there were just about out of time that was tv.
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a lot of us selling me a political analyst in india as you're watching the news. i'm terry martin. thanks for being with us. the
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business. what's new? we'll tell you the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use that for sure. yeah. and for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa next on d. w. $300000.00 children disappearing without a traits. a dark chapter for the catholic church. child abduction in spain.
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a policy initiated by dictator franco enter. read out fine guns and doctors until the 19 9th. the victims face a wall of silence. even today the 5 minutes on d w, the . 7 daniels in june. you belong to the 77 percent comfortable. i just got on 65 last last those top 5 years, 31115. we are here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so the topics i'm much up to you from couple fixed a new culture and in 15 minutes and that's part of our
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community life on the research is now on the business. the, the, the news i've got coming up on the program, stop the killing and see the needs demanding and to family side in tenure with us to see enough is enough. after hundreds of women and girls that killed by man to be sent to us, we speak to an honest, who says from his side it should be treated as even nationally imagined. also coming up 3 gentle let countries in west africa see the leaving the regions, economics and political block. the i q is that glass of neglecting is found in ideals and become any threats to men by states and the top 5 wrong themes of african football. how.


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