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tv   Child Abduction  Deutsche Welle  February 2, 2024 4:15pm-5:01pm CET

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makes a dw documentary on a dark chapter. the history of the catholic church house. thousands of children were taken from the mothers in spain and souls office. so just got the office from me and the team and many things for the name is the whole bag said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. as would it be nosy, bailey? good, everyone to kings. check out the award winning called com. so hold back the, this is the story that's l. lopez. just over 40 years ago, she gave birth to
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a child in imagery clinic. she should have seen one of the happiest moments of her life, but it turned out to be the worst. the guilt videos are to me that is the end of the booklet and that is the day. so yeah, i don't remember anything except to moment when the bus was already as if you don't to relo was leaning over me saying i'd give him bus 2 a daughter. but that she wasn't very well. so he wanted to have had baptized right away of the day. you see black level, i was still very hazy and said yes to everything that the charlotte already you know to then i left the delivery room with a non unreturned of it, like 2 with a baby old wrapped up in a towel. a baby says, i said give your child a case and i kissed the little face and it was freezing me. so i saw the whole bundle was ice, cold, the lady just them we for the i love that that the news
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. but the gap i found that's what i saw it x 2 hours later talk to villa, came back and told me my child was dead. instead of actually at the back home i sank into a deep depression. you did it one day, my husband came in with the newspaper and said, talk to villas, being arrested. someone reported him for baby trafficking, southern i believe he got a generalist, was investigating the photographer, found a frozen baby in the clinics, freezer and secretly took photos 8 this. yeah. look, yeah, yeah. you have. so i said to my husband for the blood, this is the child i was shown with o d u, and then i told him the whole story that either the okay, leather is has a be here. yeah, this is really good. that was a study of the ladies the
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the transfer, the for i to else a lopez is not an isolated case. around 300000 women in spain have had the children stolen only in the past 10 to 15 years has the full scale of the crime come to light. since then mothers have been looking for the children and children, so they're both parents. but this is proving extremely difficult because most of the evidence has been covered up the the, the origins of the child safety can be traced back to the 19th. thirty's, spain was a backward, impoverished, conservative country. at the time. 1931 new democratic elections were
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a source of high hopes, the but soon general frank coast right, we military forces states, the crew against the young republic risk civil war ensued with hundreds of thousands of dance. the general franco emerged victorious in 1939 and subsequently ruled with the insist about 500000 political opponents, ended up in prison. among them many women who would vote for the republic. they brought the instance with them to prison, but the children would never registered, which left them dangerously vulnerable, the it'll come and then the by the, when i filled out for them into like every step in 10 to the ideological basis for the kidnapping of children was provided by the military psychiatrist via so not
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correct enough for him left us ideas were a kind of mental illness that are sort of is crucial to prevent the babies from feeding on the milk is coming that some of the democratization of the country have caused the to generation and the spanish race in order to regenerate that, the children of the red so have to be removed from the influence of their parents any one of the above all from the influence of their mother's phenomenon. the female in general, had a tendency towards perversity evil, a tendency that was only intensified when women interfered in politics. they don't, as was frequently the case in the republican comment after they said that if you upset, develop the this, this frank coast justification no phone. lisa motoring and then presenting dissenters, but also to taking away the children. according to google, if you haven't know, could easily is get better media and effectively thought like getting a 1940. they even created laws to save the children of republican parents. this is
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the, this was that before you provided a legal veneer for taking children from their parents and revoking parental custody cell. and it was at the age of 3 years, the children of imprisoned women were collected from the prison by soldiers with no explanation of i'm taken to convince or church homeless for re education. and i think i already hear some of you. i think there's an opportunity of yeah, the re calvin uses research has revealed that by the end of the 1940s, some 30000 children had been abducted from the parents for political reasons. and given under full names to couples loyal to the regime or placed in homes. ready ready according to virginia's, the church was a willing partner and frank coast painted with increasing privileges list yet
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knowing was all thanks, vaguely cl, either or principle to say the catholic church collaborated with frank goes dictatorship is inaccurate. 71 easily say the catholic church was the hearts of franco, isn't very niche. was frank with them. and i'm just seeing if he could, frankly, wisdom could not have existed without the catholic church for the ownership of these. but the church sees the reason to apologize to their stay. it hasn't bunched an inch on time request for the truth. i just don't want to navigate it because i could have another except the 1945, franco, who described himself as a 70 loyal son of the church, declared catholicism to be the official state religion. the agreements granted, the church control over the education and health sect is now
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and nothing stood in the way of the re education and the legal adoption of red children from the fifty's on which the political rational was no longer necessary. by then, franco had spain. suddenly, in his grief the abduction of children now developed into a business model involving doctors, lawyers, and above all, the catholic church. childless couples the there ought most to present themselves as a good family. a baby cost about as much as a condominium, while adoptive parents were led to believe that the bus mother did not want the child, the unmarried
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pregnant women were brand, it is full and goes for prostitutes as punishment. they was sent to church homes where they were forced to do back breaking work for no pay. these homes were controlled by a state institution run by franco his wife one such home was pena grundy. on the outskirts of madrid. now a modern school, nothing recalls the disappearance of hundreds of newborns there up until the early 19 eighties. however, old footage shows how things were back then. dolores gomez writes and impregnated by her own father when she was 15, also remembers when the goddess nobody made okay, they put it once on. i'm to say that the she's supposed to be in when you arrived and your grand a as a pregnant young go. the nuns didn't ask how long you, but rather what happened. do you want to keep the child or give it up for adoption syrup?
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and so i was good in that moment. i don't think any of us that even thought about the question, guess we were still getting used to on you invited your boss. notice that hard, but they didn't let how they kept questioning till they had you stuff. don't this? uh huh. to install. this is a young, single go know family in the background, which means no one will ask questions and the case if in the don't forget about the bottom. i didn't even after that, they would just, i'm relenting from what i can do that's give your child up for adoption. and it can grow up in a good christian family as god will, and some of this month to know what to say to you and be able to raise the child any way to know what's happening. you know, was anything if you're enough space. i said, i know that was so brutal, this yak, i believe it has the
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the also consuelo go see. adel said was one of the 1st to take a close look at child trafficking and penny a grunting through facebook. she contacted women who were in turns there and recorded the stories. a separate issue in it. i just have what a stylus the and no food might run into this stuff in a pro. it's how it was in the human what the game tonight. the nuns even took advantage of the women's name of painters. they left the pregnant woman alone in a room, a cold, and they div sorrows. and when the pain got on bearable, they came with the adoption paper and said, well have your baby adopted sign now see the sign now to mail it out. and if not doing what they do often say, you know, maybe has to be incubated. it's very civic, so that i looked at the incubators with one flora, and after 2 days they tell you, your child has died in your some way and said, yeah, those, those be attending them with them. but these children were not dead if they've been
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given up for adoption either or not. of the young, who the elsa lopez's child, was also pronounced dead in him, a treat maternity hospital and allegedly buried the same day without her the mother being committed to attend the funeral. some women who'd been told similar lives have since had the graves of their allegedly dead children opened and found them empty medicaid on the lucky you about the time they told me at the clinic. so they'd vary to my child here in a mood in a symmetry maker when he got, but it was an eye,
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as i realized, like toby, of the to another. and this and use, of course i went to the cemetery administration, but they didn't know anything in those data. but much later after further inquiries, they claimed today that i read the remains of the corpse and an anonymous mass grave. this was the custom when no one came forward within 10 years. this year i filed a cool complaint and also took it to the police or they got their response then was to say that they did inform me of everything at the time. and that got them been of yes, yes. and i still don't even know where this alleged mass grave is supposed to be. and i mean, just that like in rough or 2nd, why or the cover ups? why the silence for continues to this day spines, bloodless transition from dictatorship to democracy came at a high price, says both as the throne he was once feigns, most famous judge,
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prosecuting crimes against humanity. the will doza internationally reviewed and nominated for the nobel peace prize. gallstones failed in his own country. in 2000 and nights, he was the 1st day of prosecute the crimes of the franco dictatorship in spain, including the 5th of 30000 children from republican parents. these investigations prompted an accusation of abuse of office on grounds of his violating the 1977 m. s. d little the guaranteed impunity for post perpetrate has no further charge heard by the supreme court which met with public protest and intense media interest. he was removed from office and banned from practicing his profession for 11 years. and what is the thought of one though? they already committed when franco died, theoretically,
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it could have meant the end of repression. but in reality, nothing changed. the video shouldn't be no robert. yeah, a democratic reckoning. yeah, but it's always responsible. so frank coast regime should have been held accountable for their abuses. but that didn't happen. somebody to go on through the hosting's here in the spanish judiciary, close that eyes to it all. it was the same judges as during franco's arizola nice. there was no transparency whatsoever, but as you saw that it wasn't even a symbolic break with a dictatorship. it was and is a positive sign. and that's why the spanish state hasn't investigated the kidnapping of children. well, the other crimes of the franco era, even though they are all crimes against humanity, and so the franco dictatorship, which lasted almost 40 years, continues to shape the country to this day. since gallstones allister argentina has
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tried to continue his work, the victims of baby snatching to enjoying a lawsuit in the odds and teeny and coolants against the perpetrators of franco isn't a glimmer of hope. as the lopez often meets up with fellow suffer is that common fight unites them feel. navarro is also still looking for her daughter and christina moore, i show for her son in law, courteously that works at it. if i so going to get it. yeah. how's the little susie notion, tina going p e leslie forest k 0 at the info. there's a total stand to let the moment a conflict on the horses. the spanish authorities are still refusing to cooperate with the argentine in judiciary. april official cas, yes. have you. we've tried everything they will not gone to the highest court as of days to see on, but nothing has come of it. given that so that i spit on 2nd most then yes,
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it sad hopes that come to nothing in this though, so many of those as well. by the way, i've had a genetic test done in the us, it's been feeling at any the genetic test in the us increases the chance of finding relatives because the u. s. has the world's launch is databases of genetic profiles, but comparison, these matching process really occurs in spanish and the bar trees. flatow is key, is that my you or the other? no, that's why the majority of us has the dna tests done in the us army. the con, no human, which we also distrust with the genetic look bar trees in this country. komatsu, they're always strange things happening. we still like it says the test is negative one. in fact, it is positive. didn't this things like that down come via the 1st week of october, the 30th communal florida level that thought you get for it up. and there's 2 new state run dna lab for us in spain for us that that,
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that we've been austin phone for a long time now. so and then, and we don't trust the private lab rather back in because we know that many of them are connected to ultra conservative clerical or political cycle. yeah. con level or somebody else who is certainly not interested in bringing the crimes of the friend to era to long because of our ticket at the bottom. so that they study gabby to understand the delta a villa is considered one of the key figures in the nationwide network of baby traffic is you know, the 1000 cases victim's name team and he's the assistant system. maria from the order of the daughters of charity as the perpetrators. despite being reported dozens of times, dr. villa continued to work with impunity. in 2018
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challenges were finally brought against him. in one single case, as reported by the spanish press, the 85 year old appeared in court for the oral hearing, where he stated for the record, but he couldn't remember anything. is the next day the trial was suspended due to the defendant's health problems. 5 months later, villa was found guilty, but was acquitted to, to the statute of limitations for the crime. in 2019, he died. many spanish knowns were involved in the baby snatching. but system maria. dr. villas, right hand woman, was the alleged main perpetrator. yet she too was not charged until 2 cases in 2012 of the non by then in her late eighty's refuse to testify. shortly before a new trial date, the order announced that she had died suddenly and had already been buried.
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why did the order only announce system, maria's pausing after she had allegedly been quietly buried wise and ex you mation as demanded by victims groups still the 9 to this day in 2015 it emerged. the 2 different death certificates exist, the original signed by the physician, doctor beto co has a different sequence of digits than the copy. oddly enough, dr. barrow county was not even the attending physician. however, his father was a friend of dr. villa system, maria's former pulse since our interview request was denied, we visited a doctor barrow call at home. how does he explain the different death certificates?
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however, he was not up to talking at the registry office. the different number sequences coolest. pressed on the shipment. or get out the channel. i mean, it didn't mean to the head of the department promised to look into the mask that she would email us in a week at the latest. but despite several follow up inquiries, we received no answer, no st. kiddos. finally, we searched for the grave of the daughter of charity in the sand whose those symmetry and madrid with system. maria is purportedly buried are officially the symmetry of thores. these are not allowed to tell any one with the grave is located . the religious order does not meet at last, but not least, we visited the order of the daughters of charity. although they too refused us an
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official interview. a short conversation ensued. a sister died. we don't give statements, no comment to whoever lives on to ashamed of what sister maria did know why a sister did what she had to do. we love her as she is, she did her job well. the common del mazda was also once a no. and then the order of the daughters of charity on sundays, she often help system. maria, at the o'donnell clinic and was surprised that the flow where the incubators were located was always closed off on that day. no one was gone to the entry, only lights or did she find out that babies was sold there on sundays the i store and love to forge, don't human answered,
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although i also so women coming into the clinic with a pin, i want to the addresses and then walking out with a baby in there around the study that i'm not accusing all of assist this from the former order, but those who participate. i'm not accusing all of assistance from the former order, but those who participated in these crimes must be punished by the state justice system notes by the judge in york. i want to touch the guy deals. i wanted to help people. yeah. so i became a none of the me, but i gradually realized how intolerant the church was. that it was on this side of the power notes on this side of the pool, the whatever, the level of the what does the official church in spain say to the accusations? what does it think about the baby theft? we ask whole set, shall vieira communications director of the episcopal when i jump it. okay. no
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support actively it at least i've got to look. i don't think you can say the catholic church was involved in the baby's taft. yet it hasn't been confirmed by any court decision or otherwise. there were some perpetrators who may have been associated with the church, who worked in church institutions for setting up the church as an institution has nothing to do with the baby steps. it's individuals who acted on their own initiative, not to blame the church as an institution. it's kind of outrage of simple in fun thing about a family, you know. so could someone like system, maria, have been selling children for years without her own and knowing a balance it but i so such an accusation would have to be substantiated in court. the court would then have to decide whether an institution should be prosecute because it has knowledge of certain actions of its members for that either you and there, i can determine that. so not a problem was that the 20 you, the
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madrid's hospital district was a center of the baby abductions up until the 19 ninety's. there were thousands of cases kia alone in spain as a whole. close to 20000 cases have been reported in the last 15 years. move and 90 percent of the cases have been shelved the rest and making little progress. it's a matter of too many falls leads into little interest on the part of the judiciary . says journalist marie jose, as this will prove it to years. she's been trying to track down the truth. doing this. the guy though, who run through the assign yourself to say in the course of my 10 years of research shows, i discovered numerous sports papers that prove the baby abduction in a movie. one example is a document where a clinic doctor gave the cause of death to several babies as a title,
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which is upset because of tied to is a homeless even fiction because the on the but on sundays, according to the doctors, the signature 5 children died from a title in the us, the numbers even when top is especially before christmas and around the tiffany. because the demand for babies was particularly high that elizabeth is a bus out on a finding. the babies were popular christmas gift low spots, because if the family wanted to be socially acceptable in those days, they had to have children. they specify because e, england, and there's a couple couldn't have children is their own that lessons. and they just went and bought one, though they called most cnn kid, a lot of stuff for us because it was positive. it's this, i felt that in this piece of the catholic church clearly supported these practices . for example, i discovered a pre black to explaining to a couple exactly how to proceed from selecting the baby of the mentality hospitals . do you want me to picking it out and registering it? does that?
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do you want to say we're making noise is to you whether it was spain, ireland, australia, sheila, or origin, tina, the catholic church was always involved in babies matching. how could it has come to this feeling like well, that means when religion makes it packed with the powerful, it gets rewarded with privileges and becomes and tolerance, entire guns and religion is an instrument of power. of course the happy movements in the catholic church that of trying to break the pattern. for example, liberation, theology invites in america and also some clergy in this country. but there's still that other very dock side of the charge that prevents the truth coming out. yeah, it's round to itself in silence and it's got away with it to that to this very day . and then to evening.
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although, according to a recent survey, bailey 19 percent of the spanish population are still practicing catholics. the power of the church exhibits on its block is still strong today. a promise sometimes drew an ex priest from the okay. attributes piece primarily to the churches ambiguous, sexual morality. and when they put together as other sites, the only send that really accounts for the church is facts. yeah. by declaring sex the same so you can dominate the faithful, whatever we have the homeless on tundra you was raped as a child by a priest. when he disclosed the abuse, the bishop rebuked him. he was the senior. he'd seduced the priest. but for some time dre you, it's about more than his personal experiences. he's particularly disgusted by the church as involvement in the baby abductions that too could only work. he believes
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because the nuns were trapped in a sexually hostile system, like listening opinion. like once you hear that very true, you see the piece of his day the church believes that they were doing good to meet the 50000 non took away a woman's baby because in a non size, an unmarried woman was a prostitute and not fit to be a mother knew, so she was saving the child by giving it to affluent christian people. that was a belief. yes, that is like what? the for the institution is, the church, the baby trade was a profitable business. but for the individual, none, it had nothing to do with money. i'm ok, the little guy. what about what if he made the money she received for the sale of the children was not as important as she took it straight to the mother superior look, you know, if you want to, we know for a non, when you don't give her money,
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would you give her a pilot, it shows her the keys to the delivery room or the keys to a pallet. well that that's how you get out on your side. but i didn't that feeling them for that the or perhaps some, nothing's going stuck in that kind of treadmill. the demand for children kept increasing. collateral inc, gosh, with those kinds of crazy. and it says 2 or 3 cases they could suddenly have told themselves, we'll say this child won't me, but as time went on, the demand to multiply the level at some point, the non wasn't concerned with them saving a child. but with getting the job done and what kind of looking good in front of her boss, the doctor, and also the doctor's wife, who needed a child and i'm gonna call the wife at the kennel general. at 1st, she was supposed to procure a child. maybe once a year, but then once a month, they to once a week or new and maybe eventually every day. yeah,
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keep this out or by the church. she's silence on the matter and keeps its archives closed. and the victims lancaster on united movement to force clarification that such as he has he and there's, but i only said that it's a mess. yes. it's really a problem that we didn't join forces and they were just too many victim groups guessing folks down in problems and petty jealousies. to that it brings a bill. what we need is one strongly agree with one or 2, no is or no that would get the publicity we need. there's a must have the data. nothing must be unless of course the sinus he has forgotten office case and the government say that this is so lovely editors that he had a seat in most his title in congress on those who novel. we have been to congress in bones the senate come get him already promised his promises by sunday, but nothing happened. okay, but then then they said basically waiting for us to give up for dying. moody and
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almost at a loss of mothers have died in the meantime. e, the greatest too, of course k, i need to expose go daily to support it always more. oh no, margaret, when the 5th mother who's lost a child's thoughts campaigning for the truth. she went stone, you know, she caught up in the and so we'll continue to, we've done most of talking no more than the, the solid dod luca delgado who's looking for her twin brother as also being campaigning . so many years, she found that a victim support group and is the press spokes person for the joint action lawsuit, the knowledge and tina. and perhaps most importantly, she introduced a bill in the spanish parliament that requires the state to recognize child abduction as a crime against humanity. absolutely. it's an absolutely
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crucial law for the victims of baby snatching because it would finally compel the state to search for the dissipate children to deal with the individual cases and to bring the culprit to justice. specifically, we demand 1st and foremost, the opening of the archives, the state, and probably basically that is because it's the specialty that i'm asking for in the case of private all kinds. we're particularly interested in the archives of the catholic church, which is being hermetically sealed to this day. it's imperative that the church finally opens these archives and make schools irrelevant him to make chanel testable. not only so that the victims can learn the truth, but it also says that they can finally conduct research into their own respective cases of the, in $1000.00. we are not asking for money for the need on any kind of compensation. lo, nick, okay, the only thing we're asking for is psychological and medical health, but as a donation to help civic tennessee mass made,
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but it comes up to 50 and i live that i made the se on now. in barcelona, we need gonzalo present who has been searching for his biological routes for over 20 years. he's lost faith in the goodwill of politics. negligent for sure. even if the church were legally obliged to open its archives to take immediate legal action, the years would pass before anything actually happens english. i know it goes most cases of infant abduction followed a similar pass and involving doctor's nuns and nurseries. in barcelona, there was an additional prophet to you here until the 1970s shall steps the care. us ran an ultra catholic relief organization that offered young single pregnant women apartments extensively as a retreat to hide. the shame from the public on the garris also took care of all
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the women's medical arrangements from hospitalization to delivery. once the child was born, the business operation began. according to investigations, find the public prosecutor's office. around 2000 newborns was sold by shall, safety, care, us. desperate unmarried. young mothers with coaxed and co worst into giving up their babies. all the infants were declared, still borne by medical accomplices, consolidate posts, and he's one of the stolen children. his mother had died and his father was suffering from dementia. when he 1st sold the documents that showed something was wrong. in his birth certificate, the crucial entry was missing the name of his parents, the english. they actually discovered fairly quickly that i hadn't even be legally adopted,
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which sold by figueroa. so that's a huge difference. of course, i can logically sort of the introduce the documents to his perception of a happy childhood. and he trying to get more information once we get our us. who was this man? a form a keeps going up. he quickly worked his way up through to the highest church circles before handing over a child to adoptive parents. pierre us 1st had them to what cost with him on christian child rearing. and the babies had to be baptized. it all happened here in the rectory and in the poorest seem a concepcion church, a nickel named tenant populations, a new and assessing dice theater used to discover more about my birth. i went to the nuns who worked with joseph vigorous from 1967 to 1974. and they told me
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a little shot i that's very difficult to find out anything. yeah. because there was a big flood that destroyed all the archives. we think about how to put a whole bunch on the other option. we'll just kind of try it again a week later. but i and, and i forgot about it. and they told me that there being a fire years ago, which had destroyed all the document, photo 9 and nothing. you got a yellow one. i didn't call not that, that's a possibility. appleautomotive say, oh my gosh, i don't think would probably be of tells me beautiful. aquino, it's going to be for maybe an earthquake chest that i'd be swallowing up all the documents and even the stuff properties we visit the religious order, which has been linked to instant adoptions on numerous occasions to old nuns welcome us. but when we say we journalists stay, a friendly smiles fade that was a long time ago. it was in the eighty's in some hospitals,
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but it has nothing to do with us to come with at this, we are tired of talking about this subject. you gen lists, claims, things that are not true. i'm sorry if it sounds well god. but the more you deal with shit when the more it starts, just leave me much. what i mean. we also meet a notary who signed for the adoption papers put together as at the time. what does he have to say about people still searching in vain for their identity? what do you mean those consent and go to the residence registration office in boston? lona at any time and ask for that bus certificate to get it immediately, that's nothing to hide. but those concerns present, it's quite different. maybe the goals stop it. they just want to melted, but what? it's what? so they say they stole me. so there's nothing behind it, or there's nothing new to their or
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the consolidate posts and he's well acquainted with all the lines and cover ups and emotion stuff going on, get into effect is not a single document has been handed over and nobody and commits to knowing anything about us, on the contrary, they are all to leave things active for the better. good. for me personally, i've given a copay that i keep going, especially for my daughter. so she'll know one day where she comes from school, she had to draw a family tree. the top of the tree was empty. probably even, i mean the why the into spine told the promises because the church not opened, it's all kinds to these day. ended up, you know, said to us about going to a does have to lose the subsidy, was the last nothing is due to of these children actually stored mainly in the
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archives of public institutions. for instance, in the archives after maternity awards and clinics where the babies were born and then stone and the church archives. on the other hand, step up to small registers that to you, they never stored such data except they're only interested in the religious side of a person. nothing would be noted that could give any indication of a child's origins. no story about his own registers or not a suitable means of finding out where this child comes from. what there's a stone or not some sense. yeah, they listen to me though they sending you. oh, see, i see the know the amnesty international disagrees with these statements. and points out the church. all kinds do have documents that could help victims in this search. the clues after old, the majority of maternity clinics and maternity himes on the church management touring the franco era. only a few mothers and children have found each other. but even this disappointment is
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often inevitable if expectations are too high, or the your in the way less petty is here. i once don't, i had found my daughter when there was quite to match me are the same clinic and madrid my the same day to best i miss must be bad. and so we had to dna testing. and i mean, but unfortunately the result was negative for not again our phone tie for an ideal . i s a w really drunk winter on me in and even if i were to find my son today to that, and it's might not be the dream ending with autoplay, but he wouldn't want to know anything about mandel, e x would be terrible. i mean, hires me so they told me it was going to apologize. me whole issue is that even the, of course you have to know your expectations of this child is now in idaho civil
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most 40. yes. perhaps shaped by influence is you wouldn't like, what is that just got a warranty? the hosting of the year. that's good for the expect that the best basically i no longer believe all that's assigned to my door so that the other thing is it was in the other hands. i often think what it is, this child is happy with her adoptive parents. why should i bring her back into my wealth? yes, either for at least when i want to my child to know, i know that i didn't give her away and i wasn't to prostitute or any ghost. as i said, it feels like any that she was stolen from me thinking and this i never stopped loving. how would that be with this? but it did it. was that what do you have with anything else? is a 9? what is the, to the tech a they who are they get it, and that's all i care about and say the solution is they'd be there in that. and i don't that in throw hazel's leave, but of time it's so late in the,
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the, the, to the points. strong opinions, clear position, international perspective. hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets in germany. are right. and yet the country's biggest bar right party is seen record numbers of members and border supports on to the point we ask. defiance can turn, can mass protest stop to the point in 30 minutes. and d, w 8 is by 5. i free man
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is confident bursting with creativity. needs to design is and cultural icons aspartame life. so add a comics as diverse and exciting as the content into itself. is pretty back in 90 minutes. on d w a we say they're never giving up every weekend on d w. the,
5:00 pm
[000:00:00;00] the this is the, the news live from barely ukraine's fight back against russia at the un. top costs can proceed. the international court of justice, this, it will roll on pots. so a few frames case over russia's invasion, nearly 2 years ago. also coming off, as well as military prepares to move its offensive closer to the egyptian border. more than half of gauze as population is taking shelter and the devastating explosion in canada as capital nairobi at least 3 beds and hundreds injured. as
5:01 pm
a truck loaded with gas sets open in front of at


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