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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 2, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm CET

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the, the, this is definitely new is life and by then a breakthrough for you crying to video and 12 quotes. the international court of justice says a con, here keeps case. and i disagree with, with russia over claim of genocide. also on the program is rivals military for past move, it's offensive south towards the egyptian border and more than half of cost this population is taking shelter. can use capital dropped by devastating explosion at least 3. get that and 100 pages of the truck loaded with gas sets off on a photo as a side to side is operating illegally and dw talks to the value capacitance
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feeling for the future. almost 6 months after 5 is destroyed that homes on the hawaiian islands and he is still homeless and here they may be forced to leave the i'm so glad you're welcome to the program that you and stop quotes has cleared the way to here claims brought by ukraine opened a russian accusation of genocide, international courts of justice in the hey, because it does have 2 restrictions here. thoughts of ukraine's case he's made the argument is that direction of falsely accused to creative genocide in order to justify some phases of february 2022 russia and to credit the previously. each of the objects of correspond to interesting ones are in brussels, told us more about what this ruling means. this is
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a victory for ukraine because this is effectively the court responding to russia's case that ukraine didn't have a case in this matter. so as you were pointing out, showed the offset the invasion ukraine filed a case against russia at the international court of justice saying that russia had in the states contravene the genocide treaty, not by engaging but by using accusations of genocide suggests, defy the invasion. you will remember that one of the reasons letting me of whose incisive full rest is impatient of the plan was that ukraine was committing genocide in east and ukraine. so last, yeah, lloyd is full. the, the government in russia, a pro size, the j telling the i c j that one there was a lot of floors and ukraine, some even arguments, but also that the court did not have jurisdiction of this match, as the court has come back today to say that indeed, it does have jurisdiction on parts of this case. and so we all going to be hearing
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ukraine making its case in the months to come. i'll point out that this is also a victory for ukraine's western allies who, who supported ukraine's case, who made formal submissions to the i c, j. a saying that the case should go ahead. it's christine mcguire, a brussels. let's go straight to the credit capital and join nick connelly. welcome . next. how is this ruling being received about in case obviously, there is a huge amount or all can detail here and lots complex. in this case. it is being welcomed, obviously that the i c j is going to deal with this case is going to look into this . but there are, it has to be said, lots of things that ukraine wants to look at, which they say they don't have the jurisdiction for just the last few days. lots of ukraine complaints about russian recognition of these break away republics that have since been incorporated into russia, at least under russians, low a minority rights and crime,
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a lots of things with the i. c j says that is not our matcher. so it is a victory, yes, and longer term, it could end up with ukraine having that recognition from the i c j that it did not commit genocide, gates, russian speaking ukrainians, and east of the country. something that then could be used to in kind of international negotiations when some kind of settlement comes to this rule. but it is a long way off, and it is a sort of small, kind of chink of light in there kind of broad, a picture which isn't too kind of rosy. can you create at the moment it has to be said though, that this case isn't being what's with the same intensity here in ukraine as what was the case. for instance, over the cause a case brought against israel by south africa. it is one of many cases that ukraine has against russia in parallel, in different uh, different jurisdictions, different platforms all about trying to force russia to explain itself to potentially get reparations to allow ukraine to get access to those hundreds of billions of yours worth of russian assets are frozen across the world,
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but it has to be that this is for a very complex and very multifaceted effort which so far hasn't brought complete results. give i so that nick, nick connolly and k that is conflict in guys that way i feel is the growing of a new is randy assaults on the south of the strip israel's military. i suggested it and a half times to advance that towards raffle close to the gyptian border. you and says rafa has become a pressure of despair and others try con con you nice in southern gaza. an explosion followed by gunshots since people are running for their lives. colombia, danger and bombardments are coming from old direction. con, you niece has again become the focus of israeli air strikes. its infrastructure has been severely damaged. thousands more displaced gallons,
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a once more fleeing to rough, up for the south, on the border with egypt. and already overcrowded reason days, thousands of palestinians have continued to free to the south, which is already hosting a hostile gas. us population of some 2300000 people most are living in, make shift structures tense or out in the open, proffers a pressure of despair. and we feel for what comes next. then you arrivals in rough, rely on food handouts provided by so many to or in groups or the nation centers like this one. a workers can only feed a small number of displaced and that's what we're doing our best to distribute as much as we can. little so that as many of the displaced as possible can get food free on the thoughts. so yes, the firearms,
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thousands of decent place people in rafa. and we can't serve the mo, the another be. everyone here is helping the latest attempt to secure i sees fire will be off straight to jerry so that we can join that correspondence. rebecca, better as welcome. rebecca, let's start with the latest on the is really offensive and gosh, or hey, will fail. israel has been continuing its campaign in the south, specifically around hon. eunice as you would just hearing in that report on you. this has been a focus of the as rarely, military for some weeks. now they say it is a hot bed of hamas terror terrorist as they call them it's. they say that there are a lot of hamas leaders. they're hiding on the ground that they're come on centers of their manufacturing sides launch pads. so they're really been focusing on they
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both ariel bombardments and also the ground offensive. that's well, they're still fighting going on in the central and northern parts of the strip. and this all comes despite the fact that israel said a few weeks ago that it was going to be winding back uh its this phase or i should say moving into the next phase. is it more targeted phase and moving away from this continuous, bombardments and really look quite large ground offensive into the next phase? it would be more targeted as i just said a that's a bane at the urging of the us. but as we can see from that report that, that hasn't been happening uh, the master on health ministry reported more than a 100. that's a kick of the people that we killed overnight in the last 24 hour period. that is, of course, expected to rise again tomorrow and as you heard, the, the defense minister is ready, defense ministers saying that they are going to push to the south targeting that rafa border region that rest of the southernmost city. where of course,
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one of the half of the population of gauze and more than 1000000 people are now trying to shelter, trying to stay away from the west of the finding. really not clear where those people will go. many of them having already evacuated some several times from the knolls to the center to the south tub to the very south, down there in rafa. and really running out of places to go. right. and the lights are still negotiations between israel and a mass about the potential cx, 5 or yeah, that has been some cautious optimism, particularly coming from the guitar is now they're playing a very large role in these negotiations as they did with the, with the piece or the this of ceasefire that was, that happened in november. they had a very big role in that as well. now we heard from the kentucky foreign minister or the spokes person saying that the people could be cautiously optimistic that something might happen in a couple of weeks. so it's still too early to say just whether that will come to
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fruition and when and where we say the negotiations continue as they do, we saw something very similar before that november deal was struck as well. they things went up, things went down, it looked positive one minute and not so positive the next. so it's really hard to tell when something might happen. most still they say going over the proposal, it does look like the as randy's have already come to some agreement, but that i'm us haven't yet agreed to the dealer man. now putting on the table that they want some very high level people to be released from his reading prisons. whether or not israel would agree to such a measure at really remains to be same. feel so that do you hurtful cautious optimism, as i said, but still could be some weeks away. okay, thank you for that. rebecca versus insurance. a quick look at some old stories from around the world. the city and state media say i'm in radian, military advisor has been killed and i just ran the s drive on a sub of,
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of damascus. israel has escalated its attacks in serious sense. the start of the war and gaza, a ship carrying live stuff is returned to us trailer after being stuffed some weeks by the crisis in the red sea. and these riley own fast will set off from free mantle in january, it's not been orders to back because of the amount of time the tax party cameron's booth event. the 2nd climate activist aggressive turnbook has been increase. it's a court case over a protest she was charged in london with breaching public order outside and toil and gas conference. last year. she pleaded not guilty in the judge room, but she had no case to answer. at least 3 people have been killed and hundreds injured in a giant explosion in kenya. it happened as a gas ponds in the capital, nairobi we to a hard to say, i've been operating illegally. the blast sparked fires which spread quickly destroying nearby homes and businesses of forcing locals to move to safety. a
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massive gas explosion need hundreds of homes. minutes later, 5 fight does i battling to contain the region please? a truck loaded with gas near the residential area and the deck stated warehouse exploded. they've density still create the fire spread homes. gars shops have only been burned down just before midnight. hundreds of presidents lead to safety. some couldn't make it. the fight has left many injured make you to an advisor. give me a go on the button, exploding gas cylinder as i was trying to escape when it exploded right in front of me and the impact knocked me down. the flames engulfed me. i'm lucky that i was strong enough to get away because you've been
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a bunch of so and when i go to outside a phone, fire and they will stop. it was like, it was a must to fire and it was so, but it was monday experience and i couldn't seem imagine. so i saw people. i mean i'm my dozen children the they had small maybe is cutting. i so goes and most of lead the stomach use the twitter piece of negligence. i think it to the legal guest, siphoning dep. uh we usually see trucks driving in and out and it's been going on for quite some time. you know, many of the properties have been done the ashes, the porter does have secured the block, seen an investigation into the incident has already begun. let's get both of our correspondents, edith kamani in nairobi. welcome to what's being said about the cost of this explosion. very nipple is being said at the moment,
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all we know is that this truck, which was loaded with liquefied petroleum gas, exploded inside the compound of this feeling time, but investigations us. what exactly cause it to it's fluid have quantity just begun and we expect to hear some more specific using the coming days. but there are more questions that have come out as a result of this, the biggest one, b, y, was allowed to operate in the destiny for police and a residential area. well, as it turns out, the regulator says that it had been demolished at least twice. and the owner had slipped a license to prove, accept business, at least 3 times. and all 3 times he was rejected due to a safety concerns. now the owner is 2 out of lodge. nobody knows where he is, but the sofa, one person has been arrested. who is the security guard? who was minding the place, so death, a casualties. people have lost the houses all their belongings. what a far as he's doing to help him at the moment they a temporary,
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safe house that has been erected, particularly for women and children in an english on center. this is rather temporary and the essential needs are going to be provided, including psycho social support. but in the long time, the deputy presidents visited the site today saying that he would help people who had lost their businesses to get back on their feet. what exactly that means is yet to be determined, and those who are seeking medical help will, the bills have been waived, but by the county governments. so there is a little bit of support coming up, but for most people they just want to know why it's happened and they've done a seeking justice. thanks for that, dw is edith kamani in nairobi. here in germany the far right half the policy has been gaining momentum of the recent months. but a new poll indicates a slight weakening of support. nationwide, riley is against extremism, a broad tens of thousands onto the streets for weeks, jim, and zip in protesting in the 10s of thousands against the rise of the fall,
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right? people from different political backgrounds who will agree on one thing. the extreme right is a threat to german is democracy and it must be stopped. the latest in for testing that poll shows 72 percent of germans think these demonstrations of a useful purpose. it also makes clear 2 thirds believe the f. d, alternative for germany, policy is up for rights organization, something the f d do nice of us. one of these is me personally, is that the young people are now coming out. no doubt they had their opinions about the f d before, but you didn't see it via the thought was previously an anonymous mass has become visible on a new muscle. so they are now slowly realizing that things cannot continue as they were on ultimate these in kansas. shift to the right is the last thing we need for our democracy demo cut the, the declaration does,
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let's is flexible. some parts of the a f, d have been declared for right by intelligent services. the debate has raged about potentially banning the potty. but the survey also shows many germans and not put off by the phone, right label to 3rd say that is not a problem. as long as the policy speaks up about issues that match up nearly huff. think that changing the agenda is the main role of the f d. put vans. many people say fight is if i left shelters. government is one of the causes of the fall, right? strength, president of the stack of the fact that the f d has become stronger as a result of luck tween policy has hit us. they had done their job well. we wouldn't have the a f, t and 20 percent as the 2nd strongest party on this, such a lot of dissatisfaction around. and there also needs to be more justice. but the government also needs to show more courage that is blowing out body and protest. pope, it shows that while the search and prominence of the far right is high on the list
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of things, people worry about. the sense that politicians have become detached from reality is also a strong kind of what's not yet clear is whether the dipping support for the a f d will turn into a long term trend and whether the mainstream parties will see the poll numbers aging backup of class, a small stores from around the world here in germany polymers has mostly to phase out agricultural diesels subsidies. the government wants to describe them all at once, but compromised, following nationwide protest. it's been a wave of demonstrations by farmers across your gains, red tape and following incomes versus the election commission says it's as found irregularities with signatures submitted by the anti war kinds of bodies and attention officials claims. some of the names were of dead painful policies are still deciding whether to that can run against president bruton. in march, the elections placing tucker,
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you have the rest of the gunman on fried several hostages near east on both of them on protesting against the war and cons. i had taken 7 workers comp to the consumer goods factory. they were on boats as those of class with police in argentina, as the demonstrations against sweeping economic reforms, opposed by prison. have you had me like a little make is discussing the controversial bill that includes that given the president emergency powers on issues including the economy and security. i haven't seen that is suffering high for installation money at most of the 200 percent. so it's been nearly 6 months since devastating. wildfires ripped across the pacific island of mallory in hawaii, killing more than a 100 people and driving thousands from the hubs. dw, so country more. yeah, i've traveled to the town of the hina and bobby's up off on was western show as low clean up operation and lack of affordable housing. i've left many homeless and
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running out of time prompts replying to this with the hands of thousands of people who lived in the west coast of molly. there still displays unable to return to an area that is contaminated and was late the hope of finding a new place to leave it coolly and say lost his house and defies. he was one of the few native hawaiians still able to leave him from the st. of us this is been. 1 family home for many generations. this house was built in the 58. it goes, is he with a rather campbell, he in his own property until he can rebuild. but he might to use the watts as a so contaminated and molten metal and never is make the toxic. it goes, we can see it is being forced to leave his roots. in the interim, we'll have to live somewhere. my 1st preferences west molly, as are most people. and then if we can't,
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and we need to consider other options by moving off island is not option. now we're cool to leave siena condone the economy. probably the main to risk area in the west coast of the china, but he doesn't know how long he and his family will be allowed to stay. some fight survivors have been moved up to a times. nobody knows when the red cross who runs the sheltering program will tell you that you have to leave. so i never want to answer the phone. if you're not on my contacts, it could be a telephone call saying you need to get out. you know, so there is that hesitancy or coming back to your room with a notice on your door saying you have 48 hours to leave. right? i've seen that happen. it has to be not they who walk i up to. now. she loves the house of 4 generations. her husband was born and raised in a hina and works here. she is a store this. they have 6 children, like most line of residents, they don't want to leave their west coast. the home of many have already been
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forced to leave molly, i know they've been asking for volunteers to move off island to maybe, outer islands. a lot of family and friends have moved to the main line. and so we're starting to see a huge axis of land and people coming out of behind because there's no place to live. housing was already scan smile. we have it's to build an extremely difficult to obtain and with an entire town go now finding a place to rent on the west coast is almost next to impossible. what country more? yeah. file that report and joins me and i welcome a country. so we had and you already felt that people have had to move multiple times. what are the other reasons making it difficult to find a combination for everyone? well, molly housing was already very scarce before the fires. and now after la hina was burned down, says 12000 people live there. so more than $2200.00 structures were gone. so it's
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even more difficult to, to find something. and prizes have doubled or tripled people that i've been talking to who pay before maybe $4500.00 a month for a house or b. now $9300.00 for a house and or more even air b and b's $15000.00 a month. that's something that people cannot afford because we have to remember people also lost their jobs with the fires, so they have no source of income and they cannot afford to to pay such prizes. and then we know that a more, at least a 100 people died in those fires and residents have been saying that there would have been few evict, simsi fulford has done a better job. could this have been divided? well i've least uh it was known that there was a honda was a threat of something like this happening. there was already a warrant in 2018 when the town home was burned down. nothing has been done ever since. and the day of the fires,
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i remember that there was no alert of any kind to the people in la hina, people realized many people have talked to realize that the they had the fire when the house was on fire. and then by the time they decided to leave for many, it was too late. plus the police, they encounter police block into routes. there's only one road to escape. and i've talked to many testimonies who it said to me, police was not letting us pass. so people think that could have been avoided and the people that it was overall, like a k is nobody knows was coordinating the whole ration to people who to visions were not on island. like the chief of the emergency response wasn't a why, who and wasn't get in firsthand information about what was going on. the mayor has refused to explain his whereabouts, but at the day of the fires. so it's still unclear or what were the protocols where, what, who was given the orders and what were the orders that were given to the police.
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right. so they're in the high know people at the, the, the, the situation there is still talk 6 people conversations about who it was but the west coast has reopened for towards met. must be very strange. on the one hand seems like vicks and then on the other people decided that the hotel around the pool drinking dr. is yeah, that's a very, very hard and very frustrating for the people. i was there and kind of probably were a lot of displaced. the survivors are still shouldered and it was a really worry picture to be on this beach and having liked her is sitting on the beach next to the people who are protesting and camping for more than 2 months on the beach. because of a situation of the local community in hotels itself, like you see a fight as a virus coming out of the room and asking for food, they get the food, but they don't, they,
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the constituting the rest are and i need along with it with the truth, so they're in a very fragile mendo said because they, you leaving dispersion and fear of when are they going to tell me that i have to leave, you know, with my kids, with my family and, and also it's the resentment is also growing. although that people know they need to reason to survive, but they're still grieving and they have seen how before thanksgiving, hundreds of people working out of the hotels. so and they, they fear that as christmas was approaching that more people would be kicked out of the hotels that was supposed phones. but now to this day, there is a still not the permanent solution for housing. and even though the government is trying to make owners of feel done, brent those can right convert and that's not, that's not really happening. yeah, thanks for talking to. so that's a country country where thank you, us and i set you up today to have those 12 years at the top of the hour next on
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