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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 2, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CET

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the, the it says dw news line from finance is of a new is randy. assault on golf as last refuge for palestinians. israel's military professed to move it's offensive further south towards the egyptian. for more than half gauze population is taking shelter. also on the program, the academy is capital roughed by and devastating explosion. at least 3 people at the as of hundreds injured as a truck loaded with gas fence. so i'm in fun size, archie se 1st operating illegal dw 12. so the mounting residence feeling for the future almost 6 months after wildfires destroyed the homes on the hawaiian islands. many are still harvest unfair,
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they may be forced to leave the phil guy welcome to the program is a growing of a new is right. the assault on southern gaza as well as managing it has suggested it is planning to advance towards a rafa close to the egyptian, forward you and says, russia, rafa has become a pressure cooker of despair. well, in the half of gauze this population has been forced to take refuge that since the start of israel is will okay, it's time us, but she's considered a terrorist organization by many countries. and none of us tried calling han units and southern gaza. an explosion followed by gunshots since people running for their lives. colombia, danger and bombardments are coming from old direction. this
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a ton unit has again become the focus of israeli air strikes. its infrastructure has been severely damaged. thousands more displaced gallons, a once more fleeting, to rough up for the south, on the border with egypt, and already overcrowded reason days, thousands of palestinians have continued to free to the south, which is already hosting a hostile gas. us population of some 2300000 people most are living in, make shift structures tense or out in the open profit as a pressure of despair. and we feel for what comes next pressure of despair. we feel for what comes next. then you arrivals and rough uh, rely on food handouts provided by so many tearing groups or the nation centers like this 1. 8 workers can only feed
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a small number of displaced and as we are doing our best to distribute as much as we can, little so that as many of the displaced as possible can get food for free on the left or so. yes, so a 5, thousands of decent place people in rafa and we can't serve them. oh, yeah, i know everyone here is helping the latest attempt to secure. i seize fire, we'll pay off. well, that's all responded injurious then rebecca, rich, this gave me the nicest on these really offensive hey, will fill. israel has been continuing its campaign in the south, specifically around hon. eunice as you would just hearing in that report on you. this has been a focus of the as rarely, military for some weeks. now, they say it is a hot bed of hamas terror terrorist as they call them it's. they say that there are
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a lot of how much lead is they hiding on the ground that they were c'mon centers of their manufacturing size launch pads. so they're really been focusing on they both ariel bombardments and also the ground offensive. that's well, they're still fighting. going on in the central and northern parts of the strip. and this all comes despite the fact that israel said a few weeks ago that it was going to be winding back. it's this phase. so i should say moving into the next phase. this have more targeted phase and moving away from this continuous, bombardments and really look quite large ground offensive into the next phase. it would be more targeted as i just said a that's a bane at the urging of the us. but as we can see from that report that, that hasn't been happening uh, the master on health ministry reported more than a 100. that's a kick of the people that we killed overnight in the last 24 hour period. that is, of course, expected to rise again tomorrow and as you heard, the,
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the defense minister is ready, defense ministers saying that they are going to push to the south targeting that rafa border region that rest of the southernmost city. where of course, one of the half of the population of gauze and more than 1000000 people are now trying to shelter, trying to stay away from the west of the finding. really not clear where those people will go. many of them having already evacuated some several times from the north to the center to the south, to, to the very south, down there in rafa. and really running out of places to go. right. and the lights are still negotiations between israel and a mass about the potential cx, 5. it has been some cautious optimism, particularly coming from the guitar is now they're playing a very large role in these negotiations as they did with the, with the pace or the this of ceasefire. that was, that happened in november. they had a very big role in that as well. now we heard from the kentucky foreign minister or
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the spokes person saying that the people could be cautiously optimistic that something might happen in a couple of weeks. so it's still too early to say just whether that will come to fruition and when and where we say the negotiations continue as they do, we saw something very similar before that november deal was struck as well. they things went out, things went down, it looked positive one minute and not so positive the next. so it's really hard to tell when something might happen. most still they say going over the proposal, it does look like the as randy's have already come to some agreement, but that i'm us haven't yet agreed to the deal. and i am now putting on the table that they want some very high level people to be released from his reading prisons . whether or not israel would agree to such a measure at really remains to be same feel so that do hopeful, cautious optimism. as i said, but still could be some weeks away. okay, thank you for that, rebecca. this is in germany. so it's
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a quick look at small stories from around the world study and state media assignments and the writing and military advice that has been killed in and is ready as striking lists of, of damascus is right. has escalated its attacks in serious sense. the start of his will in gaza. the international court of justice has agreed to hear a request by you crying to reject a russian accusation that it committed genocide. the cave says that russia use the claim as a pretext to justify its invasion. in the february 20th, which is to russia's election commission says it has found a regular officers with the signature submitted by anti boil candidates quarters. that the desdun officials climate, some of the names of the dead people launches are still deciding whether so that's at least an invest in a run that guides to present coaching in march. the elections and these 3 people have been killed in hundreds in jet. and i joined explosion in kenya,
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it happened to the gas plant in the capital nairobi, which as long as you say, have been operating illegally. blast sparked fires, which spread quickly destroy nearby homes and businesses, and forcing locals to move to safety. a massive gas explosion near hundreds of homes. minutes later 5 fight does i battling to contain the region please? a truck loaded with gas near the residential area and the deck stated warehouse exploded. they density still create the fire spread homes. gars shops have only been burned down just before midnight. hundreds of residents lead to safety. some couldn't make it. the fight has left many injured. make you to an advisor, give me the fun, exploding gas cylinder as i was trying to escape. when it exploded right in front
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of me and the impact knocked me down the flames and gulf to me, i'm lucky that i was strong enough to get away the point of view. so when, when i go to outside on a phone i, i never stopped. it was like, it was a musty fi and it was so bad, it was monday experience and i couldn't seem imagine. so i saw people around me. i'm my dozen children, the they had small, maybe is cutting. i so goes and moves. i believe the stomach use the toilet piece of negligence. i think it to the legal guest, siphoning dep. uh, we usually see trucks driving in and out and it's been going on for quite some time . you know, many of the properties have been done to ashes the porter does have secured the block c, an an investigation into the incident has already begun. a correspondent model
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more send this updates from the location of the blast in nairobi. we are entering the scene with a huge explosion to face, as it can see behind me as the hold of a station of this huge explosion that was caused by a story that was filled with liquid petroleum guys. and the government put out a statement saying that that was what caused the fireball. that also reached some flats, some small businesses people absolutely terrified when they woke up around midnight, they said the ground was shaking and many try to escape and the concerned and the process. so it was, seems a complete chaos deputy president. we got to get a shadow actually addressed people. hey, on the street. he said, this is us that happened because some kenyans were trying to taking to take short cuts, suggesting this wasn't a legal site where people was stealing. guests were feeling age and sending it to residence. many of injured were transferred to to nearby hospitals where they are
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receiving treatment right now. and the government alleged that they will financially support those who got injured, but also those who lost everything, the homes that businesses criminal investigation is now i'm going to find out what actually happens in the energy petroleum that regulates actually came forward saying that this side has been denied at to refill gas here because it is so close to residential sales. people telling us they are very angry because it was known that this was going on here. this indeed over selling at what's going on and the government didn't do anything to stuff. it's so many we spoke to tell us this is possible because of corrupt government structures, so they don't trust the government at all. so many of those lost everything. they say the government's promises being held. that's my mother. and i really think that has been nearly 6 months since demonstrating. wildfires ripped across the pacific island of maui in hawaii counting more than 100 people and driving thousands from their homes. dw country logia traveled to the town of the hire on valleys west and
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show a slow cleaning of population and lack of affordable housing means many people that still homeless and running out of time. a front street behind this with the hands of thousands of people who lived in the west coast of molly there still displays unable to return to an area that is contaminated and was lit, the hope of finding a new place to leave it cooling. se lost his house and defies. he was one of the few native hawaiians still able to leave him from the street. this has been our family home for many generations. this house was built in the 58. it goes, is he with the rather camp out? he and his own property until he can rebuild, but he might to use the watts as a so contaminated in molten metal. and deborah's make the toxic. it goes,
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we can see it is being forced to leave his roots. in the interim, we'll have to live somewhere, my 1st preferences west molly as our most people. and then if we can't, and we need to consider other options when moving off island is not option. now we're going to leave siena condone the economy, probably the main to risk area in the west coast of the china, where he doesn't know how long he and his family will be allowed to stay. some fight. survivors have been moved up to a times. nobody knows when the red cross who runs the sheltering program will tell you that you have to leave. so i never want to answer the phone if you're not on my contacts. yeah, it could be a telephone call saying you need to get out. you know, so there is that hesitancy or coming back to your room with a notice on your door saying you have 48 hours to leave. right? i've seen that happen. the talk alone, that has to be not they who walk i up to. now. she loves the house of 4 generations
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. her husband was born and raised in a hina and works here. she is a store this. they have 6 children, like most line of residents, they don't want to leave their west coast. the home of many have already been forced to leave molly, i know they've been asking for volunteers to move off island to maybe, outer islands. a lot of family and friends have moved to the main line. and so we're starting to see a huge axis of land and people coming out of the high no, because there's no place to live housing was already because of my we have it's to build an extremely difficult to obtain and with an entire town go now finding a place to rent on the west coast is almost next to impossible. before we go, i wrote into in pennsylvania. how is that? once again, we're in the haunts of americans with the promise of a short winter. the ground talk named posted 20 phil didn't say he shuddered when he told when he was pulled from his tree stumps. i'm glad talk day that means warm
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spring temperatures will arrive on a celebration dates back to the 18 eighty's and his for the now classic hollywood comedy. fairly nice. urologist accuracy, however, is about 30 so that's the day's news. will the back of the day in the day in just about the cars, he's got any issues or thoughts. see who the, this is havi and this is how rich cruise ship to is the relatively few visits get to see it at a private beach on the northern coast. and this is the reality just
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a few cars on the, to the with.


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