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tv   The Day - News in Review  Deutsche Welle  February 3, 2024 1:02am-1:31am CET

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just as the world looks on, the ones is where, when, how and how will u. s. military action avoid pulling gasoline onto the middle east tend to box. i'm feel galion button and this is the day the, the president will not tolerate. attacks on american troops. and neither will i, we're not looking for a war with iraq. i think we can expect it's a more as a center on an intent strength on some of these are small issues that we have of pricing for. we will respond to move on to appropriate issues with the dangerous moment in the middle east. also on the day they lost their homes in hawaii is devastating wild fires. 6 months on residents are still homeless and many and living in fair eviction from that temporary shelters. so i
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never want to answer the phone. if you're not on my contacts, it could be a telephone call saying you need to get out or coming back to your room with a notice on your door saying you have 48 hours to leave, right? i've seen that up welcome to the day the bodies of 3 us troops killed in a drone attack, returned home. and we were received with ministry honors as an air base in delaware by their families on the us president jo bite. they were the 1st us ministry deaths to hostile fire since the homeless terror attack on israel last october. united states blames around back to militia groups for sunday's attack on a us military base in jordan. present by them says he has decided the nature of the us response, but hasn't said when, where or how all the time, insisting that he does not want to why the war in the middle east. if so,
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the us is preparing strikes and considering targets in syria, yum and, and iraq. iran has denied links to the attack and says, well, the us against retaliation to her on has however admitted supporting a number of proxy munitions in the middle east. but says it doesn't control let's look at this with bradley, but when he's a senior director of the center on military and political power at the foundation for the defense of democracies, it enjoys us from washington dc. welcome back to d w. what kind of response are you expecting from the us? a um, i'm really expecting a response that is stronger than what the buyer ministration has done. us since october 17th, when a lot of these we saw spike in these attacks of more than a $0.16, then we're the only about 8 or 9 us responses. so because we now sadly seen these 3 brave americans killed. uh,
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i think the president bided has no choice but to respond more forcefully than he has us far. and the purpose of the us response will be to achieve want to convince americans, adversaries to stop the attacks in fancy language. that's called the turns. when you convince an adversary in their minds, that they can not accomplish their objectives or they can't accomplish them at an acceptable cost. and so that means shifting their cost benefit analysis. we can't have our adversaries with the perception that they can tell american forces and get away with it. so it's trying to reinforce the very tattered american to terms that we've seen develop in recent months. okay. but it was nearly may be the towers ready to attack was nearly a week ago. and once a rainy administrator advises already have left syria for iran, where of course, the u. s. is less likely to attack i think you're exactly right. it's
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a great question. you know, there's basically at least 2 reasons for the delay. the ministration said shortly after the horrible attack in jordan, you know, we will respond at a time and place of our choosing. and here we are many days later and it hasn't come yet. one reason for that might be that there are hope they're taking steps to increase the forest for traction, for us troops and the region. in fact, there is associated press reporting by tara cough that that's exactly what we've been doing at the base and jordan that was attack. so i've called for that. i think that's laudable, is the last thing we want is more american casualties. cynics or critics of the administration would say, the purpose of the delay has been exactly what it says. yes, to give as long a revolution, a guard court members time to get out of syria, if not a rock and maybe all the way back into iran. so that you don't have too many killed iranians and thereby reduced to right sign up to respond forcefully. okay.
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everybody says they don't want a why the war is for us to strikes targets in syria and iraq. why wouldn't be escalated? i think depending how one defines warren war i would say is when someone's repeatedly trying to kill you, we can already have one. yeah, i'm, i'm retired i'm, i'm really talking about this, this notion of escalation though. we have see, i mean you've, you've talked about that as we have seen us to terrace hasn't been particularly effective a so far, if you consider us action with allies against empty rebels in yeah. and then defensive commercial shipping in the red sea, who sees a steel attacking ships on the even attacking us navy vessels, or you're right. so what is the alternative? we more of the same? well, if we continue with more the same approach, what are we going to get more of the same more tax? that's unacceptable. so you have to respond right? in the binary restriction wants to respond in a way that restores the turns i. e,
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reduce or eliminate attacks on our forces without sparking an even wider or more arts and science easier said than done, but that's their goal. as i shared with you earlier this week, i think the real danger here is excessive american weakness from this administrative staff. the stabilizing that increases the chances of more attacks with more american casualties, which will require and even stronger american response. so i think the logic here many is exactly wrong. why not still go through the reasons why not attack iran cuts at the head of the say? well, you know, many a republicans in congress are making that argument. and honestly, i think around is pursuing a decades long strategy where they use others to do their dirty work and displays the consequences encounter punches onto their proxies. it's going quite swimmingly for a wrong. and that's why many are saying that we have to go at the head of the snake or the puppet master, or the head of the art. because whatever metaphor you like,
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um, but you know that there's no reasonable scenario other than maybe some cyber attacks or something like that where i see this particular administration doing that. so you're one of the arguments through arguments against attacking iran directly would be want well then that that would require for political reasons and a wrong this regime to respond more aggressively. which would put us into a cycle of escalation that would make the regional war. you're asking about even more likely and paint a picture for us of what that would look like based escalation. but everyone says they are so keen to avoid. what might that not mean? it's a clue doing lots to do, sir. it's a, it's an interesting academic question. but i just told you that i see no reasonable scenario. we're going to see large scale sustain systematic strikes by the biden's ration in or on. regardless of whether one thinks that's proven or not. why?
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because this, by the ministration is in an election year. they don't want a major war, middle east, they wanna do less than the middle east, so they can go to the end of pacific and focus on what is widely viewed, including by me as a number one threat, that is this, the people's republic of china, the difference of opinion comes on how to protect americans interest in the middle east. and the best way to do that if we signal to our adversaries that we are, will do almost anything not to fight. you know, history tells us nothing is simply going to get more aggression. so i think that logic is where the bottom restriction has gone wrong. and it's not the election yet, a logic playing in to the um, the, the plans of iran and its proxies as well. you know, i, i can't read their minds, i don't know for sure, but i think they know this. the ministration wants to do less, not more in the middle east. this ministration keeps saying, including secondary off the pentagon podium this week. we don't want to regional war. we don't want to regional war. when the bully here's that they're going to
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throw, they're going to push and shove all the more. so i, i think they see america as a very muscular, super power, this reluctant to throw punches and, and that's simply advise more attacks on our forces. that's what i think of some restriction is going to try to fix. we'll see whether they hit back strongly enough or not. all right, fascinating analysis as ever. thank you so much for sharing with us. a broadly bowman, the center on military and political pie. thank or the and it's been nearly 6 months since devastating. wildfires ripped across the pacific island of maui in hawaii and killing more than a 100 people and driving thousands from the homes. the w is that country i'm oh yeah. traveled to the town of the high and now he's west to ensure a slow clean up. the lack of affordable housing has have left him. many people still homeless and running out of time prompt straight behind this with the
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hands of thousands of people who lived in the west coast of molly there still displays unable to return to an area that is contaminated and was late the hope of finding a new place to leave it quarterly and say lost his house and defies. he was one of the few native hawaiians still able to leave him from the street. this has been our family home for many generations. this house was built in the 58. it goes, is he with the rather camp out he and his own property until he can rebuild. but he might to use the watts as a so contaminated and molten metal and their bodies make the toxic. it goes, we can see it is being forced to leave his roots. in the interim, we'll have to live somewhere. my 1st preferences west molly, as are most people. and then if we can't, and we need to consider other options by moving off island is not option. no,
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it lives in a condo new economy. probably the main to risk area in the west coast of tele hina . but he doesn't know how long he and his family will be allowed to stay. some fight survivors have been moved up to a times. nobody knows when the red cross who runs the sheltering program will tell you that you have to leave a. so i never want to answer the phone if you're not on my contacts, it could be a telephone call saying you need to get out. you know, so there is that hesitancy or coming back to your room with a notice on your door saying you have 48 hours to leave. right. i've seen that happen. how carolina has to be, not they who walk i up to now. she loves the house of 4 generations. her husband was born and raised in the hina and works here. she has a store this. they have 6 children, like most line of residents. they don't want to leave their west coast their home, but many have already been forced to leave molly. i know they've been asking for volunteers to move off island to maybe, outer islands. um
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a lot of family and friends have moved to the main line. and so we're starting to see a huge axis of land and people coming out of behind because there's no place to live housing was already because of my we have it's to build an extremely difficult to obtain and with an entire town go now finding a place to rent on the west coast is almost next to impossible. what country more? yeah. a file that reports and joins me and i welcome a country. so we had and you already for the people have had to move multiple times . and what are the other reasons making it difficult to find a combination for everyone? well, molly housing was already very squares before the fires, and now off the line, it was burned down, says 12000 people live there. so more than $2200.00 instructors were gone, so it's even more difficult to, to find something. and prizes have doubled or tripled people that i've been talking
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to who pay before maybe $4500.00 a month for a house or b. now $9300.00 for a house and or more even air b and b's $15000.00 a month. that's something that people cannot afford because we have to remember people also lost their jobs with the fires. so they have no source of income and they cannot afford to to pay such prizes. and then we know that a more, at least a 100 people died in those fires and residents have been saying that there would have been few evictions before forward has done a better job. could this have been divided? well, i've least the, it was known that there was a hina was a threats of something like this happening. there was already a warrant in 2018 when the town home was burned down. nothing has been done ever since. and the day of the fires, i remember that there was no alert of any kind to the people in la hina,
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people realized many people have talked to realize that the they had the fire when the house was on fire. and then by the time they decided to leave for many, it was too late. plus the police, they encounter police block into routes. there's only one route to escape. and i've talked to many testimonies who are said to me, police was not letting us pass. so people think that could have been avoided and the people that it was overall, like a k is nobody knows, was coordinating the whole for ation. the people who to visions were not on island like the chief of the emergency response, wasn't a why, who and wasn't get in firsthand information about what was going on. the mayor has refused to explain his whereabouts, but at the day of the fires. so it's still unclear or what were the protocols where, what, who was given the orders and what were the orders that were given to the police. right. so they're in the high know people at the, the, the,
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the situation there is still toxic people, common sense of hers. but the west coast has reopened for, towards men. must be very strange. on the one hand seems like vicks and then on the other people to soften that the hotel around the pool drinking dr. is yeah, that's a very, very hard and very frustrating for the people i was there and kind of probably were a lot of displaced. the survivors are still shouldered and it was a really worried picture to be on this beach. and having liked her is sitting on the beach next to the people who were protesting and camping for more than 2 months on the beach. because of a situation of a local community in hotels itself, like you see pfizer virus coming out of their room and asking for food, they get the food, but they don't they, they can't see it and the rest are and i need along with it with the trees, so they're in a very fragile mendo said because they, you leaving dispersion and fear of when are they going to tell me that i have to
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leave, you know, with my kids, with my family and, and also it's the resentment is also grow in, although the people know they need to reason to survive, but they're still grieving and they have seen how before thanksgiving, hundreds of people working out of the hotels. so and they, they feared are of us christmas was approaching that more people would be kicked out of the hotels that was supposed phones. but now to this day, there's a still not the permanent solution for housing. and and even though the government is trying to make owners of so done, brent those can right convert and that's not, that's not really happening. yeah, thanks for talking to. so that's a country country where as both in germany, as far as the policy has been growing over the recent months. but a new poll shows
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a slight weakening of its support is comes after hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets across germany to demonstrate to against the far right process began after reports that the members of the half day had met with neo nazis to discuss plans to deport millions of people with immigrant backgrounds, including german citizens. for weeks germans have been protesting in the 10s of thousands, against the rise of the far right. people from different political backgrounds who will agree on one thing. the extreme right is a threat to german is democracy and it must be stopped. the latest in for testing and poll shows 72 percent of germans think these demonstrations of a useful purpose. it also makes clear 2 thirds believe the f. d, alternative for germany, policy is up for religious organization, something the f d do nice of us. it was one of these. those me personally is that the young people are now coming out. no doubt they had their opinions about the sd before,
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but you didn't see it via the thought was previously an anonymous mass has become visible on the new muscle. so they are now slowly realizing that things cannot continue as they were and open with these in kansas. shift to the right is the last thing we need for our democracy. who the demo caught the declaration of let's is, was horrible in some parts of the a f d have been declared for right by intelligent services. a debate has raged about potentially fanning the potty. but the survey also shows many germans and not put off by the phone, right label to 3rd say that is not a problem. as long as the policy speaks up about issues that match up nearly half. think that changing the agenda is the main role of the f d. put fancy. many people say fight is if i left shelters. government is one of the causes of the fall, right? strength, president of the stock of the fact that the f d has become stronger as
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a result of left wing policy has hit us, they had done their job well. we wouldn't have the a f, t on 20 percent as the 2nd strongest party on this, such a lot of dissatisfaction around. and there also needs to be more justice. but the government also needs to show more courage that is blown out body. and protests pope it shows that while the surgeon prominence of the far right is high on the list of things, people worry about. the sense that politicians have become detached from reality is also strong. that most kind of what's not yet clear is whether the defense support for the a f d will turn into a long term trend and whether the mainstream parties will see the poll numbers aging backup of the class. that fax flow this with a story and to and this that katya jolla who specializes in modern german history. she's also visiting research fellow at kings college and welcome to the top. you were talking about a half day support,
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differing from 22 percent to around 19 i do see that sort of decline a significant some i think it isn't necessarily something that is to do with the demonstrations of might be but this might also be the kind of thought and you left wing policy that this recent the most, i'm as a leadership all solve our nation as well. somebody the difference because it's little vague, the coordinates with the increase in volume for her. so i don't think it's entirely clear from those who goes alone without the impact of, of reasons, revelations, we'll look at what stations. and it's significant though, isn't it that and in germany's coalition based political system, but they have to, is the country 2nd most popular a political policy and it was the official opposition in the last government and the bank of america. yeah, i think absolutely. i mean, the fact that i'm so many germans are currently considering to vote for what many deemed to be of right wing fall right when policy. and there's absolutely
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significant and i think that does the son in law know it shows on what's happening in society. but also how people people feel about the current and government and power. so what's your analysis then? why are so many germans looking at the file rights and going yeah, then that for me. but i think as you saw a very strong with a lot of these people don't consider the a if the your fault, right. pause you, when you look at the fact that his teeth as roughly all the people that they fall. so i'd say about these ones, uh, but i think it's a rough fall right policy, which is slightly more than the amount of people that were currently voted for it. and when you speak to people offload for the day, they will quite often tell you that it's a boat against the site. it's quire, it's of one vote against the policies of the government and not necessarily a fall right points. um, so i think there's a huge discrepancy between how the, if the vote to see themselves and how they are seen by others. and the, i think is
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a dangerous problem and something that needs to be best understood. right. and they do seem to be particularly popular in what used to be the communist east germany yes. so it looks like us are certainly higher, but it is interesting that you see the rise in the west as well. i mean, people often forget, but you still invite design, you make comfortable a system of the country in terms of them, the size, the proportion. and when you look at recent regional elections and former western states, such as bavaria and then has a where the if the also came 2nd then said respectively and bunch of other states, i think it is an old gentleman problem. i think it is the case, the people in the east almost sensitive to issues such as it cannot make problems. for example, as less financial security the a number of fact this with the if the can exploit also of water. and i think this satisfaction with, with what is seen as the political mainstream, i think of this more common in the east and the f
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d is very good at targeting as messaging. i'm quoting these specifically talking to each other. it's rice service. you see this as being a, the, a, f d being good at that job because 11 does, and this is, of course goes wider than just germany when one does, why is, is when, when the economy is down a times of hot, more people tend to look to the rides, then they seem to do so low said to the best the far left. do you have any thoughts or feelings about why that might be a while? i say one cigna, but people tell me it's so people who have started fighting for the if the, your little thinking about pointing for the i, if the recently is what they say that they are actually the, and the local communities, you know, doing so community work and being being present. um, so people will sit in the local of full entry farm for gate, for example, and then they'll get to know the if the, the, the, because the, the,
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and then that you have personnel, you know, in the localities and the towns in the villages and boss they feel the thirty's up the, you know, that's the phrase they often use kind of meeting the leads in the, in the city. so people often seems to be as the attached politicians don't understand the real problems of the people. that's the narrative. i often get some people so that say something like, well that shows doesn't even though the price of petrol, you know, was my local sort of, if the politician is a, as a matter of the region who i know and contrasts. so the thought tends to be posted on nomic, i suppose. and you just say that this is a day politicians just doing that jobs properly being in the community all the time . robin just every time that's an election. interesting. the receive of the rise of right wing of fall right parties across europe in france is way that happened in sweden, spain tonight, in just a few. we also say from states marine the pen, putting distance between her national riley and the
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a f days. it doesn't want anything to do with them. well, why is that as well? i think the reason for relations about the, the secret meeting that you will, your feature also alluded to where it was sort of exploded start some members of the a if the attendance a meeting where a mass deportations off of people were discussed. i think what they're trying to do in front of and also elsewhere is to put distance between themselves and, you know, kind of the follow, right? as in the extreme right, 3 be so it was about and that's very good. and we thank you for talking us through that will lead to that historian agenda's, catcher, a hoya that fits that. so show for today, board of course around the clock on dw dot com or s b w, and you have a great weekend. the
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