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tv   Mapped Out  Deutsche Welle  February 3, 2024 4:15am-4:31am CET

4:15 am
you're watching data on the news from the land, you'll find much more on our website. it's dw, dot com, and so on, the online report for myself and the team watching the do these do for fun, vide, do gravitational waves squeeze. i thought. how do i the drums for the to the beat and what's the perfect kid for approx side? find the on says get with dw signs on the picked up channels. this is havi and this is how rich cruise ship to is the relatively few visits get to see it at a private beach on the northern coast. and this is the reality just a few kilometers away in the capital. it puts a pulse for most people in hate,
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violence getting sign control of the street sky, rocketing prices for food. i mean, most people are hungry and miserable, but you have a couple of mess. yeah. yeah. yeah. do do more, but we do the do see why. yeah. do boss, this is all somebody that amount to he is a freelance journalist from haiti probably might be more predict few lessons. you're also going to be watching lives, you know, a full tank of the in the country keep nothing. so the explosion they did. you know, the start of heavy story is quite inspirational. it had the world's only successful slave revolt leading to the world's 1st black republic. so what happens? let's just say colonialism played its parts, and all these big players amongst others were involved. so let's unravel how the world of mess with katie, and what that means for today. this
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is havi slag. now this is what it used to be when it was still called santa monica . yes, that's the french black. when the black slaves broke free of their french masters, they remove the white stripe from their flag. re presenting an end to white european power, a bit of white light to reappear the flag, but with haitian symbols. but let's start at the beginning or at least what europeans consider at the beginning of haiti. it was actually christopher columbus was the 1st colonial player to set foot on the island of lies funny on the land in what is now called a mole, suddenly cooled off on november 6th, $1492.00, claiming its for spain at the time, half a 1000000 indigenous people were living on the island, the by the mid 17th century. most of those indigenous people were gone. europe was crazy for coffee and so good. and
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this part would be an island problem is both the french slots, spain for control. the 2 colonial powers ended up splitting the island into the spanish calling the of santa domingo is today. the dominican republic and the french santa monica later became hating the french, brought in african slaves for the girl being worked on sugar. came plantation by 1880 had a population of more than 700000. overwhelmingly people from west africa that was very kind of a ball body and assistive slaves what it would be 10, etc. rubbish south. and it's a professor of politics at the university of virginia, born and raised and talked to pounds 80 has been that the center of his research for decades. the expectation of slaves was nuclear, to some of them all became friends, most hospitable calling me in the america slave labor plantation,
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supplies roughly 40 percent of sugar imported to europe. at the time, it was a brutal system, both for the and slave humans as well as the eco you can still see the effects today. just look at these ariel images on the border with the dominican republic. on the dominican side, you can see less forests and green law. on the haitian side, the land is barren trees. go back to the french colony of santa monica. by the end of the 18th century, the slaves had had enough. not surprisingly, they revolted and made history. with lucian is something that all haitians of a proud of, i mean it persist. i mean, this is one of the, as we say in fresh meat found that the, you know, the founding mit the end. it's one thing that keeps us going. in 18 o 4, he became the 1st black republic in the world. so far,
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so good. but it came with a price, a crippling one. first i so license. nobody wanted to do business with a new nation. the new black republic was cut off economics surrounded by the colonies of powerful nations using slave labor, who feared their slaves could also be built. katy was the 1st black republic recently enough for some of its powerful neighbors to refuse to even trade with a new nation. because you know, racism and from republican revolutionary france demanded pay the pay for its independence. having loss of lucrative source of sugar from salt reprobation, a staggering sum of 150000000 francs and go over the next century. have you pay the equivalent of between $20.13 us dollars
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with a massive debt. how much of a chance did the young republic even have, or after independence? haiti suffers from the burden of reparations from isolation, but also from poor government. a series of bad government's leaders added to the country's misery. i believe that there is such a thing as an unfortunate stick and ultimately did free mental convergence of interest between the huge and the rulers and the international community. the interest of the hero shows and the interest of the for empowers is not necessarily the same, but the ultimate consequence of the converge. and unfortunately, the convergence is that it is different, but it's also because so both domestic and international factors have led to the devastating status quo and hating a symbol for that is to select, the densely populated neighborhood of popular pulse is now in near complete control
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of game nearby is different uh hospital center in november 2023 heavily um to gang storm the hospital and threatening to people inside its own environment of a really our people are trying to it to survive and, and where violence is completely a normalized right now the godaddy in works at the international crisis group, a non governmental organization committed to conflict resolution. you recently traveled to haiti, the security situation, rapid se deteriorated in july 2021. back then hades, presidents of, and then maurice was killed by columbia. in most scenario, it's unclear who paid the last time a haitian president was killed, was in 1915 that the assess of nations opened the chapter for an intervention which still impacts heavy today. that's the same. yeah. us marines landed and part of
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officially us forces were there to restore order. but washington also wanted to block european powers on the island from tapping into haiti's resources. so we owe some money to the us backs and the instability, you know, he gave a free text with united states to move in with the marines. and the 1st thing they did was going through the central bank of haiti, take uh the reserve of the central bank, put it on the boat and set it back to new york to see the back. and that's the way it was. us troops stayed for 19 years, but their footprints are still visible today. what happened with the occupation was the centralization of power info press. and the most important element to was the creation of a centralized army, which became very much the options are of politics for very long time. you
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have the us occupation back local and leads and trained local security forces. those forces with later back various machines, including the brutal dictatorship of francois pod, talked about he and his son, baby talk. this led to a situation where hastens became suspicious of power. and up until today, there is a vacuum of power with haiti, edging closer to failed states that was a symbol for that, the national palace, the official residence of the president. what's destroyed in haiti's, devastating earthquake and 2010. the ruins were even then removed, and the palace never rebuilt. yep, dr. rebuild rebuild, but nothing has happened. there were construction that was products, never materialized money, it was one good one, it was stolen. and again, foreign influence plate, it's time maybe with good intentions, but again, with a bad outcome for foreign powers. wanted to bypass corrupt officials and gave the 8
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direct me to enter. the dispute became, you know, kind of a very weak structure. then people were working in the state just started moving into the end, yours. so when you evans you with every way i know one controls, the government loses its, its essence. and once you have that, there is no, you know, so we moved from very this poor degrees and the reason that i was looking for anything, all of this lead to the situation today. no president, no functioning problem. and just the acting prime minister, the only with no real power. one of the worst crisis haiti has ever seen. that's why all the has, once again, turn to the international community and ask the un for help. yet another international player was a moment. let me show you, this is real nice. so initial for customers finance. the last time that the
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united nations intervened and heavy things went horribly wrong. this is haiti's main waters to the ocoee bonita river. and this is precisely where the last un mission took a devastating turn. in 2010 un peacekeepers mainly from the pot set up camps here. just above the stream, flowing into the out. people need to repair a few days later close by. suddenly, the 1st call, the right cases, appeared, investigations later found that the un soldiers had unintentionally released infected sewage into the stream flowing into the active and need to river, leading to a color outbreak that costs 10000 lives and spread across the country the and there was never really any type of restitution for doing that. so there is
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a very bad face in the, you know, in the, in the heading for that kind of intervention. the un mission that was supposed to bring stability and security to haiti. that's the country in 2017. so what does all of this mean for today? how's the world abandon heavy for good? and our haitians even glad about not quite. in 2022, the prime minister called for a new international security mission to come to haiti's to crack down and gang violence. and the kenya has offered to lead a new u. n. back move to national mission that could soon deploy to haiti. yeah, a lot of it now please give me a good one more moment but allow me on that move of if if there's a share is enforcing cause of us to let's see,
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the community is this address of the is that the for the last is still unclear, the idea is to send us a small group of highly trained police steps to restore order and secure a key infrastructure such as a country's main airport. so yes, now the international communities, realizing that it must change the way it has acted in the way it has and intended to help the thought to gain control some 80 percent of culture punks. they are well armed and know the terrain. even if international forces are welcomed at 1st, that could change quickly. so there might be fog be shoot board for an intervention. but i think that should be. busy may be very short lived if it is not a very effective intervention. in other words,
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it may well come to. but if they kept this stop each fall into fairly quickly, i think they put pollution turned against the the, for hey, sense the new mission raises once again, the question, will it bring improvement or damage the country in the long run? a question with no answers yet, but hastens habit resilient past to cling onto the, the smaller these little bits of what's going up is on the junction because it goes to this near the ducal scale of one of the best of luck on that one. you know, you a lot of multiple quick shows, but there's a, there's also a clearly will face
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a number of problems for the placebo future. what did you say? which do you political issue should we map out next? the hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets in germany. it's the largest social movement in the country in the decades in cities, towns large and small protesters happened demonstrating against the far right to advocate for an open society and to protect their democracy. and the supporters of germany's biggest far right party seem on daunted with more people than ever joining the organization. how dangerous is the a f d? what is causing such anger within men's, mainstream society? and how resilience is germany's democracy. on to the point, we ask defiance and germany can mass protests stop the far right the.


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