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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 3, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CET

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[000:00:00;00] the this is dw news line from bell in the us launches as strikes and syria and iraq. the raids on a pro iran malicious come in retaliation for the canning of 3 us soldiers and, and attack on a base and jordan last week. also coming up, israel's military, profess to move it's the guys are offensive for the south to a drop off where more than half of guys us population is taking shelter of the aftermath of
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a deadly gas explosion and can use capital. nairobi it's around the phone, the criminal investigation has been opened into the blast, which killed at least 3 people in a densely packed neighborhood. the no, i'm told me, will not go welcome to the program. the us military has launched and strikes on targets in syria and iraq. the pentagon says more than 85 sites have been hits, and verified videos are circulating on acts and appear to show a weapons, devil being hit in what store to be direct. the videos also show secondary destinations of missiles flying out of the sites that had been struck. united states strike is in response to the killing of 3 american soldiers in an attack on
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a base in jordan last week. us us national security council spokesman, john cabby says the us response will continue to the signal is the i r t c and to these groups that the attacks have got to stop. this wasn't just the message sending routine tonight. this was about the grading capability to taking away capabilities by the advocacy and, and, and, and the militant groups. these responses began tonight. they're not going to end tonight. dw washington correspondent benjamin alvarez. group has more about the strikes. the white house confirmed that 3 facilities was truck and you rock full was truck in syria and what we heard from it, washington is also that the iraqi government was in full and prior to destroyed in the us as that there was successful that the whole it response last at about 30 minutes. and what we heard from us central command is a military force as truck, more than $85.00 targets facilities, including commodity control,
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operation centers, intelligence centers, places where there is also munition for me sold as well as you a, the storage is munition supply chain facilities. and confirming the strikes president biden on the line. something we've heard from the pentagon and several us officials now 4 days of the response began today. and with that, he's also trying to assure that the strikes will continue quoting, and he said at times and places of our choosing. when we heard at pentagon spokes person a few days ago, saying that the 1st section to see will not be the last section. so you'll see this not just a signal to your ron, but also those here in the us. we have been demanding a mess if escalations from the us and response of the attacks that killed 3 american soul just in jordan a few days ago. well, we have those words from by then if you attack in america and we will respond, no, why is the us not afraid to risk an escalation of this response with this response, knowing that the situation,
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the middle east is tense right now is ripe. the situation is tens and washington is, are truly ation is a very difficult balance here. both of us and your ron has said that they don't want a full scale war. the u. s. has so far failed to deter that. who is these from continuing their attacks and washington had promised retaliation. that's also what we heard the president by and already took the decision not today. but he took the decision which targets in the us. what a target in syria, in any rock, what we've been hearing from expert recipient ministration needed to do something that they have not yet done. like striking individual targets and serial rails with single offices facilities basis. now schools it remains to be seen what the response to these strikes will be. but what we've heard from john kirby, the spokes person of the national security council, is that the goal here is to make these attacks. the a text from the who is the stop and not to start a war with the wrong. but now of course it remains to be seen. what beyond so will
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be if there will be any answer and what that would mean for further attacks. if this drives it from the united states. okay, well leave it alone for now. nobody's benjamin alvarez group and washington. thank you to israel's military has suggested it's planning to move. it's a guys are offensive further south into the city of russell. more than half of the guys us population has been forced to take refuge that says the start of israel's war against hamis, which is considered a terrorist organization by many countries. and now the strike on han units and southern gaza and explosion followed by gunshots since people running for their lives. colombia are danger. i'm apartments are coming from all directions. hun units has again become the focus of israeli air strikes. its infrastructure has
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been severely damaged. thousands more displaced, guidance, a once more fleeting, to rough up for the south, on the border with egypt. and already over crowded recent days, thousands of palestinians have continued to free to the south, which is already hosting a hosp, the gas us population, or some $2300000.00 people most are living in make shift structures tense or out in the open profit as a pressure approval of despair. and we feel for what comes next. then you arrivals in rough, uh, rely on food handouts provided by so many tearing groups or the nation centers like this 1. 8 workers can only feed a small number of displays. and that's why we're doing our best to distribute as much as we can little so that as many of the displaced as
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possible can get food free on the left or so. yes, the firearms, thousands of displays. people in rafa, and we concepts the mo, the another be. everyone here is helping the latest attempt to secure a cease fire will pay off. william wexler is a senior director of the rustic. how are we resend to middle east programs at the atlantic council in washington? he has more on the expansion of his ready operations to southern guys. a israel is unfortunately quite a distance away from achieving its military objectives. so the war will continue until his real feels that it is done. so, given the nature of the expense of the tunnels, given their inability so far, to take out a number of key commanders. unfortunately, the war is going to continue for some time. uh, hopefully there can be uh,
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negotiated humanitarian pause coming up in the near term. but over the long term, it's going to go for a while. and on the diplomatic front, it's actually a state us extra state anthony blinking is heading back to them. at least it's his 5th trip since the war began. is there any chance he can get any movement on the propose these 5 yes, the ceasefire has been negotiated. all the various elements of it. it's really up to how mosse right now, whether they will accept what has been produced through the guitar e channel. if they do accept it, it will be a real boon to the palestinian people who are suffering in this war. it will be, of course, critical to get many of the hostages out and it will allow the possibility of wider diplomacy to continue as long as the pause sustains. and we've heard the news of more than $800.00 civil servants in the us and in europe signing a joint statement,
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wanting that the government's policies on the israel guys of will could amount to great violations of international law. from us perspective. what's the situation like would you expect to unfold from this? i'm such letters would have uh be more convincing. if people were willing to put their names to them. but the most important thing is the, is the topic of what secretary blinking is going to talk about when he's going to the region. and that is to maximize the possibility that this crisis will end up with a real opportunity to talk about a 2 state solution for the israelis and the palestinians. to talk about a new relationship between the united states and saudi arabia. to talk about a joint program to deal with a land. this is what is on the table right now. it's a very complicated set of negotiations or a lot of ways that things can go south. but it's been the most helpful dynamic that we've seen in some time. okay,
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we'll leave at that for now. and then what's the senior director of the rustic re re center in middle east programs at the atlantic council? thank you very much for speaking to us. thank you very much for having me. the united nations top court has cleared the way to here claims, brought by ukraine over of russian accusation of genocide. the international court of justice and the hague has ruled that it does have jurisdiction to hear positive ukraine's case. despite objections from moscow keys main argument is that russia falsely accused ukraine of genocide to justify its invasion. in february 2022, both russia and ukraine have previously accused each other of genocide. less time to some more stories now from around the world. russia's election
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commission says it's found irregularities with signatures submitted by the anti war candidate bar. as much as den officials claim that some of the names were of dead people. authorities are still deciding whether it's and that mr. not judge, been run against president bad, little put in elections in march. kind of most of the top court has refused to and all a prison sentence against former president ricardo and 1980 his plans to run again for president on now in doubt, the supermarket magnet left office in 2014. i was in prison for more than 10 years for money, laundry, climate activist, read it to him, but it has been acquitted in a court case of a involvement in a protest. she was a charge of breach in public order outside of an oil and gas conference in london last year. just in the pleaded not guilty. and the judge ruled. she had no case to answer. at least 3 people listening, killed in hundreds injured and
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a giant explosion in kenya. it happened at a gas plant in the capital, nairobi which authorities say, had been operating illegally. the blast spots fires which spread quickly destroying nearby homes and businesses and forcing locals to evacuate. dw scenario, mario miller has this report from nairobi a message last week through a residential area. and i will be in the middle of the night. we are entering the seeing weather huge explosion to face the whole devastation of this huge explosion that was caused by a story that was filled with liquid petroleum guys. and the government put out a statement saying that that was what caused the fire people that also reached some slats, some small businesses. people were absolutely terrified when they woke up around midnight. they said the ground was shaking and many tried to escape. and the concerns and the process to clean cutting me had no idea what had happened,
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even though it was on portia when i had this humble ahead, the whole sunday addressing, but the my most lips deluxe. i still consider myself hungry. ma'am, i'm going, so i'm a, it's around the bone doesn't bill your well, no ma'am. and i was want to clean was not immediately treated at the nearest hospital. at 1st they were turning accident victims away to many of the injured what transferred it to nearby hospitals where they are receiving treatment right now. and the government alleged that they will financially support those who got injured but also those who lost everything to homes that businesses which is i'm a fema is one of those who lost his home in the fire. luckily he was away when it happened, like many people in this neighborhood, he works on jobs earning just enough to survive and send some money to his family. may lead the government's help,
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but that's so much corruption and can hold up to the government make, provide health problems, but you won't get to me by the side. they then deputy president re gabby gosh, jaguar arrives at the scene, promising blankets, food and a thorough investigation. he suggests that disaster happens because people have been stealing and illegally re selling gas at the side. you do before you go because this has been happening here for so long. people used to come with the motor bikes, laid them with ceiling. does they fill them up with gasoline? authority say this densely populated area should have never been used for gas transactions. the petroleum recognize the consent. the explosion happened at an illegal gas storage and for stealing side. criminal investigation has been opened because i'm a c. my hopes that he and hundreds of others will get the compensation they need. there's a reminder of our top story of the cus,
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minutes was drawn to more than $85.00 sites and links to it, right. and rainy and militias in syria and direct washington says the strikes are a retaliation for the killing of 3 american soldiers and an attack on the base in jordan last week. george, indeed the news from belen is much more on our website at www. dot com. i am told me that equals x watching the so you don't think and feel the same way you expect and one different things from life and your parents. i just want to pursue what sets my
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so on fire or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible,


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