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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 3, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CET

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin. the us launch has airstrikes on targets in syria and iraq. the raids on a pro, you run militia. com and response to the killing of 3 us soldiers in a drone attack on a base in george last week. also coming up, israel's military prepares to move in gaza offensive further south towards rough off as a mazda of leadership ways, the terms of a proposed 6 weeks east fire, the
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marietta evans, dean, welcome. the us military has launched air strikes and targets in syria and iraq. the pentagon says more than $85.00 sites were hit on verifying the videos are circulating on social media and appear to show a weapons depot being hit in once thought to be rec, the videos also show secondary destinations of missiles flying out of the site. that's been struck. prison joe biden says the operation is in response to the killing of 3 american soldiers in a drone attack on a base in jordan last week. the bodies of the soldiers returned to the us on friday at a military ceremony, which finding attended the u. s. national security council. so it's been john kirby's says, the us response target of science linked to a bronze revolutionary guard, or i r g c,
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and malicious. that it supports you said more attacks could be expected to the signal is the i r t c and to these goods. and the attacks have got to stop. this wasn't just the message sending routine tonight. this was about the grading capability to taking away capabilities by the agency and, and, and, and the militant groups. these responses began tonight. they're not going to end tonight. so more than 85 targets were hit by the u. s. and earlier i asked middle east analyst and military experts, roger shanahan in sydney for more details on the strikes. well, a still working off the information that they've been given by the us government, but i said that she said i thought the targets at 7 separate sides sent multiple targets at particular facilities. and they were designed to target come out of control facilities, logistics support, elements within stop house,
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as you saw in the, in the video. and it was not a move from the us announcement that it was designed to minimize possibility is vision civilian casualties. federal. so i wasn't mentioning, there is the fact that to dana across to so i took part in this a tech. so from what the us to say this is the start of a campaign of retaliatory strikes. and yeah, we should mention that the united states announced their plans to carry out these strikes ahead of time. so just how effective could they be? wouldn't you think that there had been preparations for these us strikes? it was added to the best prices, probably 2 elements to that to establish. we have to evaluate the effectiveness of the us strikes at the end of the campaign or at the start of it. and it's obviously
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pain telegraphed to some degree to minimize the possibility of a should be in bad probably senior writing in casualties as well. um, so it was and the other, the 3rd element is there might be also other parts of the response. non committee elements that we're not privy to, that might have been targeting other elements. so i think we'll have to wait for a little while until we evaluate tell affected they are in touch ality and not just based on this, it is nice response. well, it appears that at least one of the main targets was the outcome was for us of the rainy and revolutionary guard. why was this group a target as the previous time responsibility to detect the killed the 3 us service guys. now i would use, i mean, i mean rock resistance, iraq,
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which is an umbrella organization that includes the number, is actually a militia groups who are supported logistically in terms of training and financially by right. and in particular, the gc goods for us, which is the, i would say we of the a revolutionary god. cool. and so that's why these targets were selected. washington is being quite careful in it's justification to selecting tigers to make sure there's a causal link between the attacks that occurred in jordan and the targets that there's like being. so that's why these particular targets have been chosen. the 1st instance you mentioned that this is only the beginning of the us response, and yet the us government says, does not want of a war with iran, but how real is the threat of a serious escalation?
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yeah, listen, i mean that's a good question and it is very difficult policy line to how for washington, you're going to have a campaign of responses at a targeting are writing affiliated organizations in syria and 2 other countries and i being that by reinforcing your response geographically that, you know, kind of figure, a direct response from around which is by, there's not going to be a kinetic strikes iran side. i'm one of water in white in the conflicts, but around itself would've understood that the dish. so the 3 us service personnel from these kind of a tech can't go unanswered. so it's a very delicate dance that washington is playing. he tried to have a substances, multiple level, multi di, response against writing an interest. so writing back groups in the region without
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triggering a why to response, particularly from ryan, but from other groups as well it's, it's a difficult policy outcome to achieve. singleton. honestly, that was roger shanahan, a military analyst and expert. and joining us from sidney, thanks so much for all your insights. my pleasure of israel's military has suggested is planning to move is garza offensive further south into the city of rafa. more than half of guns as population has been forced to take refuge there since the start of israel's war against some us, which is considered a terrorist organization by most western countries. the fighting continues as come off leadership ways, the terms of a proposed 6 weeks east fire. and now the strike on han units and southern gaza and explosion followed by gunshots since people running for their lives. colombia are danger. i'm apartments are coming from all directions.
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hun units has again become the focus of as rarely air strikes. its infrastructure has been severely damaged. thousands more displaced, guidance, a once more fleeting, to rough uh for the south, on the border with egypt. and already over crowded. recent days, thousands of palestinians have continued to free to the south, which is already hosting a hostile gas us population of some $2300000.00 people most are living in make shift structures tense or out in the open prophecies, a pressure of despair. we feel for what comes next. then you arrivals in rough, uh, rely on food handouts provided by so many tearing groups or the nation centers like this 1. 8 workers can only feed
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a small number of displaced. and that's why we are doing our best to distribute as much as we can little so that as many of the displaced as possible can get food 3 on the left or so. yes, the fire of thousands of decent place people in rafa. and we con, serve them. oh, yeah, i know everyone here is helping the latest attempt to secure i sees fire will pay off and for more the w correspondent rebecca readers joins us from jerusalem. good to see rebecca. so what is the latest that you're hearing about israel offensive and gaza a home around and we know that is really is continuing its campaign predominantly in the southern part of this trip that has been sent it around that southern city of han, eunice. that is believed by these really military to be
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a strong hold of him. honest, i believe that her most militants, and indeed the leadership. they're hiding on the ground. and there are many of course weapons stores and manufacturing sites. they say that they've been targeting, we've also seen them targeting quite heavily the hospitals in the region. they say that how most users, hospitals as come out incentives enables, are being targeting those areas. now as you mentioned in that report, an annual late in the v is riley military or the defense minister yesterday came out saying that they are going to continue that campaign into the south to that southern most the city of russell. that is, of course, with most of the population more than half of gauze as population, has led to an, a sheltering trying to escape the worst of the bombardments the west of the fighting. and it's not yet clear where they have left to go and not exactly sure yet whether they will be given access to go back for the noise. but we know the fighting continues in the central gauze area around garza city and in the northern
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pots as well. so it's really unclear as to the sight of those mold and 1000000 people that have sheltering in that rough and board area. and we have our hearing reports that the roof, the area around the city was struck by strikes of a night. but it's very difficult for us to get accurate and up to date information . obviously as international john was unable to get access to gaza. and rebecca, what about efforts to reach a potential ceasefire between israel monce any movement on those negotiations as well? that has been some words of cautious, optimism coming from, particularly the guitar, as we know they can talk, have paid a very big role in the negotiations. they play a very big role in the negotiations that were agreed on and then successfully carried out for more than a week in november the, the foreign ministry,
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spokes person of goods on came out yesterday saying that there was a lot of progress that had been made and the amounts were mailing or the, the, the, the, the deal that they had to hand is believe israel has at least if not in, in fold, agreed to terms of a particular deal. there are a couple of deal structures on the table. but that one report in us media, the wall street journal, a reporting that within the him, us leadership itself. so between the how much later in gaza you'll send well, and some of the other political leaders that have been basing katasha that there is some disagreement as to which way they would like to go forward. j. s and y, opting for this showed a truth period of 6 weeks, allowing them to regroup a to have a aid brought in for civilians. and of course, a hostage exchange and exchange for some kind of sydney and prisoners. with the, according to this reports, the, the guitar e or the, the leadership passage ship with a basic guitar are opting for a longer sci fi,
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even on a permanent se saw, so discrepancies within that month. leadership itself could lead to a delay, but the guitar is sort of signaling that within the next couple of weeks, we could say a deal that was utility is rebecca rivers in jerusalem for us. rebecca, thank you so much. i as well in other world news to land firefighters, are battling rapidly expanding wild fires. that officials fear have claimed around 10 lines. a state of emergency has been declared as hundreds of homes come under threat from a dozen different fires burning since friday. the blazes are concentrated in the vintage on mar and vol, part e, so tourist regions. russia is election commission says it's found a regularities with signatures submitted by anti war candidates. boris and j. dean officials claim that some of the names were of dead people. authorities are still trying to decide whether to let the majority run against president vladimir putin
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in elections coming up in march. panama is top court has refused to and now of prison sentence against former president ricardo martin elling. his plans to run again for president are now in doubt. the supermarket magnates left office in 2014 and was in prison for more than 10 years. for money laundering climate active is great to tune. burke has been acquitted in a court case over her involvement and in protest. she was charged with breach in public order outside, and oil and gas conference in london. last year, 2 birds pleaded not guilty and a judge ruled. she had no case to answer. the german parliament has voted to eliminate agricultural diesel subsidies. the government wanted to scrap them all at once, but compromised, following nationwide protest. there's been a wave of demonstrations by farmers across europe against red tape and falling income. and that's the latest on dw news,
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this our up next is the sports life. with a look at one of asians best steve climbers and his hope for competing in the olympics. i'm there and i haven't seen, i'll be back at the top of the hour with more headlines for me you for me and the entire team. thanks for watching the so either thing do the same way you expect and more different things from life than your parents. i just want to pursue was that's my thought desired or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable stop in port in those nonsense. i want my son to become a doctor during the clubs. it's time to, to get your generation with the sleep us.


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