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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  February 3, 2024 10:30am-11:01am CET

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secrets lie behind these discovered mileage benches in 360 degrees and explore fascinating. both heritage selling dw world heritage 360. now the does exercise, just sound like a lot of hard work and just the thought of 20 strangers in the gym just for impulsive. then maybe this is for you, cozy cardio influencer hope is looking brown knuckles up at home for her work out. and she has over 30000000 followers. do you need to go flat out to read the health benefits? how much exercise is enough? what can you do if the life of a top athlete is not for you? that's what we're about to find out on in good shape. the
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exercising is actually quite simple as quick as the exercise is good for balance. and it can be done anywhere in the hallway or in any room and put one foot in front of the other. and keel in front of the big total if you walk 3 or 4 meters forward and most importantly, back again, please give me the look that this is a light, but effective exercise. even if many people think it doesn't look like much of a workout. because arden's while many people think exercise, have to be uncomfortable with on painful math. and exhausting and understanding was the coach is a sports scientist for his exercises. first and foremost about moving he recommended starting easy. i didn't even put in all this exercises for the upper back and guns you taking ordinary dish towel. hunted with white,
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the backs of the hands backwards. 59 grass, the towel and hip with my 2 arms. this thread, right? and now you pull the shoulder blades together at the back door, the blankets and will release them redone. if you repeat this 20 times a day, your poster will improve. the exercise is especially good for the spine showing god i'll look straight ahead. the cop without rotating the head, turn the upper body calmly, not fortunately over, but with gently guided movements is on the fields of the vehicle when you can do it at the ending or sitting, whatever you prefer, it's in my home. so if you avoid a simple exercise but it makes a difference the back and bottom are also easy to train. looking at a certain the back is stretched forward nicely. now we lift and stretch the left leg backwards thing and slightly lower. and again, sparse scientist has chosen these exercises because they're easy and suitable for beginners. from last time i, for most people have
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a false perspective. they have this idea in their heads, that exercise has to be 5 kilometers of jogging or playing, and the regional soccer league or something else and looked like, you know, that's not what it's about. i was on some of us. don't get tech on it. and said, it's important to exercise regularly and ideally to even have fun doing it too much. cash has another to been perfect and still get a good start. i would recommend picking a day of the week and marking it on your calendar. it's always the same day, always the same time like and just to get started or when i have my rules, the the best way is to plan to fix date with others. but what if you don't have any extra time for exercising diets is always gone. it helps a lot to incorporate sports or exercise more into daily life interval. for example, you could leave your car and ride your bike, take the stairs instead of the elevator, a good off to
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a few stops early on the way home and walk the rest of the way. and that's ok some a few, but if you do this for 4 weeks, i mean once a week consistently, then you'll notice that it does you good and above all, you'll have fun, doc. here's a summary of to start with easy movements. schedule a weekly exercise session and integrate exercise into your daily life. and there's a new trend on chip talk and instagram fits spiration videos from the gym from a beach work out for from the yoga match. there's supposed to motivate others, but in australia and study warrants that these images are more likely to make people even more dissatisfied with their own bodies. experts also criticized the fact that many fitness videos on social media show unrealistic workouts and sometimes even dangerous advice. however, with
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a little caution and common sense video tutorials can help. this is especially true of professional apps that can help beginners get started. the, the internet is full of 10 minutes, no equipment workouts to do at home. some cost money, others are ad supported, just a quick search and every way you look, there are athletic men. women tend to even avatars working out what was a lee and julia wanted to give them a go. julia has a gym membership. what struggles to work out there regularly just came up with 5 guys the 2 well 3 weeks because i'm motivated and then i just stopped again. and i don't think so much more, not an issue. that's why it was a li, canceled her contract is profit fitness. i used to be a member of a gym, but i have to admit, i ended up using it less than i wanted to. as this melissa was
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the try it out as self training app for us. after the free trial. it costs $10.00 euros a month. yap offers a large selection of workouts, including 10 minute ones. and that's julia is checking out a free 10 minute workout on youtube by fitness influence or pamela. hi. yes i. so i've got it up and running is what i need to. she learning it makes me, well, i'm not wearing one how i can. i know 1st the commercial submitted starts as it is that she's not telling me what to do with. told me she was she my who's or judy. i looks for another workout. oh, okay. do you mind? okay, so she's just kind of lying that on was nice. i like scientists finch quote. we
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have sports position dr. castillo, shell. know what he makes up. the 1010 minutes of exercise a day. do anything at all as an emergency. in principle, the short workouts definitely do something. every minute that you move the exercise does something taken care of and for many people. the 1st question is, how do i incorporate this into my everyday life? in doing 10 minutes of exercise at home with the video is not a bad starting to feel as my country based on the phone. what was of the bad old through way through a full body program. one advantage is that you can choose their own music and yeah, i think that one was not positive. it's great to see that involves pretty good movement of all the muscle groups onto the lower and upper extremities. fine. and the core muscle as well. and the different trainers provide various difficulty levels from goose, the enterprise and role models could boarding that. and what about pamela hives? beginner work out for an ancient idaho?
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i think it's too demanding in places for the dinner posts for to. but i would also say that if you want to give it a try, take it easy and maybe only do half the program flies, nor does however pool come put in the long term. because you could definitely achieve that goal. so high. from a medical perspective, a combination of to strength and to cardio workouts per week is ideal, and 3 to 10 minute workouts are also effective. sting could see, i think you will notice effects after just one or 2 weeks testing they have, you'll have you'll gain muscle which will improve your overall figure. that way. it will also improve your cost, your hire things for best home and in everyday life. you'll also notice your strength improved considerably on mine, but in ad hoc i'll fetch to investment, to be able to walk up and down stairs more easily and different and perform every day movements more easily or, or i talk to the legal and lice jobs,
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sodium kind 10 days later, the conclusion, i must not have my wood is likes more instructions to the exercises, but i will have with one exercise mike buck who is correct to bit a little bit. so i wondered if that was normal or if i was doing it to a 100 percent correctly. so when i put sam, please this martha cod, if uh you know, especially for those returning to exercise after a long break, i would recommend consulting your doctor beforehand to concerts in that month. if you did it regularly, i reckon, and you'd feel stronger. you just had a slight feeling of tension in your body time and that like them capa, as is after 5 much, i noticed that when i did this in the morning, i was in a really good to me for quite a long time of to it's even though i'm not really a morning person, so it's good for my mood. it's great. so it's true. exercise is good for your moves or even scientific studies to prove it. anger and annoying colleagues become much easier to deal with and we feel less stressed
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physical activity can even prevent for an out and leave you at depression. if only we didn't have so many other obligations. but maybe that's no longer an excuse. i tend to stomach slightly, push your shoulders back and smiled. exercise is fun. let's make rogers say only teaches clauses like this once a week. although she's in charge of a fit the studio she rarely exercises, despite knowing how important it is to train the whole body from head to ties they advise you, oh, we don't have isolated exercises in everyday life when you carry a crates of water upstairs. for example, you use lots of muscles and tendons and ligaments have to work together. that's what we want to practice. so we fix the everyday life, you know, fits into sports position, homes, scale cables,
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and there's the consequences of too little exercise he be such as like style diseases escaped. ida looked as if it's now been proven that regular exercise has a preventative effect on a whole range of diseases, and this happens to else wound up by the 1st ones we knew about for cardiovascular disease as high blood pressure. ontario, sclerosis, which is calcification of the hearts blood vessels of the, but also heart attacks and heart failure and fox that helps most crush, they should keep them on the teeth and the manager of a sit. this is judy i can hardly find the time for exercise on a minute i sat up, ma'am, i'm very set. i'm not sure yet. what can now unfortunately, this is my studios. so i'm more involved in the organization in less than the training. i used to do a lot more exercise, partly because it used to be my main job. and also because i now have
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a doza and everything revolves around her and look. so i have very little time for myself, let me move on to finish that, but then for 75 as may correct? yes sir, is enough to learn. we'll sit too much in the call in the office on the couch, 5 hours a day. estimate now has tricks to get more amazement into everyday life. somebody's, for example, i try to stand out. when i'm on the phone happening, i've got headphones so that i don't always have this one sided strain and the phone which then i also trying to get off at certain times and walks to the reception is not off to steam on some. and when i use the toilet, i don't use the closest ones came on, i went to the 2nd floor and use the toilets that i'm finished and then 5 and still can get after that to see drills into how clients the importance of making movement to parts of your day, how much exercise should we really be doing on coming in on the see
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a few. the recommendation is 4 to 5 times a week for 40 to 60 minutes to reach your full potential duck cover. ready and you can very that with different cardio exercise, it is of even fast walking. see that sort of cycling swimming and then anything you personally like that you can incorporate into your environment to con. um, you should do that on 3 or 4 day laws and then definitely add one or 2 sessions of strang session and coordination training. the 50 vocal quote. and that's even feeling that sounds like a lot an unattainable for many people. but even just 5 or 10 minutes of exercise a day, have a measurable effect on the whole day when exercising muscles, what call to use more oxygen? the cardiovascular system has to much more blood treat ability. this keeps the muscles elastic and strengthens the halt, which helps to prevent permit, you all have to tax and strength. exercise,
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also strength and the muscles. somebody to country a cells, power plant, grow a number on size. they bone sugar and spots. yes. it's more effectively. the buttons also benefit the structure, grades, done so through exercise this prevents by loss and exercise doesn't just make up all these fetter. if you haven't gone down to the hoops, we've learned that the brain's metabolism is activated and maintained through different forms of move. mental especially movement outside the flood. that's really worth noting the tools for the human. this is, it helps to fix it with the exercise in the great outdoors is in all weather conditions. this leads to a significant improvement in move. this has been seen in many clinics today, that exercise is already being used as an anti depressant. and does it make her a chair? so it goes for work almost every day. we should take at least $7000.00 steps a day which can reduce the risk of death by up to 70 percent. this was the result
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of a study by the university of massachusetts, so it's in the us to get more bracket, amazement into your everyday life. estimate has a final piece of advice michigan, and the important thing is just to keep assets and without stress, because the aim is to integrate exercise into everyday life to reduce stress. so find something that's fun, i'm best of luck to spend less possible. killing 2 birds with one stone exercise keeps you fit and makes you happy. that's exactly what estimate correct. you say wants to post on to how client cops mit with minds about fines bounced technology that's like dw signs is now i'm take time. what's to be fun? why do gravitational ways that that is when the people begin getting high and laughing gas out of the drums boogie to the beads. and
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what's the pass that the kids football find? find the on say is, gets most c w science. oh, new tick, tock, channel, or even one can become a workout, especially if you're carrying some weight rocking comes from the military, where recruits have to march for many kilometers with heavy rock sacks. as a novice, it's best to start carefully and slowly increase the weight. studies show that this form of exercise can increase performance at muscle strength and springs training is very important because muscles are not just there to impress other people. our muscles are real health boosters. it's how life goes. sometimes some people are celebrated while others do the real work behind the scenes in all these it's all muscles that do the heavy lifting. i leave with that. how can the
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hot come floods the lungs require and the digestive system process food? my face control of facial expressions, they allow us to cling and smile. i'm thinking mekaux has thumbs on and i'm thanks to powerful skill lead to muscles. we can move our entire body onto the kinds of objects. muscles are made up of bundles of muscle fibers. and these fibers consist of what the cool myers 5 rolls and these my of 5 both into a made up of proteins like mice and, and actin. and they was like tiny motives that triggered by electrical signals which are transmitted through is another system. the headset, the mice and proteins bind to the ox and move it along. the muscle begins to contract because several waste, several 1000000 of these little muscle nights was working together. it creates
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points to force. unlike machines, all muscles tend to immediately fail when subjected to too much strain. quite the opposite, minus the damage to the 5. this is we're passed and we, you might have 5 o strands or even phones in the process. muscles grow bigger and stronger as a result. and that's good for all health muscle training also strength phones, phones and joints. keeps the metabolism going to prevents muscle often old age the muscles can be trained and that's how it took minor. however, that's because molten hoff, it's them because control consciously and many organs, the muscles are primarily control unconsciously autonomic nervous system. so the vital both of these functions always remain active. these muscles do also benefit from exercise in directly. for example, sauce to plug slightly trains, the house and blood vessels,
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and deep breathing trains. the muscles of the respiratory system. the muscles keep the show on the right, so they just apple the price, they can get the many people associate exercise with one single goal to lose weight alongside a change in diet exercise is a key factor and shedding the key lows. and surprisingly, people who exercise in the morning between 7 and 9 am lose more weight and faster than people who exercise at lunchtime, or in the evening. but no matter when you do it, there's always this dilemma. how do you loose fast without losing muscle? well, there's good news. unwanted muscle loss can be avoided. as some shaheen is on his way to walk out separately times a week is normal to him these days. a year ago, things with different stress and fast food dominated his everyday life. s on try to
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get fit to but with no success, he had a valley and it frustrates attempt to look in the mirror. he wants to lose weight while maintaining and building muscle and decided to seek professional help. be left on this, not i thought to myself, come on this time, really invest and commit with a training plan, a nutrition plan and everything that meant i'd have someone guiding me saying do this and do that most to to more one more office. keep your stomach type good, and switch. great. personal trainer, a nutritionist is made a mommy has a wide range of clients. among them. competitive athletes develop to retain fast training 3 or 4 times a week, sometimes with and sometimes without support. simply eating less weight help if you want your body to retain muscle while losing fat goodman. we started with body
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weight exercises. basics like squads lunches or push ups. we want to do improve is body awareness, 1st of all to come because not everyone knows how and when to 10 to the stomach i toward the tense, the glue, the saw. i'm these punched in purple on i so start this cup of cubic feet. and so once his body awareness of improved is what i felt like he was ready to work with the additional weight. we started introducing equipment like har, balance dumbbells, and kettle bells, $100.00 quid had to capture that onto by tons of what was also gonna shake it out. so no, 20 seconds of jumping jacks is male. recommend 6 that this improve the hope all the with regular practice, the legs and rear end tied to your stomach include some push on these out what i'm to them. just make sure the knee is a pulse. bianco sold a tops that good for arms. bob shoulders until side, capability, tons and the hip straight. to begin to do some problem in the east. i'm supposed to
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come out and raise your arms and legs straight with your head in line with your spine, reinstalling the optimum in the front of the body. in general, the plastic, keep your body in one line. don't talk to your box. to begin is can be on the knees or i'm so the cardiovascular system jumping jack again is can much instead of jumping insurance training like joking is not on the schedule. that son gets his hot right. tough with strength, insurance exercises like mountain climates, regular loan distance running is not the best way to achieve a well trained body that's confirmed by sports position on the books and coach christie on folk. this web towards your chances this gets pretty overrated. even though it's true that as long as you're running, you're burning energy. but there are also downsides of, and if all you do is run, you'll likely be exhausted afterwards. which means you'll move less for the rest of the day to invest. and there's no after burn effects like with strength training
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plus the longer you exercise, the higher your cortisol levels rise, which is also counter productive. so your body goes into a state of stress that's complementary. best solution both as all is, one is the body stress hormones and its presence in the bloodstream even lead to the formation of $45.00 to lose weight. that's one important thing to remember. the car by the body works with an energy balance. so you need to have an energy balance that's in the negative to create a calorie deficit. you either need to eat less or move more as in indigo as an old, as it goes as navigating to folk recommends the calorie says no more than $500.00 calories per day compared to your basic requirements, which you can find out using online calculators to stop the building, breaking down muscle during a deficit you need to exercise and the to nutritious diet with enough protein. in
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the come on time, you should think about one and a half to 2 times your body weight put in grounds. so if you weigh 80 kilograms need at least a 120 grams of protein a day, itemized. s on also needs to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night. good sleep, help spell and fast on to regeneration. great muscle. measuring the body, i'm taking photos to try to progress can be very motivated at this point. when i looked at the before and after pictures, i really noticed the difference that gives me a really great sense of achievement and it is free. so the sun has managed to shut fast and build muscle if you'll struggling to lose weight despite training the healthy diet with the calorie deficit. all skills doctor, for advice to think long time and be patient patients is also needed if you want strong apps. but if the work out is fun, the time will just apply by tim has
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a great exercise to show you the sign co is the on the floor doesn't get to apps. tone. so that's why that's the skin active. and actually we keep lying on the floor for this exercise, and then it goes like to replace one foot on your knee and put my have into my head . so now it says pull your flax as close as possible towards your body to with your hat. and then they go low back until your foot touched softly the floor and level to means you lift up. everybody. keep your in your hands, which will increase. definitely. you have more. what thing wasn't and over the, those 2 rounds of 10 to 12 reputation took the side. the extra advantage of this
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exercise is it's a nice stretch as well for you, but plus and mobilize them for you. lower back. have fun trying that at home, and see you next week for more in good shape, the
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shift your guide to life and it did to, to fix, you know, the latest online trend to navigate your way through the digital jungle global perspective. we'll see you guys and show you what's possible. you decide what really message to you. it's just in 15 minutes on the w may the force be with
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the georgia, the venture? george lucas has made movie history, presenting his visionaries life in 30 minutes on d. w. in 30 minutes on d w, the 1st it's one of sam williams and he knows how to use this. not to me. this guy knows about energy in a way that these as much structures have no idea. it's been pretty clear, especially of late,
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often can be the printer. what does it look behind the facade of this image of john gus from russia's political web in the us february 3rd, on d. w. started we started to understand clearly and what you need to do for us. ukraine was assembled. are we moving towards europe or not? the 2013, the still us afraid democracy protests in ukraine. the country response to your cries, disputes are free to ship to west have recognized the danger and the terms of being foretold on the signs, but that we're really on. standards, easily fail. uh, we will lose our concepts, euro my done dot february 17th on dw,
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the . this is dw news live from berlin. the us launch is arest rice on targets in syria and the rack. the raids on a pro, you run militia. com and response to the killing of 3 us soldiers in a drone attack on a base in jordan last week. on the show. israel's military prepares to move in gaza offensive further south towards raw fox as how mazda is leadership. ways the terms of a propos, 6 weeks cease fire and health spending. cars passed their 1st legislative test,
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and argentina. presidents have here malays.


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