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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 3, 2024 1:00pm-1:16pm CET

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$317.00 on d, w the . this is dw news line from berlin, the us launchers air strikes on targets in syria and iraq. the raids on a pro, ron melissa, come in response to the killing of 3 us soldiers in a drone attack on a base in jordan last week. also coming up is what was military for parents to move? it's gone to offensive further south toward rough as a mazda is leadership, ways the terms of a propos, 6 weeks, he's fine, the,
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and greetings to a viewers around the world. i'm michael to the us military has launched air strikes on target in syria and rock. the pentagon says more than 85 sites were hit, siri and straight t v said this strikes had resulted in a number of deaths and injuries. the rock contend the strikes, calling them in aggression against and sovereignty, and saying 16 people had been killed us present at joe biden, ordered the operation in response to last week's killing of 3 american soldiers in a drone attack on a base in jordan bite and attended the military ceremony where the bodies of the soldiers were returned to the us shortly before the air strikes began, us national security council spokesman john kirby says the us response targeted sites linked to iran, revolutionary guard, or i r g c. and malicious supports. he said more attacks could be expected to
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the signal is the guy r t c and to these groups. the attacks have got to stop. this wasn't just the message sending routine tonight. this was about the grading capability to taking away capabilities by the urgency and, and, and, and the militant groups. these responses began tonight. they're not going to end tonight. joining us now is military expert marine tomorrow, and she's a defense analyst with kings college london. greetings. marina, according to the us, the strikes at $85.00 targets in 7 locations and lasted for 30 minutes. talk to us about how significant they were from a military perspective. good day, michael. well, it remains to be seen whether rosy strikes will indeed reach the military objective of weakening dis groups. we have to remember that the very draining proxies had enough time to move around the say one week after is drayton attack and the strikes
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of taking place because there was no agreed upon strategy on how to respond to this . and so i think the other question here is will the detour further attacks and they think it's a central question and we have seen was a who these that didn't really work out. so roommates to be seen, what happens next? the u. s. has been openly warning about the strikes beforehand, easier a strategy behind so that is correct to us approach here, because you don't want to commit to the middle east and the u. s. has had the experience interact in southwest asia and they've gotten a stance how difficult it is to fight irregular forces, especially if they are backed by a powerful state. that being said, these airstrikes will most likely continue, was the idea of diminishing these groups military capability. so that they cannot
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strikes the us forces in the middle east. one of the main targets appears to have been the codes force of the iranian revolutionary guard. why? that is correct and the reasoning here, uh, we might recall um a strike one solely money buys a trump administration who was ahead of the court codes for us back then. the idea is we can the quotes for us and to remove the brain. so to say off the support thing for us for those malicious across the middle east, which are linked to room. however, as i said, it remains to be seen because the us is not willing to strike around proper and it hasn't been done in history that might lead to an escalation. so whether the strikes will be able to weaken or change. and this thing remains questionable. really curious about your thoughts on this. the u. s. has made it clear fridays strikes were only the beginning,
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but washington's also made it clear that it doesn't want a full scale direct conflict with a ron. we're talking about a fine line here to well, absolutely, because these strikes are taking place in rack and in syria. and we have to recall in the past few years. iran has been mending ties with a lot of middle eastern countries, including the u. e, including solid, you ravia, so the run is not as isolated anymore, and these countries might join them against the united states and precedes us in iraq right now. run rock and serious at the us strikes or a violation of sovereignty and could further destabilize the region and fuel the conflict. exactly what you're referring to. talk to us a little bit more about that. what's your take? well, it might take us and then the united states will need to determine its policy towards
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middle east. and obviously we have seen declining power projection and capabilities buys the united states. and we have also seen that not a lot of countries wanted to support the united states campaign in the middle east . so it remains to be seen whether the united states can exert enough pressure on israel to reach a specific settlement on the israel, gaza conflict. and i think that most of these a cold print in were the 2 endings. this and a military solution alone will not deter results. groups. as i said previously, military analysts were number on many things as always thank you for having me. is rosa military has suggested it plans to move its garza offensive further south into the city of rossa. more than half of gauze as population has been forced to take refuge there since the start of israel's war against a month,
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which is considered a terrorist organization by most western countries. the fighting continues as mos leadership ways. the terms of a propos, 6 week cease fire and novice tried calling, han units in southern gaza, an explosion followed by gunshots since people running for their lives. the columbia are danger, i'm apartments are coming from all directions. hun units has again become the focus of as rarely air strikes. its infrastructure has been severely damaged. thousands more displaced, guidance, a once more fleeing to rough uh for the south, on the border with egypt. and already over crowded. recent days, thousands of palestinians have continued to free to the south, which is already hosting a hostile gas us population of some $2300000.00 people most are living in
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make shift structures tense all out in the open profit as a pressure approval of despair. and we feel for what comes next. then you arrivals in rough rely on food handouts provided by so many to or in groups or the nation centers like this one. a workers can only feed a small number of displaced. and that's what we're doing our best to distribute as much as we can little so that as many of the displaced as possible can get food free on the thoughts. so yes, the firearms, thousands of displays. people in rafa and we concepts the mo, most of the, i'm going to be everyone here is helping the latest attempt to secure i sees fire will be off. we're happy to welcome now jonathan creek said chief of communication
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and advocacy for unicef in the palestinian territories. he joins us from jerusalem and jonathan just last week and you were in rafa paint a picture of what you saw there to well, what these tracking when you are in the rough uh, and no image on tv can reflect that, is that whereas where you look in any direction, you see housings and houses of make shift tense in those 10. so you have families will have to little water to little food and they are living in 30 bucks. 23 and hygiene condition. sometimes one toilet for 50700 people. and so this is a terrible recipe for, you know, this printing of diseases for example. but what is really striking is to concentration the, the comes how dense the, those tens doors idp is internally displayed. people are living together in very,
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very dire conditions. it feels as if we in the media have been talking about these conditions for, for, for weeks now i'm more than half the population of the entire strip is now stuck in rafa. no other way to describe that. now the israeli army has announced plans to extend the ground or so right there. do people have somewhere else to go as well? we as yusef, we've always said that there is not a single place in the guise a strip can be called safe. those people to the front of the the children ice map have already been displaced. 123 full times. i have one cliques, i mean, he has moved 4 times with his wife was sick and 5 children. he's now living in a tent. and of course when i talked to him, when i discussed with him, and he's, he's extremely scared. he has the flu that uh, you know, the, the do says conditional hostility to bombard comments many times already and,
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and he really doesn't know where else it could go. since now we've already living in a very, very difficult condition. in the meantime, as you surely know, the gaza health ministry says there are some 60000 injured people still inside the strip. talk to us about how those people might get help and essentially the extent to which they're still a functioning health care system. when we kind of say that there is a functioning health care system, we have 13 both of the $36.00 hospitals and the guys us rep which are partly party functioning. when you go to the hospitals, what you see is that they're completely over crowded. you see children with ensure children waiting and car doors. we have women who are delivering children sometimes with she's already in the c section. after 2 hours. they are asked to
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leave the hospital after just 2 or 3 hours after the surgery. so, and this is not the case of like one or 2 persons where there is an estimate that approximately $20000.00 babies were born in together. that gives us trip since the beginning of these crisis. so the entire health system is on its needs. that is a jonathan crates with unicef. we'd give you our thank sir. thank you. lawmakers in argentina is lower house, have voted in favor of sweeping reforms after days of merits on debates. the bill is a key component of prison and have you in the lays election pledge to shake up the trouble of the economy. it contains hundreds of articles including privatization and cutting states subsidies. the senate still needs to approve on the mattress,
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which have sparked violent protests on the streets of the origin time capital thousands gather in buenos virus to voice the alarm over the president's reform package. of the protest outside congress become heated demonstrators throw objects at police who respond with to your desk. but these are getting time to refuse to back down. they believe the nation's future is at stake. it's going to be an unlivable country that serves the rich and we will take it upon ourselves in the streets to do what we always did with those laws in the past. defeat them in the streets as we did with the dictatorship model for the love of god, i beg you do something to go out on the streets, protest against the criminals who voted to pass this law. so, but i can tell you that the the bill cleared its 1st hurdle after days of debates
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and changes. longacre is approved in principle paving the way for a senate vote. proponent said the president's reforms are essential to revive the economy. and they say one thing in the context of the crisis we're going through in my view, it is essential to support president heavy a malays bill to lay down the foundations and principles for this country. you see, bill everybody's been the bill would grant the president's special powers, but some lawmakers say that undermines democracy. president heavier malay was elected last year on a platform to radically overall the economy. inflation is running at 200 percent, 40 percent of origin times live in poverty. milly promised to deliver what he calls shock therapy. that includes the, the valuation of the currency and deep spending cuts the steps,
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his supporters believe, we'll turn the economy around the bill could undergo more changes in the lower house before a final vote in the senate. you're watching dw news from berlin, coming up our digital f. o. shift ass whether you've own boss wants to make x. the new. tick tock. a. michael. ok. thanks for watching the trast fashion as an environmental night. a clothing graveyard, immature land desert. this is where things wealthy industrial nations no longer need and lightest textile waste gets stranded. fashion watch now on youtube. my name is
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the calls back saved la.


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