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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 3, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the, to the news why, from berlin? rock warns of dire consequences for the region after the us launches air strikes on targets in syria and a rock. the rates on of pro run militia come in response to the killing of 3 us soldiers. in a drone, a task run melinda had come in response to the killing of 3 us soldiers in a drone, a task on a base in jordan last week. also coming up, israel's military prepares to move. it's gone to offensive further south toward rasa. as i'm off, as a leadership weighs the terms of a proposed 6. we teach fine and tens of thousands of people rally against extremism in berlin. the latest in a series of mass protest in germany against racism,
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ends in a full be follows revelations that the members of a far right party secretly discussed reporting ethnic minority the and a warm welcome to viewers around the world. i'm michael. ok. the us military has launched air strikes on targets in syria and rock. the pentagon says more than 85 sites were here. syrian stay tv said this strikes had resulted in a number of deaths and injuries rack condemned to strikes, calling them an aggression against an sondra d, and saying 16 people had been killed. us president joe biden ordered the operation in response to last week's killing of 3 american soldiers in a drone attack on a base in jordan bite and attended a military ceremony where the bodies of the soldiers were returned to the us.
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shortly before the air strikes began, for us national security council spokesman john kirby says the us response targeted sites linked to iran, revolutionary guard, or i, r g, c and militias. it supports, he said no attacks could be expected to the signal is the i r t c and to these groups. and the attacks have got to stop. this wasn't just the message sending routine tonight. this was about the grading capability to taking away capabilities by the agency and, and the, and, and the militant groups. these responses began tonight. they're not going to end tonight. so to be clear, according to the us, the strikes at $85.00 targets in 7 locations. and lasted 30 minutes, but how significant were the strikes from the military perspective? i put that question to defense analysts, maureen, on the wrong good day, michael. well,
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it remains to be seen whether the strikes will indeed reach the military objective of weakening dis groups. we have to remember that the uranium prox has had enough time to move around the se one week after is draining attack. and these strikes have taken place because there was no agreed upon strategy on how to respond to this and say the as a question here is will the deter further attacks? and they think it's a central question. and we have seen was a who these that didn't really work out. so it remains to be seen what happens next . the u. s. has been openly warning about the strikes beforehand, easier a strategy behind or so that is correct to us approach here because you don't want to commit to the middle east and the u. s. has had the experience interact in southwest asia and they've gotten a stance how difficult it is to fight irregular forces,
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especially if they are backed by a powerful state. that being said, these airstrikes will most likely continue, was the idea of diminishing these groups military capability. so that they cannot strikes the us forces in the middle east. one of the main targets appears to have been the codes force of the iranian revolutionary guard. why? that is correct and the reasoning here are, we might recall um, a striking, fully money buys a trump administration who was ahead of the court codes for us back then. the idea is to weaken the could force and to remove the brain. so to say off the support thing for us for those malicious across the middle east, which are linked to room. however, as i said, that remains to be seen because the us is not willing to strike around proper and it hasn't been done in history that might lead to an escalation. so whether the
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strikes will be able to weaken or change anything, remains questionable. really curious about your thoughts on this, the u. s. has made it clear. friday strikes were only the beginning, but washington's also made it clear that it doesn't want a full scale direct conflict with iran. we're talking about a fine line here to well, absolutely, because these strikes are taking place in rack and in syria and we have to recall in the past few years. iran has been mending ties, was a lot of middle eastern countries, including the u. e, including saudi arabia, so the run is not as isolated anymore, and these countries might join them against the united states. and we're seeing this in iraq right now. run rock and syria said the u. s. strikes or a violation of sovereignty and could further the stabilize the region and fuel the conflict exactly what you're referring to. talk to us
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a little bit more about that. what's your take? well, it might take us and then the united states will need to determine its policy towards middle east. and obviously we have seen declining power projection and capabilities buys the united states. and we have also seen that not a lot of countries wanted to support the united states competing in the middle east . so it remains to be seen whether the united states count excerpts, enough pressure on israel to reach a specific settlement on the israel to gauze or conflict. then i think that move these a cold print in were the 2 endings. this and a military solution alone will not deters those groups. as i said previously, military analysts were a number on many things as always thank you for having me. after the us strikes the european union's foreign policy chief,
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joseph beretta called on all parties in the middle east to avoid further escalation says, we have been reviewed the ones in the gain that to me the lease is up, but the volume that they've got is pro and that's why we, we call everybody to try to avoid getting escalation, but we're leaving a critical situation to meet, at least on the whole region, no longer just and as far as the war you guys are continues, it's very difficult to believe that the situation is that it actually would improve because one thing is related with the other is a domino, a domino effect to region. joining me from that you foreign ministers, a meeting in brussels, is the w's bureau chief. alexander vaughan. nomine. alexandra e. u foreign ministers couldn't be more clear about the need for restraint in order to avoid whitening this conflict. given the timing, it's difficult to imagine they weren't directing some of this caution towards washington or yeah, you right, michael, at least to some extent. i ask,
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for instance, the belgium, foreign minister has the law be about her opinion about the u. s. strikes and she warns of the real, the risk of spillover is saying that that is the reason for hack country to coal on every one. also on the us to exercise restraint because only diplomacy can help calm down the situation in the region. but there were other for the ministers who showed more understanding for the us action and actions in the middle east. the polish foreign minister, for instance, right, us lupsi costs ki, told us that the iranian proxies had been playing with fire for years and months. and that's now this fire is burning them. and the under secretary at the german foreign ministry who was here on the new amman also showed some understanding for the you as saying that those as twice happened in response to the
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killing calls, the american soul 3 american soldiers. and she also said that she trusts the u. s. a. and them saying that they don't want the situation to escalate. so as you can see my cold, there are very different positions on that here in brussels. exactly. we only have half a minute, but i do want to ask you this, the top a you diplomat address. yep. a route also said the situation can't improve as long as the war in gas. it continues. but can you actually contribute in any way to ending the war? i mean, do you as of course, a bigger play or are there in the region? but we have seen a flurry of diplomatic activity with many european leaders and diplomats trouble link to israel to egypt, to cut our, to health, to, to add this war. and they are seeing the intensifying they enforce because they
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think that the 2 state solution is key to bringing peace to the region that so dw brussels bureau chief, alexandra von nomine. as always, many thanks, alexandra. thank you. israel, as military has suggested a plans to move it's going to offensive further south into the city of ruffled more than half of gauze as population has been forced to take refuge there since the start of israel's war against a march, which is considered a terrorist organization. by most western countries, the fighting continues as a mos leadership ways. the terms of a propos, 6 week cease fire. and now let's try con hon units and southern gaza and explosion followed by gunshots since people running for their lives. colombia are danger. embodiments are coming from all directions. hun
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units has again become the focus of israeli air strikes. its infrastructure has been severely damaged. thousands more displaced, guidance, a once more fleeing to rough, up for the south on the border with egypt, and already over crowded. recent days, thousands of palestinians have continued to free to the south, which is already hosting a hosp, the gas us population, or some $2300000.00 people most are living in make shift structures tense or out in the open profit as a pressure approval of despair we feel for what comes next. then you arrivals in rough, uh, rely on food handouts provided by so many tearing groups or the nation centers like this one. they workers can only feed a small number of displaced and as we are doing
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our best to distribute as much as we can little so that as many of the displaced as possible can get food free on the left or so. yes, the firearms, thousands of decent place people in rafa and we can't serve them. oh yeah, i know everyone here is helping the latest attempt to secure a cease fire will pay off. we should point out here in germany. people are taking to the streets once again to denounce for right extremism, at least a $120000.00 people are rallying in the capital berlin. for weeks the germans happened demonstrating against racism, ends in a fluid. it follows revelations that members from the far right alternative for germany party attended a secretive meeting to discuss the mass deportation of foreigners and some german citizens dw political corresponded alex girl is at today's demonstration
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here in berlin and told me more about the protesters motivation a protest, as i talked to you earlier today at this demonstration, they said they are really, really determined to send the key a signal towards the far right extremism and towards the far right. a if the policy, as we just mentioned, are on 100000 people, i expect it to be here and they want to raise their voice against what they consider a threat to democracy. maybe just to remind the far, right, if the policy at the moment incurring pulse is the 2nd most popular party in germany and looking at state elections later this year in germany, they even could win some elections and b and some thoughts of gemini, the strongest parties, and, but this wife of protest that we're seeing today, or the protests that we have been seeing over the last weeks, is not primarily retrieve that by, by the popularity of the i, if the but rather by um, by
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a meeting that was settled that couple of months back between far right extreme is since i'm the if the politicians and meeting that in which it was discussed to the ports aside. and so it goes to the port migraines. but also the invitation of german citizens was to discuss their anthem. since this meeting has been brought to life by journalists, we have seen those waves of protest and many, many cities in both in germany. so quickly, alex, so despite the protest the far right, if the party is still pulling 2nd place nationwide, why is the party still popular to some extent? well, the popularity of the, of the is the main needs. because of this, a very high dissatisfaction with the german government just to pick, look back to the election day and 2021 day of the came up at 10 percent. and since then, just 2 years and the governing to multiple f charlotte's and to scroll lucian day if the has doubled its popularity. so it is a clear indication that there's
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a high dissatisfaction with the german government that is a dw correspondence alex girl many thanks, alex of the angle ended there with alex, keep watching to find out more about a controversial shipyard in bangladesh that's harming both people and the environment more to use at the top of the next hour. the questions got any issues or thoughts say what? the you print with like a sticking point. you know, time what you into that warranty wants to finish your studies. now you have
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a significant from the train, you can choose to go back or somewhere else. currently most people.


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