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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 3, 2024 4:00pm-4:16pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news. why, from berlin? it rap warns of dire consequences for the region. after the u. s. walters air strikes on targets in syria and a rock to rage on a pro ron the lift truck come in response to the killing of 3 us soldiers in a drone attack on a base in jordan last week. also coming up, israel's military prepares to move. it's gone offensive, further south toward rafa. as a mazda is leadership ways, the terms of a proposed 6 week cease fire and tens of thousands of people rally against extremism in berlin. the latest in a series of mass protests in germany against racism and 0. sylvia follows revelations that the members of
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a far right party secretly discussed reporting ethnic minorities the i'm michael local, welcome. the us military has launched air strikes on targets in syria and iraq. the pentagon says more than 85 sites were hit, syrian straight to visa strikes had resulted in the number of deaths and injuries. rock condemned to strikes, calling them and aggression against its sovereignty and chang, 16 people had been killed. us president joe biden ordered the operation in response to last week's killing of 3 american soldiers in a drone attack on a base enjoyed by the end attended a military ceremony where the bodies of the soldiers were returned to the us shortly before the airstrikes began. the u. s. national security council spokesman
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john kirby says that the us response targeted sites linked to around revolutionary guard, or i or g c, and malicious, it support. he said, more attacks could be expected to the signal is the i r t c. and to these goods, and the attacks have got to stop. this wasn't just the message sending routine tonight. this was about the grading capability, taking away capabilities by the advocacy and, and, and, and the militant groups these responses began tonight. they're not going to enter nice. so it'd be clear more than 85 targets were shaped by the u. s. i asked middle east analyst and military expert, roger shanahan and sidney for more details on the strikes by the way still working off the information that they've been given by the us government. but i said that she said and thought targets at 7 separate sides and multiple targets at particular facilities. and they were designed to target come out of control facilities,
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logistics support, elements within stop house, as you saw in the, in the video there. and it was not a move from the us announcement that it was designed to minimize possibility is vision civilian casualties. but also i wasn't mentioning, there is the fact that to dana across those. so i took part in this attack. so from what the us to say, this is the star as i i, campaign of retaliatory strikes. now after the u. s. strikes the european union's a foreign policy chief, joseph beretta called on all parties in the middle east to avoid further escalation says, we has been reviewed the ones in the game that to me, the lease is up the ball you that the kindness pro. and that's why we, we call everybody to try to avoid an escalation, but we are leaving
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a critical situation to meet, at least on the whole region, no longer just and as far as the war you guys are continues, it's very difficult to believe that the situation is a delta t would improve? because one thing is related with the other is a domino a domino effect to region. our brussels bureau chief, alexander von nom, and has been following the meeting of e u foreign affairs ministers. they are clearly calling for restraint to avoid whitening the conflict. i asked her if some of these cautious words are directed towards washington. yeah, you right, michael, at least to some extent. i ask for instance, the belgium. foreign minister has the lobby about her opinion about the u. s. strikes, and she warns of the real risk of spill over a saying that that is the reason for high country to coal on every one, also on the u as to exercise restraint. because only diplomacy can help calm down the situation in the region,
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but there were other for the ministers who showed more understanding for the us action and actions in the middle east. the polish foreign minister, for instance, right, is lupsi costs ki told us that the iranian proxies had been playing with fire for years and months. and that's now this fire is burning them. and the under secretary at the german foreign ministry who was here on the new i'm on also showed from understanding for the you as saying that those as twice happen in response to the killing calls, the american soul 3 american soldiers. and she also said that she trusts the u. s. a. and them saying that they don't want the situation to escalate. so as you can see my cold, there are very different positions on that here in brussels. exactly. we only have half a minute, but i do want to ask you this,
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the top you diplomat address. yep. around also said the situation can't improve as long as the war in gas. it continues. but can you actually contribute in any way to ending the war? i mean, do you, as of course, the bigger play are there in the region, but we have seen a flurry of diplomatic activity with many european leaders and diplomats traveling to israel to egypt to cut her to health, to, to add this war. and there are seeing that intensifying they efforts because they think that the 2 state solution is key to bringing peace to the region. that's a dw brussels bureau chief, alexandra von nom, and as always, many thanks, alexandra. thank you. and back at the center of the conflict, israel's military has suggested it plans to move. it's gone to offensive further south into the city of ruffled more than half of the goss this population has been
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forced to take refuge there since the start of israel's war against the moss, which is considered a terrorist organization by most western countries. the fighting continues as a moss of leadership ways, the terms of it proposed a 6 week ceasefire. and now this tri, khan, han units and southern gaza and explosion followed by gunshots since people running for their lives. colombia, danger and bombardments are coming from old direction. hun units has again become the focus of israeli air strikes. its infrastructure has been severely damaged. thousands more displaced gallons, a once more fleeting, to rough up for the south, on the border with egypt. and already over crowded. recent days, thousands of palestinians have continued to free to the south, which is already hosting
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a hostile gas us population of some $2300000.00 people most are living in make shift structures tense or out in the open, proffers a pressure of despair. we feel for what comes next. then you arrivals in rough, uh, rely on food handouts provided by so many tearing groups or donation centers like this one. they workers can only feed a small number of displaced. and as we are doing our best to distribute as much as we can, little so that as many of the displaced as possible can get food free on the left or so. yes, the firearms, thousands of decent place people in rafa. and we concepts the mo, the another be everyone here is helping the latest attempt to secure a cease fire. we'll pay off a look now at some other stories making news. at
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this, our northern irish lawmakers have appointed an irish nationalist 1st minister for the 1st time ever. michel o'neills ocean fain party seeks to unite the u. k. territory with the republic of byron o'neil's appointment comes as the northern ireland assembly resumed its work after 2 year boycott. by the pro british democratic unionist party remarks to the height. russia has designated human rights campaign, or like all of a foreign agent or law, is one of the leaders of the memorial rights group which jointly won the 2022 nobel peace prize after it was banned in russia, people with the designation, faith, strict financial scrutiny and other restrictions at least 3 people have been wounded in a nice attack at a train station in parents. police say that a suspect has been arrested and security has been stepped up yourself to
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a place less than 6 months before parents host. the 2024 linux, hundreds of german farmers have taken part in a tractor, protested frankfurt airport against the expiration of tax refunds for agricultural diesel. organize. we said they chose germany's busiest airport because ation fuel, unlike the diesel, is not tax. farmers across year have been demonstrating against low food prices and rocker, se staying here in germany. people are taking to the streets once again to denounce for right extreme is at least a $120000.00 people or rally in the capital. berlin for weeks germans have been demonstrating against racism, ends, you know, phobia it follows revelations that members from the far right alternative for germany party attended a secretive meeting to discuss the mass deportation of foreigners and some german
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citizens. dw political correspondent alex scores is joining me now from the side of the demonstration here in berlin. alex, what are people? they're saying? yeah, people here they are really determined to send a clear signal against file, right extremism and also against the far right. they, if the policy um around 120000 people, if god, the, to you, this is the latest police number that we're having. you organize this, you can save it up to 300000 people here, but we couldn't not yet verify these numbers. and they are, they really wants to raise the boys as against what many of them consider threats to democracy. and we talked to some of the participants this demonstrations about let's say, but listen what they had to say why they are here today. the think we're against the f t and it's for democracy on this and yeah,
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me and we can seem poland are hungry help. weekly. democracies being dismantled, unconstitutional bodies restrictive. i think that's what happened to us too now, but those kinds of tests young the off they get, the empties, already very open about exclusion. i think it is good. the people here are showing that they are against exclusion. all those kinds of things. so i know a demonstration like that is wonderful and absolutely necessary, but it is also important that we keep this awareness of life at all times. that would certainly help in the long run. the show of the door has come to me as we simply have to stand up for the fact that we want democracy and its implementation . we also wanted into you and not just was alone and i know you were feeling sideboard. so yeah, we really can hear that there. i said that there are so lots of concern uh for the people that uh they have shared lots of concerns with us. and all of this comes, of course, under the impression on the fact that the fall,
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right. they have the parts used at the moment, the 2nd most popular part in the country and looking at some stage and actions late of this year. they could even wouldn't elections in some parts of germany and to be the success of the popularity of the if the is not the primarily reason why lots of people out here. um, lots of people they have come here because a couple of months back far right extreme is sunday. if the politician fascinates to discuss the protection plans, duplication off the side and speak of migrants and also have german citizens with a migration background. and this is what sparked the latest waves of protests you out says, you know they've been mass demonstration against the far right in germany for several weeks now. is that this effect, this affectation or disaffection, i should say, showing up in the poll? well, it is very uh they just say, oh to predict this. um, but there's some indication that the popularity of a,
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if the mis decline and at least a little bit, this is what there's some polls so saying, or has been saying over the last week. but we really need to, to wait a bit longer to see more people to make it clear assessment on this uh, but what really has gained momentum over the last weeks. and also sparked or new, influenced by these demonstration is the discussion that he bade of a possible ben of the if the pa d. this is a topic that is in a very controversial debate at the moment. uh but it would take years. so business, no short term strategy to count of the file, right? a if the potty dw corresponded alex scores, me thanks, alex. thank you. a and a reminder of our top stories. the u. s. military bonds, more than 85 sites linked to iranian militias in syria and iraq. washington says their structure and retaliation for the killing of 3 american soldiers in an attack on a base in jordan. last week. you're watching dw news from berlin up.
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next choices meets and inspiring pastry chef facing skepticism from her parents. a micah look who, thanks for watching and bye for now. the schedules. yeah, we are all set. we are watching close. we all the, to bring you the story behind the new we own about come by as information for free might do to name the next one. but my experience has worked. i am off the is going to be hard with all who will be very the warning.


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