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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 3, 2024 6:00pm-6:16pm CET

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the, the, the state of the news line from berlin, iraq and syria, warren, of dire consequences for the region after the us launches the air strikes some targets on their territory. the reeds on pro rainy and malicious company response to the killing of 3 us soldiers and a drone attack on the face of george last week. also coming, israel's military prepares to move. it's gone the fence of further south toward rough, far as from us leadership ways. the terms of a propos, 6 weeks, the science, and a 150000 rally against extremism and were left the latest in a series of mass protests in germany against racism. you know, phobia falls, revelations, that members of a far right party secretly discussed to port ting. it's mix minorities
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the article fairly welcome to the program. the report a death toll after us strikes on syria and iraq has risen to at least $45.00. the syrian observatory for human rights as the strikes on dozens of targets killed at least $29.00 people in syria and authorities, and a rock claim at least 16 were killed. there he was, president joe biden says the operation was launched in response to last week's killing of 3 american soldiers in a drone attack on a base in jordan. this is the aftermath of us retaliation. b one bomb or jets launched an error assault on dozens of sites in iraq and syria.
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images posted friday, and social media shows several explosions on the rocky syrian border. syrian state media showed footage of what they say was one of the attacks the 85 strikes hit 7 different sites. us national security council spokesman john kirby said us targeted sites linked to around revolutionary guard, or i, r g c and militias. it supports he said more attacks could be expected. so the signal is the guy or gc and to these goods. and the attacks have got to stop. this wasn't just the message sending routine tonight. this was about the grading capability to taking away capabilities by the accuracy and the, and the, and, and the militant groups. these responses began tonight. they're not going to end tonight. a spokes person for one, a rainy and back to alicia said the strikes on
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a rock failed to meet their objectives. or rocky authorities say the strikes violated their sovereignty. while the syrian regime says the attacks have increased, the chances of the conflict spreading. on friday, us president joe biden joined, grieving families to honor the american soldiers killed in the jordan. drone attacks a misstatement fight and said our response began today. they will continue at times and places of our choosing for i'm joined now by alex baton, kind of run an expert at the middle east institute in washington dc. good to see. now the us has made it abundantly clear that friday strikes were only the beginning . how far do you think washington is willing to go in this pretty much will depend on the reading reaction to this or the reaction of groups
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that are seem to be close to era. so really the white house is not want to see a regional award. clearly the white house is not one a, confront the right open leave for various reasons that is not in the interest of the buy in white house. but again, you know, if there is a response from the other side of the united states, just cannot let it go without responding again in return, then that could result in escalation. but i think clearly right now to help is that the message has been made. the other side will take that message will be escalate, will stop some of these attacks that we've seen since the middle of october. and if that happens again, that in turn could give the white house a reason not to escalate any further in the short term because they're leaving their options open. as you heard the white house say, they can choose the next round of strikes depending on where the other side does. so the ball is in iran court and you say, how do you think they will behave in this scenario?
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to look at the readings, you always plays a very careful cost benefit analysis. you know, they are not a suicidal entity. they respect the might of us military and that is a major fact injury calculations. and we've seen in recent days that they've told their a proxy, a groups, the operators and you under radian supervision to de escalate. but fundamentally, the problem here is not one of short termism here in the next few days a weeks. it's something that's much deeper than that. it's sort of the root cause i think is entire, on the ideological world view of this, i'm in the republic leadership, which you know, for, so for so long says the decade has stop to this doctor in the united states. is a back bad actor and needs to leave the region. if data continues to be the reading position, then you can only imagine that this conflict might not escalate in
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a short term, but it's not going to go anywhere. now, before we look towards the future, i want to look at one precise aspect of these us strikes because they were not only targeted at the militias. they also targeted the runs all codes for us. what is their role in all of this? or should all, could force is the external arm of the revolutionary guards, also known as the i, r g c. so they are basically the entity that iran puts in the region to advance iranian regional agenda. so they are the ones who handle so full hour file speed, his ball, the 11 on. what do you write has done over the last decade in syria? i instructors provide is a finance arms miss aust. most sensitive aspect of it is obviously to supply them to solving drone. so when you go out to what's force, you are essentially hitting the radian state,
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but you're not getting it inside of your rock. and that totally is one of the red lines for the fine white house, for now. they don't want to strike the right inside, or they run borders, but they're clearly hitting uranian acids. liked out what's force outside. yeah, andrew lincoln is warrant that the middle east is at its most volatile since at least 1973, who really has the power leverage and will to de escalate tensions at this point because everybody says they're not interested in the wider regional conflict. and yes, here we are a look up in the fall line right now in the, in the regions between united states and partners and allies and iran. and it's a much smaller proxy, a groups that, you know, iran works with. i don't see either side of at any time soon sort of given up the fight. i think both sides believing the cause of both sides are sick for the long term struggle. i mean,
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clearly that's the message we're hearing from the reading and leadership into arrived. they don't want to have a word with united states, but at the same time to think the cause of pushing united states out and maybe bring it about the end of the state of israel are worth fighting for the new you fight the big fight today. but you should have prepared to ground, but i long term mission. and i think that's, that's basically what it really is. are still on the long term mission, a plane strategic patients. making sure they don't fall into what they call a trap or war today. um. but again, you know, that trap that he ride describes as a truck is what the american side will say is actually no, the truck is a decision. iran will make, with his eyes open, if you run once to escalate, then united states might have to be for to go there. you can follow the truck or not, but his parents call interesting stuff that was alex that hung up in the middle east institute of washington. thank you so much for your insight. in the meantime,
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israel's military has suggested it plans to move. it's called the offensive further south into the city of rafa. officials from the mos run hills ministry say is really air strikes, killed several people in the southern city overnight. more than half of gauze this population has been forced to take refuge in ralph of sense, the start of israel's war against a month, which is considered a terrorist organization by multiple countries. jonathan craig is the chief of communication and advocacy for unicef in the palestinian territories. he was in roswell last week and told us more about the situation there as well. i have to apologize for that. we seem to be experiencing some technical difficulties. we'll try to bring that statements to you at a later point. moving on here injure me,
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people are taking to the streets once again to the now and so far, right extremism. around a 150000 people are rallying in the capital. berlin for weeks germans have been demonstrating against racism. as you know, phobia this follows revelations that members, from the far right party, alternative for germany attended a secretive meeting to discuss the mass, deportation of foreigners and some german citizens. dw political correspondent alex gast was at today's demonstration here in berlin, and he has more on the protesters, motivation on those problems, seem to be a little bigger than we thought. i apologize for that as well. and we will now take a look at some other world news. northern irish lawmakers have appointed an irish nationalist 1st minister for the 1st time ever. michel
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o nielsen fame party 6 to unite the u. k. territory with the republic of ireland. o'neills appointment comes as the northern ireland assembly resumed its work after a 2 year boy caused by the pro british democratic union as a party marks the heart of sending off the president has postponed the presidential election 3 weeks before the vote. mackie saw said the decision had been made after sending goals. tom judicial body of the constitutional council decided to exclude prominent contenders. from the vote, senegalese voters were due to choose a successor. depressive install was not seeking a 3rd term. as russia has designated human rights campaign are all like or love a foreign agents or love is one of the leaders of the memorial rights group which jointly won the 2022 nobel peace prize after it was banned and russia, people with the designation for an agent, faith, strict financial scrutiny,
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and other restrictions. control. police and moscow have detained dozens of people, including journalists at a raleigh against russia's mobilization of men to fight and ukraine. protest was staged by wives of russian soldiers demanding the return of their husbands. the women have been rallying outside the kremlin for several weeks. now we're often told that saunas are good for us and that certainly prove to be the case for 2 very lucky people who avoid a tragedy after their car plunged into a freezing norwegian fjords. why? hello, this driver has got that sinking feeling. but that's when i get to practice. as the car disappears below are the i. c, isler fueled. the occupants find themselves at the center of a very nordic rescue. when
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a floating sewing up comes to their right. so when we came out and she said up, there's a car in the water and i was like, well, firstly baffled and wanted to be a very strange thing to say. but then i looked towards brush, it was pointing, and then i saw the car in the distance. so i didn't think that much of bobby at 1st i just instinctively realized, okay, we just got to head there and help and help them out. so it was just the changed course and the full speed work for the driver and passenger them. this was a lucky escape. not certainly were they rescued. they was sent straight into the sona to warm up the drive of telling local media he bought the car was in park mode when he hit the accelerator. and lisa, the electric car itself was also pulled from the water by
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a more conventional tow truck and a reminder of our top story today. the u. s. military bombs more than $85.00 signed the links to a reigning militias in syria and their rock. washington says the strikes are and retaliation for the killing of 3 american soldiers and an attack on a base and jordan. last week. israel has signaled plans to move its military operation inside cause a further south towards rough on the border with the agent. more than a 1000000 palestinians are taking refuge in the area. the u. n says rough uh has become a pressure cooker of despair. don't forget, you can always get the domain is on the go, just download our app from google player from the app store that will give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking news. that's your news, but stay with us. next,
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