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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 3, 2024 8:00pm-8:15pm CET

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the, the, the, the we news long from berlin, iraq and syria, warren, of dire consequences for the region after the us launches the air strikes on target on their territory. the reason fro or rainy and malicious common response to the killing of 3 us soldiers in a drone attack on a face in jordan last week. also coming up, israel's military prepares to move. it's called the fence the further south toward rough on last leadership ways. the terms of a proposed 6 weeks, the sire and the wives of russian soldiers fighting in ukraine appeal for their husbands to be brought home police to tame dozens of reporters at the anti mobilization protest outside the kremlin in moscow.
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the co fairly sure welcome to the program, the report. it's death toll after you, as the air strikes on syria and iraq has risen to at least $45.00, the syrian observatory for human rights as the strikes on dozens of targets killed . at least $29.00 people in serial authorities in a rock claim at least 16 were killed their u. s. presidential bible says the operation was launched in response to last week's killing of 3 american soldiers in a drone attack on a base in jordan. this is the aftermath of us retaliation b one bomb or jets launched an aerosol and dozens of sites in iraq and syria.
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images posted friday and social media shows several explosions on the rocky syrian border. syrian state media showed footage of what they say was one of the attacks the 85 strikes hit 7 different sites. us national security council spokesman john kirby said us targeted sites linked to around revolutionary guard, or i, r g c and militias. it supports, he said more attacks could be expected. so the signal is the guy r t c and to these goods. the attacks have got to stop. this wasn't just the message sending routine tonight. this was about the grading capability to taking away capabilities by the urgency and the, and, and the militant groups. these responses began tonight. they're not going to end tonight or spokes person for one or rainy. and back to alicia said the strikes on
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a rock failed to meet their objectives or rocky authorities say the strikes violated their sovereignty. while the syrian regime says the attacks have increased the chances of the conflict spreading. on friday, us president joe biden joined, grieving families to honor the american soldiers killed in the jordan. drone attacks misstatements, fight, and said our response began today. they will continue at times and places of our choosing of all we heard of there is a us has made it abundantly clear that friday strikes were only the beginning for them. but how far is washington willing to go? i asked alex of a tongue in a run expert from the middle east institute in washington, dc. the multiple depend on the reading and reaction to this or the reaction of groups that are seem to be close to era. really the white house does not want to
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see a regional award. clearly the white house is not one a, confront the right open leave for various reasons that is not in the interest of the bite and white house. but again, you know, if there is a response from the other side, uh, the united states just cannot let go without responding again in return. then that could result in escalation. but i think clearly right now the hope is that the message has been made. the other side will take that message, will the escalade will stop some of these attacks that we've seen since the middle of october. and if that happens again, that in turn could give the white house a reason not to escalate any further in the short term because they're leaving their options open. as you heard the white house say, they can choose the next round of strikes depending on where the other side. this is alex, the tank of the middle east institute. well, israel's military has suggested in plans to move its causes offensive further south
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into the city of russel officials from the last run. health ministry say is really air strikes, killed several people in the southern city overnight. already. more than half of gauze as population has been forced to take refuge in rough us since the start of israel's war against a mouse, which is considered a terrorist organization by multiple countries. jonathan craig is the chief of communication of the advocacy for unicef in the palestinian territories. he was in ralph i last week and told us more about the situation there to what, what these tracking when you are in the rough uh, and no image on tv can reflect that. is that whereas where would you look in any direction? you see housings and houses make shift tens in those tend to have families will have to little water, total food and they are living in $30.00. 23 and hygiene condition. sometimes one toilet for 50700 people. and so this is a terrible recipe for, you know,
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this printing of diseases for example. but what is really striking is to concentration the, the, the come, how dense the, those tens doors is internally displayed. people are living together in very, very dire conditions. a quick look now at some other stories making headlines today . northern irish lawmakers have appointed an irish nationalist 1st minister for the 1st time ever. michel o nails sion fame party speaks to unite northern ireland, which is a u. k. territory with the republic of ireland. o'neills appointment comes as the northern ireland assembly resumes its work after a 2 year blank kind bind a pro british democratic unionist party members. russia has designated human rights campaign or, or like, or love, a for an agent or law is one of the leaders of the memorial writes the group which
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jointly won the 2022 nobel peace prize after it was banned and russia, people with the designation of for an agent, face strict financial scrutiny and other restrictions, a dozens of wives of russian soldiers finding a new crane have protested in central moscow calling for the return of their husbands. from the front police detained about 20 reporters most were later released. the soldiers, wives have been welling outside the kremlin for several weeks. here's what one of them had to say about her reason for taking to the streets. i acting during the rest of my family, i know of my child. my daughter has the right to be raised in a complete family and has the right to be raised by her father. oh, here we are. precisely those women who need their husbands a life at all costs, that's only for the plan and how long do you plan to come here? so this one thing where i'm in our home and you said what is your actions come
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under pressure or there is push back. if the situation changes, how we react and our russia, alas, cause any i got is in the studio with me cause they didn't tell us more about these women. they call themselves the wives of the mobilized. well, that's one of the best descriptions for them. they are really the wise of men mobilized to fight the inputs in the army. and the problem is that those husbands mostly were recruited to go to just one the me to fight for a year and then it will process they will be rotated and all the people will take the place value of the trenches in the army. but this didn't happen, and because of that have their protesting, and because of the consistent in demanding that the, the, the, they are the relatives be back in russia. and because this doesn't happen, and because the sort of these seem to be very,
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very keen on keeping pretty much everyone at the front. so once you've written, you'll have a wrapped does that do the protesting in but the, that's, that's the state of affairs. now, is there a part of the protest though that is against the war in its entirety, or is, is really just about these women wanting to have their husbands back home support phone. so fall, they would know demons by these women and to now stop the bolts. and that's a pretty sort of, i would say it's a widely spread perception in russia. the problem is brother with prosecute team of the bridge is not very effective, but not with the war itself. so all the other have, let's be in this because yeah, we don't know what these women really sick maybe that have very much insightful. but the voice such opinion is actually to put yourself very much in opposition to the official lights and pro, when you go to jail. and that's evidence they will. they do not want the money and
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go to the husband to sign a contract for one. yeah, uh to be sent home is pretty much, obviously legal saying stop the world is completely something else that's that's politics and they evidently do not want to touch it. even probably if they think about it themselves. yeah. they have been taking to the streets for a couple of weeks now and only today we saw the police crack down in no way on this, this show of defend or the show of, of protest. but against members of the press, not the women themselves necessarily. so what, what can we read into this? well, the protests have been going on for actually, for months now of course, visibly recently. that's true. and i think that there was a problem for the authorities. these are not, you know, members of the intellectual clause, people who have a designated for an agents or people who seem to be not part of the ordinary folks
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. if you wish these, all, we're all very ordinary people to present funds and from the government doesn't go to the government, doesn't want to touch because definitely provoke backlash among the people. a lot of reporters are reporting it at the very end, they'll put you in time for the criminal. we're in the middle of the so called election campaign or raw the reading organization puts in to stay in the company and the so it is a very, very sensitive to anything that shows that's uh well basically it's not the unanimous support for putting that. we seen russia and that's why i think the, i see the report has a very hard this time, which is, which is really i would say up on the euro. but the severity which people would dealt with is really, really showing you that visit particularly novice time for the, for the ground, the minutes. that was our russian affairs analyst comes in the negative. so great to have you in the city of fighting,
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can we think of the can make somebody nickel to kenya, now we're at least 3 people have been killed and hundreds injured. a giant explosion happened at a gas plant in the capital, nairobi which authorities say had been operating illegally. the blast sparked fires, which spread quickly destroying nearby homes and businesses and forcing locals to evacuate. you know, we use volume, but uh, has this report from nairobi. a massive glass flipped through a residential area and i will be in the middle of the night, we are entering the seeing where the huge explosion took place. the hold of a station of this huge explosion that was caused by a story that was filled with liquid petroleum guys. and the government put out a statement saying that that was what caused the fire people that also reached some flats. some small businesses, people were absolutely terrified when they woke up around midnight. they set the ground was shaking and, and many tried to escape. and they concerned in the process. clean teddy me had no
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idea what had happened. even though i was on portia, when i had this humble ahead, that's graphics full sunday and dressing up in my notes, i flips flux, highest still comforted myself. hungry and ma'am, i'm going. so i'm a, it's around the bone doesn't bill. you're gonna notice i was want to clean was not immediately treated at the nearest hospital. at 1st they were turning accident victims away. so many of injured were transferred to to nearby hospitals where they are receiving treatment right now. and the government alleged that they will financially support those who got injured, but also those who lost everything that homes that businesses, which is m a c mine is one of those who lost his home in the fire. luckily he was away when it happened, like many people in this neighborhood, he works on jobs earning just enough to survive and send some money to his family.
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may 30 lead the government's help like, but there's so much corruption and can hold up to the government, make, provide health problems, but you won't get to me by the side. they the deputy president re, gabby gosh jaguar arrives at the scene, promising blankets, food, and a thorough investigation. he suggests that disaster happens because people have been stealing and illegally re selling gas at the side. you do before you got before this has been happening here for so long. people used to come with the motor bikes, laid them with ceiling. does. they've filled them up with gasoline. authority say this densely populated area should have never been used for gas transactions. the petroleum recognize the consent. the explosion happened at an illegal gas storage and for stealing side, criminal investigation has been opened. the case i'm, we'll see my hopes that he and hundreds of others will get the compensation they need. so what there's now for
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a documentary about the abduction of hundreds of thousands of babies, find the catholic church in spain during and after the franco dictatorship on the coast, really. and i'll have more headlines at the top of the next hour. hope to see you then the ice cold jessica new, an expedition ventures on 2 places that no one has the climate research in the ice. the tasks much touch on dw, the .


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